#and ignored the whole situation
viorhysealberia · 3 months
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713-4th-ward-g · 2 years
#forgave#honestly the one thing i haven't gotten over is when my friend rob told me he was going to get me headphones for Christmas#two years ago right#and i had to end up getting my own headphones cause he didnt get me the headphones after all#he gave them to david LMAO and while in party chat he kept bringing up the headphones he got for David for Christmas LMAO#like i couldn't careless that he gave em headphones but to keep bringing it up like if its going to bother me never sat right with me#this isnt the only time he's done that though literally did the same thing again like almost year later around my birthday#the other time he did that was for my birthday he said he was going to get me something and ended up not getting it#and ignored the whole situation#ive known rob since 2016 and he's known david since kindergarten lmao so of course he's going to favor his longer friendship lmao#my issue was him bringing the shit up like leading up to my birthday he kept telling me I'ma get you it ima get you it and didn't#and im cool with it like im totally an understandable dude and i didn't care if he couldn't get it#but a sorry i couldn't get it would have sufficed but he completely ignored the whole thing and didnt even tell me happy birthday LMAO#he was like oh yeah its your birthday huh jay happy birthday man only and i say only after someone brought up my birthday LMAO#like my birthday was almost over and we been in the chat for hours up until that point WTF LMAO#and he did it again this year lmao i swear i dont want his gift ever LMAO there's literally no point to it now#i can clearly tell im your least favorite friend along with ryan cause he's done it to him as well.#its gotten to the point of dont tell me youre going to do it and not do it cause its a pattern LMAO#and by all means if he couldn't afford the gift he wanted to give me some how i am totally cool with a my bad i couldn't get it after all#or at least acknowledgment of the fact#but yeah he did again this year lmao and its honestly principle as to why im just like whatever with him#honestly i probably shouldn't have ever forgave him or Chris for pushing me to kill myself when i was depressed#and the fucked up part is neither of them apologized for that shit and I've tried so hard to just let it go its so hard cause i cant forget#i was literally at a huge low and they both pushed me with: do it then i dont want to hear about i feel like killing myself thats pussyshit#i remember telling them if i had my gun right now i totally would do it its fast and easy but im not going to be able to hang myself#with nothing able to support my weight and they both said fuck that if you really want to die then you'll fucking do whatever u can do die#im tired of people saying ima kill myself and not doing it they said and it fucked me up so bad i stopped talking to both of them 4 months#but the only reason i them was cause i can totally tell that it was tearing everyone's friendships#David was in the middle of it all and even though he was there when it all happened and didnt approve of it its his childhood friend so#i couldn't destroy that by not talking to them again so one day i just decided to just sweep it but i can't its so hard
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benevolenterrancy · 2 years
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this is a bit off script for everyone -- tintin's not used to the bad guys debating whether or not to shoot at him, and lupin and jigen aren't used to their opponent looking like he's too young to shave
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arsenicflame · 8 months
i think the reason izzy can be so blasé about his relationship with ed is not because hes taken to blaming a shark instead, but because hes actually already done a lot of the processing in the previous episode.
hes mourned his leg, hes had his drunk crying rants. hes gone through the five stages of grief. and then? the crew reaches out to him, offers him their support. they make him a new leg, they nominate him their new figurehead. when he stands there on the prow of the ship, leg on, letter in hand, thats his acceptance, thats his moving on.
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hatterstan-shameblog · 10 months
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their job is beach
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fuckmeyer · 10 months
Jasper as a character is so interesting because he ends up a Confederate because he can't actually empathise with the slaves and because he simply accepts cruelty around him, and then when he becomes a vampire he literally can't ignore others suffering because it hurts him, but even decades after he becomes a Vegetarian he still can't get a hang of it partially because he still can't see humans as *people*. Idk there's smth to be said about him becoming a vampire because of his own cruelty and then being eternally in horrific pain because of said cruelty that fucks.
Jasper's whole life is a curse & i love to see it
here we have a Confederate supposedly so empathetic that he acquired a "gift"... yet not so empathetic as to recognize he was fighting for the enslavement of an entire race. despite seeing the consequences of slavery literally every day. now, the man who spent his last human days denying the humanity in others is forced to spend his immortal life being slapped in the face with their emotions. forever. hueeueueueu-
yeah, i would call that "gift" a curse, actually.
if Twilight weren't a horror story, we might see a discussion between Jasper/Bella about how immortality forces you to confront the darker side of your nature (e.g. "there will come a day when the societal beliefs imbued unto you leaves you standing on the wrong side of history"), & Jasper's journey with finding love & humanity. OR, y'know, he could've just had ONE (1) line where he says "yeah i'm not proud of my service." simply, if Twilight weren't a horror, Jasper could see the error of his ways & change for the better.
HOWEVER. Twilight vampires are "mentally frozen" when they turn, so Jasper is likely still a racist who does not regret his service. no matter how many times he is confronted with his cruelty, he won't change. meaning whatever life he chooses, his gift dooms him.
wow! eternal curse!
we see evidence of this frozen mental state in his decision to go vegetarian. he doesn't switch bc he feels bad about killing humans:
"I could feel everything my prey was feeling. And I lived their emotions as I killed them. [...] You've experienced the way I can manipulate the emotions around myself, Bella, but I wonder if you realize how the feelings in a room affect me." (Eclipse, Ch 13)
note the dehumanizing term "prey" & the focus on himself. he laments not that the human lives he's taking have value but that their dying moments harsh his vibe.
the irony! trapped as an empath while never possessing the ability to be an empath! CURSE CURSE C-
herein lies a bigger, juicier curse: Jasper is, himself, (hot take) enslaved in the sense that he will never know freedom, philosophically speaking, due to the choices he made in life. the series tries to paint him as a master tactician & competent leader; fanon often paints him as a free-thinking amoral black sheep. in reality, he simply obeys the commands of higher authorities & abides by their worldview regardless of how toxic it is to himself or others.
in the beginning, he had María.
he entered the Southern Vampire Wars not by his own volition but stayed because he was content not having a choice. however one feels about María, the fact of the matter is 1) as a newborn he was stronger, bigger, & faster than her & could have run away or overpowered her, 2) had the "gift" to identify emotions & could KNOW when/if she was malicious or manipulating him, & 3) could have escaped by influencing her emotions to make her disinterested in him. at any time in the 100 years they were together, he could have left. he talks about never knowing a life outside the war & discovering "options I'd never dreamed I had." ok???? run 100 miles in any direction & you would have seen a life outside of war. BOI-
instead, he took comfort in being submissive & adopting someone else's ideology. not only did it remind him of his past, but it meant he had no need to reflect on his actions or beliefs. he prefers others dictate his worldview & order him around even if it means being unhappy. he only left because he was going to be assassinated, & even then, it wasn't until someone else told him another life was possible that he "realized" another life was possible.
notably, the period where he's most free— living with Peter & Charlotte— is his rock-bottom where "the depression got worse." but, again, not because he realized the value of human life: "I was so wearied by killing [...] even mere humans."
then he meets Alice.
Alice, who has visions of being vegetarian & converts him so they can live with the Cullens. Alice, who dictates how her family should live their lives to the point where she manipulates them. Alice, who goes so far as to dress the Cullens, who orders Jasper to wait in the car while she & Bella go shopping, who Jasper refers to as "truly [...] one frightening little monster" because for all his experience she can still beat him in combat.
his eternal soulmate is authority.
despite being unhappy with his vegetarian life, as it makes him feel weak & coddled & a liability to everyone around him, he follows the lifestyle because Alice tells him to.
then there's the Volturi, another authoritative body. "We owe the Volturi for our present way of life," says acclaimed bootlicker Jasper Hale, who in the same moment shudders at the atrocities they committed, yet strangely sees no other way for a governing body to keep the peace... so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but, since Carlisle outranks the Volturi as an authoritative figure in that he more closely aligns with Jasper's new worldview, Jasper sees no problem deposing the vampiric governing body if it means his sister-in-law of like 2 months can keep her demonic spawn. so i guess we don't really owe the Volturi that much
to his credit, we see glimmers of him questioning his leaders: 1) his decision to leave Maria, 2) his considering switching diets to defeat Victoria, & 3) going against the Volturi. but, again, these decisions are all just a result of his self-preservation & submitting to the higher authority du jour.
in the end, he has the perfect storm of conditions that would allow him to escape the prison he's created, to find freedom & to love humanity unconditionally... but he won't. Jasper's ultimate curse is that regardless of whether he realizes the enslavement of his own self, he will never leave his cage because it's cozy & easy & allows him to never think for himself.
AAAANYWAY Jasper's life sucks & he's trapped in an eternal prison of his own making. lol
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tunakitchen · 18 days
remember when we were all posting about how the streamers and fans had all gotten genuinely attached to the eggs as if they were real children and the qsmp had turned into a really interesting social experiment.
and everyone would post shit like "i hope they handle eggs leaving the project with a lot of care but i trust them♥️" because everyone understood the weight of the emotional attachment involved. [GLASS_SHATTERING.SFX]
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screamingfrenchfries · 5 months
u can call me crazy all u want but after rewatching bbc sherlock and ignoring basically all outside input, i'm talking i just watched the show w no memory of anything but source material, johnlock was lowkey canon. i mean those bitches were living together raising a kid by the end of the series and ur gonna tell me they weren't gay???? 🤨🤨
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chaoticvi · 11 months
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Willow Month 2023: week three !
Day 8: Parallels / Foreshadowing
Kit Tanthalos || Anakin Skywalker
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kunikida: i don’t know how you deal with that
dazai: what?? atsushi and akutagawa’s sexual tension? we have bigger things to worry about
kunikida: they’re destroying a building right now
dazai: ….the other things are still more important…..probably….
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basuralindo · 10 months
So I was asked to expand on the whole Jamil having a trauma response to Leona comment on my last post, aaand here's that.
(This pertains to chapter 6 btw, so spoiler warning)
(also it's very much sleep deprived rambling so sorry if it's, well, rambly)
First off, I'm operating under the assumption that he has cPTSD. Jamil has clearly been programmed since birth to always obey the Asims and act in their best interests, even at the expense of his own life. This is a boy who has been forced to eat poison to protect them and their assets, who's family was forced to let that happen, and who has been so desperate his entire life to escape that situation that he was willing to resort to murder and doom not just himself but his whole family which he is implied to care about. Which means if simply quitting was an option, he would have done so. So, you kinda have to infer that he and his family don't have a choice in this role, and there are severe enough consequences for disobedience that fucking up or refusing is a worse option than risking a slow painful death every time Kalim wants to eat something. And this is all stuff that's been depicted blatantly in canon, not even touching on the assumptions that could be made from there.
So that's the position Jamil is in. That is a traumatic situation. This is a guy who has been groomed for servitude and obedience since he was old enough to talk. These kinds of circumstances absolutely can lead someone to be triggered into subservience or other trained behaviors. That's just, a thing with trauma.
Now, with the Asims being one of if not THE most powerful merchant families in their country, one of the expectations of Jamil as their servant and especially as the attendant to their heir is to ensure good relationships with other rich and powerful families, especially royalty. This was shown in the fireworks event, where he states that as a prince, if Malleus came to any harm under his watch while a guest of the Asims, it could start an international conflict. These are incredibly high stakes, a misstep on Jamil's part could ruin the Asim family and potentially even endanger his country, and it's pretty strongly implied that he and his family would take the blame and suffer the consequences. Now, much like how wearing a company logo while at work makes your actions representative of your employer, Jamil serving the Asims 24/7 (and especially as the chaperone of their heir) means that he is representing their family At All Times. This is why he is forced to defer to Kalim in all aspects of life even outside of their country, part of his job is to make his employers look good, and there are consequences for not doing so. This means that anyone of high enough status to be significant to the Asims is someone who Jamil is required to be subordinate to.
Then, enter Leona. As a wealthy prince, he would be someone who Jamil is expected maintain good relations with at any cost to himself. With his position Leona could literally destroy Jamil's (and probably his family's) entire life with a single complaint to the Asims about his conduct. Like, he could do that with no actual cause just for fun, because the Asims are 100% going to take the side of a prince over an expendable servant. This means that one misstep or any backtalk from Jamil puts him at massive risk, it is entirely up to Leona whether or not he suffers for any of these actions, and while the audience knows Leona's personal morals would prevent him from actually doing that, Jamil does not.
THEREFORE (sorry this ended up so long), once Jamil was in a life threatening situation with Leona, it seems likely that all this programming and fear would manifest in desperately trying to protect him and follow orders the way he's always done for Kalim. To me, the way he snapped into bodyguard mode, and immediately complied with every one of Leona's bitchy commands (like giving him a hair ornament to throw away without question, and barely saying anything about it after), even while being humiliated and knowing he was less trained in magic, just comes off more like a trigger response than anything. Especially because I can't imagine that situation not being triggering, and I can't imagine him knowing any other way to respond.
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unpretty · 1 year
my sister was asking what i know about avoidant personality disorder and i had to explain that while the doctor who diagnosed my adhd said i had symptoms she didn't actually diagnose me with avpd. because a big part of avpd is like, low self-esteem and not wanting to inflict yourself on others because you think you're lesser. and that is not a problem i have. someone's gotta make this normal social interaction weird by saying weird shit and it might as well be me. if you can't keep up that's a you problem. i'm not the one who sucks here. i'm avoiding that social interaction because i can sense when someone is going to try to talk to me about reality television instead of something interesting, like early 20th century newspaper comics. i'm great at making friends and terrible at getting rid of them. i am avoidant in that i would like to avoid spending time politely listening to someone else be wrong and annoying. whatever i have wrong with me is insufferable in a different way.
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willowser · 11 months
For the fanfic trope game: maybe Neighbour Touya and awful first meeting ?
I loved reading what you wrote for Bakugou Soulmate first time mashup ❤️
LOL OKAY THIS SOUNDS CUTE ! and tysm !!! i'm so glad you enjoyed it !!! 🥺✨💕
so you move in next door to the todoroki's and the first one you meet is fuyumi !!! she's getting out of her little cute car, bringing some groceries inside as you're hauling boxes up to your room from the moving van. and she's very nice ! very sweet ! about your age and you're excited about the possibility of having a friend already !
she tells you a little bit about her family later, when you two go walking around the neighborhood after the sun has started to set and the evening has begun to cool things down. her parents are divorced and she and her brothers live with her mother ! though she and the two younger ones still see their father for certain holidays and in small stints in the summer. she doesn't say much about her other brother, and you don't ask, trying to soak it all up like a sponge.
over the course of the first week, you meet all of them. all of them. little shouto who seems wholly uninterested in you — you can't tell if he's shy or just more interested in the little gaming system he keeps in his hands at all times — and natuso, who blushes when you introduce yourself. rei, who is so sweet ! and invites you to stay for dinner, which you do, and you and fuyumi help her in the kitchen and have a good time ! you meet enji for just a moment, near the end of the week when he comes to visit rei, a serious, withdrawn look on his face that sends you and the kiddos outside. you only barely catch him saying something about touya, but then yumi is rolling her eyes and natsuo is asking you something about having a boyfriend.
it's not until a little later that you're trying to sleep that you hear something OBNOXIOUS outside, like a fist against a window and some ridiculous noise that could be scary if you think too much about it. when you take a peek, there's some dark-haired guy trying to climb the side of the todoroki house, wobbling dangerously and barely hanging on. you spend a moment watching him, wondering if you should maybe call the police, but then the window opens and natsuo sticks his little head out — and plants a hand on his face and pushes him off the house afhahfahf
all the floodlights come on and he's stumbling to his feet just to face plant in the grass, and he looks up when you accidentally laugh out loud. even in the dark, you can see the face he makes at you, before he's getting to his feet and scaling the side of your house, too. you should probably be afraid, but natsuo is still looking out his own window, watching with his mouth open as this guy starts knocking and hissing to be let in.
you don't know why you do. maybe because he's a little cute up close and both natsuo and now shouto don't seem afraid as they watch you from across the yard. just as you yank open your window and he forces himself in, you catch rei coming around the side of the house with a flashlight, arms crossed as she calls out, "touya!" all exasperated. he just face plants into your room and groans into the carpet.
he doesn't move for a minute and when you lightly kick him in the arm, he sits up and is sort of drooling. the bitter smell of alcohol hits you terribly, looking at his handsome, scuffed up face, and he just blinks his bright blue eyes up at you slowly.
he slurs, "you th'neighbor?"
"uh, yeah," you raise an eyebrow, "that's why i'm in the house next door."
it makes him — touya — huff. "cute," he grins enough that his dimples show; the same ones shouto has, the one fuyumi has in her right cheek. and then he groans again, slumping back on your floor as he covers his mouth. "much as 'm enjoyin' this, 'm 'boutta hurl all over your rug."
you barely manage to drag him down the hall to your bathroom.
✨ trope game ! ✨
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catboyollie · 1 year
Today on what the fuck is going on on dc tumblr: What the fuck
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telekitnetic-art · 1 year
Have you seen the formline art in splatoon? It's present in a variety of salmon run decals and on some of the locker graffiti. Idk if the Devs just googled "salmon art" and got indigenous art and decided to copy it or what. Not sure how I feel about it personally.
Long post incoming, gonna put a break here. Also sorry for the late response, I wanted to take a couple days to formalize my thoughts together before responding fully.
I have, I remember noticing in 2018-2019 (when i first started playing splatoon 2) how much one of the decals/graffiti located on the ruins of ark polaris back in 2 sort of resembled a formline bear and salmon. (near the logo in this screenshot, I couldn't find a clear picture online)
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Back in 2019, it was pretty easy to think of it as coincidence or a stretch for a comparison. But with splatoon 3's salmon run decals, the resemblance is far easier to see, specifically with the TS-ORBRS graffiti and the TS-SCHL graffiti.
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(also this was the best image size I could find for the graffiti images, sorry)
A couple of the banners have the designs on them as well:
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The website Sealaska Heritage has info such as textbooks and an online doc about formline art (specifically geared towards Haida, Tlingit, and Tsimshian nations' style) with lots of info about formline art, and the Seattle Art Museum website has an info sheet (with credits listed as being from the Sealaska Heritage site as well) breaking down some of the basic shapes of formline art.
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with this chart, you can definitely begin to notice the similarities between the Salmon Run graffiti and formline art. the ovoids, crescents, and u-shapes appear noticeably in some of the graffiti such as ORBRS and SCHL.
For perspective, here are some formline pieces featuring salmon or fish from various Indigenous artists from various nations.
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"sk’ug sdang" (Two Dog Salmon) by Robert Davidson (Haida)
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"metal medallion", by Crystal Kaakeeyáa Rose Demientieff Worl (Tlingit Athabascan)
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"Salmon People" by Alano Edzerza (Tahltan)
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"Jumping Chum" by Stephanie Anderson (Wet'suwet'en)
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"Salmon" by Art Thompson (Nuu-chah-nulth)
And that's literally just the surface of dozens of Indigenous artists from the PNW.
With these pieces, you can begin to see the resemblance that the graffiti designs have. A lot of the heads follow the pattern of utilizing ovoids for both the head and eyes, and u-shapes for the bodies and crescents to fill in specific areas are also common. For example, TS-SCHL has a small school of fish where the bodies are entire ovoids.
However, there are a couple flaws in the graffiti designs too. With a few of the designs, you can see they utilize the u-shape (see the formline shape breakdown from Sealaska again) in designs like TS-WHP and TS-SMFR. I can't speak for every Indigenous formline artist ever, but from how I've been taught to design formline art from my family, the u-shape should connect to the rest of the form instead of free-floating. I drew a quick example here:
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you can see similar mistakes with a different kind of u-shape with TS-RLPL and TS-C0HK.
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Another very specific mistake that takes a bit of squinting to make out is that ovoids are sort of top-heavy, for lack of a term I can't think of right now. The line or the area should be thicker on the top then the bottom. This mistake is frequent in the graffiti designs utilizing ovoid or ovoid adjacent face or body shapes, like TS-ORBRS, TS-C0HK or TS-SCHL.
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Full disclaimer, I am not an expert at formline art. I've been practicing it under the tutelage of my aunt and father for about 3 or so years now, and there are definitely cultural variations that come into play as well. My culture's formline art style can look completely different from someone who is Haida or otherwise. This critique of the graffiti designs is based off my knowledge and skill at formline art, as well as critique and feedback that I've gotten from family. Formline art isn't just something you look at and replicate, there is a specific process of utilizing the shapes and negative space that you need to account for too. Some shapes have their own rules for how they're used as well.
Despite the beginner mistakes, the clear resemblances are pretty definitive proof that a good section of the sticker/graffiti designs for the salmonids are meant to be, or at the very least based off of or inspired by, formline art.
Splatoon's lore has a lot of elements of taking inspiration from real life culture (which is sort of one of the main elements of the story, the squids and octos are basing their society off long dead humans). Hell, Shiver and Frye are two prime examples of Splatoon working in real world culture into their setting and characters.
With that in mind, using an art style that's exclusive to an ethnicity of people as inspiration or baseline reference for the game mode that's all about taking natural resources from a species that in-game dialogue tends to treat as dangerous and lesser-minded is... not a good choice. Especially an ethnicity that has historically been ravaged and attacked by settlers for natural resources.
Now, technically if you do digging into lore for salmon run, you can find out that the salmonid are not as simple-minded as the dialogue in-game (I am staring directly at the deep cut big run announcement dialogue we've gotten so far -_-) makes them out to be. The salmonids do trades and commerce with the octarians for equipment and gear. That's why they have such technically high tech gear, like the scrappers with their shields that actually resemble octarian shields and the flyfish with their missiles and flying aircraft. That's also why power eggs show up in the story mode; they're from the salmonids' trades with the octarians.
So the salmonid could technically be as just as smart as the inklings, which is why the dialogue and some of the portrayals of the salmonid are confusing and contradictory (shiver's dialogue from the first big run, that one promo picture of an inkling walking a smallfry on a leash????). I think a good bit of the fanbase sort of thinks of the little buddy we get during the game as a pet, and I'm sure that much more of the fanbase/playerbase doesn't really care about the lore whatsoever. Salmonids sort of have a similar vibe to me as hilichurls from Genshin Impact, where the lore tells you that they're smarter than people assume while NPCs talk of them as less intelligent monsters. And you're also caught in this paradox where killing/fighting them feels morally wrong but the gameplay loop has you continuously doing that while also telling you on the downlow that you should sort of feel bad about it.
Rassicas did a really good video on translating salmonid lore from various interviews, which is where I learned a lot about the salmonid lore that doesn't really get explained/brought up in the game.
The usage of formline art in Splatoon has me sort of mixed on my opinion, because besides using an Indigenous art style for an enemy species that are considered lesser in intelligence by the NPCs, Indigenous art and culture as a whole has suffered a lot under colonialism. I don't know how much awareness whoever is reading this has about Indigenous history and colonialism, but Indigenous culture as a whole was banned in North America by the respective governments from being practiced by the respective cultural groups. Things such as ceremonies, regalia, and even practicing formline art were banned from being used by Indigenous people. Non-Indigenous people however were free to use it, which is why a lot of bastardized versions of Indigenous regalia and culture exists. You can see it in non-indigenous spiritual practices utilizing Indigenous practices and terminology like spirit animals and dreamcatchers, and sports teams utilizing Indigenous culture in its labelling and mascots. That is where cultural appropriation comes into play. And before I get anybody commenting about this, the salmonid formlines don't count as "cultural appreciation" because as far as the info available is concerned, there wasn't any Indigenous people that were consulted for the designs. And even if there were, I again have mixed feelings about Splatoon utilizing an Indigenous art style as a design piece for an enemy character in the franchise.
On another note, this isn't the first time Indigenous cultural appropriation has popped up in the Splatoon franchise. There was actually a headgear that was unreleased in the first Splatoon game called "Warrior Headdress", and you can guess what it looked like.
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Yeah. That was all levels of yikes and I'm thankful as hell that it didn't make it into the game (technically it's not in the game as a wearable item, but you can spot it at the very back of the headgear shop ingame)
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So Splatoon has utilized Indigenous culture as inspiration beforehand with the games, so it's not much of a stretch anymore to think that the salmon run graffiti designs were based off formline art or was an attempt at formline art.
I'm not really sold on the idea that the salmonid are meant to be representative of Indigenous people though, nor do I believe that utilizing formline art for the salmonid was a malicious decision. But it was a slightly ignorant decision at best, because again using Indigenous specific art for a species of enemies that gets fought for their natural resources and is referred to by some of the NPCs as basically being lesser-minded animals is really not a good decision.
This whole thread is not meant as a guilt trip for anyone who likes the salmonid lore, has bought any of the salmonid graffiti stickers, or enjoys salmon run, nor is it an accusation of the devs for maliciously misusing Indigenous culture. I actually really enjoy salmon run for it's PSP and concept, but this design aspect gives me mixed feelings as an Indigenous person. And to be honest it's hard to label intentions or the thought process because there isn't any info available on the development of salmon run and those graffiti designs specifically. So it's hard to know if the devs employed an Indigenous artist for feedback or if they indeed just looked at some formline art of salmon and tried to replicate it or used it as inspiration. I'm inclined to believe the latter judging by the beginner formline mistakes seen in some of the designs. There is an art book coming out soon for Splatoon 3, so maybe that will give more info.
To wrap this all up, I don't think there is really anything to be done about the designs. The game has been out for a while and I don't know if the game would change the designs at this point. I also don't think this should stop people from buying the sticker designs in game or playing salmon run. However, it is important to learn about the context of these designs so that you know why they exist and why they can be harmful, and so devs and creators can avoid making the same mistake in the future, and so Indigenous issues with cultural appropriation can be made more aware in the public space and not be ridiculed by non-Indigenous people. And again, I am just one Indigenous person so there may be other opinions from other Indigenous people on the graffiti designs and how they should be handled or viewed.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading and have a good day!! Be sure to check out some actual Formline art made by Indigenous people, like the ones I listed near the top of the post!
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just got a call for an interview and answered the phone with The worst voicecrack of my life, im Wheezing
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