#like if someone were to tell them about the tword community
otomiyaa · 7 months
ok so this is a tickle story that might have a part 2 depending on what happens
(also i left a story on your old blog before!! so hi again)
but basically my friend knows im into tickling and stuff—it’s really personal to me and its just kind of a soft fixation that makes me happy and eventually i trusted them enough to tell them and they just said it was cute and didn’t bully me, so that was nice.
i only show them tword art and sometimes stuff i write, and they always say it’s cute but i never shove it in their face, but somehow i think i converted them to the tword community HAHA
i have a sleepover coming up with them and a few other people, and i commented i felt like i was in a lee mood for like three days and they said “don’t worry, I’ll fix that soon” and started teasing me and talking about how they were gonna tickle attack me AND I WAS SO FLUSTERED. im scared but also kind of happy i have someone else who likes it and we can just be chill bros who like tickling ANYWAY YEAH
Ooohh hi again! Glad you're back on my new blog as well ^^ omggg sounds like you've got some tickles coming up!! No matter if it would happen by their initiative or you provoking them :) I look forward to part 2!
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alixlives · 2 years
Alright time for tkl stories from last night and today🕺
1- last night i was laying down with my friends when suddenly one of them just starts tkling my sides and stomach and apparently another one of my friends was also tkling that friend because both of us slid down off the couch giggling and squirming.
2- i was tkling my friends to cheat in wii sports & mario kart 😇
3- my friend was kind of like sitting on me and started tkling me for payback for tkling her earlier, i swear to GOD BRO-
4- we was outside okay. and my friends were just tkling eachother back and forth, so i said outloud “Im gonna just turn around and avoid this..” and then one of my friends just tkls me to make me turn around !!,!!.!,:! SND THEN THE OTHER ONE FUCKIN SAYS “Should we have a tkl fight??” AND THE TWO OF THEM START FUCKING SLOWLY WALKING TOWARDS ME WITH THEIR FINGERS SHAPED INTO CLAWS. I immediately said “No- no! No we should not! Not out here..” and they backed off💀
5- Same friend was sitting on me again. But i was like fucking trapped. And she had her legs kind of like spread, and my stomach was therefore exposed. This BITCH(/lh) kept randomly tkling my stomach and she managed to get one of her hands to my ribs because my upper rips were fucking exposed on the one side of me. I was DYING. However im not done. This little shit goes “I have two priorities— this;” and she smacks my ass for some reason?? 😭 “And this;” THEN SHE STARTS TWORDING MY STOMACH AHSHD AND AND AND. My friend who we were sitting next to, didnt know wtf was happening. she just kept feeling me squirming and heard me giggling like mad (which i found out that my laugh when being tworded is literally squeaks and very high pitched and loud giggles) so she said “Okay- what is going on over there!?” And starts mocking my laugh, making me laugh more, and then my friend started twording me again😭
apologies for giant space thats just what it did
6- woke up at 2 in the morning & couldnt fall back asleep for another 2 hours. I was awake, and 2 of the 3 of my friends were still awake, havent gone to sleep at all. naturally for payback i started tkling the friend who was tkling me while she had me trapped under basically her whole fuckin body. but. she. got. me. back.
you can tell this mf likes to tword me😭
7- now i was just twording her for fun but again SHE GOT ME BACK J SWEARTOGOD
8- LAST ONE. now by this point that frined has left, different friend doing this now. But anyways, one of my friends were in the bathroom and we’re laying down and i decided to just squeeze their sides bc i was bored. who here is suprised that they immediately got me back. But they literally fucking sat on my waist, and startes twording all over my torso. Stomach, sides, ribs, hips, and i kept arching my back so they even tworded my back😭 and they kept this up. for so. long. THEY EVEN SAID “I’m the tickle monster!!” but then they got off, and i got a little break so i quickly put the blanket on top of me, yk the famous blanket you see me hiding under when SOME FUCKERS HERE/lh are teasing the shit out of me, but i wanted twords bc im a massive fucking lee LMFAO so i kept like kicking them. AND SOMEHOW. SOMEHOW. THEY IMMEDIATELY FOUND MY TUM BUTTON. and fucking wiggled their finger in my tum button and then they got back ontop of me. and then they sat on my waist again and started doing what they were doing before, then my friend who was in the bathroom came out so i was like “Nohoho- No! Gehehet ohohoff- ohohoff off!” while pushing at them as a panic response, and mind u i hadn’t told them to stop or pushed at them ONCE so u could tell it was bc i was embarrassed of being tworded to literal death while someone else was in the room. Then the friend twording me got off and said “Tkl her!!” before trying to do it again..
SO. how was you guys’ past 2 days🥰
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pinkatron · 5 years
Strange witcher induced dreams
Just had a crazy dream, and since i actually remember it down it goes
I was living with Regis, our house was a mansion, and Yennefer was visiting so was the whole cast and crew. It was about... oh... 100-200 years in the future from where we are now, not so different that it was alien, but there were some fun techologies that were avalible.
We were having a bbq, but it was the tale end of spring and we hadn't gotten the pools ready for swimming yet, minus the hottub. Yennefer and triss went swimming in the big pool anyway, and bitched about it being cold, geralt threw them both into the hot tub. It was a fun night, full of flitting memories and warm feelings. However Regis was pensive, someone was missing, someome important. Eventually when the whole crew drunk themselves into a stupor we went to sleep.
Woke up next to Regis and he was still being pensive, and nervous. Then his assistant called from outside the door that he had to go. He stood up and he was covered head to foot in tattoos. As was I. I helped him dress, told him to have a good day at work and i would be home a bit late cause i was working as well that night, he kissed me and said goodbye. Then i went through and helped the maids clean the house from the bender, eskel and lambert had to leave out early, and triss apparently left out the night previous. I told Geralt and Yennefer they had free run of the house but not to destoy anything, and then i was off to work.
I owned the tattoo shop, and it was confession day. People had realized i was diffrent, and with rumors popping up about vampires and the like i had to let them know i was one. Vampires wern't hidden in this world, most were viewed as a curiosity, and most of us just lived our lives without issues. As i told them i looked up at the TV and Regis was giving a press conference, wearing the same clothes i put on him that morning. He was announcing a new set of nano technology, we had beaten most common illnesses by this point, but the big baddie viruses still existed. Aids and HIV could be brought to a standstill, but they never actually went away, they just lay dormant.
People were living happy lives while sick, but it still wasn't enough. I could feel his nervousness and his shyness and the shake of his breath as he spoke about the technology. This was his baby, somethi g he had been working on for years. I got interupted from watching and realized i had drifted off in the middle of explaining what we were.
I turnred back to my crew and finished up the whole "vampire, don't worry." Which turned into Yes Regis is a vampire.... which then turned into hardy questioning because we were friends with the Mages and witchers. At the end of it, work started, and my small crew was down to tattooing the first clients of the day. There were two booths in the back that were shielded. One was mine, and the other... i looked into it and sighed. It was decorated with goth as fuck everything. But it pinged me with lonlyness.
I tattooed something on someone, not sure what. Kt was on her thigh, and she was dark skinned, and then i sent her on her way, and grabbed the new apprentice we had aquired and told her to come with me cause i was gonna get treats for the shop. She began to pepper me with questions that i actually knew the anwsers to as we walked down the road to an icecream cart.
She wanted to know Regis's past, and i told her he had started out as a medical researcher, then moved up and up, and eventually took over as COO for the small medical research team he headed up. He was noticed and was snipped by a larger conglomerate of medical research companies, and long story short, he was now the CMO of a large conglomerate of medical research and pharmaceutical companies. there has been trouble of course, because the second he became CMO he brought the company back into being private, and in turn bought out the board of directors so he was the only one heading everything, then brought in a new board, and they managed to turn the whole of the medical community right on its face by providing outreach, making things that people needed to live free of cost, and turning to cosmetics to prop the profits to keep the medical end going.
By the end of it i was exausted. I was craving blood. I knew i was because i was looking at the apprentice and really really wishing she would offer me her neck. Instead i ignored it and we arrived at the icecream truck. I was getting ready to order when there was a commotion and i heard my apprentice run off squeeling happily. I thought she had seen a friend.
I heard her shouting "he's here he's back!!!" And i turned and i looked.
It was fucking Dettlaff. He was walking twords me and i dropped whattlever i was holding and i ran to him. I ran my hands across his face, felt his soft shirt under his leather coat, felt the canvas straps of his backpack, and just... this epic wash of relief came over me. I clung to him and he wrapped his arms around me. And stoked my hair.
My ear was pressed against his chest as he began to speak, creating that weird reverberation where it almost sounds like they are spekaing through you. "I am here, i am home. Shhhh. Where is Regis?"
I told him he was annoucing the new drug today and he laughed. I didn't want to let him go. He knew it cause i could feel him in my mind like i could regis. The tattoo booth was his, he was a tattoo artist like me, and he got held up as he was doing a guest spot overseas in europe, where vampires we not quite looked on as kindly. Thats what Regis had been worried about.
I burried my nose in his front and i smelled him, and gods its still sticking with me. Iron, blood, freshly tilled earth on a misty morning, spring honeysuckle and jasmine, and then a true and deeply male musk under all that, that smelled of sweat and hard work... he pulled me close and was kissing the top of my head, and wispering about how he was sorry he was held up. Everything was right with the world once again. I didn't want to leave his arms.
The last thing i did before i woke was tell Regis "he is here, he is home..."
And he sent back
"I am on my way home love."
The last thought i had, as i was pulled up from sleep was "yes home, our home, togeather..." and Dettlaff's arms wrapped tight around me.... and then i woke up.
Fuck dreams like this for giving me a glimse at what I'll never have... arghhhhh
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livisnotlee · 3 years
I forgot to tell you guys this but a while ago I told quite a few of my friends that I like twords!
It’s not all of them, just the main group but I’m still really proud of myself. I basically just copy and pasted a huge text explaining everything, which may have been a tad too long haha 😅. But they all were really positive about it! And the friend I already had told was being really encouraging and helped alot.
Moral of the story? Probably that there will be people out there who will accept you for who you are. It’s ok to take your time and work it out for yourself first. I know I was incredibly nervous and like shaking after I finished telling them, but I’m so glad I did it! Also make sure to give clear boundaries and respect theirs in turn too. If they tell you it’s not something that they want to do with you but will still support you anyway then that’s fine! At least now you can actually talk to someone about it.
I wanted to say Thankyou to everyone in the community who has helped me accept myself and provided and safe space for me to go when I’m feeling down. You all mean the world to me, even if I take forever to reply to messages or answer asks I still love you all! Stay safe out there and look after yourselves!
-Liv 💖
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