#like i couldn't careless that he gave em headphones but to keep bringing it up like if its going to bother me never sat right with me
713-4th-ward-g · 2 years
#forgave#honestly the one thing i haven't gotten over is when my friend rob told me he was going to get me headphones for Christmas#two years ago right#and i had to end up getting my own headphones cause he didnt get me the headphones after all#he gave them to david LMAO and while in party chat he kept bringing up the headphones he got for David for Christmas LMAO#like i couldn't careless that he gave em headphones but to keep bringing it up like if its going to bother me never sat right with me#this isnt the only time he's done that though literally did the same thing again like almost year later around my birthday#the other time he did that was for my birthday he said he was going to get me something and ended up not getting it#and ignored the whole situation#ive known rob since 2016 and he's known david since kindergarten lmao so of course he's going to favor his longer friendship lmao#my issue was him bringing the shit up like leading up to my birthday he kept telling me I'ma get you it ima get you it and didn't#and im cool with it like im totally an understandable dude and i didn't care if he couldn't get it#but a sorry i couldn't get it would have sufficed but he completely ignored the whole thing and didnt even tell me happy birthday LMAO#he was like oh yeah its your birthday huh jay happy birthday man only and i say only after someone brought up my birthday LMAO#like my birthday was almost over and we been in the chat for hours up until that point WTF LMAO#and he did it again this year lmao i swear i dont want his gift ever LMAO there's literally no point to it now#i can clearly tell im your least favorite friend along with ryan cause he's done it to him as well.#its gotten to the point of dont tell me youre going to do it and not do it cause its a pattern LMAO#and by all means if he couldn't afford the gift he wanted to give me some how i am totally cool with a my bad i couldn't get it after all#or at least acknowledgment of the fact#but yeah he did again this year lmao and its honestly principle as to why im just like whatever with him#honestly i probably shouldn't have ever forgave him or Chris for pushing me to kill myself when i was depressed#and the fucked up part is neither of them apologized for that shit and I've tried so hard to just let it go its so hard cause i cant forget#i was literally at a huge low and they both pushed me with: do it then i dont want to hear about i feel like killing myself thats pussyshit#i remember telling them if i had my gun right now i totally would do it its fast and easy but im not going to be able to hang myself#with nothing able to support my weight and they both said fuck that if you really want to die then you'll fucking do whatever u can do die#im tired of people saying ima kill myself and not doing it they said and it fucked me up so bad i stopped talking to both of them 4 months#but the only reason i them was cause i can totally tell that it was tearing everyone's friendships#David was in the middle of it all and even though he was there when it all happened and didnt approve of it its his childhood friend so#i couldn't destroy that by not talking to them again so one day i just decided to just sweep it but i can't its so hard
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