#like congrats im only gonna complain harder
humandisastersquad · 2 years
i fuckign hate rtd stans bro im at my fucking Limit
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lixiebokie · 8 months
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chocolate and ice cream
footballer! jake x reader
genre: very fluffy, reader is slightly insecure and has a big obvious crush on jake, use of she/her
not proof read cuz cba
even with no interest of football the girls still chose to stay back on a friday afternoon to watch the game along with the rest of school. she could have been at home but she wasn’t complaining, watching the team run around the pitch while having no clue what was going on left some sort of excitement. she loved the team aswell. especially jake, she liked watching jake.
in the end they’d won which wasn’t surprising with how often they win but still she was happy for them, and also happy to get home. her best friend had ran up to her boyfriend before she could get a sight on her. either she could walk by herself or have the risk of being the third wheel of them.
she chose the first option. her house wasn’t far from school and it was summer so the sunshine felt nice on her skin. the walk by herself might be relaxing. someone stopped her before she could leave the gates. a taller, more built person. halting her by putting his hands in a stopping motioning and walking backwards.
“jake, congrats!” jake pushed his hair back smiling. the sun was in his eyes and he was trying his best to block it without looking agitated.
“thanks,” he looked around. “where you going?”
“home.” she answered. y/n was slightly confused why he was asking a silly question when it was obvious where she was going. but she also couldn’t help the blush on her cheeks as she got to speak to him.
“um, we’re heading out hee’s diner. you in?” she thought for a moment. the risk of being a third wheel of heeseung and her best friend wasn’t as big if jake was there. and jake was going to be there. was there really another answer.
“um sure.”
“great!” he smiled big showing his bright smiled. he began walking back towards a group of people, the rest of the team.
“found her!” he shouted to her friend. skipping back to his friends to join in their playful fighting.
maybe jake didn’t want her there. it seemed like her friend might have budge y/ns way into their celebration with her girlfriend card. knowing her she’d done it because jake was there. but at the end of the day, it wasn’t a date. it was a celebration for the team. her friends. this was not about her.
heeseungs family had owned the diner for a little over a decade. she wasn’t there for the opening but had been introduced first year of high school when her friends crush on heeseung had become. they would come after school everyday for a hot chocolate in the winter time but also so her friend could find a chance to talk to heeseung.
that’s also the time she’d met jake. she’d began leaving one afternoon because heeseung had invited them to hang out in the back. she had declined, this would give her friend an opportunity to be alone with heeseung. upon her exit she bump into a boy who was entering, it was jake. she had always wished she’d stayed that night. they had only given each other a small smile but as time went on it became a greeting then into conversation.
quickly taking their table the group surrounding a small sized table near the kitchen. her friend and heeseung had dibs seats futher way from the windows and jake and pushed into the other side of the booth with one of his friends either side.
y/n stood awkwardly. she wasn’t particularly close with any of them except her friend, and the two boys. she felt herself moving futher away as the boys got louder and laughed harder.
“hey, someone let y/n sit down.” jake had took notice pushing jay out the way to show them her discomforted face.
“you’re squishing her with your fat asses. sunghoon move.” her friend swatted her hand around.
she awkwardly sat next to jake giving a shy smile then looking down at her lap.
“im gonna go see my mum.” heeseung stood and began pushing out of the booth. “you want anything?”
the boys began listing their orders. “do you want anything?” jake asked in a whisper.
she shook her head at him.
“not even a burger?” she shook again.
“you want to share my waffel?” she could see her friend eyeing her in the corner of her eye. “she’s never been one to request an order. that would be so cute wouldn’t it y/n?”
she looked between them before focusing on jake.
“yeah, sure.”
“get some waffles.” he shouted over to heeseung. “and y/ns wants a milkshake.” heeseung sent a thumbs up before walking into the kitchen. she turned to jake sending a look. he didn’t return in instead giving a playful wink.
she hadn’t been alright after that. jake had asked her a few question of what she was doing after school or if she had any plans for summer. but all her answers were short and quite. jake had flustered her to the point she physically could not look at him in the eyes resulting to his lap or the table. their food had come and jake cut the waffel in half for her. he begun eating his but eyed her as she moved her side around the plate mixing it into the chocolate and ice cream placed on the side.
“you alright?” he asked placing down his fork. his voice was low as his friends got louder.
“yeah fine, just a little late to be eating isn’t it?” jake hummed in agreance. it had gotten darker and she have been home by now.
she wasn’t enjoying herself she wasn’t going to lie but being around jake made her not want to leave.
jake picked up her fork stabbing her mushed side and halfing it. he raised it up until it was at her mouths level. she was confused but opened her mouth enough until the food could enter. he pulled the fork back putting it on the table infront of her. “couldn’t waste a good waffle.” he picked up her milkshake and went to feed it to her like he had done with the waffle but she spotted a few of his friends eyes on her. instead she grabbed the glass off him taking a sip.
jake finished up his waffel collecting the last of the chocolate sauce of the plate with his index finger. she watched as he smeared his finger around licking it off his finger. he pulled his finger up once last time collecting the last of it. going to put it in his mouth then quickly wiped it on the side of her face.
she gasped playfully playfully hitting jake while desperately trying to rub it off her cheek. he stayed laugh giving her no help except passing her tissues.
“gosh you’re too funny to annoy.”
“well i hope you found that funny because.” she looked around spotting the melted ice cream on his side of the plate.
she picked some copying jake’s actions of collecting it with one of his fingers and dripped it along his upper lip. a white stripe tracing just beneath his nose imitating a moustache.
instead of showing a reaction like she had, he simply liking it up with his tongue. she frowned as he began laughing once again. “you’re no fun.” she groaned as he wiped the rest the the excess tissues he’d given her.
“do you mind if i have a sip the waffle is quite sugary?” jake asked. she nodded handing the glass back to him and searching for a spare straw. he hadn’t given her time, his lips surrounding the straw she had just been using. she watched as he took a gulps and dropped it back down.
“heeseungs mum is the best isn’t she?”
it was about time she left. everyone was too loud she was tired and the stunt jake had just pulled left her stunned. luckily a call from her father gave her an excuse to ignore what had just happened and instead give her a reason to leave.
leaving the diner the air had gotten colder and her dad was parked around the corner. someone had followed her out after she bidded her goodbyes.
jake walked with her. his hands in his pockets as he watched her moving along.
“so what are you doing tomorrow?”
she shurgged looking up to him. “nothing exciting.”
“maybe we could meet up? just the two of us?” she stopped turning to him with a confused look. “well i could tell you weren’t enjoining the rodey atmosphere and well i couldn’t talk to you as much as i wanted to.” he kicked his feet around. “so i was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere. we can decide were ever you want so just have a think?”
she smiled up to him, trying to keep her panicking down.
“yeah i would like to..”
“great, i’ll text you.” she had expected jake to walk back towards the diner but instead he leaned down softly leaving a kiss on her cheek.
“i’ll see ya.”
did jake just ask her on a date?
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itsleese · 4 years
could i ask for: atsumu, party/social gathering with a lil spicy 👉👈
raphhhh babie yesss yuzu is best girl and DESERVES SO MUCH BETTER IM—! 😌✨ the vibes of this are immaculate!
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Uproar. Everyone around the table starts complaining about it, and you sigh, glaring at the instigator through the holes cut in the beer carton you’re currently wearing like a helmet. They even cut you a little mouth hole so you can drink through your straw.
“Babe, you’re box-head, you’ve gotta get me a beer if I ask. King’s Cup rules, not mine.” His grin would be contagious, if it didn’t make you wanna slap him upside the face.
“Fine,” you stand abruptly, grabbing his empty bottle and stomping out of the dining room and down the hall into the kitchen, rolling your eyes at the cheer that explodes from the group.
You put the empty with the others on the counter and turn to angrily— because you’re only at this stupid gathering because he begged you to come— reef the fridge door open, when you feel hands on your hips.
“Hey,” he says, smirk evident in his voice.
“Atsumu, I swear, if you’re in here to be funny, I—”
“‘M not, though,” he says softly, pushing you against the closed fridge doors with his hips, one hand gathering both of yours behind your back, the other snaking down your front to dip into your leggings.
“Atsumu.” You’re trying to be stern, but your breath hitches, “c-can’t see,” you whine as his fingers bypass your underwear, his calloused pads ghosting over your clit to dip into your wet heat.
You moan, eyes rolling as a breathy sigh leaves his lips, and you wish you could feel it against your ear, your neck, your mouth—
“Shh, they’ll hear you,” he teases, bringing his wet fingers up to your clit, drawing slow, practised circles over and around it, grinding his cock against the thin material of your leggings. You rest your head against the cardboard and close your eyes, pushing back into him with your bottom lip between your teeth as he edges you closer and closer to—
“Yo!” Someone— Bokuto, probably— yells, a gasp tearing from your throat. Atsumu doesn’t stop; he goes faster. Presses into you harder. “Hurry up with the beers!”
“Baby, you better cum, he’s coming in...” Atsumu teases, rubbing with precision as you wriggle and moan against him, still stuck, heart racing. “You gonna cum? Like a dirty little whore? While my friends are in the next room? While one’s about to walk in—”
You cum with a whine, knees buckling, and he takes his hand back, releasing yours to grip your hips, keeping you steady, hard cock pressing against the crack of your ass
“God, dude, leave her alone,” Bokuto sighs, disappointed. You grab Atsumu’s wrists and attempt to push him away, but he holds tight. “We’re all waiting to play in there.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Atsumu laughs back airily, arms wrapping around you, your heart still racing as you try to steady your breathing. “Just wanted a moment alone with my number one gal; ‘s that so bad?”
“Sorry, Bo, we’re coming back,” you say, wriggling from his grasp and straightening the box on your head so you can actually see through the damn eyeholes. “Did you need a beer?” You ask, opening the fridge and taking a deep breath.
“Yeah, thanks!” Bokuto laughs, “they’re on their way back,” his voice carries as he walks back down the hall.
A loud smack whips against your ass, and you shriek, fixing the box and turning to glare at the blonde, who just laughs. “Hurry up, box head,” he grins, dipping his fingers into his mouth and sending you a sinful wink.
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shipwrecknights · 5 years
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Ok this is gonna be the longest post ever but i HAVE to write this so bear with me
My annual school theatre production just ended yesterday and the post production blues are at an all-time high. I am terrible at farewells; I’m not a very sentimental guy, not very expressive and I can’t articulate affection well without preparation first. This isn’t my first production, in fact it’s my fourth. I have literally been through this every year for four years in a row and every time it hits hard but this year the feeling is nearly overwhelming. My family and friends always ask my why i keep going back, seeing that the trainings take so much out of me every year. But the fact is, they will never understand. The love that i receive in return from this production....my god. These people are really my family. Never have i met a group of people so easy to talk to, to confide in, who complains so much about having to train and yet come back every day and give it their 80% (lol). I am SO thankful that they are in my life. I’ve watched this project grow over the years and these people have also watched me grow; from an actor in Ziarah and Cinta Mawar, to a scriptwriter in Kalbu and finally a stage manager in Sandipurwara. In 2015 i was a boy with literally no friends in uni, no interest at all in Malay theatre and now I have a 50+ pax strong family gained over the years. In no particular order, these are just some of the people that made Sandipurwara so special for me: To the PDs: Thank you for pulling me into this show. I was adamant about joining intro this year because i felt that i had to move on in life, and that 3 years was a nice number to leave at. When Halijah texted me (nearly begging) to take up the role as ASM, I just thought what the heck. She is my friend and I should help. Halijah and i met in 2016 during Ziarah. We were both cast members and we weren’t close close, but close enough to joke around every day. I always thought she was hilarious. And a very talented actor. She’s the kind of person that makes everyone in the room laugh with her crazy antics, even when the mood is tense, which was almost always the case. I always say to her “Tu lah siapa suruh jadi PD,” not to mock her capability, but just as a running joke because we were always one of the lazy ones who just wanted to go for smoke breaks during training. And yet there she was this year leading the whole ass project. She has balls. The shit that she went through this year. I feel so sorry for always being honest with you, about your leadership style, about the first script that we all turned down, for always replying to you in a stern, I’m-pissed-off manner. You don’t deserve all that. But I’m honest because I always knew you could be better. Four years is a long time!!! You are essentially like my baby sister now. I hope we can hang out more often, go to gigs together maybe. Anyways you fucking did it jah. I couldn’t be more proud of you, couldn’t be more proud to have worked under you. Some people were skeptical when you wanted to be PD but you definitely proved them wrong. I will never forget you and Zu during Ziarah, acting in the training room at block A level 5, getting scolded by Abang Mok, and crying, and STILL continuing the comedy scene. All with tears rolling down your face. Fuck. You were trying so hard and that made me wanna cry too. Congrats Jah. I love you so much and thank you for everything. (anyways emo night pe) As for Naj, we also met in 2016. She acted as the mother of my best friend in the show, and she really suited the role LOL kidding. But Naj is a good actor and dancer, AND a brilliant admin person, something that I can never do ever. What i like about her the most is that she is quiet, takes all the shit she receives and just get the work done without much noise. Basically the opposite of us all. This year she took up the role of APD, and did it while still being herself. I’ve always respected her, seeing her take up so many important roles the past few years. Someone once said to me, Naj is like one of the most senior person here, starting all the way from Iman, but never once did she mention that or use it as a way to assert her seniority. Thank you Naj. The world needs more humble + hardworking people like you <3 And then there’s Shakir. Fucking hell, where do i start. I wasn’t too fond of you when I first met you. Your face and mouth sometimes really mintak kene rembat. But one day it really hit me (and it upset me quite a bit): YOU ARE JUST LIKE ME. Hahahaha fuck we were both cursed with the dying need to speak our minds and filter absolutely nothing. I guess from that day on I just learnt to tolerate your shit because I understand you. You’re probably the most articulate guy in all the intros (but not in malay obviously). Even though your rhyming poems are corny as hell, I respect that you always speak to us in such a concise and inclusive manner, always try to get your opinion across as tactfully as possible, always thinking of how others would feel, even when you’re an insensitive fuck deep down. You always try to mingle with all the departments, which makes it look like you’re friendly, but we all know you just don’t want to feel FOMO. You are the APD that no one wanted but we all NEED. I’m glad we got a bit closer this year because I feel that being so alike, we can learn a lot from each other. Its a shame we didn’t get to see the Jacket Pelacur ™ this year, but we all know you’re busy making moves silently and to that I wish you all the best. I will never forget out stressful trip finding paint and kain, the girls searching for our felt pads while we stand around doing nothing at Spotlight, and you asking me about haram keropok at Daiso wihle I’m almost crying about the damn skirting. Also, good luck with your stint as the MCMS president. You are the first malay-muslim club president that constantly sleeps in girl’s laps, says the f-word, says Bismillah at the end of a speech instead of the beginning, and changes pants at the storage area without the conscience of even closing the door. You do you bro. I will pray that you see the light and be a better person, but thank you for constantly checking up on me and always being a brother. Love you bro #idkmanidk
To my SM Irfan: Bro. Brooooooo. You are one helluva guy. Sometimes I felt that you were overemotional about many things, something that an insensitive guy like me could never understand. But the more you opened up to me, the more I learnt to understand that you just have a very big heart. You get stressed very easily by very small things people say. But that always pushed you to work harder. I always look at you working so hard to plan our PT/crew sessions, and yet some nights you text me shit like im sorry, i feel like im not doing enough as an SM. BRUH. Kau stop it. But that really sums up what kinda person you are. Truly a humble guy that just wants to go around spreading joy to people with his lame-ass puns. I couldn’t have had a better partner. It was tough doing SM things with no third ASM, and come to think of it we been through so many obstacles that only you and I know about. Constantly texting each other about the shit we have yet to do and don’t know how to do, skyping till 3am at night when there’s training at 10am the next morning. It was a great learning process working alongside you. When we hugged just before the last show, you immediately started to cry and that made me tear up, so I pulled away and got the fuck away from you because I didn’t wanna cry as hard. We are two very ugly criers. I am truly sorry if i have ever wronged you, went away to smoke while you’re busy doing stage work, raised my voice at you, and especially sorry that I made you plan all the PT sessions by yourself. I’m sorry if i ever made your life more stressful. Thank you for showering the crew babies with so much love and attention on my behalf. I think your leadership was more than sufficient and that without you, this show couldn’t have been what it was. Love you Erphie baby To Fitri: FITTTTT. I think you were the one who pulled me into auditioning for the first production in 2016. I rmb just randomly coming to the audition and you were being over-appreciative, thanking me for coming haha. You’ve been there for me right from the start. Always supporting me in everything I do, no matter how shitty my acting was, and no matter how bad I was at script writing. You really are the mother of Introspeksi. But you are also like my sister, my teacher, my maid, my best friend, and my girlfriend (rarely). Truly the MVP of Introspeksi, you always selflessly help the PDs and casts every single year, shower us with love and push us to grow. I love that you always tell us to renew our niat whenever we come for training in order to help us get through the exhaustion, the scoldings, and everything negative. I feel sad whenever you get scolded by Abang Mok because I know you’re just trying your hardest to prolong the legacy of this special project. Even though you’re not the pioneer PD of Intro, I feel that you’re the one that started this big family because thanks to you we’re all involved in this crazy business. There’s really nothing I can do to repay you so I’ll just say thank you, for making my life in uni much much better. Continue being the strong, independent and ambitious woman that you are and I’m very sure you’ll be very successful one day. Love you Fit you’re my idol <3
To Zahir: My man. Another person that I’ve been through so much with. I miss our days with izzah and the bebs, sitting at the skatepark and under void decks till 3am, literally laughing till we cry. Those days I will never forget. Acting alongside you in Cinta Mawar, playing two really redundant roles, was also a fun experience although you were upset that your scenes were cancelled on show day hahaha. I knew you always wanted to act some more ever since that show. And then there’s Kalbu, writing the script with you was one hell of an experience, kita kene kecam every training by everyone, script lambat script lambat, script lambat macam cb. (f u shakir) No one knew how hard it was to write such a serious script under close scrutiny of two PDs, numerous advisors, and ofc Abang Mok. And yet I think we managed to have some, if not most, of our ideas remain in the final cut of the script and I’m still very proud of that. I’m sorry for all the times I scolded you, saying you weren’t putting in enough effort, etc. This year you finally got casted as a main and bro I’m so fucking proud of you. Wasn’t confident with your acting at first but during the show, as i watch you and Hidhir from the side curtain, i thought to myself, damn these guys r really trying so hard and it’s really paying off. Your role was really made for you and I’m so happy that your goofing off on stage actually made the show 10x more entertaining. Dalam diam, you’ve contributed so much to the club, and introspeksi, and you did it all while always making everyone laugh. You’re really a one-of-a-kind friend and we all love you. Didn’t really get to show my appreciation to you after Kalbu (idk why we all never post anything) but bro thank you for everything, thanks for the hard work, thanks for all the laughs, for the lepak/jam sessions, the (two) fitspo sessions, for the subtle looks/touches whenever a cute girl is nearby. No matter how rarely we meet I’ll always treasure this friendship man I love you (I ain’t never gonna stop loving you....biiitch) To Jannah: I know I didn’t spend as much time with you this year as I did in the last, but you know I love you janz. Everyone keeps pulling out the “mana nak lepak dgn kita lagi” shit on me, but you were always impartial and the most cool about it. I hope you know that I cherish our time together from Cinta Mawar and Kalbu, no matter how much we drift apart. Anyways congratulations for another brilliant year in acting. From the start, I knew you were our only hope for the cast. You have always been disciplined, practicing at home, staying in character, doing research, coming on time every training, etc. Your dedication to Intro always impresses me. You, Durr, Win, Zahir and me went through so much crazy shit man in Kalbu. I will never forget. All the passive aggressive texts, trying to get me and Zahir to buck tf up, us not meeting all the script deadlines, sharing personal stories with each other, writing the script at Woodlands AND the masjid till 5am, and all the laughter. So much laughter was shared. It feels like there was no proper closure for Kalbu, cos the four of us never really showed our appreciation to each other/say our farewell properly. No idea why. But well here it is now. Thank you Jannah for everything. You were the first person to make me cry backstage before the final Sandi show. Kau just masalah, aku tengok muka kau je nak nangis. AND even when the final show started, when I saw you singing so enthusiastically (and badlly) at the handheld mic on stage left, swaying left to right even when no one was watching, man that made me tear up too. Never stop being you, the kind-hearted, sisterly figure that everyone feels comfortable being with. Lepak soon, love you baby girl <3 To Durr-baby/daddy: What a guy you are. Even though you’re younger, I’ve always looked up to you from the start. Wise beyond your years, you’ve always been that calming voice for when I’m stressed out with Intro. You always help us out so selflessly, sometimes it makes me feel uncomfortable/guilty thinking about it. But its ok because you always show how sincere you are when lending a hand. This year, you’re just an advisor, who doesn’t need to come that often. But yet you attend every training, stood alongside Irfan and I, almost playing the role as the third SM. I appreciate every time you take charge and give out instructions to the crew when you notice that I’m stressed out/can’t lead very well. And you do all this without overstepping any boundaries, always respectful to the two of us. And to think you were and APD and VP of the club last year. If all future exco members follow in your footsteps, i’m sure MCMS will breed an amazing group of individuals. Tapi kau pun satu masalah. I clearly said don’t go behind and see Jannah, you will cry. Kau pergi jugak. Kau just nak semua orang nangis dengan kau hahahahahahahaha its ok bro i understand crying hURTS SO GOOD. Thank you Durr for the countless nights of sending everyone home even when you’re exhausted. Thank you for always keeping me and Irfan grounded in chaotic times. Thank you for the kekek times at stage left, staring at the transitions with me and shakir like its visual ganja, muttering those two comforting words into my ear, “double pivot”, and for always reminding me and everyone that letting out our feelings is fucking important to survive. Love you durrbaby stay sweg A special shoutout to the new friends I made this year, Hidhir and Junie. Ya’ll are just gerek. Thank you for joining our intro family even when you really didn’t need to, and for giving your all for every scene. Firstly I have to say y’all (+ Zahir and Hazeeq) made our saturday mornings a living hell. Wake up late, sick, heavy traffic, phone died, and all the cock reasons ya’ll gave. It got to the point that Junie gave me her house number to call her mum to wake her??? Just hal. Sampai show day dia lambat, faham eh. But anyways. I’m so glad you two decided to join this year. Thank you for being so easy to talk to, as a sister and brother, thanks to Hidhir for welcoming us into his home that one fateful night, for always spreading love and hugs and being emotional as fuck during debriefs. Thank you Junie for being so open with us, always sharing your stories, even tho we never ask. Thanks for pushing yourself even with all the heavy criticism from the directors. If you need your mic box to be checked again, just hmu. To Hazeeq, you alr helped us last year in Kalbu, but this year returned again as another main cast. The best part about Hazeeq is that he is friends with e v e r y o n e and always goes around the room to have conversations with every single person. Proper friendly guy, I’m gonna miss your hugs and kisses every night and your “Sorry I’m sorry....she correct.....I wrong.” Stay gold my brotha, a guy like you is not easy to find so pls make sure you never change.
Last but definitely not the least, my CREW BABIES. Y’all are surely an odd bunch, all randomly coming to help our production. But ya’ll are the best crew I’ve ever seen in my 4 years here!!! Never complaining, even when you come to training and do absolutely nothing. Always understanding towards me and Irfan, listening to what we say, and helping out when we don’t know what to say. Working so hard on the sets and props, ya’ll are always on autopilot and didn’t need us to guide you all the time. Thank you Alfiera (you basic bimbo bish), Aliah, D.Hadi, Hadi Shy, Haziq (ma man), Sheeda, Syazwani (non-tudung), Syaza Aliah (my twine girl u saved my life every show ily) and Zana (my only stage left buddy). I love you all I swear. Special shoutout to DIBO DEE, Dibo baby thank you so much for all your help. You’re so crafty and creative and calm and cool when you do work. I love how your voice changes when its time for serious work and how you go around spreading love and giving sweets to everyone. Can never forget the moaning sounds that erupted from your phone during our dry run hahaha U STAY COOL DIBO ILY. And!!! Special special shoutout to my 3 fav crew girls: Rania, Wani and Sofiyah!!! Idk if ya’ll are my adiks or girlfriends but rest assured I love being around you guys and i’m glad we got close thru this show. You’re all too damn young but trust me if i could I’d marry all of you HAHA. To Rania, thanks for being a walking meme factory, I still can’t believe i’m friends with a 19 year old ffs. But hey you have great taste in music just like me. We can have a date lying down on the beach while listening to the XX and Arcade Fire one day ok. Thanks for shaving your legs for me, calling me every day to pray subuh (I don’t deserve you) and for being so candid about yourself to me. I’ll text you if i’m 30 and single ok pls be my backup plan. God bless you baby girl i love you. To Wani, sorry for saying that you’re too emotional when ya’ll were upset after getting shit for wardrobe things. But you’re so cute when you’re mad?? Hahaha and sorry for saying that you’re conservative (tho there’s nothing wrong with that) just because you’re a madrasah girl. Actually you’re pretty open about everything. Thanks for being a kind hearted person, always looking out for me, and putting up with the nonsense that me and Shakir talk about. Love you Wani if you miss me just hmu and I’ll be there. To Sofiyah, uuuu fuckin’ weirdo. I love how casual you are about everything and how I don’t have to think of what I say around you. Also, I admire how you always kept your shit together even when people were shitting on you about wardrobe things. Thank you for picking up the role despite having no experience in past Introspeksis. You did great man. Continue to participate in the coming years and I hope you get a guy as meaty as Hidhir or has a nice body like mine (#2 best body). Please curb your thirst for skinship and kembali ke jalan yang benar. Hahahahahaha love u Soffy baby see u soon xx And to everyone else, those unmentioned, please know that I love you guys too. Nana, Shaik, Yus and Aishah y’all are my seniors who i look up to whenever we’re doing a show and your knowledge and advice are always valuable to us. I always see you guys as who we’re supposed to grow into in the field of arts, even tho korang berbual merepek 75% of the time. Nana your play-flirting makes me turn off my comms headset but you’re an amazing amazing actor, SM, PD, and now lights technician. My respect for you has always been 10/10. This year you never shout at me, very good. Aishah, your acting has always been crazy good and this year you reminded us again. Thanks for being the big sister figure to all of us babies, while at the same time spewing inappropriate sexual nonsense 24/7. You da besttt. Shaik and Yus, thanks for being the big bros that i never had, always so cool and quiet but so talented with the music. And of course the musicians, who practice so hard every day, hitting the rebana till your hands bruise, coming early everyday to go through every riff/melody/tune and taking all the new ideas from Abang Mok and giving it life. Y’all are so amazing and you continue to be the best part of our shows every time. The dancers, I watched you guys train from the start!!!! Honestly it was very scrappy at first, and you guys went through so much drama and changes and getting shouted at, and of course injuries. All the bandages and patches and ankle guards were worth it cos you guys were amazing on show night, I know because I watched from the side curtain every time. Love the fight song number so much <3 For the rest of the cast, those with supporting roles, ya’ll were equally amazing and some of you even with one scene got an ovation from the crowd. Thank you for the hard work day in day out despite not landing a major role; your patience and understanding made the show what it was; a gathering of unique characters from different walks of life all for a single purpose.
Finally, I’m really sorry if i have wronged anyone in any way, which i prolly have. I love all my friends and never have any intention to hurt them. This shit that we did together was SO special and people will never understand the bond that’s been forged here so I hope these friendships lasts for as long as they possibly can. What Yus said was spot on: there is no “final year” or “last show” because Introspeksi is a family and you can never run away from that :’) Ok PEACE OUT ILY’ALL
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mysteli · 6 years
es in vegas (choices crack-series) part 3
A/N: i finally got this chapter out! yay! this took me so goddamn long to get out and i honestly can’t tell you why. this story is a slow build up and i honestly feel like this chapter isn’t as funny as the other ones but i hope you still like it anyway 
Warning: the best way to describe this is probably… mature? mainly of the content in it because if it’s just clean then it ain’t really Vegas. this series will feature implied nsfw but not really anything descriptive (mostly just mentions), exaggerations on use of alcohol, strong language and… crazy behaviour? It’s just weird and I’d proceed with caution…
P.S: this is probably the weirdest one yet and if it feels a little rushed im sorry
ALSO, anything in italic is a flashback from the night before
Disclaimer: most of the plot belongs to the Hangover and the characters belong to Pixelberry. I’m just mashing the two together.
Pairings: Jake X MC, Craig X Zahra, Diego X Vaaryn, Aleister X Grace - just the OG pairings for now but things could change ;) -
Tag list: @brightpinkpeppercorn@likethetailofacomet@xo-endlessmayhem-xo@sceptilemasterr@indiacater @chyeahboy@candychoices@zaffrenotes @nicknameking@bailey-choices@szeherezada @whatsernamerps@aries-light@endlessly-searching-for-you@justboredtrash@beckettsattunement@gerrysacushla @mind-reader1@sweet-honeybird@allykrane @seraxa@violarobics @princessstellaris @mechaspirit 
extra tag for @abbiebishops
I tagged everyone who liked the post just in case! If you wanna be removed, just let me know!
Let me know if you wanna be tagged! 💗and let me know if the tags work because Tumblr is acting up.
Summary: Before the gang can go out searching for their missing friend, they must retrace their steps in order to fix the problems caused by Nevada. 
Words: 8821 
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Grace was right. They’re in deep shit. Truly. Really. They’re in a ditch they need to climb out of and that ditch is the aftermath of a night in Vegas. Trust when said that they definitely won’t be doing this again. Not after all this happened. Michelle and Sean getting married. Logan and Jake engaging in a threesome. Finding a tiger in the damn bathroom. And Vaaryn being missing.
The gang have formed a promise to find Vaaryn, otherwise Diego will not be happy. Maybe this could even be a misunderstanding and Vaaryn just left early to get food or something. Probably not though, judging by the luck of this group in the past. The worst of all luck. They always get the short end of the straw and now they have to fix all their problems and get the hell out of Vegas. Forever.
All of them have planned to get breakfast first before setting out to find Vaaryn. They even attempted to call him but were only welcomed by a questionable voicemail. 
“This is the Vaanti King... I’m not human. I’m an alien, as Jake would say... I’m also drunk as Diego would say. And... we wasted!” 
Guessing that was from last night. Yet another clue but it didn’t have much to give so the group just brushed past it.
Now there are things that need to be taken care of first and they could also help retrace the group’s steps in order to find Vaaryn. Jake needs to visit the nearest prison to see if he can get his handcuffs removed and Sean and Michelle need to first a chapel in order to get their marriage annulled. It’s been decided that half the group will visit the prison and the other half will visit the chapel. Fun times. 
With everyone gathered around the breakfast table, food is being devoured and hangovers are spreading like wildfire.
“I still can’t believe this happened to us of all people.” Michelle points out, spreading butter on a piece of toast and rolling her hazel eyes while she complains.
“Are you kidding, Meech? Of course it would happen to us... it’s us.” Zahra corrects, her mouth full of food while she speaks.
Throughout her words, some of her food is spat out accidentally, scattering over to Quinn who is sat opposite Zahra. “Ew, Zahra. Don’t speak with your damn mouth full.” 
“Whatever.” Zahra mutters, food still in her mouth.
“Seriously though guys... this is so fucking annoying. It’s harder when you can’t remember shit as well.” Sean mentions, facepalming hard and that leads to Jake scoffing mockingly.
“You can keep complaining all you want, Steve Rogers but just be thankful that you actually have the ability to eat right now.” Jake points out, lifting his hands and revealing the handcuffs as he attempts to pick up a piece of bacon, only to fail dramatically.
Logan can’t help but giggle, covering her mouth to contain her laughs. But Jake notices, shooting her a questioning look. “Oh you find that funny, Princess?” Jake enquires, raising an eyebrow at his cackling wife.
“Obviously. But you can’t say it’s more embarrassing for you since I’ve had to feed you for the last five minutes.” Logan reminds him, throwing her hands on her hips and sighing heavily. She tilts her head to find more people staring at her and she shakes her head out of shame.
“Speaking of, can you pass me another piece of bacon?” Jake teases, a smirk slapped on his expression.
“Ugh. These people can just tell we’re hungover. I spent a half hour trying to cover the bags under my eyes but no... they’re there forever.” Michelle complains once more, running her hands through her ombré hair and she pauses when she finds Sean eyeing her with suspicion. “What the fuck are you looking at, Sean?”
Caught, Sean flicks his gaze to the food in front of him, releasing a low chuckle. “Nothing. It’s just funny how I managed to wanna marry you, even when I’m drunk.” He admits, catching sight of Michelle’s eyes narrowing in offence.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“All you’ve done is fucking complain. You’re so pretentious, Michelle.” Sean retorts, seeming weirdly confident for once.
Michelle scoffs. “Pretentious? All you’ve done is act all high and mighty because you think you’re so good since you got drunk and did stupid things in Vegas. Well trust me when I say Sean that you don’t have to be drunk to do stupid things.” Michelle counters, folding her arms in a solemn manor. Meanwhile, everyone else watches the scene with curiosity and disbelief.
“Seriously, can you guys calm down? This isn’t gonna solve anything.” Grace points out, remaining ignored by Sean and Michelle.
“Ha. I’m sure marrying you is at the top of the list of stupid things I did last night.” Sean mocks, a scowl crossing his face. 
“Dude! Burn!” Craig exclaims suddenly, only earning a strong elbow from Zahra. “Why do you always do that, Z?”
“Maybe because that’s the only thing you fucking remember!” Michelle snaps, a death glare reaching her and you can practically see the steam bursting out of her ears.
“Damn, you guys fight like a married couple.” Jake points out and rightfully so. But it attracts everyone in the group’s attention. He’s rewarded with many looks of disbelief and others of pure amusement. He simply shrugs his shoulders. “You’re fitting with the theme so congrats on that.”
Logan leans in and pats Jake shoulder idly. “You might wanna shut up.” She advises and Jake nods along in agreement.
“Good call, Princess. Because they won’t stop staring at me.” 
The breakfast hour goes by, with the group discussing what action they will choose to take, in order to regain their friend and solve the problems they brought upon themselves the night before. They end up making an agreement for half the group to go to the prison with Jake and Logan and the other half to attend the annulment session at the chapel with Sean and Michelle. Jake and Logan decided to take Estela, Diego, Craig and Zahra. Also, Furball because he really wants to go to a prison for some reason. While the others, including Sean, Michelle, Grace, Aleister, Raj and Quinn, will make their way to the chapel to try and get the annulment resolved as quickly as possible. 
We can only hope this goes well and the arguing stays to a minimum amount. 
Once Jake and the others eventually make it to the nearest prison, they stand outside to see if their memory matches with it in anyway or not. There’s really no correct way to tell but this is probably the best they can do. 
“It’s a prison. Either way, they can take the cuffs off right?” Logan assumes, folding her arms and surveying the prison carefully. It’s pretty quaint and the most likely one where someone was arrested.
“Well, we don’t just want the cuffs off. We wanna see if we can find out if we were here or not last night.” Estela corrects. 
“Right, Katniss. Still, my main concern is having my hands back. I wanna be able to eat food on my own again.” Jake clarifies, once again struggling against the cuffs. 
“Mmmmmrff!” Furball curls up on Logan’s shoulder, nuzzling into her platinum and she responds by stroking under his chin. 
“You wanna see the criminals? Yes you do, don’t you?” Logan speaks to Furball in a pitchy tone and he responds with a wide smile. 
“Ooh! If they refuse, can we use a taser on them?” Craig suddenly requests, throwing his hands in the air and letting a wide smile take over his features. 
“I’m still confused as to why you still have that moustache on your face, Craig.” Diego points out, poking the ink on Craig’s face and shooting him a bewildered look.
“Because it looks cool, ok? I’ve always wanted to look like a Super Mario Brother.” Craig points out, slapping away Craig’s hands and appreciating the fake moustache above his lips. “Besides, I can’t really get it off anyway.”
“Still don’t understand why you would ever do that but ok.” Logan responds, face palming hard at this whole situation.
“Craig, you look more botched than anything.” 
“I’m trying out a new look! Maybe I’ll make this permanent. I call it the Bond!” Craig announces, posing for the group and they all just role their eyes, the only one amused is Zahra. 
“Craig... can’t you at least try and say something smart.” Zahra pleads, slapping Craig’s head violently and he winces at the impact.
“Ok... Albert Einstein was the 13th President of the United States.” Craig blurts out, causing everyone to eye him with complete and utter bewilderment.
“Did that really just come out of your mouth? Did I really just hear that?” Logan is in complete disbelief, facepalming so damn hard out of disappointment. 
“Oh my god... Craig, why?” Diego reacts, matching everyone else’s level of shame in Craig. 
“Say something else, Craiggers.” Zahra requests, seeming the only one that is amused by this. 
Unfazed, Craig shrugs his shoulders and thinks of something else definitely ‘smart’ to say. “Hm... the Earth is flat.” 
Zahra is almost tempted to bang her head against a nearby wall. She’s laughing her goddamn head off. “Dude... this is unbearable.”
“Can we just go before I beat the brain cells out of him?” Jake urges and everyone agrees, following him into the station. 
Meanwhile, as Michelle and the others finally drive their way into the chapel’s parking lot, using Grace’s mother’s limo to get there. The car ride was mostly with Michelle and Sean squabbling and pestering each other. Also Aleister and Grace arguing about the tattoo on her face. Grace isn’t thrilled about having to spend her wedding with a tattoo. She can’t live with everyone seeing her like that. Then there’s Quinn and Raj who are jamming to music in the back seat. They’re the only ones that are really upbeat even after, seeing that tiger in the bathroom. No one has figured out what to do about that yet. So far the plan is pretend it isn’t there.
Everyone climbs out the car and makes their way towards the chapel, a million thought boggling their minds and messing with their heads. So much is going on and it’s all so impossible to process. 
“Can I just clarify that I’m only here because I’d rather not be in a prison or be spending any more time with Jake?” Aleister pipes up suddenly and Grace just rolls her eyes at his unnecessary comment.
“Aleister, please stop. All you’ve done is be negative ever since we got here. Chill out and we’ll be home before you know it.” Grace assures, rubbing his shoulder in a comforting manor but he shakes off her grasp defiantly.
“No, Grace. Chilling out is what got us into this pathetic mess and I never wanted any part of it.” Aleister bites back, folding his arms like that of a sulky manor. 
“Stop complaining, Aleister! If you didn’t wanna be here, you didn’t have to be but if you wanna leave now, you can fucking walk because I’m not dealing with your bullshit.” Michelle suddenly snaps, throwing her hands on her hips and storming off towards the chapel. Clearly she’s the most stressed out of everyone, especially with the way Sean spoke to her earlier.
“Michelle. This isn’t gonna solve anything.” Raj points out, following behind her, his expression plastered with worry. 
“You’re all being pathetic so can you just calm down so we can sort this out in a civil way.” Quinn requests, looking Grace, Aleister and Sean dead in the way, pleading with them to stop being so feisty. 
All three of them share uneven looks before Grace and Sean move to give one another a hug, with Aleister remaining sulky and annoyed by everything he sees. 
“I’m sorry, Grace.” Sean apologises, that natural smile returning to his face. 
“Me too, Sean. Now lets get this marriage annulled. But please be nice to Michelle. She isn’t taking this so well.” 
“Trust me I know.” 
Aleister scoffs mockingly, interrupting the apologetic moment. “Aw, how touching. Why don’t you two get together?” 
“But Aleister, I’m engaged to—“ Grace tries to ease Aleister’s sudden jealousy but he cuts her off with a nasty scowl.
“No need. Just go. I shall wait in the car.” 
Sean simply rolls his eyes and starts up to the chapel with Quinn following after him. Grace eyes her fiancé with sadness and sympathy before trailing after them like a lost puppy. They don’t even get a chance to catch onto Aleister’s guilt as they wander away.
“Goddamn! This is so cool!” Craig exclaims as they wander into the police station and he admires his surroundings with an eager glint in his eyes.
“Let me bet you five bucks right now, Craig, that one day you will end up here.” Zahra bets, a smirk crossing her lips. Her comment was harsh but she doesn’t seem to care and Craig doesn’t seem to understand what her original intentions were.
“You mean... like on a class trip or something?” 
Shameful, Zahra shakes her head out of disappointment. “Craig... we should get you a tutor or a doctor or literally anyone who can help you.” 
Craig nods along but still hasn’t gained the slightest understanding of the conversation topic. “...I have been having trouble growing a beard.” 
“Sean can grow them so quickly but me... my jaw is forever alone.” Craig points out, stroking his jaw idly and grieving the lack of facial hair. 
Zahra simply scoffs, lost for words. “...Say that again.”
Everyone ventures further into the standard station, with Jake leading up to the front desk with Logan close by his side. The receptionist looks up at them with expectancy as they approach and she doesn’t seem to have noticed cuffs attached to Jake’s hands. It seems like he’s trying to hide them from sight. 
“Hello. How can I help you?” The receptionist meets eyes like Logan and Jake, smiling at them as politely as her tone remains. However, her smile immediately dies when she takes the time to skim over their exteriors. It’s almost like she recognises them. This is a good thing. “It’s... um...”
Jake notices how the receptionist is constantly stuttering and tilts his head at her bewilderedly. “You ok there, office... desk... lady?” He asks and Logan reacts by elbowing him at the stupid way he referred to her. Jake winces and narrows his eyes at his wife. “Fuck... being wasted made you stronger.”
“You need to learn how to talk to people, Jake.” Logan points out, shaking her head at him.
“Oh no... is Princess disappointed in me?” 
“Remember you’re the one in cuffs. Not me.” 
“...For now.” Jake mutters under his breath and Logan’s eyes widen at the insinuation mixed into his words. He avoids eye contact with her and ends their conversation, turning back to the receptionist. “Anyway... I kinda need to ask some questions.” 
The receptionist clears her throat and finally relaxes, exhaling softly. “I’m not sure how I can help you, Mr Mckenzie.” 
At the sound of his surname, Jake’s cerulean gaze snaps back towards the receptionist and a feeling of relief washes over me. “Holy shit... you know me. You know me, right?” 
“Of course. How could I forget the man who danced around the police station like a maniac and asked me if I was pregnant?” The receptionist shoots Jake a deadly glare and he flinches a little. Logan scoffs at the revelation and attempts too hard to hold back her laughter.
“Uh... sorry about that?” 
Ignoring Jake’s loose and uneven apology, the receptionist continues. “And after I said that I wasn’t, you poked my stomach and told me I needed to stop hitting up all the Burger Kings or they will soon run out of food.” The receptionist shudders as she recalls the vile insults and Jake really must have crossed a line there.
Logan leans over to Jake and releases a heavy sigh. “You deserve to be elbowed now, don’t you think?”
Jake simply nods, feeling so awkward and embarrassed. “Good call.” 
With that Logan elbows her husband more violently than she ever has attempted to before. Jake grits his teeth at the impact and nods along, proud of his hard-hitting wife. 
“Seriously... I said that. Well I’m very sorry about that.” 
Once again, Jake is ignored and the receptionist just rolls her eyes out of annoyance. “Do you even remember anything because you’re looking clueless and like you crawled out of a barrel of whiskey?” 
“Uh... no... lady?”
“The name’s Linda.” She corrects, her eyes leaving daggers wherever she dares to look. “And I suppose you’re here to get those cuffs taken off since you ran out with them as soon as the police said you could go free.” 
“Wait I was the one who was arrested?” Jake reacts, not sure what to say.
Logan leans against the desk and buries her face in her hands. “Jake... of course you were. It’s... drunk you.” 
The receptionist flicks her gaze over to Logan and eyes her with suspicion. “You were with him last night. Yes... you made out with the officer who said Jake could go. I remember the officer reminding you about your husband but you simply came back at him with ‘jake and I have an understanding’.” The receptionist explains with a look of disgust and Logan’s ocean eyes widen a little more as each word is spoken. She can’t believe she did that. Did she really do that? Would she do that? Drunk Lo might do that.
Jake can’t believe it either but he also can’t hold back his heavy chuckles. “You made out with an officer... well that’s just great, darlin’.”
“Wow, nice, Lo!” Craig applauds, extremely proud of Logan for some unknown reason. 
“I actually feel like I might be sick. I had a threesome and made out with an officer all in the same night.” Logan points out, a little louder than intended and people begin to strangely look her way. Even more embarrassed, she hides her face and Jake rests his head on hers comfortingly. 
“Lo, it’s ok. I’m not mad.” 
The receptionist simply scoffs, interrupting the moment. “I can let you talk to the officer she kissed if you would like. He could talk you through what happened last night and the details of Jake’s arrest.” She offers, pointing towards an interrogation room in the far corner. “I can only allow you two to go through though.” 
“That would be great.” Logan clamps a hand over while agreeing to this whole talking to the officer thing. But confronting this stranger she made out with last night while being married will be very awkward.
“Can he also take the cuffs off... you know... so I can punch him?” Jake questions, a slight scowl crossing his features. Wow he might be a little mad.
“If you punch him, we’ll arrest you again. Simple.” 
Jake scoffs, raising his eyebrows out of amusement. “Oh... a man with a plan.”
The receptionist narrows her eyes to how she is referred to and Jake hangs his head in shame. “...Woman.” 
“...Yeah. Once again... I am sorry.”
Michelle eyes the man at the counter with suspicion, having the slight feeling that she may recognise him. Of course she must have met him because she was here last night. She arches her eyebrows as her frustration starts to peek through and the man at the counter forms a wide smile when he spots Michelle. 
“Ah, look who’s back! Mr and Mrs Eggplant!” The man exclaims in a raw Italian accent. At the way they are referred to, Michelle and Sean’s eyes widen with confusion.
“Eggplant?” Michelle reacts, a cringy expression starting to take over.
“Of course! Your crazy friend, Aleister, came up with it for your married name and you loved it!” The man is clearly excited, his smile increasing even more with every word that is spoken.
“I’m sorry but... who are you?” Grace asks.
“Haha! Always the joker, Raspberry!” The man responds with an obnoxious laugh, dragging Grace in for a friendly hug. She accepts it hesitantly, one eyebrows raised bewilderedly once he lets her go.
“You are Raspberry. When good ol’ Al suggested Eggplant, you all wanted to be named after fruits. Let me see here...” The man searches the group around him, clapping his hands aloud when he spots Raj and Quinn with small smiles on their faces. “Ah, yes! You wanted to be Avacado.” The man explains, pointing to Quinn.
“Really? Out of all the pretty fruits there are in the world... I chose... an avacado?” Quinn says, obviously disappointed as she hangs her head in shame.
“And you, Ra-Ra! You were Pineapple!” The man points out, patting Raj on the back. 
“Holy shit... like Spongebob?” 
“Yes! Like the Bob sponge!” 
Raj’s eyes light up with excitement and clearly he’s enjoying the company of the Italian man. “Wait! Did you have a fruit name?” 
“Yes! I was the banana according to Aleister. Wow that one was the craziest out of all of you last night.” The man exclaims, laughs escaping him as he recalls the night before.
Everyone appears shocked to hear that Aleister could have been the most wasted out of all them. Then again... they all read the texts.
“Seriously? You’re talking about our Eggplant— I mean Aleister, right?” Michelle questions, in complete disbelief.
“Yes. Don’t you remember? He almost ruined the wedding when he vomited on the floor, barely missing poor Eggplant.” The man explains, flicking his gaze between Michelle and Sean. 
“Sorry. But which one of us do you mean when you say Eggplant?” Sean questions, finding this entire situation confusing.
“The bride, of course. I remember she was wearing a trash bag she picked up from the gas station. It was very pretty.”
“Wait... just a trash bag?” Michelle reacts, in hope that isn’t true.
“Yes... Aleister tried to take it off you multiple times, claiming he needed to find his eggplant. You told me you have just come back from skinny dipping. Interesting information but it’s also something I didn’t need. Come on, you fools. You really don’t remember?” 
“Well, last night is just kinda... fuzzy. But we are aware that Michelle and Sean got married last night and... we wanted to know if it’s possible we could it get annulled.” Quinn suggests, a hopeful glint in her eye and the man nods happily. He doesn’t appear like the kind of person who would never have a smile on his face.
“Of course. You know how Vegas is, tricking us into thinking that everything is a good idea.” A revelation suddenly dawns on the man and he drops the paperwork he’d picked up from the shelf in the desk. He flicks his gaze between the group and furrows his brows. “So if you have Vegas amnesia, that must mean you have forgotten my name.”
The whole group goes silent, their minds bouncing with ideas of what his name might be. “Ummm... no sorry.” 
“Is it Pablo?” Quinn suddenly guesses and everyone is scared that he will get offended by her random and semi-stereotypical guess. 
“Yes! Avacado, you were always my favourite.” The man, or Pablo, exclaims, high fiving Quinn before retrieving a pen from the desk. 
“How the hell do you do that?” Grace questions, throwing her hands on her hips and raising her eyebrows.
“I don’t know. It’s like a gift.” Quinn responds, a bright smile crossing her lips. “...I’m his favourite.” She adds proudly.
“Both if you are already present so this should be quick and easy.” Pablo points out, jotting something down before looking up at the clearly unhappy couple. 
“Good... I can’t stand being married to...” Michelle looks Sean up and down, narrowing her eyes at him. “...whatever this is any longer.”
“Ha... Ha.” Sean brews up a sarcastic laugh and folds his arms out of stress. “Hey, Banana.” Sean suddenly says, referring to Pablo. 
“Yes, Eggplant?” Pablo answers, an expression of amusement fixed on his face at the fact that Sean used the nickname.
“Do you think you can talk us through this wedding while you annul it because I gotta know the full story?” 
“Of course. There’s plenty to speak of. You were all pretty drunk, if you know what I’m saying.” 
“We definitely know what you’re saying.” Raj points out as the hangover starts to take over again. 
“Well... it all started when both Eggplants came rampaging in like animals...”
Michelle and Sean dive into the chapel, completely intoxicated and feeling as though their brains are about to explode with all the alcohol they have consumed. Their phones continue to buzz and vibrate as the group chat is corrupted with constant texts. They haven’t cared to answer though because they are about to do the craziest thing they’ve probably ever done.
Maybe it’s the alcohol in their system talking but it almost feels right in a way and Michelle and Sean only see the alcohol as liquid courage because they’d never have the will to do this if they were sober.
But it’s happening and they’re gonna make this damn night count. Sean and Michelle link as they stumble into the chapel, causing the owner Pablo to glance up from his desk and spot the clearly wasted two. He chuckles softly under his breath, as Michelle and Sean continue to laugh obnoxiously with each other. They’re almost completely naked, with Michelle dressed in nothing but a trash bag and Sean wearing nothing but what can only be described as a woman’s bathrobe. They’re carrying half empty bottles of vodka and Michelle’s makeup is smudged all over her face. They look absolutely disgusting but why should they care?
“Hello! What can I do for you today?” Pablo asks, waving his hands in the air as if he’s welcoming them.
“Duh. Marry us!” Michelle declares, hoisting her arm over Sean’s shoulder and clinging to him like a child would to a teddy bear. He responds by tugging her closer by her waist.
“Are you sure? You look like you just came back from the tequila factory.” Pablo counters, gesturing to their heavy appearances and they laugh along with his comment.
“Close. We just got back from skinny dipping at the beach down there. Then our clothes got robbed by these kids so we decided to look in the trash for some clothes. Meech found this sexy leather dress and I wanted to wear this because it smells nice.” Sean explains, sniffing the sleeve off the pink, floral bathrobe and Pablo is actually shell-shocked by the situation.
“Didn’t you say you found that in the trash?” 
“Yeah... what’s your point?” Sean asks, furrowing his brows.
“Nothing. So that’s one marriage?” Pablo quickly distracts himself, shifting his gaze towards the paperwork before him. “Just wait here while I get this confirmed.”
“Cool!” Michelle calls out as Pablo wanders into the other room before turning her gaze to Sean and jumping up and down excitedly. “We’re gonna get married! We’re gonna married!” 
“Yes we are! Yes we are!” Sean chants along with Michelle as they wave their vodka bottles about enthusiastically.
“Hey, we should invite our friends to come watch!” Michelle suggests and Sean nods along immediately.
After engaging in the group chat and telling their friends to come and attend the wedding, Michelle and Sean snap their eyes towards Pablo, who comes walking back into to the entrance of the chapel. He plasters a weak smile on his face and welcomes Michelle and Sean in for a private ceremony. 
Michelle and Sean stand opposite each other with Pablo officiating between them, speaking to an empty audience. This could probably be classed as the weirdest wedding Pablo has ever had to host but nevertheless, it’s making him money.
“Before we begin, I need to clarify that you signed a contract that if you regret this when you are sober, you cannot blame/sue this chapel because we were just doing our jobs. Clear?” Pablo points out before the ceremony really begins. 
Michelle and Sean nod along, the wonky smiles never leaving their expressions. “Crystal clear.”
“Ok so we are gathered here today...” 
Before anything can go any further, the doors to the chapel swing open and all the rest of the group come parading in like a stampede of elephants. They look impossibly energised but so out of breath at the same time. Soon, they approach Michelle and Sean, excitement and uncertainty exploding in all of their eyes.
“We came to watch you get married!” Grace announces, clapping her hands as loudly as possible and the deafening sound echoes throughout the room.
“Cool! You’re about to watch our lives change...” Michelle responds, smoothing out the trash bag that is very big on her body and she’s lucky it hasn’t fallen off yet, exposing the parts she doesn’t want people to see.
“...for one night.” Jake adds, holding up his glass and tugging Logan close to his body, who leans into him before snatching the glass out of his hand and chugging the rest of the whiskey down herself. “Wow... it’s rude to steal, Princess.”
“It’s also rude to let a girl go thirsty.” Logan bites back, tugging at Jake’s lower lip with her finger and he responds by smirking widely.
“Heh. Maybe I like it when you’re thirsty.”
Zahra scoffs when she catches the sound of their inappropriate conversation. “Can you two just not for two seconds? We have more important matters to discuss!” She announces, moving so she’s standing on one of the chapel chairs, forcing everyone to look her way.
“And what’s that, Z?” Estela questions, hands on her hips.
“Duh. One of the most defining moments in all of history.” Zahra counters. “Craig got hit by a car!”
“Woah! What?” Grace reacts, jaw almost leaving her face out of shock. “Craig, are you ok?”
“I’m fine. It wasn’t really a car. It was a hot dog stand on wheels.” Craig corrects, chuckling under his breath and rubbing the light bruise on his head. 
“Don’t ruin it, Craiggers. Car sounds better. That way I can imagine that you lost more brain cells than I wanna believe.” Zahra responds, patting Craig on his shoulder and he nods idly.
“How did you manage it?” Quinn asks, titling her head to the side.
“Oh yeah. The dude who was rolling it thought I was a traffic light on green because of the colours on my shirt.” Craig explains, laughing about it a little too much. “And maybe I did try to steal some of the hot dogs so he kinda had no problem with hitting me.” He adds, running a hand through his jet black hair. “But I really don’t think I deserved to be hit.”
“Sure because stealing someone’s food is definitely not a crime.” Diego states sarcastically.
“Not when it’s good.” Raj adds.
“I ran over someone once.” Estela suddenly points out and everyone turns to her with wide eyes. It’s almost like she never even meant to say it out loud.
“What? Who? Where? When? Why? How?” Grace bombards Estela with questions, suddenly panicky.
“Oh... just the other day. Aleister was annoying me so I hit him with my car.” 
“Did that really happen? Because I don’t remember Al saying anything about that.” Grace points out, shrugging her shoulders.
“Ok fine. It was just a really cool dream.” Estela admits, sticking her tongue out at Grace in annoyance. 
All of a sudden, another familiar face comes storming into the chapel. Aleister, of course, comes running in as energetic as possible, his platinum hair tousled and messy while the rest of his appearance looks like he’s also been through the tequila factory. 
“Speak of the devil...”
“What is up, members of the human world!” Aleister announces, waving his arms around as a way to declare his presence to the group. His once presentable jacket is all creased, one side of the collar sticking up unnaturally. This is an Aleister no one has ever seen and sure as hell hopes to never see again. 
“Aleister!” Grace is clearly happy to see him and Aleister stops short when he hears her voice. He wraps her in a tight hug, one can could easily stop her from breathing.
“You are my one and only, Grace! I love you so much! You are my world!” Aleister declares his love for Grace to the rest of the group and it’s literally something he would never do sober.
“Wow, Aleister. You’d really cheat on Jake like that?” Logan jokes, folding her arms and referring back to the group chat. 
Jake just scoffs under his breath, deciding to go along with the joke. “Yeah, Malfoy. I’ve never felt so betrayed.”
“Speaking of, did you enjoy Jake’s eggplant, Logan?” Aleister questions and it sadly seems as though he’s talking genuinely.
Jake and Logan share a knowing look, actually feeling sympathy for Aleister. “In the bathroom of the strip club.” Jake suddenly points out with a deadly smirk, causing Logan’s ocean eyes to widen and she slaps Jake’s right peck as hard as she can. He just shrugs it off, grabbing her and kissing the inside of her wrist reassuringly. “Don’t worry, Princess. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Jake, seriously, shut the fuck up.” She urges, pointing at him sharply and Estela scoffs.
“Finally, someone said it. That was so damn overdue.” Estela points out and Jake shoots her the middle finger. 
“Now, now, Jake. Play nice.” Logan tells him, tapping his chin playfully. 
“So wait... was it a big eggplant because sometimes people can’t even get them in their mouth?” Aleister suddenly chimes in, causing both Logan and Jake to facepalm hard. 
“Who hurt you, Al?”
“Um... can you guys not talk about eggplants? We’re trying to get married over here.” Michelle points out and everyone suddenly turns their attention to the very noticeable wedding outfits that Michelle and Sean have decided to get married in.
“Wow... you guys really look trash.” Craig jokes, seeming to be the only one laughing at his joke. Well, Jake seems to find it funny, giving Craig a high five. 
Michelle simply rolls her eyes and turns back to Sean. “You guys can either leave or sit down and enjoy the show.”
“Oh I’m sure we would enjoy the show a lot more if the trash bag and bathrobe came off.” Jake chimes in, folding his arms in a casual manor. Everyone looks his way in disbelief and he remains unfazed. “What? That’s how Princess and i would be doing it.”
Logan shakes her head defiantly at the group. “No it’s not. I swear... go ahead. Please get married before I turn this into Jake’s funeral.”
Jake chuckles and shrugs his shoulders, grabbing Craig’s bottle of whiskey of him and chugging it down himself. He catches the offended look that Craig gives him. “I’m poor, Craigslist. Let me be.”
Pablo has been watching this situation unfold for the last few minutes and he is unsure what to make of it. “Shall I continue with the ceremony?” 
“One moment.” Aleister interrupts, stepping in between Michelle and Sean, a forced smile plastered on his face. “I would quickly like to announce something.” 
“Oh... this should be good.” Zahra mutters, retrieving her phone and filming the current situation.
“I know I’ll only have the courage to say this when I’m intoxicated but... I need to tell you all now.” Aleister begins, messing with his tousled hair as he speaks. “...I think I might be...”
“Gay?” Jake blurts out, clasping a hand over his mouth immediately.
Craig gasps aloud. “I freaking knew it!” 
Aleister rolls his eyes but instantly shifts his expression back into a smile. “Oh you guys and... your ways. I meant I think I might be... allergic to eggplants.” Tears begin rising in Aleister’s eyes and he wipes them away with the sleeve of his jacket. 
“...Uh, what?” Quinn reacts, sapphire eyes widening.
“After the group chat message, I tried to eat a load of eggplants and I... I...” Genuine sobs leave Aleister’s eyes and that’s the scary part about this situation. “...I had a reaction.”
“You’re... allergic to eggplants? That really came out of my fiancé’s mouth.” Grace looks up as if she’s pleading to the Gods.
“Oh no... I think it might still be... happeni—“ Before Aleister can finish his words, a sense of nausea runs through him and he paces around frantically looking for a place to let the feeling out. With no time, Aleister vomits directly in front of Michelle and she barely moves out of the way in time. 
“Ew! Al, you could’ve killed me!” Michelle complains, clearly exaggerating as she smoothes out her trash bag dress and exhales sharply. “You’re disgusting.”
“Sorry, Michelle. I didn’t mean to... oh no. It’s happening again.” 
With that, Aleister sprints outside and the only thing heard is the sound of him vomiting into the nearby bushes.
“Well shit... should we begin the ceremony now?” Pablo questions and if everyone was sober, they’d probably deny the idea and go home. But no they’re drunk and hopeless and they go straight back into the terrible idea of Michelle and Sean getting married. 
Back at the police station, Jake and Logan are lead the receptionist, Linda, into an interrogation room where they’ve accepted the chance to hear about what happened the night before from the police officer that Logan supposedly made out with as a reaction to Jake being free. Considering the reasoning and intoxicated circumstances, Jake isn’t too mad about this but even so, there’s always gonna be that small part of him that is obviously riled up about by the thought of Logan kissing and touching someone else. Now he knows how she felt when they found out about the threesome. Clearly they only want each other and they’re sickened by the thought of other people being involved in their relationship. That proves their love is pretty powerful. 
As they’re lead into the interrogation room, they spot an officer sat in one of the chairs, sipping on a cup of coffee. The name tag on his police uniform reads ‘Officer D. Hickey’... oh my god. His last name is Hickey?! Of all things, Hickey?! Who hurt this man? Better yet, his first name starts with D. Let’s not go down that road.
Jake and Logan eye the officer awkwardly, waiting for him to notice them. He only does when Linda raises her voice.
“Dave, you got company.” Linda announces before leaving the room and Dave glances up curiously, his eyes lighting up at the sight of Jake and Logan. Clearly he recognises them but it’s sad that they don’t recognise him. 
“Oh wow! You’re back!” Dave exclaims, rising from his seat and giving Jake a friendly hug, which he can’t exactly respond to because he’s trapped in cuffs. “Good to see you,  you crazy bastard.”
Jake scoffs at the way he’s referred to. “Gee, thanks for using my first name.” He says in a sarcastic tone and Dave takes it as a joke, throwing his head back and laughing aloud. 
“Good one!” Then he turns to Logan and Jake is shocked by what the officer does next. “Ah, Logan... it’s more than great to see you.”
With that, Dave unexpectedly brings his lips to Logan’s and gives her a savoury kiss, one that she doesn’t accept but also doesn’t deny. She simply glances at Jake and shrugs her shoulders, too stunned to really do anything about. Anger rises in Jake and a fire starts in his hearts. Too bad he can’t actually punch the guy.
Finally Dave pulls away and smooths out Logan’s hair before stepping back. “So what can I do for you two?”
At that point, Jake can’t resist the urge to snap a little. “You can start by keeping you filthy hands off my wife.”
Dave raises his hands up in defence. “Hey hey, she’s the one who kissed me last night. Maybe I just got the wrong sign.” 
“Still, don't fucking touch her!” Jake snaps, arching his eyebrows viciously and Dave folds his arms in casual manor, unsure what to make of Jake’s angered state.
“I don’t recommend you try and argue with me, especially after what happened to you last night.” Dave advises and that’s when Logan feels the need to chime in.
“Yes... that’s why we’re really here. We kinda don’t remember what happened last night and...” Logan stutters a little as she struggles to remember the receptionist’s name. “...the front desk lady sent us in here so you could tell us what happened.”
Dave appears bewildered, almost in disbelief. “You really have no idea what happened?” 
“No. To top it off, I somehow ended up walking out with the handcuffs you trapped me in.” Jake adds, annoyance driving him over the edge. 
“Yes... I told you many times to take those off but you kept saying you were a dog and licking the other officers. You even asked your own wife if she wanted to play fetch. It was pretty amusing!” Dave explains and Jake simply rolls his eyes, irritation building up like bricks. Logan rubs his shoulder comfortingly and it only calms him slightly.
“We’d really appreciate it if you could explain to us what happened and maybe if you can, take the cuffs off Jake.” Logan requests and Dave nods in agreement. 
“Of course I can do that. In fact, I have the key right here.” Dave mentions before wandering over to Jake, slightly cautious, and gesturing for him to turn his hands over so he can unlock the cuffs. He completes the action with ease and Jake is finally able to move his hands freely.
“Yes, baby! I got my freedom!” Jake waves his hands about enthusiastically, doing the things he hasn’t been able to do for the last few years, one of them being grabbing Logan and kissing her full on the lips. The best part is that Dave has to watch as Jake caresses her body with his now free hands and leave her breathless by the time he leans away. 
Dazed, Logan nods with satisfaction. “Damn, Mckenzie. I like you better when you have your hands.”
“You should.” 
Dave scoffs, interrupting the private moment. “So... do you wanna know about your arrest or not?”
Jake rolls his eyes out of annoyance. “Sorry. Yeah.” 
The police cars surround Jake and he’s forced to raise his hands and surrender. He releases a heavy sigh and rolls his eyes for letting this happen to him. The only thing he wanted to do was fetch his wife from the casino after he got kicked out himself. Turns out some asshole was flirting with his wife and he went to confront him. That’s when Sean came over asking what the commotion was. They ended up fighting those jerks together and getting kicked out at the same time. Sean told Jake not to go back in but the dumbass went back in anyway and now he’s gonna get arrested for what... wanting to see his wife? Damn... such a horrific crime.
Jake’s cerulean eyes widen when he recognises the police officer who steps out of one of the cars, followed by one he doesn’t know. 
“Agh shit. Why now?” Jake curses under his breath as the familiar officer approaches him with nothing but an eye roll and an annoyed expression.
Would you believe it’s his sister Rebecca? Of course she has the Vegas shift on the one time Jake decides to do something stupid in Nevada. Damn, what kind of coincidence is this?
Sean stands beside Jake but he hasn’t be asked to raise his hands. Clearly he’s just moral support.
“What?” Sean reacts as Jake’s eyes widen because of how stunned he is.
“That’s my sister, Q.B.” Jake admits, hanging his head out of shame.
“Unlucky you.” Sean mocks with an amused smirk. He lets out a low whistle at the sight of Rebecca Mckenzie. “Fuck... she’s hot.” 
“You better shut the fuck up before I beat the shit out of you.” Jake threatens and Sean takes the warning seriously, placing a hand over the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Geez, sorry dude.” 
Rebecca finally reaches them, throwing her hands on her hips and smirking out of amusement. “Wow Jake. Thought you weren’t a criminal.”
“I’m not. This is just a misunderstanding.” Jake tries to explain, his voice slightly shaky considering the circumstances.
“Really? So you thought it was ok to reenter a casino after being told you couldn’t go back in?”
Jake forms a cocky smirk and shrugs his shoulders. “What can I say? I’m drunk. I do dumbass things when I’m drunk. You know this, sis.” Rebecca nods along, actually giving him that one. “Besides I only wanted to go fetch Logan so I could take her home.”
“You couldn’t just text her?” Rebecca questions, furrowing her brows.
“I could have but I guess I didn’t think of it.” 
Rebecca rolls her eyes and retrieves some handcuffs from her belt. “You can tell it to a judge, Jake.”
“Wait... I have to face a fucking judge?!” Jake reacts, as Rebecca traps him in the handcuffs firmly and locks them on with a key.
“I don’t know yet. It’s just a really cool thing to say.” Rebecca mutters under her breath and Jake scoffs as he’s lead towards the police car. Logan is brought out of the casino and is allowed to go with him to the police station. Sean stays behind, saying he would meet up with the others wherever they were. Everyone kinda got scattered after the strip club.
After an unbearable drive, they arrive at the police station where Jake is instantly taken through to the interrogation room where his sister sits opposite him, eyeing him with caution. Also, there’s the other officer he didn’t recognise. The one with the name tag ‘Officer D. Hickey’
Jake is really struggling to contain his laughter. “That’s a really interesting name.” Jake decides to break the silence, gesturing to Dave’s name tag and he simply shrugs his shoulders while Rebecca rolls her eyes, knowing what he’s getting at.
“I get that a lot. But you should know it’s pronounced HIKE-y not hickey... that’s just how it’s spelt.” Dave corrects, folding his arms.
“Sure. Whatever you say, Mr Hickey.” Jake responds sarcastically, referring to Dave with the wrong pronunciation instead of the right one.
Dave scoffs. “It’s not Hickey. Stop saying it like that.”
“Like what?” Jake pretends to be oblivious, turning towards his sister. “Anyway, Becs, I gotta tell you that this is all really stupid. I’m drunk and misunderstood. You gotta me let go.”
“Why should I do that, Jake? You were basically trespassing.” 
“How about because we’re Ohana?” Jake suddenly states, referring back to when Logan used the phrase when she made him watch Lilo and Stitch of all things, a movie he actually enjoyed.
Clearly Rebecca hasn’t seen it though. “Ohana? What is that?”
“Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind... or forgotten.” Jake always forgets that last part and Logan almost kills him every time he does.
Rebecca releases a heavy sigh when he realises what Jake is doing. “...Please don’t tell me you’re quoting Stitch.”
“Stitch is a smart blue alien ball of fluff. You should listen to him.” Jake advises. “And Stitch says let me go.”
“...I really hate you, Jake.” Rebecca mutters, rolling her eyes. “You did the crime so now you gotta do the time.”
“Is that really true or are you just saying that ‘cause it’s cool?” 
“Both.” Rebecca leans forward and folds her arms across the table. 
“Come on, Becs. I will do anything you want.” Jake pleads, shooting her the puppy dog eyes that never work on anyone.
“Not interested.”
“I’ll buy you a car.”
“I’m not sixteen. Besides what’s better than a cop car?” Rebecca scoffs mockingly at Jake’s absurdity.
“I’ll buy you a boyfriend. You can have Aleister if you want. I’m begging you please take him.” Jake offers and he wishes he wasn’t being serious. 
“Who the fuck do you think I am?”
“Come on, Becs... please.” Jake attempts to plead one last time and that seems to be Rebecca’s breaking point. She rolls her eyes and finally relents.
“Fine... get the fuck out. But this is a one time thing. You got it?” Rebecca warms and Jake nods quickly, running out of the interrogation room happily, not even realising he’s still attached to the cuffs.
Logan is stood outside the interrogation room and her ocean eyes light up when he comes out. “Did they let you go?” She questions, a real hope in her eyes. 
Dave exits the interrogation room after Jake, eyeing Logan with wariness. “Keep this one out of trouble. He’s an absolute idiot.” 
“Hey! That’s my husband you’re talking about.” Logan points out and Dave shakes his head apologetically. “It’s ok though. Thank you for letting him go!” She exclaims and before you know it, she randomly attaches her lips to Dave’s and wraps her arms around his neck, expressing her gratitude in an abnormal way.
Jake simply watches, not sure what to do or what to say but a smirk stays on his lips. “Get some, Princess!” Damn he really is wasted.
Logan finally pulls away and Dave looks shocked, confused and satisfied. “I thought he was your husband.”
“He and I have an understanding.” 
“That’s about it... then you both danced around the police station for god knows how long and Jake made that awful comment to Linda before running out with the cuffs still on.” Dave finally finished his story and both Jake and Logan are left stunned but somehow still unsurprised.
Logan facepalms hard. “I’m really sorry about kissing you. I was...”
“Drunk, I know. We get a lot of those. This is Vegas for god’s sake.” 
Jake folds his arms and strokes his jaw thoughtfully for a moment. “So you really let me go?
“Not sure why but you know, Rebecca is your sister isn’t she?”
“Yeah. Speaking of, where is she?” Jake asks, genuinely curious. 
“She left for Chicago early this morning. Her shifts go everywhere.” Dave states and Jake nods knowingly.
“Ok. We’ll be gone now.” Jake points out, helping Logan to her feet and leading her out of the interrogation room.
“Please don’t come back. Ever.” Dave pleads as they exit the police station and they also hope and pray that they never have to come back here
“So... did you get you marriage annulled?” Diego questions as the group finally reunite in the lobby of the hotel they’re staying at. Everything seems to be going according to the plan at the moment and let’s hope nothing goes wrong as the day goes on. Their mission to find Vaaryn is only just beginning. 
“Yes. No more ring on this finger. Thank god.” Michelle lets out a sigh of relief and Sean just rolls his eyes in response, not bothering to bite back.
“If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it! If you like it then you should have put a ring on it!” Raj starts singing for no reason. Everyone stares at him strangely for a moment. “What? It just popped into my head.
“Best part is when Aleister decided to come back in to the chapel and Pablo slapped him in the face for being such a crazy person. His words.” Quinn explains, giggling aloud and everyone can’t help but laugh along.
“It actually wasn’t funny at all but think what you must.”
“Glad Jake has finally be saved from the cuffs. Too bad you grew out of them.” Estela jokes, patting Jake on the back and for once he laughs along.
“Whatever, Katniss. I simply can’t wait to revisit all the fucked up dumbass shit you did last night.”  
“Good luck because it’ll never be as much as you, cabron.”
“So what now? Do we start searching for Vaaryn? Were they any clues at the places you went?” Grace questions, folding her arms idly.
“No. Pablo said Vaaryn wasn’t with us even when all of us were there.” Quinn states, shrugging her shoulders unsurely.
“And it was just Jake and I at the police station.” Logan adds.
“Well, I say we check the last place we saw the dude.” Zahra pipes up, hands on her hips and everyone seems to know what she’s getting at immediately, all except one.
“Disneyland?!” Craig reacts, clapping his hands energetically and everyone shakes their heads.
“No.... the strip club!” 
hope it’s not too confusing. i feel like every chapter of this is a lot 
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pwjins · 7 years
just neighbor things
summary: your new apartment life starts out rather bad, but luckily, your odd friendship with your new neighbor helps keep both yours and his life just a little bit more manageable. member: seongwoo genre: fluff?? neighbor!au???  a/n: i literally have no idea what im doing i’m so sorry  insp. by these au prompts!!
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You just got kicked out of your parents’ house
And now you’re trying to haul 50 pounds of stuff into your new and kind of shitty apartment
But as a 3rd year college student with a questionable major 
Who has no idea what the fuck they’re doing
This was a pretty good start for you
The rent for the apartment was pretty cheap considering it was small
But anything you could afford with your half assed part time job at the local supermarket was good enough for you
You finally lugged the last of your boxes into your apartment, letting out a heavy breath
Instead of throwing yourself on the floor and rewarding yourself with a nap
You figured you should be a good new neigbor in the apartment complex
So you showered and freshened up, making yourself look less sleep-deprived and somewhat presentable
You rushed out your door and knocked on the door of the apartment to the left of yours
You were hopeful to make some new friends in the complex and get along with your neighbors
Since you’d be living here for a while
However, your hopes went down the drain when you heard the sound multiple cats screeching behind the door
And angry footsteps moving forward and swinging the door open
Which probably would’ve hit you in the face if you didn’t step back
You were faced with an elderly woman, holding a chubby cat in her arms that looked as pissed as she was
Still, you decided to be confident and move on, greeting her with, “hi! my name’s Y/N! i just moved–”
Before you could even finish your introduction she glared at you with her angry old woman eyes and cut you off
“new neighbor? ANOTHER kid?”
You were unable to even respond to her as she kept annoyedly complaning about something like “noisy kids” and “don’t know what they’re doing” and “no decency”
The second she finished her thoughts, she shut the door 
Without even greeting you, leaving you alone in the hallway
“nice to meet you too i guess” you mumbled
Okay, so not a great start
But hey you still had your other neighbor to greet who hopefully wasn’t an ass
With new high hopes, you knocked on the door a couple times, waited for a minute or two
But there was no response
You decided to knock a few more times aaaaaand still no response
Giving up, you figured that your neighbor was either dead, asleep, or out of the house
You really hoped it wasn’t the first one
As you were about to turn and head back to your apartment
A voice a couple feet down the hall called out to you
“hey, what’re you in front of my apartment for?” they said, sounding slightly annoyed
You stiffly turned around, not wanting to make yet another bad first impression
You were expecting another angry person to be yelling at you
Boy oh boy you were SO wrong
The second you turned around and faced the person, you swear your heart probably stopped
Oh my god he’s hot
You were faced with a tall guy, subtle dark circles underneath his eyes and a family size bag of hot cheetos in his arms like it was his firstborn son
But oh man did he rock that sleep deprived look 
He was probably around the same age as you, college student you assumed
You struggled to get your words out, only managing to sputter, “uhh i’m y/n! i’m your new neighbor?”
He raised an eyebrow, looking at you up and down and completely iGNORED YOU
Before unlocking his apartment door and disappearing inside without saying another word to you
Good job, y/n, first day in and you’ve pissed off both neighbors
He might’ve been cute 
But that didn’t mean anything if he was as much of an asshole as the elderly cat woman next door
You sighed and decided to wave the white flag for the day, retreating back into your apartment to rest
Your place wasn’t exactly super well furnished
So at most right now, you had a crappy mattress, some blankets, and your best friend, the coffee maker
But you just had to deal with it until you unpacked everything else so you crashed on your mattress
And scrolled through your social media until you knocked out
As if your first day/night in your new place couldn’t get worse
You heard some loud and rapid knocking at your door, waking you up from your sleep
It was dark inside your apartment and outside the window too
So you pulled out your phone to see what time it was, squinting at your bright screen in the dark
Literally who the fuck was bothering you at 3am
You groaned and threw your blankets off the mattress and got up to head towards the incessant knocking
When you finally got to the door, you threw it open to see the dumbass trying to bother you
“i’m tired what do you wan–” you grumbled, unable to finish your sentence when you saw once again
Your undeniably good looking neighbor from earlier who didn’t look too sober at the moment
He looked pretty disheveled at the moment, but still damn
His brown hair looked slightly messy and he wore a plain t shirt over black jeans, and the three cute little moles on his cheek caught your attention
Before you could even ask if he was okay because he clearly did not look like it
He immediately fell against the doorframe, leaning and holding onto it as to not fall over
And he began rambling endlessly without even giving you a second to comprehend what he was trying to say
“hi i know it’s like 3am i’m so soryr but i’m just really tired and really drunk right now and i dont’ know WHERE my keys are and the old lady next door scares me with her gardening shears so please hav mercy on me and let me crash for the night plus you’re pretty and i know we just met but i think i like you so hi hey how’s it going”
And with that, he fell asleep against the doorframe
what the fuck
One part of you just wanted to leave him there and go back to sleep
But then another part of you didn’t want to be sued for abandoning a helplessly sleep deprived guy
So you tugged him forward so that his body fell over your shoulders and you dragged his RIDICULOUSLY HEAVY BODY into your apartment
jesus christ i just wanted to sleep
You didn’t have any couch or chair to lie him down in
Nor did you have the strength or patience to lug him all the way to your mattress
So you decided just to leave him on the floor by the kitchen and threw a blanket over him
You mentally pat yourself on the back for being a good citizen of the world and crawled back into bed
Right as you were about to fall asleep again, loud snoring began to echo through the apartment
You sighed in regret, contemplating if bringing him in was even a good idea
But you just ignored it and pulled your pillow over your ears and finally got to sleep
The next morning, you tiptoed into the kitchen pouring out some cereal into two bowls and making yourself a mug of black coffee
As you waited for the water to boil, you walked over to the sleeping body in your living room
You squatted down in front of him and nudged his shoulders lightly
He didn’t budge at all so you started nudging him harder, basically almost shaking his shoulders till he started moving
His eyes finally cracked open and he began stretching his arms a bit before sitting up and rubbing his eyes
He looked around your apartment which was stilled filled with boxes and tons of junk lying around
Poor guy looked so confused until he saw you sitting in front of him
“well this doesn’t look like my apartment”
“no shit it isn’t” you replied
“i think you’ve got things backwards, first you wake me up at 3am drunk as hell, crash in my living room, eat my cereal, and i don’t even know your name yet” you said
He struggled to stifle a laugh as you got up to hand him a good ol bowl of Fruit loops and a fork
He accepted the bowl but held up the fork with an eyebrow raised at you
“look i just moved in and i can’t find my spoons so you’re just gonna have to eat with a fork” you shrugged, shoving fruit loops down your throat
“funny because my apartment has all spoons but i can’t find my forks,” he laughed, “the name’s seongwoo, ong seongwoo, but you can just call me ong”
You smiled at his humorous personality– he was definitely growing on you
“y/n, but maybe you would’ve know that already if you didn’t oh so gracefull ignore me yesterday,” you chuckled
“Yeah, sorry about that, running on 2 hours of sleep and hot cheetos can make a guy moody sometimes” he responded
And so began your long morning of eating cereal and talking with your new neighbor, seongwoo
You learned that he was a year older than you and went to college about 15 minutes away from yours
He used to live on the on-campus dorms but got evicted by his roommates after his 2nd year for being too noisy
And apparently the person that used to live your apartment before you came was some middle-aged man that would steal his coupons from the mailbox
So he was relieved that that DEMON was finally gone
His other neighbor was yet another old lady who was overly obsessed with her plants and would try to cut him with her shears if he got too close
The two of you bonded over complaining about old cat lady and old plant lady, laughing over your encounters with them
After demolishing your box of fruit loops and talking all morning, you asked, “hey since i basically housed and fed you for the last 8 hours, can you like please help me unpack”
He happily agreed and you both spent the rest of that afternoon unpacking the boxes and uncluttering the apartment
While you would unload the rest of the plates and bowls into your lower cabinets
seongwoo would be putting away the cups and mugs onto the higher shelves that you couldn’t reach
Finally you had some chairs and other furniture to fill the space so that you weren’t eating on the floor or with forks all the time
You finished unpacking nearly all of the boxes, leaving some in the closet for another day to handle
After you guys finished, you exchanged numbers in case you guys needed something in the future
“if you need anything or need to drunk crash at my place whenever you lose your keys, just knock really loudly,” he laughed, heading out the door and back into his own apartment
Turned out his keys were under the mat the entire time
After that incident, you guys just started depending on each other for a lot of things
Because you guys were basically each other’s only friend in a building of angry elderly women
If you ever needed something from a tall shelf and couldn’t get it, you’d just knock violently on the wall for seongwoo to hear on the other side
If the landlord was inspecting rooms to make sure they weren’t being trashed
You’d help seongwoo hide all of his junk in the closet to make his apartment at least look clean
So that he wouldn’t get evicted from ANOTHER place
Whenever you’d forget to bring one of your textbooks to class, seongwoo had your spare key and was only one text away
Would drive all the way to your school just to drop it off so you didn’t fail chemistry
And of course there were nights where you’d both go out to drink together just for fun and it didn’t matter whose apartment you both crashed in
As long as you could at least get in to one of them
Yeah both of you tend to forget your keys a lot LOL
Studying for your midterms and having a mental breakdown?
No prob, seongwoo’s got you
He’d come over with a bag of hot cheetos, a 6-pack of dr. pepper, and popsicle he bought from some ghetto vendor down the street
“i heard you slamming your head against your textbook from across the wall so i thought i’d come help”
Whenever he was sick of his job at his college’s campus cafe and wanted to go home, you’d call his phone and act like you were his dying relative
So his boss would let him go home early
Every friday you guys have a ritual where you alternate between crashing at each other’s place and watching a movie until you both fall asleep
To cool off from the stress of being poor, tired students
But sometimes you guys argue over what movies you want to watch
Or what you guys eat as a snack
“bitch you picked the movie last week now give me the remote before i feed your house keys to the neighbor’s cat”
Like you could knock on his door at 2AM just to rant
And he would let you in and feed you stale poptarts until you calmed down
Or you guys will do face masks together and do some EXTREME pore cleansing while watching reality tv shows
The only thing you guys can’t depend on each other for though is food
One time you barged into seongwoo’s place and begged, “i’m out of food please help i really can’t adult today”
And he’d laugh at you and say, “you know the funny thing about this is that you ACTUALLY think i can cook,” as he pulls out ramen cups out of his cupboard
and oh boy y’all are just really cute n friendly neighbors that help each other out 
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