#like if we were really pro palestine as a country we would’ve called for a ceasefire we would expel the israeli ambassador
afterthefeast · 7 months
every time someone in ireland says something pro palestine i see people outside ireland saying things like “the irish continue to be based” or “irish saying nothing but facts” and like yes the population of ireland broadly does support palestine and yes we have politicans who are willing to call out the genocide for what it is but those are opposition politicians. our president called out von der leyen but he has very limited actual power, he’s a figurehead. the parties in power are yes, marginally better than people like von der leyen insofar as ireland blocked attempts to stop eu aid to gaza but they are still part of the neoliberal eu bloc, they still will not call it a genocide, when push comes to shove they will follow the eu every time. i don’t wish to undermine the words of pro-palestinian irish people but i do feel as though the country and our leadership is getting away with far too much because of our generally rosy reputation
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fluidityandgiggles · 5 years
Comeback of the Israeli Sides AU!!
Also known as, my addition to the Nationalities AU by @ierindoodles , @really-sleep-deprived-nerd and @anxious-mom
(...I think...)
Now I know that @broadwaytheanimatedseries already did Israeli Remy, but... smol smol country with big big differences lead to different upbringings, and so I present,
Israeli/Russian (well, it’s complicated) Emile.
His dad was in the Air Force for over twenty-five years by the time he retired when Emile was twenty, so they used to move around a fair bit. Not as much as others would’ve, but enough that Emile doesn’t know what it’s like to live somewhere steady.
He’s Russian/Ukrainian on both sides and his parents are surprisingly accepting. They changed his name to Emile immediately when he asked when he was a child and only truly refused him HRT in high school out of concern for his age...?
Started going to IGY meetings the second he could. To anyone who wants to know, IGY stands for Israeli gay youth, and it’s an overall great organization with some fundemental issues (as you do). He’s been out as trans since he was fifteen thanks to his IGY group, and he’s still in contact with some of them.
Was not raised in Tel Aviv and did not know jack about that city other than there’s the theater and Azrieli until he started high school. He was raised in air force bases and at his grandma’s. His grandma lived in Beer Sheva.
When he was young his parents used to drill into him that he needs to get into a good school and be a doctor, and he was so eager to do just that, but when he got older and found out about Thelma Yellin (the only performing arts high school in Israel - no kidding) and later Nissan Nativ (a fantastic acting college in Tel Aviv) he started begging them to go to Thelma so he could study theater.
He had to promise them it’s a very good school for things other than drama and showed them the school curriculum and all that before they let him. And he did spectacularly.
(For the record, Thelma is in a hellhole. Aka Givatayim. It’s literally the asscheek of Tel Aviv.)
His drama final was The Twelfth Night. He played Sebastian. He didn’t mind playing Viola really, but he wanted to be director.
Didn’t join the IDF, instead he did voluntary service at a school as well as in IGY, and right after that he went and spent all his salary from his service on studying in Nissan Nativ.
Moved to the US to get a second acting BA from AMDA, as well as a psychology degree from NYU and finally transition. Boi is busy as fuck, lemme tell ya.
Wasn’t such a big fan of the festigal growing up...? His parents didn’t really let him see those. But he is a big fan of several of them, that his friends let him watch at their homes, and he does know some of the songs by heart.
Is a big fan of compote (a sweet fruit soup thingy that’s not so surprisingly popular with Russian folk) and will make everyone he ever meets try the disgusting sweet brown liquid at least once. He swears it’s good.
Same goes to pickled watermelon. I don’t... I don’t even know, he just loves this shit. We don’t question the Russians. We just don’t.
His first time at Dizengoff wasn’t even at the center. He went to this one bookstore at the end of the street where they have all the plays at the top floor. He needed them for drama class.
He’s never been to the center but he has been going to pride since he was sixteen years old and has had a binder since he started his service to pass more as male.
His bosses still called him by his dead name (Evgenia) and misgendered him constantly, but then he legally changed his name when he was done with this bullshit, so he’s alright now.
Cusses in Russian more than he does in either Hebrew or English and has a mild Russian accent even though he was born in Israel. He was raised speaking Russian. Don’t worry, he is Jewish.
Or at least... his grandma on his mom’s side wasn’t born Jewish, okay, don’t judge him, it doesn’t make him a Christian or anything, she converted and all that crap, okay?! You happy?!
At one point in his life, his grandparents moved in to live with him and his parents. So it was six people in a two-bedroom apartment. Emile and his sister Vera slept on mattresses in the living room for a long time after that.
His favorite word is suka. There’s a reason why, y’all.
Used to be terrified of TV commercials when he was younger for this one very specific commercial that isn’t even scary. Please don’t ask why.
Is very tired of all the BDS/anti-Israel-pro-Palestine crap. He may hate Israel too, but at least it’s for reasons other than militant propaganda made by Hamas.
And more on his list of questionable food preferences, he actually likes gefilte and might try to terrorize Remy into eating it on Rosh HaShana and Passover. I say try because he’s not that kind of person. His grandparents were nobility and doctors and all that in Russia, blyat, he has more manners than that!
Thinks Tel Aviv is overrated and tries too hard to imitate NYC. And he’s probably right.
NEVER ask him why he didn’t go to Beit Zvi. Just don’t try to. He will go on a rant about how the school died alongside Gary Bilu in 2011 and how much better Nissan Nativ is.
(Though to be fair, that’s not any sort of school rivalry, it’s the truth. I’ve had teachers who studied in Beit Zvi who said the exact same thing. Emile isn’t exaggerating, he’s being realistic.)
I... might update this if I think of more shit, so... keep an eye out methinks!
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