#like every day i lose my mind that we live on a planet where tme people will accuse trans lesbians of being [transmisogynists] just for
cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
feels like a lot of you didn’t see the study which found that lesbians are the most likely of the whole LGBT+ community to support trans people because i still keep seeing takes like “not ALL lesbians are terfs, just because a lot are 🥰” or “most lesbians aren’t terfs, but most terfs are lesbians, so it’s fine to hold lesbians to extra scrutiny 😍” or casual, unsupported claims that “transphobia is a big[ger] issue in the lesbian community” by people who actually think they’re doing lesbian positivity and it’s INSANE because you’re wrong! and this leads to a significant proportion of lesbians actually delaying coming out because they’re afraid of being assumed to be transphobes, meanwhile transphobia among bi people and gay men (and transmisogyny among tme trans people) often goes completely unchecked. 
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