#like i'm sorry anon obviously you couldn't have known that particular tidbit but my god
myrinthinks · 4 months
are you a zionist? the tags on that one post made me wonder and i dont want to follow a zionist. sorry if not and im bugging you for no reason lol
You know, I've been kinda going back and forth on whether to answer this or not, not because I'm offended or anything but on principle (and also because I couldn't tell what it was referring to at first and "are you a zionist?" is one hell of a thing to read out of nowhere; for everyone similarly confused: it's in reference to this post).
Because the thing is:
The whole topic of zionism/Israel's war on Palestine/Israeli colonialism could not have been what I was talking about in those tags because the post in question is literally about shutting up and never, ever talking about something. Contrary to that, I have reblogged numerous posts on the Palestine-Israel issue over the past months which I would have thought made my stance on the whole thing clear. (I have also donated to Palestinian relief funds but of course you couldn't have known about that because, somewhat ironically given the topic, I never mentioned that on my blog.) I'm astounded that out of all possible topics I never, ever talk about, you landed on one that, well, I actually have talked about.
I'm also astounded that you read my saying "so I simply never talk about them ever" and thought "better make her talk about it". When I say I don't talk about a topic, I mean it.
Ironically, I was - again - going back and forth on whether to include those tags in the first place when I reblogged the post in question, exactly because of anticipating asks like this one. I feel like it's a simple reality of life that basically every person we interact with has thoughts and feelings we don't know, have never even thought of, and might even vehemently disagree on, especially when that interaction is happening through an online lens. But somehow, a lot of people don't seem to (want to?) realise that, and actually acknowledging that simple fact somehow makes you suddenly suspicious when it's just stating the truth.
There are a lot of topics I don't talk about, either online or IRL, but not all of those are ones I know people won't share my thoughts and feelings on; in fact, the vast majority aren't. You are vanishingly unlikely to guess what I was referring to in those tags, even if you list all the things you can think about which I've never mentioned on here, mostly because what I was referring to are all utterly mundane topics, they're just things I happen to know some (not even all! Not by a long shot!) of my online friends have the diametrically opposed opinion on, passionately. (If you absolutely need an example, albeit a fandom one: one such topic - which has since changed because I found my people - used to be my love for omegaverse. I gobble that shit up, it's my absolute favourite trope in any fandom I've ever been in. But I had one online friend - "had" not for any particular reason, we just drifted apart naturally and haven't interacted in years; she actually fully deleted her tumblr some time ago - who was very vocal about her hatred of it. By pure happenstance she mentioned her strong dislike of the trope before I mentioned my strong like and as such, I simply never brought the topic up at all, ever.)
You are allowed to not follow me for any reason at all! If I, for some reason, have given you the idea that I might be [whatever you can come up with] and you're uncomfortable with that, you don't even have to hesitate, you can just unfollow/not follow me in the first place. I don't even know my follower count and accidentally look at it maybe once every two weeks. But even if that weren't the case, what am I gonna about it? I don't know you! You can just happily live your life without my having any way to contact you about your unfollowing me, and if you hadn't even followed me to being with, even better - I don't even know you exist! Spoken more bluntly: this.
I could be lying about all of these things. I would think that looking through my blog would be a much better indicator of my personality, stances, and attitude than point-blank asking me about it. I could easily try to trick you with my answer to your question but I've had this blog for almost ten years and I would be playing a very long ruse if I had spent that much time exhibiting views I don't actually hold.
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