#like i cant even get folks to not be fucking clowns on my own posts you can only control so much lol
rukafais · 1 year
I did not spend like five fuckin years in hollow knight fandom rapidly u-turning out when i realized people were making ship art of hornet and the vessel siblings and it wasn't just cute sibling bonding time for someone to march up to me and go "so you SUPPORT untagged incest?" I fucking do not. I wish people actually tagged it (or in some cases EVEN VIEWED IT AS SUCH, i've seen ARGUMENTS about how that stuff Doesn't Count Actually and i don't like it???). But I am also aware that no force on earth is going to make people add tags if they don't want to and spending disproportionate amounts of time and energy yelling at them, if they dig their heels in and refuse, is not actually going to help.
Like my god I want people to tag shit. I would love them to do that all the time flawlessly. I also know that's not how people work though! And if they're assholes about it, asking or begging or yelling at them isn't going to get them to do the thing you want!
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Oc bullshittery pt.6
Ashton: The devil whispered in my ear “your not strong enough to withstand the storm” I whispered back “you’re”
Flesh: [clapping] the inspiration is outstanding
sibling relationships be like:
Flesh: can I use your charger?
Bei: I’d give you a kidney, but you aren’t borrowing my charger.
Chii: he’d give him a kidney, maybe not his, but a kidney
Dax: at this point if a clown invited me into the woods, I would just go.
Paston: [cocks gun] not in my mother fuckin’ lobby!
Flesh: [watching their ex across the club]
Bei: [knocks back shot] what the hells’ up with you ??
Flesh: asshole who broke my heart at 12 o’clock...
Bei: [glances]
Bei: heeey listen and listen good [grabs flesh's face] thou shall not let low vibin’ sketchy ass energy penetrate thy aura!
Bei: [knocks back flesh’s untouched drink] now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a date with a certain asshole at 12 o’clock, [wobbles to flesh's ex] HEY WISEGUY, HEARD THAT YA HIT AND QUIT MY LITTLE BRO—
Flesh: oh god…
Quinncie: [points a finger at everyone] Do you little punks wanna know why I’m so bad at parking ??! HUH ?! why I refuse to listen to your bullshit when I’m trying to focus !? well DO YA ?!! It’s because men are always constantly lying to me about what 8 fuckin inches is !
Rico: imma go out on a limb here and say that that wasn’t directed at me and somehow was a slap in Elliott’s face.
Peach: ouch.
Coccoh: well god damn!
Elliott: bAbE!?!
Paston: this is so going on my blog
Bei: dream job; Karma Delivery Service.
Coccoh: what’s the mead sis........ the wenches are squabbling .......
Rico: Elliott, I cant believe I'm saying this. But we need you to do what you do best.
Elliott: What’s that?
Rico: Tear. Them. To. Shreds!
Chii: Have you ever considered not being a dumb ass?
Dax: I’m morally, politically, and religiously opposed to any form of self criticism, so no.
Elliott: I, for one, didn’t want to start my day with slaughter… which really goes to show how much I’ve grown.
Dax: I promised Ashton we wouldn’t do anything illegal!
Paston: Why would you lie to your fiancee like that?!
Coccoh: What are you doing?
Peak Lilly: It's called a hug!
Coccoh: Oh. I don't know if I like it. But continue.
Peach: at this point I don’t even know if i’m breathing correctly..
Dax: [drunk as fuck as a Christmas party trying to hit on Ashton]
Dax: yo who’s that shawty over there in the red button up?
Peach: that’s your fiance.
Dax: shiiiiit imma go hollar at him real quick!
Camie brown: You treat an outside wound with rubbing alcohol and you treat an inside wound by drinking alcohol. It’s science!
Bei: Of course, I name all my weapons.
Chii: Seriously? Isnt that kind of stupid?
Bei: I don’t think so. My Axe is named after the man who gave it to me, he left it to me so I can protect myself and his kids, and then he sacrificed himself to buy us escape time. I named my gun after the dead police officer I pulled it from. My dagger is named after the brave women who ended her own life so she wouldnt turn. Every weapon I have is named after someone that I failed to save, I name them to remind myself of the past, so that I can be better in the future. I failed to save them, but now they can help me save others.
In bei's camp during the apocalypse:
Rico: So, whose the big leader around here?
Eva: [points at Bei] That one, right there.
Quinncie: Them? The person sitting in the grass over there making daisy-chain crowns for the little kids?
Peach: Yupp, that’s them.
Quinncie: I like your coat.
Eva: Thank you, I got it 50% off.
Quinncie: I'd like it 100% off.
Eva: The store can't just give out free stuff.
Quinncie: That's not what I-
Eva: That's a terrible way to run a business, quinn.
Dax: [sits next to bei]
Bei: you smell like drama and a headache please get away from me.
Dax: …
Dax: [pulls bei into his lap]
Bei: [flailing]
Dax: [kissing their face]
Rico: [standing there with coffee]
Rico: look do you want your iced coffee or are you still being a bitch?
Elliott: and who says romance is dead?
Dax: i’m breaking up with you
Paston: 260 million dogs in the world and you think I need you. Ha think again foolish fool~!
Dax: ....?
Chii: [feeling down]
Bei: suck it up
Chii: and what if I broke your legs and told you to walk it off?
Bei: .....
Bei: then i would question your slightly swaying morals.
Peach: what doesn’t kill us makes us drink stronger–
Diel: [cuts peach off]
Peach: bItCh i will FITE—
Diel: …
Chii's first time eating human food:
Peak Lilly: Are you okay?
Chii, tangled in spaghetti: help me..
Peach: Doesn’t look safe for a mortal.
Chii: if you sit there you belong to the fae.
Quinncie: That’s the fae’s problem.
Paston: That is such a strong, bold, confident statement and I respect you for it.
[when Bei gets mad at Diel and says ‘Go have fun with that other guy’ like it’s a threat]
Diel: first of all ima have a blast!
Cake: You call it death I call it shedding your meatsuit!
Poppet: Keep a memory of me,
not as a queen,
nor a hero but as a woman.
Fallible and flawed.
Quinncie trying to explain to his therapist the way his death should be executed, like it makes total sense:
Quinncie: -and then the police pull my lifeless body from a lake, but I’m wearing the funniest hat they’ve ever seen, and they can’t stop laughing and keep dropping me back into the water.
Rico: Hey Bei, do you think flesh thinks in Spanish or in English?
Bei: Bold of you to assume his dumbass thinks in general.
Rico: [wearing something nice for their date] do you like it?
Quinncie: [starts crying]
Rico: quinn stop crying you’ll ruin your makeup–
Charlie: Pin...
Pin, in tears: That’s what chii used to call me...
Charlie: That’s because it’s your fucking name, numb-nuts!
Camie brown: G, look! it’s the good kush!
Peak Lilly: This is the dollar store how good could it possibly be?
Eva, about Rico's boss: He probably owes you money, huh? i'll ask him!
Rico: he's dead. he can't talk..
Eva: whoo-hoo-hoo, look who knows so much. it just so happens that your boss here is only MOSTLY dead. there’s a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. mostly dead is slightly alive. with all dead, well, with all dead there’s usually only one thing you can do!
Rico: what's that?
Eva: go through his clothes and look for loose change.
Pin: Speaking of folks I can do without, poppet is back.
Cake: That explains why blood was pouring from all my faucets this morning.
Quinncie: What can I say? I'm charming and irresponsible
Paston: Uhh...Don't you mean Irresistible?
Quinncie: Nope.
Elliott: It's odd how a woman's purse looks good on me, a man.
Peach: Exactly! Unisex!
Elliott: Maybe you need sex. I had sex a couple days ago.
Peach: No...no... Elliott. U-N-I-sex.
Elliott: well I ain't going to say no to that.
Ashton: What are your answers for this problem?
Paston: I got 25!
Rico: I got 67.
Dax: I got George Washington… for some reason??
Peach, to Peak Lilly: Hey, so G, I'm lesbian.
Peak Lilly, half asleep: I thought you were American.
Flesh: I would do a lot more things if I didn't have to stand up to do said things.
Pin: It's not "bacon", it's a pig.
Pin: It's not "veal", it's a calf.
Pin: It's not "steak", it's a cow.
Pin: It's not "meat", it's an animal.
Ashton: It's not "fruit", it's dividing cells that accumulate fructose.
Dax: It's not delivery, it's DiGiorno.
Paston: Maybe it's Maybelline.
Camie brown: THIS IS SPARTA!
Chii: Bold words for a high school reject.
Flesh: Hey, high school DROPOUT, actually. They let me in, I let myself out.
Chii: It’s very important that i’m both gay and powerful.
Paston: IDK is the most mysterious acronym.
Ashton: Literally everyone knows what it means?
Paston: Then what does it mean?
Ashton: I don't know.
Paston: See? No one does!
How Peach and Charlie fell in love:
Peach: [idly singing 'Her Sweet Kiss']
Charlie: Wait
Charlie: ...
Charlie: Wait are you in love with me?
Peach: have been for the last two decades but thanks for noticing.
(this one also got hella long, but thank you all for patiently waiting for this one to get finished!
Tag list: @nansblockit @ask-the-amazing-greenland @slasher-beware @ticket-to-ride13 @illwaitinthisplace
If you want to be tagged just comment on this post or shoot me an ask/message, have a wonderful day!\(•↓•)/♡)
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