#like for instance so many americans think that scandinavian countries are socialists
pinktyler · 2 years
No offense but the us is so baffling to me
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berniesrevolution · 6 years
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s upset victory in New York City in June added fuel to the fire that Bernie Sanders started in 2016: a resurgence of interest in democratic socialism. And there is no strand of left politics that provokes more confusion than democratic socialism.
All of a sudden, it seems everybody wants to know what democratic socialism is. Here’s what you need to know.
For a Better World
Some commentators have tried to invent differences between the kind of society “democratic socialists” fight for and the kind envisioned by so-called “traditional socialists.” On MSNBC, Stephanie Ruhle confidently declared that democratic socialists make “no call for communal ownership of production.”
According to Ruhle, the excitement around the emerging socialist movement is much ado about nothing: democratic socialists want good things like free college and public libraries — and that’s pretty much it.
While we definitely support good library systems, democratic socialists’ vision of a better society and how to achieve it goes much further.
The world we live in now is called a democracy; the United States is the wealthiest country in all of human history, and we all learn about how important of an American value “freedom” is. But the United States today is defined not by freedom and abundance, but exploitation and oppression.
A tiny number of rich and powerful families lives off of the profits they make from trashing the environment and underpaying, overworking, and cheating the vast majority of society — the working class. They get richer precisely because the poor and working class get poorer.
This capitalist class turns workplaces into mini-authoritarian regimes, where bosses have the power to harass and abuse workers. And they protect their power in all corners of society by fanning the flames of racial, national, and gender conflict and prejudice in order to divide working people and stop us from organizing.
Democratic socialists want to end all of that.
Like many progressives, we want to build a world where everyone has a right to food, healthcare, a good home, an enriching education, and a union job that pays well. We think this kind of economic security is necessary for people to live rich and creative lives — and to be truly free.
We want to guarantee all of this while stopping climate change and building an economy that’s ecologically sustainable. We want to build a world without war, where people in other countries are free from the fear of US military intervention and economic exploitation. And we want to end mass incarceration and police brutality, gender violence, intolerance towards queer people, job and housing discrimination, deportations, and all other forms of oppression.
Unlike many progressives however, we’ve come to the conclusion that to build this better world it’s going to take a lot more work than winning an election and passing incremental reforms.
What We’re Up Against
The democracy we live in falls far short of what we’re taught to believe it should be. In our society, normal people — when they’re not organized — have next to no power.
Instead, power is determined by what political scientist Thomas Ferguson calls the “golden rule”: those with the gold rule. Capitalists use their wealth to buy politicians from both parties and their lobbying power to kill progressive legislation that threatens their profits.
And even if we could elect a well-meaning government that could withstand the pressure of lobbyists, chances are they would eventually cave under the capitalists’ trump card: a capital strike. To oppose new social programs and redistribution, the capitalist class can, as a last resort, withhold their investments and provoke a recession, undermining the social support of a progressive government.
This reflects another key problem under capitalism: not only do capitalists exploit workers on the job and hoard all the wealth they steal from us, but they have the power to determine whether or not we have jobs and thus the ability to provide for ourselves. If capitalists don’t like our democratic demands to, say, stop polluting the planet or pay workers a living wage, they can simply pull their investments and move their jobs to another state or country — and we have little recourse to stop them.
In rare instances — usually following massive wars and economic crises — progressive governments have been able to win victories. The Scandinavian countries are what we call “social democracies,” societies with robust social safety nets and labor movements that check the worst tendencies of capitalism and limit the power of the wealthy in key ways.
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alienation2016-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://alienation.biz/female-islamic-clerics-in-indonesia-issue-rare-child/
Female Islamic clerics in Indonesia issue rare child
Girl Islamic clerics in Indonesia have issued a remarkable fatwa against baby marriage. r cThe fatwa, which is not legally binding, however, be influential, was issued after a 3-day congress of Female clerics in the USA. The clerics urged the government to elevate the minimal prison age for women to marry to 18 from the contemporary sixteen. Indonesia is a majority Muslim united states and has a number of the maximum number of toddler brides inside the world. According to the UN’s kids office Unicef, one in 4 women in Indonesia marries earlier than the age of 18. Is a toddler bride definitely married each seven seconds? Fatwas are issued often in Indonesia, however commonly via the Indonesian Ulema Council – the very best Islamic authority within us of a which is made up almost totally of men. Who’re Indonesia’s Female clerics?indonesia execution method
Loads of girls descended on Cirebon, on Java Island, for the Indonesian KUPI ladies’ Ulema Congress.
Most of the clerics – professionals in Islamic sacred regulation and theology – had been from Indonesia, however, speakers traveled from as ways away as Kenya, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia to participate in the convention, said to be the primary main collecting of Female Muslim clerics.islam vs Muslim.yahoo Indonesia Female clerics, or “ulema”, have existed in Indonesia for Masses of years, however, their position has been performed down formerly. Nowadays, they help empower their groups and lead educational institutes, organizers say.
T is hoped the congress will spotlight the crucial position they play. Steering committee chairman Badriyah Fayumi informed the BBC: “Thru this convention, we want to the nation that Female clerics exist, and were verified to make a contribution, and that is the time to well known their life and to provide an appreciation for the… The contribution of the Girl clergy.”
Two Energies, One Body – Balance Your Male – Female Sides
What’s the big thriller of the male and girl sides of the frame? Why do we need to be aware of this? The body is energetically divided into two elements. The proper and the left, male and girl dominated sides. This isn’t always a new idea, it has an origin in Japanese philosophies like Buddhism, Yoga, and you could even find historic writings that the Mayan civilization become aware of the electricity of retaining balance among these opposite energies.
The Buddha taught it pretty virtually. Each individual has a proper and left hemisphere within the brain,
Which we classify as male and lady, the right being female, left being male. The left or male aspect is in charge of the right side of the body and the proper mind or woman facet is in the rate of the left aspect of the body.
The Maya positioned themselves and their surroundings into classes that allowed them to order and manage their international. They regularly labeled the use of the basic complementary pairing of male/woman, and proper/left.
In yoga, male strength (the sun), is known as Shiva and is the shape of the universe. Male energy is the area of the proper aspect of the body. Whereas female strength (the moon), is known as Shakti and is the pressure of the universe. The woman energy is the area of the left side of the frame.
The vast importance is that as one character we want to be in regular balance for you to gain the fine of our global, intellectual bodily and emotional. Each side, male and lady have to acquire a harmonious complete.
The male face is normally related to our rationality, good judgment, linear thinking, and understanding.
The lady aspect is hooked up to emotions, nurturing, caring, compassion, love, and all the emotional traits. Each of us has aspects, the emotional and the intellectual potential. Very few human beings expand Each similarly, consequently, their cart frequently topples. Emotionalism is just as a great deal a hazard as questioning without being in touch with one’s feelings. That too can pass very plenty of course.
Someone who goes to some distance on the facet of rational wondering has to learn how to balance with emotions, the lady’s face. Everybody who thinks to the extent where the enjoy of emotions is hardly acknowledged has to practice plenty mindfulness of feelings. However, the lady side is often emotionalism. This means we’re over excited by way of our feelings and therefore our thinking is impaired. The nice of logical questioning, of delving right into a thought method and being able to investigate, isn’t feasible whilst the emotions are at the vanguard.
In The Age Of Islamic Radical Behavior, Is Being An Ambassador A Dead End Job
All of us recall Ambassador Jim Stevens who become killed alongside with his protection element in Benghazi Libya and we recognize that research remains on-going after some 4+ years. Seemingly, there were a few serious errors made in a floor-to-air MANPAD missile exchange with rebels close to our intelligence offerings. Of path, this becomes particularly labeled but is commonplace knowledge now in hindsight with all and sundry remotely in-the-recognise or close to worldwide diplomacy.
Earlier than, Jim Stevens changed into killed the USA hadn’t lost an envoy in 30-years
So that changed into an actual awakening call. Not amazing being as the arena has had some as alternative radical Islamic terrorist events in the last twenty years, ever an increasing number of. And it’s No longer simply us Ambassadors that appear to be concerned around the world. On December 19, 2016 – A radicalized Islamic killed the Russian Ambassador to Turkey. Andrei Karlov. The killer changed into a Turkish Policeman – he allegedly pumped 7-8 rounds into the back of the Ambassador at some stage in a speech. The new media showed pictures of Andrea Karlov being shot in the back at an artwork exhibition “Russia within the Eyes of Turks” after which yelled for us to recollect Aleppo and Syria.
If we can’t have worldwide diplomats retaining communication open, how are we able to as an international live at peace? Worse, how about the significant those who consider in peace who tackle these roles as ambassadors? Perhaps within the destiny, we will want holographic diplomats who will remain safe of their very own countries even as their hologram visits different international locations. If a person shoots a hologram, nothing occurs – the man or woman isn’t always hurt and the gunman will sincerely be arrested. We have all this generation now, and perhaps this is a strategy to this problem.
Inside the remaining ten years we have had our embassies attacked
Burned to the floor and feature even been compelled to shoot back simply to defend ourselves. Usually, those events emerge as hurting the host u. S .’s popularity on the worldwide stage, but they do price us tax bucks for embassies, safety and lamentably lives. Now not suitable. An assault on one in all our embassies is extreme and every one which happens without justice emboldens future assaults. In most cases, they may be attacked because they’re a symbol of American Power and they’re the nearest example and a smooth goal.
If I were giving the recommendation to everybody thinking about an activity in international diplomacy, or as an ambassador inside the future – I’d inform them Now not to do it, but in the event that they did, I would thank them for supporting our country in any such chaotic global we live.
The Difference Between Indonesian Socialism, Democratic Socialism, and Marxism
Based on its many government-funded social applications, Indonesia might qualify to be called a Socialistic Nation or Welfare Country. The query is what type or kind of Socialism is Indonesia?
Would it be the Marxist-Leninism kind such as in North Korea,
East European Countries, and Cuba? It might truly now not be the case. The Marxist-Leninism started from a Socialistic idea or Socialism wherein the approach of manufacturing is owned and managed by way of the government. To understand its socialistic distributive offers by using a critical financial planning, it wishes a sturdy government manipulate which subsequently could expand to totalitarianism consisting of what we see happening with Communism in North Korea. Indonesia, alternatively, has a decentralized governance system, a unfastened and robust personal zone and affinity to the first precept of Pancasila which relates to God. This latter truth is in stark comparison with the ideology of Karl Max who’s regarded with his belief that “Religion is The Opiate of Loads”.facts about Indonesia
Wouldn’t it be the Scandinavian Democratic Socialism inclusive of in Norway
Denmark and Sweden? This would also no longer be an excellent in shape due to the fact Indonesian tax costs aren’t as excessive and “punishable” as in those Nations; which, allows growth for the economic system and keep the upkeep of groups and agencies. As an instance, the Indonesian top marginal income tax charge for man or woman is 39% compared to Denmark that has 60%. Indonesian Company Tax charge is 25%, that is pretty low especially whilst you examine that to us Corporate Tax fee of 39.1% given the truth that the US is taken into consideration a Capitalistic u. S .. The Scandinavians financial increase price are under three% (e.G., Denmark 1.forty seven% and Norway averaged 2.6% from 1979 to 2016), while Indonesia has reached five.18% on the primary sector of 2016 notwithstanding a global economic system gradual down in 2015.Indonesians people
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