#like fr him and the team are always striving for diversity and inclusion fully aware of how formative these stories are
bibiana112 · 2 years
Just booted up the tv and it was the creator of Monica's Gang crying from what I'm assuming was an anecdote on what inspired one of the new disabled characters and I feel pain everyday at the fact I can't show any of those comics to my gringo friends fr I love these so much one good childhood thing
#like fr him and the team are always striving for diversity and inclusion fully aware of how formative these stories are#and wanting to make a character for every kid to see themselves in by adding new people who are different#and talk about their differences#and it's not like it's a new development#they're not main characters in the movie but the scenes with Dorinha and Luca pass the vibe check really well and I think that's from 2005?#and it's a whole meta thing about who gets to be the main character and who gets their own comic Monica always being the main one#and they did add a new kid to the main roster recently so they wouldn't all be white kids#so like I said this is peak media to raise a kid on I love it so much and I wish I could share it with friends who aren't from here#but I haven't been able to find comics online in english so :<#also the author was friends with Osamu Tezuka too like... it's such a cool thing to me#like nothing is without it's flaws but this guy's actually putting in the effort when conservatives were talking shit he went on record#saying that it wasn't him who was changing but the world that is becoming more accepting#the biggest controversy I remember being there for was that they used a pro-choice motto in a panel for a different context#I'll gladly take something like that as the hill to die on if that's it's biggest controversy the fuck#but yeah I'm allowed some nostalgia as a treat#shit's tough but I ultimately really like it here I just wish it could do better instead of regressing but unfortunately nazis exist#what else is new#Void fala aí
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