#like gold had to be on his knees for professor oak to even consider giving him a dex and these bitches are getting one bc they won a
cinnabeat · 4 years
wait that post now that i think about it did blake or whitely even use their pokedexes like at all in the entire bw2 arc omg
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lovingtheshow · 5 years
Ash’s Lovepedia
The creator of the animated series has expressly stated that at present there can be no love affair in the Pokémon Anime, because it would deviate the pattern of the plot. However, it was of course possible that many girls (including Pokémon-girls!) fell in love with Ash because of his personality and his courage, as it has also happened that Ash has had, or at least appears to have had, some small crushes.
Girls and Pokémons who have a crush on Ash
Misty The first amongst all is obviously Misty. Although, for the reasons explained at the beginning of this article, Shudo said that between them there’s not a love affair. However, he did not rule out that Misty could be in love with Ash, because, as he himself explained, even at the beginning of the story she was “the age when girls fall in love“. One of the storyboarder of the animated series revealed that Misty and Ash really like each other, but they didn’t realize that. This is made clear by some unequivocal scenes from episodes and movies. In the episode “A date with Delcatty” (Pokémon Chronicles series) a guy asks a date to Misty, however, in the original version (Japanese) Misty responds to love someone else already.
Melody Melody is one of the protagonists of the second movie. It is not clear if she actually had a crush on Ash, but judging from some of her behaviours towards him, it probably could be. To avoid any mistake, however, she is included in the list.
Chikorita/Bayleef In many ways Pokémons are similar to humans. Therefore, it is also possible that some of them could fall in love with a human. The case is the current Ash’s Bayleef (for those who still don’t know, it’s a female), who is impressed by the courageous and caring attitudes of his trainer, often showing a lot of jealousy towards him …. especially against Pikachu!
Latias Still talking about Pokémons, Latias too (protagonist of the film Pokémon Heroes) has literally shown to have a crush on Ash .  During the course of the movie, several times it transformed itself into a human girl to lure Ash, or to ask for his help, also taking the opportunity to hug him and even kiss him.
Macy Macy is a girl who has participated at the Johto League. After being rescued by Ash, she develops a crush on him… lighting up the rage and jealousy of Misty!
Anabel Anabel is one of the strongest Frontier Brains of the Kanto region, due to the way she can communicate with Pokémon, which is similar to telepathy. Also, she is particularly impressed by Ash’s qualities that we all know about, making her fall in love with him.
Dawn Dawn has never openly shown it, perhaps because she actually did not realize it. However, according to several sources (but also judging from some of her behaviours), she seems to have had a crush on Ash, or at least a special admiration for him.
Angie Angie took part to the Pokémon Summer Academy in the Sinnoh region. Initially she quarreled and competed with Ash, but after being saved by him a couple of times and after having better understood his character, she too ended up falling in love with him.
Lyra Lyra is the female protagonist of Pokémon Heart Gold&Soul Silver, who appeared in several episodes of the DP series in occasion of the release of the two games. In one episode she confided to Dawn that she was attracted by Ash.
Serena Serena is the female protagonist of the series XY. She met Ash many years before, at the Professor Oak’s Pokémon Summer Camp, in Pallet Town. One day she got lost in the forest and hurt her knee. In that moment she met Ash, who bandaged the wound and encouraged her because she was afraid of not being able to get up. Then Ash pulled Serena up, making her stand on her feet, and she found herself embraced to him. Then Ash said, “See? You made it!” and took her back to Camp. Of course, Serena immediately falls in love with the boy, and having found him in the Kalos region, she too decided to travel in order to be with him.  In the last episode of XYZ Serena kisses Ash on the lips. This was confirmed by the director of the series in an interview (Tetsuo Yajima). The scene was made ambiguous because it was not possible to insert it directly in the episode, so there was the idea of using the escalator.
Miette Miette is known to be Serena’s love rival. During the episode 26 of the series XY (A Battle by Any Other Name!) she has repeatedly demonstrated a particular interest for Ash, sparking the anger of Serena. At the end of the episode Miette advised her to “wake up”, otherwise she would have taken Ash away from her.
Ash’s crushes (probable and actual)
Misty As mentioned at the beginning of the article, Ash returns feelings only for Misty, to whom he is always very fond of; this is shown by his attitudes and by the way he talks about her to other friends. In addition, Ash is really jealous about the presents she gives him (a handkerchief and Misty’s special lure), not allowing anyone to touch them.
Giselle In the episode 9 of the first series (The School of Hard Knocks) Ash met Giselle, the most beautiful girl in the school, for which he developed a crush along with Brock.
Girls of the Pokémon Circus Although this is not considered a real “crush”, in the episode “It’s Mr. Mime Time“ (first series), Ash was asked to dress up as a Mr. Mime to help the girls of a circus, who were desperate because their Pokémons didn’t want to work. Ash categorically refused to disguise himself, but as soon as the girls softly re-asked it to him, he blushed and accepted the task, smiling.
Melody In the second movie, Ash showed attraction to Melody, setting fire to the jealousy of Misty.
Bianca In the movie Pokémon Heroes, Ash saves Latias, who took the form of Bianca that, once out of danger, misteriously disappears. When, later at the museum, he sees Bianca, Ash starts to behave oddly, trying to reach her at all costs, not knowing that, in reality, she wasn’t the girl he previously saved. Ash’s behaviours bring the thought that he could have had a crush on Bianca. For more about Ash here 
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Fandom Crescendo: With This Ring
Previous contribution: Under the Crimson Flag
My second contribution to the fandom crescendo is my fic With This Ring
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*kissmylikeapirate is one of my old URL’s :D
This was just about the dumbest idea she had ever heard. Marry a guy she barely knew? But sometimes desperate people do crazy things. And crazy things can sometimes be the best things you ever do... 22 chapters / 70 k / complete
a03 / ff.net
Chapter 1
The tag of the dress scratched her back as she sat in the cab; she wished she’d cut the damn thing off. She twisted her body, trying to rub her back against the cab’s leather seats but there wasn’t enough room so she gave up and settled her face in a grimace instead.
She was late. Kinda apt, given tradition, she thought as she watched the seconds tick by and the traffic stood at gridlock.
Beside her, Belle chattered away about nothing, clearly nervous too. Unsurprising, as they were about to do something that was both highly illegal and morally dubious. But Emma tuned her out, ignored the honking horns and crackling radio; instead staring out of the window and up, up, up until she found the patch of blue sky that peeked out from behind the skyscrapers…
Six weeks earlier
The blue awning above the table fluttered in the breeze as the waitress brought out their coffees. Bernie’s Cafe was as busy as it ever got on a midweek morning, just a few students typing away at laptops and a sprinkling of hipster types in drainpipe jeans and battered hats.
“So,” Belle asked over the rim of her cup, “How did the meeting go?”
Sighing, Emma stirred a packet of sweetener into her drink and suppressed a scowl. “Same old message: I’m too high a risk.”
“What?” her friend cried, shaking her head, “After all the work we did on the business plan? All the changes they asked us to make?”
Emma shrugged. “Without a guarantor, it’s damn near impossible to get a loan. Crappy economy.”
Belle reached across the table and placed her hand over Emma’s. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Emma breezed, shaking her head, “We’ve known this was a long shot, ever since you found me pouring over those business studies books in the library last year. I guess it’s just going to take a lot longer than I hoped to get things up and running. Can’t start a bail bonds business with no bonds to loan.”
Really though, it wasn't fine. Far from it. She’d been working as a bail bonds person for almost ten years now. She had a great reputation, tons of potential clients- but no means of setting up on her own. Not that working for someone else was the worst thing (at least she had a job) but she’d always wanted something to call her own. And this business could be that. 
Could have been that.
“Maybe the bank isn’t your only option,” Belle began, nervously pulling back her hand from Emma’s and toying with her teacup. “Do you remember Killian Jones? From my birthday party?”
To be honest, that night was well, a little bit of a blur. Emma had made great friends with a bottle of tequila and, the next morning, with the porcelain throne.
“Tall? Brooding…”
“That’s the one,” Belle smiled, her eyes crinkling. “Well, you know he works in the English department with Will? Well, next year Professor Gold is retiring and Killian is a shoo-in for tenure when that happens.”
“And?” Emma asked, confused, wondering where the hell Belle was going with this.
Belle looked nervously from side to side, as if she was checking to see if anyone was listening. “Well, the problem is his visa is up in six months, and the university is having trouble renewing it, something to do with quotas and whatnot.”
“Okay…” Emma nodded, still perplexed.
“And, anyway, the easiest, and quickest, way for him to get a visa would be to get married to a US citizen. At least until his tenure was certified.”
Emma held up her hands, scrunching up her nose, “Wait - how is this going to help me?”
There was a pregnant pause. Emma wasn’t sure if Belle was just being dramatic or if she was thinking, but a sharp kick under the table from Emma’s boot soon brought her to her senses.
“You could do it. Marry him, I mean.”
Blinking, Emma took a second to make sure she had heard her friend correctly. Marry him? Marry a stranger?
“Wait, wait, wait,” she began, shaking her head, “Are you serious? Is this some kind of joke, because I-“
“Very serious,” she promised, widening her big blue eyes as if to emphasize her point. “This could be a mutually beneficial arrangement.”
Emma laughed, a loud, broad chuckle that raised the eyebrows of the heavily bearded Village-type guy at the table next to them. “You’re insane. He’s insane! For all I know he could be crazy? I mean what kind of guy comes up with an idea like that. Geez…”
Rolling her eyes Emma took a sip of her coffee. It was still a little hot.
“It was my idea,” Belle replied quietly, “And he is a nice guy. Really. He’s hung out with me and Will a bunch of times and well, he works for the university so you know he has no criminal record-“ she grinned: as if that was enough to seal the deal.
“This is possibly the most crazy, harebrained idea I have ever heard of.”
“I know it’s a little unorthodox-“ Emma scoffed, “-But surely it’s worth thinking about? He’ll pay for everything, you’ll need to keep it legal for 18 months, tops, attend a couple of immigration interviews… Then a nice quiet divorce with a payout for you.”
“Just like that.”
Belle shrugged, “Kinda.”
Emma stared into her coffee cup, watching the foamy bubbles float and swirl on the surface, reflecting a rippled reflection of her face.
This was crazy, stupid, reckless, illegal-
And she was actually considering it.
The shoes pinched her toes. Belle’s feet were a good half-size smaller than hers, but given they were sling-backs they just about fit. She tugged the hem of her skirt down, the cream silk covering her knees but a little wrinkled from the journey. 
Oh well, she thought.
Belle was still chattering as they made their way inside. Something about Will and Killian and the time-
They made it to the ceremony room after a few missteps in the ill-fitting shoes and as Emma caught her breath, Belle opened her large purse thrust a small posey of forget-me-knots in her hand.
“Your something blue,” she explained.
Emma frowned, giving her friend a pointed look, “This is not real,” she whispered.
Belle leaned closer, “Appearances are everything. And, anyway, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it.” She stood back and shrugged. Emma couldn’t help but crack a smile - Belle was one of the most optimistic people she knew, always seeing the bright side, even on a cloudy day. “So, you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be….” Emma muttered, feeling her stomach churn as the large, oak doors began to open.
Five weeks earlier
Three tequilas later and she was still shaking.
It had been her idea to meet in a bar. It was a good excuse to get mildly intoxicated before meeting the guy she might marry.
She tapped on the bar and the bartender lined up another shot that she quickly threw back.
Oh God, oh crap…
This must be him.
Looking up the first thing she saw was a smile, broad with nice not-too-perfect, not-too-white teeth lined with soft looking pink lips.
She smiled back. An automatic, terse smile that she saved for occasions when she was uncomfortable. 
“Killian?” she replied, meeting his so-blue eyes and feeling a flush of attraction. She was always a sucker for pretty eyes.
So he was cute. That couldn’t hurt…
He nodded and sat next to her. Then there were an awkward few seconds where she toyed with her empty shot glass and he straightened his shirt.
“Drink?” she finally asked.
Emma waved at the bartender, “Two Red Stripes.”
“Good choice,” he chuckled as the two bottles arrived.
Okay, he was cute and his accent was kinda nice. Two ticks in the yes box.
They each took a sip.
“So, I’m guess you think I must be a crazy person.”
“You said it,” she replied with a shrug. He raised his eyebrow in a ridiculous way that she should not have found attractive.
(But did).
He began to pick at the paper label of the bottle with his thumbnail. It was saturated with condensation so it started to peel away easily.
“Desperate is more apt,” he insisted, “Trust me, I was the last person who ever expected to be in this predicament…”
If anything, Emma realized, he seemed embarrassed about the whole situation: shifting in his seat, rolling the bottle between his hands.
“But here you are,” she replied with a little more snark than she had intended.
“I’m sorry-“ she began.
Killian linked his hands together on the bar.
“No, you’re right. This is the dumbest idea. I’m not even sure how I managed to let Belle talk me into this. I should go-“
He moved to reach for his wallet.
Emma balled her eyes shut.
“Wait - stop-“
When she opened them he was staring at her expectantly. “Look, I’m not promising anything, but Belle assures me you are normal and not a serial killer, so how about we put that topic of conversation to one side for the moment, finish these beers and then…”
“Then?” he asked with another goddamn eyebrow raise.
And she couldn’t believe what she said next: “Then we’ll see.”
“Repeat after me: With this ring I thee wed, and with all I am, and all I have, I honor you.”  
Emma did as she was asked, numbly repeating the words, her fingers shaking a little as she held the simple gold band and threaded it onto his finger. 
When she was done, he quickly grasped her hand before she could pull it away, squeezing it gently until she looked up and saw a soft, reassuring smile on his lips.
Her heart was beating so hard, surely everyone could hear it. The drum rhythm seemed to be getting faster and faster, the blood rushing to hear ears.
God, she didn’t want to pass out.
Taking deep breaths, she held out her own hand.
She would not faint. She was not some swooning damsel in distress.
His hands were warm. Soft, but still with texture. He ran his thumb over the back of her hand as the Justice of the Peace spoke.
“With this ring I thee wed, and with all I am, and all I have, I honor you.”
The words sounded different in his accent. They seemed to carry a gravity with his dulcet voice. 
It all seemed so much more serious.
The feel of the cold ring slipping on her finger snapped her from her thoughts. She looked down, expecting a plain gold band like he had provided for himself. Instead she saw an intricate design of a heart, held by two hands, wearing a crown. It was familiar but she couldn’t quite place it…
His hand wrapped tighter around hers. The Justice of the Peace closed the small, black book he was holding and smiled.
“Emma and Killian, you have heard the words about love and marriage, have exchanged your vows and made your promises, and celebrated your union with the giving and receiving of rings.”
Killian squeezed her hand gently.
“It is at this time that I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!”
So this was it. They had done it-
She turned to face him, prepared to give him the small kiss they had discussed, Belle already whipping out her camera, Will slapping Killian on the shoulder-
One hand at her waist, one came to cup her cheek-
He leaned forward.
A minuscule pause followed, as if he was checking for permission.
She wound her fingers in the lapel of his handsome deep-blue suit.
His lips met hers.
(Warm and soft as she had thought).
Her free hand slipped up into his hair.
Her left foot popped backwards as she tilted her head and their lips parted. 
A swipe of tongue and her stomach dropped to the floor.
A shiver ran down her spine as she was pulled closer to him.
And he kissed her again and again and again-
She knew her lipstick would be smudged and her dress more wrinkled from where his hand held her so tightly.
But as they parted, with a tingle on her lips, she couldn’t quite find herself to care.
**PS shout out to the bestest beta @nickillian : five years!!! :O
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omgmarysuebs-blog · 5 years
Pokemon OC | Aaliyah Hale Grace review
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So here’s the next kawaii little edgy girl we’ve found, this time it’s a Pokemon OC and everything about her is just... my god, so stupid. But read for yourselves.
"They say people work through their stages of grief. I was thick into the anger phase. Depression was supposed to be next. Then, if one was normal, acceptance. They say it's the healthy, sane thing to do. It's too bad I wasn’t either of those things." -- Excerpt from The Hurricane Child (Hale's Origin Story) Well, that sounds... depressing. Rather dark for a Pokemon OC don't you think? But I mean fine, let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. As the only pair of twins in tiny Pallet Town, the Grace sisters were always a bit of an anomaly. As the more outgoing of the two, it was Rayn who inherited all the Trainer genes in the family, and left for her journey at eleven. She made it all the way to the Kanto League Elite Four, but ultimately lost to Lance. Her second journey took her to Sinnoh. While her sister was creating waves in the Sinnoh League, Hale was perfectly content working as Professor Oak's assistant. She had the same ambition and pride as her sister, but channeled them in other activities closer to home. However, one day, when she receives a call from the Sinnohan authorities, informing her that her sister has gone missing and is presumed dead, Hale's world turns upside down. How do these people know that her sister has gone missing? She's a traveller and on an adventure so she usually wouldn't stay too long in one place right? And she set off on her own. Why is she presumed dead? And why do these "Sinnohan authorities" call her and not her mother or something? Hale is just a child. Due to a lack of leads, evidence or witnesses, Rayn's case is closed and investigation concluded. Furious, Hale sets off to Sinnoh herself, armed with only a PokeDex and one of Oak's test subjects as a Starter, desperate for answers. Alone in a strange, foreign land, Hale realizes there are secrets to her sister's disappearance that go all the way to the top -- and if she wants to know what happened to her sister, she might have to beat the truth out of Cynthia herself. First off why is she even presumed dead if there are no evidences or witnesses whatsoever? And cases like hers don't just get closed like that. Why did she take a test subject from Prof. Oak as a starter and not a normal pokemon? And why the heck does she wanna beat Cynthia so bad? What does Cynthia have to do with that??   Personality: Growing up with a sister like Rayn, who excelled at everything, Hale always lingered in the shadows. Of course, this was the way she preferred it. While she came out of her shell a little after Rayn left on her journey, Hale was always a little more subdued than her twin sister, but much more resourceful and tough-as-nails. If Rayn was gold, Hale was iron. Hale's pride is both her greatest strength and her fatal flaw. From a young age, she was taught that life doesn't owe you anything; if you want something, you have to work at it. It's this lesson that shapes her as a person, a trainer and -- later in life -- a Champion. However, it's this same trait that has landed her in countless messes, some of which she wasn't able to sweet-talk her way out of. Hale is incredibly self-aware, knowing exactly what her strengths are and where she needs to work harder. If there's something she wants, she will go after it with a frightening ruthlessness, no matter who she has to step on to get there. Blue sometimes refers to her as the world's most useless sociopath, as she has an almost-entrepreneurial criminal mindset when it comes to certain things, but will entirely fail at everything else. She isn't entirely lacking in emotion, however; the people she cares most about are those who have managed to worm their way into her inner-circle, while everyone else is expendable. I can't see Blue ever saying something like that and also criminal mindset? I mean... ok. The rest is fine though. Sign Language Hale was taught sign language by her mother's mute Gardevoir, Skittles, who was very strict about using them to communicate. While her mother was fluent in it, having spent her entire life with the Gardevoir, Hale would sometimes forget and speak out loud, which would result in Skittles tripping her psychically. Hale was forced to practice with Skittles every day, until it came naturally to her. These days, this is what she uses to talk with Red and communicate battle strategies to Ozzie. Why would a mute Gardevoir need to know how to use sign language? Pokemon only ever say their own name in the anime or just make weird noises in the games. They don't need sign language. Why would the Gardevoir force her to learn this and even punish her when she forgot to use it? I see no sense in this. Btw Red is not mute and she isn't either, she could still talk normally with him even if HE was. And why does she need sign language to talk to her pokemon? Why does Ozzie know sign language??
Music Hale is a pretty good singer. She doesn't have the skills of an opera singer, but she can hit a few decently high notes. She also carries around a small harmonica that she's had since the age of three. Her team is very fond of it, and one of their favourite downtime actitivies is gathering around her to hear her play. Glory also joins her sometimes, tweeting along to the music.
Battling Despite the fact that she never wanted to be a Trainer, Hale finds that she's a natural at battling. Strategies and team-building comes fairly easily to her, and her ability to communicate with her Pokemon without spoken commands makes her unpredictable to her opponents. Even Cynthia, who she has a pretty antagonistic relationship with, grudgingly respects her skills in this field. So she even communicates with them with sign language during battle? Are the pokemon supposed to always look at her for commands during a fight? That's pretty unpractical. And why does Cynthia hold such a grudge against her? Pokemon Team: Oh my god get prepared ya’ll. Jason [ team member ] Garchomp Jason was one of Professor Oak's lab experiments, a trade between him and Professor Rowan to study dragons from each other's regions, Oak having sent him a Dratini in exchange. When Hale sets out for Sinnoh, Professor Oak gives her the Gible as a Starter along with his blessings. Jason and Hale have a rough start, but it develops into an unbreakable bond, the two considering each other family. As the oldest and strongest member, Jason keeps the whole team in line, with the others following his orders as much as they do Hale's. Jason is the team's Ace. He has a strong sense of justice and will always be the voice of reason whenever Hale decides to do any... less-than-reputable things. So the two trade pokemon to study them but then he just decides to give it to Hale instead? Wheres the point in that? I also think that a dragon type for a starter is a little bit extreme but whatever. Ferro [ team member ] Lucario Ferro was the result of a trade-gone-wrong and Hale ended up with a Riolu she never really wanted. She tried to return him, but upon running his details through the database, she was told he'd changed hands so much, it was impossible to match him with any one single trainer. He'd just fallen through the cracks and was forgotten. Feeling terrible, Hale decides to give him a permanent home. Ferro adores his trainer, seeing her as his savior and mistress. The hero-worship makes Hale uncomfortable, but she loves him all the same. Ferro is the team's Brawler. After an accident where his chest-spike is ripped off, Hale jams the Lucarionite in there to prevent him from bleeding out, after which he remains in semi-permanent mega-form. Okay so this is the biggest bullshit. Alright how did this trade go wrong exactly? Why would nobody want a Riolu?? They're pretty damn popular actually. And now for the worst part: the Lucarionite-incident. WTF is wrong with you that you just ram that thing into its chest and then just LEAVE IT THERE instead of idk going to the pokemon centre to get him healed/saved or anything like that??? There's a reason you can only use these stones once in battle, it's because it's super exhausting for the pokemon to be in this state. This Lucario would be on his knees all the time. And semi-permament mega-form? How wonderfully kawaii and overpowered. What was going through this persons mind when they came up with this? That poor pokemon. Btw how do you rip off a chest spike... sounds pretty stupid really. Indra [ team member ] Luxray Indra was captured as a Shinx and trained to perform in a circus. However, he was too feral and unpredictable to control, which resulted in the death of his trainer. Hale happened to be in town just as the circus was about to leave and the ringmaster literally paid her to take the Shinx. Indra is the wildest, most dangerous of Hale's team members, and the older he grows, the more she fears he'll snap. Eventually, she strikes a deal with him: as long as he doesn't kill them all in their sleep, he can stay with her and grow stronger. Else, she'll leave him behind and his skills will never improve. Indra is the team's Wallbreaker. Eventually he comes to terms with his trainer, and while they'll never be best-buds, there's mutual respect between them. Why would you take a pokemon that has killed it's own trainer before? And one that could literally kill all of you any second. What a responsible person Hale is, right? Indra is clearly not made to be in a pokemon team. And why does every member need to have such an edgy story and not just "got caught on this route"? But of course that wouldn't be special snowflakey enough. Glory [ team member --deceased-- ] Pidgeot Glory was the first member of the team that Hale actually caught -- well, not exactly. Hale wanted a Pokemon that could fly her around (a dragon is not comfortable for long journeys) and decided on a Starly, but her aim was so off, the pokeball ended up catching a Pidgey instead. Glory is incredibly high-maintenance and will straight-up refuse orders she deems as "inconvenient", but she also has a strong maternal instinct and eventually comes to see the team as her fledglings. Glory is injured badly during Hale's championship showdown against Cynthia, brought down by Cynthia's Garchomp. Hale chooses to wait until the match ends to take her to the Pokemon Center, by which time it's too late and Glory succumbs to her injuries. Hale has never forgiven herself for putting her victory over her Pokemon's life, which is why the Championship title means nothing to her. This trainer doesn't seem to care much about her pokemon, does she. First Ferro, then Indra and now this. But hurray it's the first pokemon she's actually caught herself! So to make it a special snowflake it had to die and to also make Hale more edgy because pff the championship title now is useless to her. What is happening, I thought Pokemon is happy and not so extremely dark. Ariel [ team member ] Togekiss Ariel is a gift from Red, who adopts her from the Johto Daycare Center, after he hears of Hale's Championship tragedy. Still reeling from the loss of one Pokemon and having lost complete faith in herself as a good trainer, Ariel turns out to be a miracle at a time when Hale desperately needs one. Hale is incredibly protective of Ariel, terrified that she'll lose her if she ever lets her fight, but Ariel turns out to be more than capable of holding her own, even relishing in the thrill of battle. Ariel is the team's Tank. Despite her adorable appearance and personality, she earns quite a reputation as a harbinger of doom whenever Hale releases her into a fight. Another pokemon she didn't catch herself. How nice of Red right? Inari [ team member ] Ninetails Inari is a bit of a legend in Sinnoh -- not only are Ninetales a rare species for the region, a shiny Ninetales is one of a kind. Hale knows Cynthia has her eye on the creature, and sets out to capture her for the sole reason of pissing her off. Of course, Inari is a fiercely proud pokemon who won't serve a trainer, but Hale manages to convince her that she's the least of all evils. Inari finds it difficult at first to find her place in the team, unused to the life of a trained Pokemon, but she and Hale manage to bond over their shared loathing of Cynthia. Inari is the team's Sweeper. There's something very mysterious about her, almost otherworldly, that creeps people out. There's a rumor going around Sinnoh that she reaps the souls of those who piss her trainer off. What is the problem with this author??? Why is Cynthia such a bitch in her book? Why would Inari hate Cynthia for trying to catch her but not Hale who literally only wants her to piss Cynthia off? Of course she needs this edgy legend about her because she's not already special enough. And every trainer OC needs at least one shiny in their team. Classic. Ozymandias [ team member ] Vaporeon Hale bumps into Ozzie when they're both lost in Eterna Forest. She spends over a week looking for his trainer, until she's finally forced to accept that he's been abandoned there, and considers taking him, as an Eevee could evolve to fill any potential weak-spot in her team. She can't understand why anyone would abandon that. When she takes him to the Center for a check-up, she learns why. He's diagnosed with a hyperactive-personality disorder that makes it hard for him to even focus on orders during the chaos of a battle, let alone follow through on them. Hale, who's always loved a challenge, devises an entirely new form of battling tailored specifically to Ozzie, relying only on hand-signals instead of words. Ozzie is the team's Wildcard. He's incredibly impulsive and prone to getting himself and his team into trouble, but escapes unscathed every time due to his incredible luck. And the last special snowflake. You can't have one normal pokemon can you? And again with the hand-signals. This pokemon has a hyperactive-personality disorder so it shouldn't be able to focus on anything for a longer time. Training it with hand-signals is like the worst you could do with such a pokemon. And I still don't understand how this is even supposed to work during battle. So that's that. Now let's look at some of her trivia. We didn't put the whole thing because it's mostly boring stuff but here are a few that stood out to us. Hale never set out to be a trainer -- she just wanted to find her sister -- which is why most of her team consists of rejects and outcasts who end up coming along for the ride, instead of pokemon she actually captured for the sole purpose of battling. This doesn't change the fact that Hale and her entire team are still one giant special snowflake. Btw if she just wanted to find her sister why did she go through the whole thing and even battles the elite four and the champion too? After story-events, she debates about giving up her place as Champion and returning to Pallet, but decides not to because Cynthia would be in charge again until a new Champion can be crowned, and Hale would rather be trapped in Sinnoh than allow that to happen. WHat is her deal with Cynthia I still don't get it! Who cares if she's Champion again I thought Hale only cared about finding her sister anyway?? She grew up admiring both Lance and Cynthia, although story-events lead to her losing her respect for both of them Lance too now? What had to happen for a person to lose their respect completely for people they originally admired a lot? EXPLAIN girl, what are you doing. Alright so our advice:
Give more explanations for her story and especially her hate for Cynthia. Tone it down with the special snowflake syndrom. Give her a few normal pokemon. And for fucks sake SAVE THAT LUCARIO. Don’t do that kind of shit people, please.
All in all just don’t make such fake edgy and creepy characters for a jolly fandom like pokemon. It just doesn’t fit and feels out of place. I could never see Hale in the official anime or in a game.
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