#like for me to bop ya with a plotty
castclever · 5 years
maia mitchell : cisfemale: she/her: student: seashore by the regrettes ϟ did you see hermione jean granger ? you know , 22 year old muggleborn who is gryffindor . some say she can be quite benevolent but are known to be officious . they have publicly declared they are secretly aligned with the order. maybe that’s why they remind me of the augmented scent of historic & well preserved book, know it all tendencies scribed in the veins of a murky existence, willing to do anything to prevail through darkness’ putrid veil. ϟ penned by nora : 24 : est : she&her.
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hi everyone my name is nora and i’m excited to be here and write literally one of my favorite and SO important girl hermione jean granger. so i guess i should start off with a tad about me. well, i work full time and i seldom make costumes for local cosplayers who can’t afford like a super talented full time costume maker. i have a dog named leia and i would only eat cheese poofs if it wasn’t really super bad for my health. 
hermione jean granger has always been curious and studious in nature. one of her earliest memories included admiration for toast, a toaster, and undeniable ( and somewhat dangerous ) curiosity. this was the moment that hermione’s special “gifts”, as her muggle parents would call them, became recognized and beloved in the granger household. 
due to her upbringing, hermione never thought that there was any negative connotations to having the powers she did. mr & mrs. granger was definitely bewildered by their daughter’s talents, but they nurtured her odd abilities which made not only her proud of who she was, but them to be proud of having such a gifted child. there’s literally no end of means for how much love and adoration the granger’s had for their daughter. 
finally at become of age there was an answer for all the questions that had compiled in her head. happily discovering that she was a witch, hermione hastily accepted her hogwarts invitation and even took her curriculum into her own hands studied even before she made way to the castle. 
through this time period hermione braced herself, she wasn’t daft enough go to hogwarts unaware of her people’s history. she learned what prejudice was through the scriptures prescribed for hogwarts, how some people in the world found other’s of her bloodtype to be revolting, repugnant, and better off dead. the fear that came with this sentiment has always been prevalent, and didn’t quite seem real until she was called a a mudblood herself.
hermione prevails and destroys blood purists one parchment at a time. some have labeled her the brightest witch of her age. she doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone, in fact her lazy days in the library nestled in her cloak & a spot of tea with a cook between her palms remain to be times specially for her. 
if there were anyone in need of help or tutoring, hermione would never be one to blow anyone off. sure, she does have a slight aloof disposition, but generally hermione is a kind soul who will go to great lengths to help right ludicrous injustices. catch her cheering on her own organization such as S.P.E.W. in effort to help the welfare of good ol house elves. of course...this wasn;t a very attractive group she made, and she may have forced all of her members to join, HOWEVER. it’s for a good cause, whether people see it that way or not. 
cedric diggory’s death had been something that weight heavily on hermione’s heart & cognize. having to come home with tears welled in her eye,  thinking about the man who would love to see her dead, had killed someone she had been living so close to for the past four years. they hadn’t known eachother well, but he was someone who had dreams and aspirations and people that loved him. and all of that to be torn away is the worst thing that she could ever think of. and harry, poor harry was tortured and made to watch his friend die. this is where things had become so real that there was not one doubt in her mind that everything was going to change. 
though it was unsurprising who willing the ministry is to dismiss harry’s claims. the name voldemort meant death, and nobody wanted death knocking at their door. 
visit hermione’s pinterst !
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