#like if someday it turns out this whole thing has been a fucking transmedicalist or terf psyop i will be fucking 0% surprised
Man. I cannot fucking stand the TMA vs TME discourse. There are absolutely valid points within it, but so fucking often it boils down into "Bioessentialism: Tranny Edition" and it fucking SUCKS dude.
I just fucking read a post saying (paraphrased) "TMA people go through a lot of invisible oppression that TME people just aren't capable of noticing" and like.... yeah... sure. Every oppressed group in human history has that issue. But implicit in that statement is always "But I obviously know everything TME people deal with" and like THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS.
It's so frustrating to hear people make genuinely well thought posts with lots of reasoning and examples backing them up and then ending with "And that's why trans dudes (and nonbinary people without penises) are the problem" like WHAT THE FUCK.
This isnt even a fucking strawman, this is directly about a post I just saw (and quickly unfollowed the author of)
If you genuinely think there are inalienable issues that uniquely apply to only people with penises or vaginas, and never the reverse, and that only they should be voices heard on issues affecting them, then boy howdy you might as well fucking side with the TERFs in my eyes, because you are working from the same damn playbook.
Seriously, look at your damn views and genuinely question, "Am I being bioessentislist with this?" because a lot of people have so clearly not done that.
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