#like everyone was praising gaiden for its writing so when we got IW right after its like. Girl What Happened
todayisafridaynight · 3 months
ive seen some people justify IW writing issues by saying the other games in the series were like that too and im like ??? first of all do you not think people complained about the problems in the other games too and second of all do you not want them to keep improving?? such a weird justification to me
i love these games though dgmw i just thought IW could've been so much better story wise 😭😭
my beef with the 'the writing was bad in other games too' defense is that First Off. What-Aboutism arguments are just horrendous in general imo since it doesn't argue anything for the point, it's just someone going 'well This Thing is a thing so This Thing should be valid too' like no !! surprise !! it's still lame and you're not doing anything to convince me it's not lame. right now youre just making an excuse for a thing to Be Lame
and Secondly, since 0 the majority of people have had little complaints about the writing of RGG's latest entries (not that i doubt people have them, but i definitely don't hear them as often as i do older titles and their shortcomings dont feel as obivious as IW's or previous entries). what makes IW's writing stick out so much is that right after Y7- hell after GAIDEN the quality is just so stark you cant help but notice
to top it all off, what really shot IW in the foot was just how much hype was built around it. obviously theyre gonna hype up a game theyre gonna drop, but when they promote things like 'dont play this in one sitting' and 'this is rgg's best game yet', the bar's gonna be incredibly high
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