#like if you ever need/wanna know my perfect derek? just go to the 2012 fics where the only concept
hotgirlstiles · 2 years
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okay so i’m gonna need everyone to read this fic with me cause it is genuinely the most perfect and most amazing fic to ever exist. like where do i even START ohmigod ok. so everyone already knows how much i’m a sucker for those whumpy character study fics for stiles and by god this is it. this is THE one. but no no. it doesn’t just end there. girl. this is THE derek hale characterization that truly only ever exists IM TELLING YOU!!!!!!! ohgod all of my posts abt my perfect derek hale ALL SUMMARIZED AND DONE IN THIS FREAKING FIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ohgod im honestly going crazy this fic is jsut so so good and the derek is so so nice and beautiful and so so well written. the relationship and development between sterek is so beautiful and easy and gwaaah
ALSO BEFORE I EVEN FORGET. THE SCOTT. THE SCILES. TO DIE FOR!!!!!!!!!!!! ohgod this is just. the most healing and wonderful fic to ever read. you have stiles going through so much but then the pack is there to be with him and it’s just. god. wow. the characterization and the way it’s so well-written and how the author played it all. god. 100000/10 certified the hotgirlstiles forever fic rec literallg no conplaints 🥺👼🏽❤️❤️
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kbetolks · 7 years
01: When did you first start writing?
Around mid-2012 and by accident. Had a super crazy dream that I wrote down in the morning after, and after that it became a fic.
02: What was your favorite book growing up?
Don't really think I had one. I can only name Redações Perigosas II.
03: Are you an avid reader?
Yeah. Not so much for the past years because I also write quite a bunch and can't do both.
04: Have you ever thrown a book across the room?
No. Why would I damage my stuff?
05: Did you take writing courses in school/college?
06: Have you read any writing-advice books?
Not books, but I'm always reading articles and stuff.
07: Have you ever been part of a critique group?
Not really? I do critique everything I read.
08: What’s the best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten?
Can't think of any.
09: What’s the worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten?
Rewrite something from the scratch after a rough draft. Are you fucking kidding me?
10: What’s your biggest writer pet-peeve?
Find out I’ve skipped words even after two fucking revisions.
11: What’s your favorite book cover?
Don't really have any.
12: Who is your favorite author?
Don't really have any.
13: What’s your favorite writing quote?
"Stop worrying about editing or finding the perfect word, and just get to the end." — Gennifer Albin
14: What’s your favorite writing blog?
referenceforwriters is a good one.
15: What would you say has inspired you the most?
To write in general? The support I had at the beginning. I wouldn't even have considered it otherwise.
16: How do you feel about movies based on books?
Always watch the film before reading the book to avoid disappointment.
17: Would you like your books to be turned into TV shows, movies, video games, or none?
18: How do you feel about love triangles?
99,99% they're not even triangles! Unless all three are interested in all three, it doesn't really add much. (But in the traditional sense, I don't really like them.)
19: Do you prefer writing on a computer or longhand?
Does anyone write anything by hand these days?
20: What’s your favorite writing program?
Don't really have one? Give me a complete editor and I'm fine.
21: Do you outline?
Depending on the story. Have been doing it a lot more the past years. Probably because I'm writing longer stuff.
22: Do you start with characters or plot?
Plot. For the most part. I mean, I always know who I want to play what.
23: What’s your favorite & least favorite part of making characters?
Making them 3D. The least favourite is searching names.
24: What’s your favorite & least favorite part of plotting?
Getting all the stuff I need there. The leat favourite is certainly that I have to write said plot later.
25: What advice would you give to young writers?
Keep on writing. You can't get better if you don't practise.
26: Which do you enjoy reading the most: physical, ebook, or both?
I mostly read fanfiction these days, so... ebook?
27: Which is your favorite genre to write?
Finishing something.
28: Which do you find hardest: the beginning, the middle, or the end?
The middle, I suppose. You always know where you wanna go and where you come from.
29: Which do you find easiest: writing or editing?
Editing because it's faster.
30: Have you ever written fan-fiction?
Have I written anything else?
31: Have you ever been published?
32: How do you feel about friends and close relatives reading your work?
Can we not? Only one IRL has possibly read any of my works.
33: Are you interested in having your work published?
I guess so? It's just complicated when you don't write in your own language.
34: Describe your writing space.
A computer, a chair, music on, and a bottle of water.
35: What’s your favorite time of day for writing?
When the sun is out. I tend to write a LOT of gibberish at night. It's like my brain stops working.
36: Do you listen to music when you write?
Always. Silence is too disturbing.
37: What’s your oldest WIP?
A Flones sequel to ItWS. It's like from the end of 2013? (And here I thought it was the Private Eye Pudd.)
38: What’s your current WIP?
(How nice would be to have ONE WIP.) There's the dating show, the alien, the witness protection, the dequel to DF, and the adaptation ones. All Ziam.
39: What’s the weirdest story idea you’ve ever had?
Probably the one with Zayn clones.
40: Which is your favorite original character, and why?
Probably Aunt Geo or Nan Fletcher. I love to have cheeky old ladies with big hearts around!
41: What do you do when characters don’t follow the outline?
Follow them instead.
42: Do you enjoy making your characters suffer?
Never. Probably why I don't really write angst or anything heavier.
43: Have you ever killed a main character?
*sweats profusely* A few times.
44: What’s the weirdest character concept you’ve ever come up with?
Probably the fanged bird from TA or any of the enemies from DF.
45: What’s your favorite character name?
In general? Not sure I get this one.
46: Describe your perfect writing space.
A computer, nice temperature, snacks and juice, soft music playing.
47: If you could steal one character from another author and make then yours, who would it be and why?
Derek Hale. Because JD honestly didn't deserve him. A great character always tortured and sub-utilised.
48: If you could write the next book of any series, which one would it be, and what would you make the book about?
Bridget Jones, I guess? And I'd need something less straight. Make it gayer.
49: If you could write a collaboration with another author, who would it be and what would you write about?
I don't think I'd be up for that?
50: If you could live in any fictional world, which would it be?
The Pokémon world, maybe?
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rt8815 · 7 years
Beethoven and The Doctor
I originally called this “Cupcakes and Confessions,” which I feel is a cringeworthy title, not that “Beethoven and The Doctor” is any better. Anyway…I also edited this and added a huge chunk at the end.
Just for clarification, this snippet and the one to follow take place October 12, 2018. The team celebrated Reid’s 24th birthday in S1E4, “Plain Sight,” which aired October 12, 2005. S7E11, “True Genius,” which aired January 18, 2012, had them belatedly celebrating Boy Wonder’s 30th birthday. I’m going with an October birthday for Reid because, well, duh. I’m also keeping his age ambiguous.
Stories don’t need to be told chronologically, so I’ll be jumping around a little. The next part will cover the party and provide a lovely segue to the actual start of Spencer and the OC’s relationship.
Finally: drawing isn’t my strong suit, but I felt that the fic needed something extra.
Word count: 2,058 (I’m long winded, sorry.) Proofread, hopefully no mistakes.
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It was a bright, warm October morning in Washington, D.C. Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan strode into the apartment building swiftly, the former with an air of sheer determination, the latter with one of mild trepidation.
“Baby Girl, I’m not so sure we should -”
“Shush, you,” Garcia interjected, playfully slapping Derek on the arm. “This. Is. Happening. I put a lot of thought into today’s festivities and he will have fun, even if it kills him.”
Morgan raised his arm in front of her, halting their climb up the stairs. He had a stern expression on his face. “Penelope, Reid said he didn’t want a huge fuss on his birthday,” he said reproachfully.
“Oh, he doesn’t know what he wants,” Garcia countered as she rolled her eyes and waved her hand dismissively.
Morgan released a heavy sigh, resignedly following the clickety-clack of Penelope’s ridiculously high heels when she resumed her journey up the staircase. “He did agree to dinner with everyone tonight, but as much as he’ll love spending time with us, it’ll also exhaust him. We know how overstimulated Reid gets – all that noise, the camera flashes, the crowd – he needs quiet time alone to prepare himself for that.”
They had reached Reid’s floor. Garcia paused on the landing before turning to face Morgan. She looked crestfallen and slightly ashamed of herself. “I know, you’re right,” she conceded, “I…but,” she pouted as she defiantly raised the platter in her hands, “…Doctor Who cupcakes.”
Morgan flashed his impossibly white smile. “I know, Mamma. I worry about him too. Let’s leave these at his door and we can text him so he knows they’re out here. That work for you?”
Garcia, however, wasn’t paying attention to him. “Shhh, can you hear that?”
Morgan listened for a second, then he caught it; somebody nearby was playing an electric guitar. More like making it sing. “They’re talented, whoever they are…ummm, is that…Beethoven?”
“Derek, it’s coming from Reid’s apartment.” They meandered towards the door, their heads tilted in curiosity, their hearts warmed by the performance. It had clearly been practiced to perfection, but not for a packed concert hall or a panel of judges.
No, this felt more…personal, more intimate. Morgan opened his mouth to say just that when Garcia interrupted his thoughts. “Hold on, Reid doesn’t play guitar, so how…oh, wait…” realization dawned on Garcia’s face as she broke into a devilish grin.
“Oh-ho-ho. Spencer, you naughty boy,” she giggled quietly, prompting Morgan to raise his eyebrows.
“What in the world are you on about, Penelope?”
“It’s McKinley, it has to be. I guess she took the day off work. Well, no wonder he didn’t wanna spend the day with us,” whispered Garcia, whose cheeks were now flushed with excitement.
Morgan’s eyes shifted from Garcia to the door while he processed her statement. “You mean the McKinley? Works at The Smithsonian McKinley? The one he’s been dating for almost a year?”
Penelope nodded in confirmation. “Ley’s also in a band; they sub for a couple of house bands around the city.”
Morgan chuckled admiringly, impressed with both this mystery woman and his kid brother. “All right, Pretty Boy! Get some,” he cheered quietly. “Man, I really need to keep in touch more; I’m missing a lot – too much.” In the background, the last couple notes of “Für Elise” rang through the air, quickly followed by lilting, if somewhat nervous, laughter.
“So, Doctor, what’s the verdict? Give me your honest review.” 
Reid took a moment to respond. “It’s not what I expected, but that was lovely, Kinley, thank you.” 
“You know, for someone whose career hinges in no small part on controlling your affect and demeanor, you’re surprisingly terrible at lying, Spencer,” McKinley admonished him. 
Outside the door, Derek snorted lightly. 
“What?! I’m not lying, Kinley,” Reid exclaimed, his voice rising an octave or two. 
“There it is! You’re using your squeaky voice! Always a dead giveaway.” 
“Squeaky voice? I do not have a – never mind. I meant what I said, McKinley.” 
Derek started shaking with silent laughter, while Penelope smirked proudly as she leaned against the doorframe. She had apparently borne witness to this type of exchange between the lovebirds before. 
“You’re hedging, and you know I don’t tolerate that. I’m a grown-ass woman, Spencer. I can handle constructive criticism. I welcome it, in fact. You’re censoring yourself in an attempt to spare my feelings, and that’s insulting. It’s unfair – to me and to you.” 
“You played beautifully,” Spencer reiterated. 
“But?” McKinley wouldn’t budge. Judging by the full minute of awkward silence, it appeared that Reid wouldn’t either. 
“Oh, she’s good,” Derek mouthed at Penelope, “and she calls him on his b.s. I like her already.” Garcia waved her hands dramatically. “Wait until you meet her tonight,” she gushed. 
“Okay,” Reid finally relented, “I don’t believe that classical music ought to be played on electric guitars – electric anything. The juxtaposition is too jarring. It feels…wrong. They shouldn’t mix, and I’m quite certain the composers would agree.” 
“Pffft, Beethoven totally would’ve been a metalhead,” McKinley declared. “Anyway, I understand; classical music and rock are to you what meat and sweet are to me. Bacon dipped in maple syrup? Ewww! And yet some people like the combination. Now I know to pull out my keyboard for certain songs.” 
“I didn’t want to sound ungrateful,” Reid mumbled apologetically. 
“You complimented me on how well I played, didn’t you?! We’re not required to enjoy all the same things because we’re dating. And Spencer, every day you show me how much you appreciate me.” 
“You must’ve worked on that for weeks, though, Kinley.” 
“Yeah, and you burned the midnight oil on that Edgar Allan Poe painting you gave me for my birthday. It’s unconventionally beautiful. The painting is very…you. That’s why I love it; that’s why I love you, Spencer Reid. You couldn’t be cookie cutter even if you tried.” 
Derek and Penelope swore they felt the heat from Reid’s blush oozing through the door. 
When Reid replied, he sounded pleasantly breathless. “That’s one of the reasons I love you, too. You’re unapologetically different.” 
Another silence fell, except this time a sweet bashfulness filled the apartment. 
“They’re exchanging ‘I love yous’ now?! Yes!” Penelope whisper-screamed, punching the air. “My OTP grows stronger by the day. Derek, I can see it now,” she murmured dreamily, placing her hand on his chest. “They’ll have a spring wedding. JJ, Em, Tara, and I will help with the planning. We’ll be bridesmaids! You’ll be the best man.” Garcia did a little happy dance, then suddenly gasped. “And baby geniuses! Maybe we’ll get a goddaughter this time!” 
“Just be cool, baby, damn,” Morgan snickered. 
“Oh goodness,” McKinley’s voice echoed from within the apartment, “look at the time, Spencer! It’s nearly 9:00! We need to hustle if we’re gonna finish everything before we have to head over to Rossi’s.” Morgan and Penelope could hear the two moving around, packing up her guitar, setting mugs in the sink. 
“That’s our cue to leave, Penelope. You know what, let’s take these cupcakes to the front desk. If we drop them at the door and text Reid now…well, it’s bad enough that we eavesdropped, but if he finds out, he’ll be embarrassed.”
 “Agreed. I’ll write a note saying we figured he was still asleep and we didn’t want to disturb him.” 
A few minutes later, the two were walking arm-in-arm around the corner to Derek’s rental car, Garcia enthusiastically discussing the details of the party she and JJ had organized, and wondering out loud if McKinley had slept over at Reid’s.
“So, you ready for this shindig?” McKinley asked through Spencer’s bedroom door. Ever the gentleman, he had graciously offered his room to her so she could change clothes, while he changed out in the living room.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” replied Spencer. “I mean, it’ll be fun – family, friends, good food – but I hope Garcia didn’t go too far overboard…again.”
McKinley pulled an amused face. “‘Hope she didn’t go overboard’? Have you met Penelope Garcia? That’s the only way she knows how to do,” laughed McKinley, checking herself in the mirror one last time. “Are you decent?”
“Yeah,” Spencer answered, “just putting on my tie.” Penelope insisted that everyone wear semi-formal attire, or she’d have their heads. They both thought it was ridiculous, but one simply doesn’t argue with Lady G.
“All right, I’m coming out then.” Cracking open the door, McKinley scanned the living room for Spencer. She spotted him fixing his tie by his reflection in the window. Nervously - she wasn’t used to getting so dressed up - she took a few steps toward Spencer and waited for him to finish.
McKinley’s eyes traveled from his wavy, unkempt hair down to his mismatched sock and Converse-clad feet. She stifled a giggle: her Doctor in a blue suit and All Stars.
“Holy hell, he’s gorgeous,” exclaimed a voice in McKinley’s head, shocking her. She’d always found Spencer objectively attractive, but that didn’t even make the list of reasons she initially felt drawn to him, and it certainly had nothing to do with why she loved him. It was almost everything else, but mainly it was his kindness.
However, since their first kiss and ‘I love yous’ two months ago, McKinley had developed…new feelings for the good Doctor. Feelings she recognized, but had never experienced before. Feelings she had yet to discuss with her boyfriend. Tingly in the pants feelings.
Spencer was still fussing over his tie, so she continued quietly admiring him from behind.
“Behind…he has a cute behind, doesn’t he?” That voice again.
“Behave.” McKinley scolded herself.
“I mean, purple’s his best color, but check out that tush in navy. Rrrr.”
“Stop it! Stop that right now!” McKinley forced her eyes upward, where they settled on Spencer’s face. He was fighting a losing battle to keep the tie straight, biting his lower lip in frustration.
“Well, you already know those taste of coffee, peppermint, and – now that it’s fall - pumpkin spice. How does the rest of him taste, though?”
“Lord have mercy, who am I kidding? That’s no tingle, that’s a throb.”
In spite of herself, a small whimper escaped McKinley’s lips.
“What’s wrong?” Spencer asked, slowly turning to face her. “Are you worried about sensory overload at the party? You can take breaks inside Rossi’s house, everyone will underst- wow,” he exhaled, cutting himself off before lapsing into stunned silence.
Spencer closed the space dividing them, continuing to stare in awe. “No,” she thought, “it’s more than that. His eyes. He looks…hungry? Oh!”
McKinley felt heat creep up her cheeks as her gaze lowered to the floor, landing on Spencer’s shoes. “Yes, a distraction!” “Wow, yourself, Doc-tah,” she replied, laughing at her awful British accent as much as his outfit.
“I – what? Oh, that was unintentional,” he claimed, chuckling at his wardrobe choice. “What about you?” He asked, gesturing at her ensemble. “Deliberate or happy accident?”
McKinley glanced down. Her empire waist, A-line dress was a deep amethyst, her footed tights a snowy white, and her low heels an emerald green. “Ummm, it must’ve been stirring in my subconscious. Not exactly subtle, is it?”
“No, but when have you ever been subtle? It’s helpful, though; your candor removes the guesswork for me.” Spencer brought his hands to McKinley’s face and pulled her in for a kiss. It had more heat, she noted, than their previous ones. And tongue. And hand wandering. It also ended too quickly to suit her.
“Okay, time to go,” Spencer announced, grabbing McKinley’s hand and stepping towards the door; she, however, stayed rooted to the spot. “Uuum, give me a second?” She played for time under the pretense of checking her clutch.
“Most sexy to least sexy, that’s how Sarah says she ‘calms down.’ Think! Ah, Mick Jagger strutting on stage. He’s aesthetically beautiful and he exudes an air of confidence - that’s sexy. What next? Bleh, period bloat. The girls plump up, which is fun, but so does my belly. Least sexy? Oh, gross: the shower drain mold that refuses to die.”
McKinley turned to face Spencer. “I’m all set. Lead the way.”
“After you,” he replied, holding the door for her.
“There’s no mistaking it.” McKinley spotted him grinning mischievously in her peripheral vision. “He knows, and he’s teasing me.”
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