#like i imagine there's a time where ashley actually convinces him to roleplay this out with her
sapphire-weapon · 1 year
what do you think/imagine ashley's relationships are regarding her family and how do you think that translates into her personality + relationship with leon? personally i imagine OG ashley has a good relationship with her father, while remake ashley is distant with her father. i imagine it to be something along the lines of "my mom, who was basically my best friend, died from a terminal illness when I was 15. but my dad wasn't there for it at all since his political career was starting to really ramp up so now I resent him slightly for that. also i'm an only child!"
I would say that your headcanons pretty much match mine to a T.
The only thing that I would add to it is that I also think that Remake President Graham has no idea how bad his relationship with his daughter actually is. Like, he chalked it up to "oh, rebellious teenage years!!!" when Ashley was younger, and during the time of RE4make, he's all "she's in college now, she's finding herself, I gotta let her spread her wings!!"
when the reality is actually Ashley just like "no you're a fucking asshole who basically abandoned me because I was less important than your career ambitions and that's why I call Leon daddy now, instead."
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