#like im pretty sure my export settings are the way they should be but fuck if i know anymore lmao
antirepurp · 5 months
eyes fixed, yippee for consistency
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the fix was also the stupidest thing known to man: i simply re-exported the base game textures with the same settings i used for the red eye. i have 0 idea what paint.net did to the textures but i guess it somehow slightly affects the way they're shown in-game
also there is a little bit of Fuckery going on with the gradient and the transition in it is not fully smooth after all, probably because the area where they are in the image is mildly small
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i added saturation to make the lines more obvious but yeah they are there unfortunately, i think it's also visible on the legs as well. i don't really know if there's a good fix for that, it might have something to do with the way dds images are compressed and the way frontiers handles them and that might make gradients way too tricky to implement. hella unsure if i wanna try to bruteforce them anyway or give up and have him be solely monocolor
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youredreamingofroo · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Do you have a process for making your simblr posts?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
This question was contributed by an anon !
oh brother everyone pull out the popcorn cuz im aboutta yap for a decade and a half
Here's Roos guide to making a youredreamingofroo post
Step 1, Be up at ungodly hours and have a sudden shock of inspiration for a render
Step 2, Write inspiration down for later
Step 3, Completely disregard "for later" and go boot up my laptop at aforementioned hours
Step 4, open up blender and throw in sim DAEs and start posing them
Step 4.5, use pinterest for pose inspo and/or spend 50 years trying to figure out how to do one thing that I wanna do but dont know how to do said thing (every explanation is explained like I should understand every inner machination of blender, which I obv dont understand) (optional)
Step 5, spend the entire time posing thinking of how I'm going to position the cameras and which chunk of dialogue will go where
Step 5.5, realize halfway through that the song I'm listening to actually fits the scene really well and so I end up listening to that song on repeat for however much longer I end up posing (Optional step)
Step 6, Set up the cameras, lighting and background, usually I don't have a scene in mind, so I just do my usual black background and colorful lighting
Step 7, have a crisis because it's 5 AM and I could've sworn it was 1 AM two seconds ago
Step 8, Render the finished products, which usually goes by fast cause I render in eevee but sometimes I do cycles (which takes fucking eons)
Step 8.5, get sick of the song I'm listening to on repeat (if step 5.5 occurred in the process)
Step 9, Throw them suckers into GIMP and edit them, by this point I'm usually tired and I'm not a huge edit-every-detail kinda guy, so editing is pretty easy, that being said, Clone tool+Heal tool are my best friends for renders cuz of hair clipping, general clipping and/or weird shadows, and I tend to edit everything to the very PIXEL (if you could see me edit, I actually do go pixel by pixel often), and then to top it off, sharpen that bad boy <:P
Step 10, Export them and go to tumblr and throw those pictures onto a post (For some reason, making the post save as a draft makes posting images a lot easier...) and wait for them to process (which takes eons cuz of my wifi), then go to patorjk for title coloring, add the title, and add whatever needs to be added under the cut (transcript, inspo, credits, etc)
Step 11, Schedule it for a few minutes later cuz why not (usually an even number like X:10 AM or X:30 AM etc etc lmao)
Step 12, Wait for it to post and schedule 3-4 TZRs (depending on when I post the renders is how I determine when to post a TZR, if I post something at 7, then I schedule TZRs for 12 PM, 6-7 PM and then 12 AM)
Step 13, profit 🤷‍♂️ (and by profit I mean profit in serotonin and pride)
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beatcroc · 2 years
WOBBLEDOGS: THE JOURNEY CONTINUES on a new post because the other one is already a pain in the ass to scroll through. once again you are not allowed to talk shit on my unreadable screenshots unless youre going to buy me a new pc so i can play at something above 640x400 rez
anyway not a whole lot happening this time since i got like 80% of the achievements in my previous big play sesh and a lot of this one was detritus, but here's some highlights and lowlights first: the worst
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i hate this piece of shit so much. ugly, completely unable to take care of itself, didn't actually gain me any progress towards the worm achievement [one of the parents was also missing the same set of legs].
here's another one i used for getting worm, though im not showing him for the legs so much as just what the fuck happened to his face
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also he has two left wings and 0 right which i thought was pretty funny
with those two i managed to get this single leg guy. stayed a grey ratlike slab for most of its life
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after like 6 eggs of random other breeding around trying to find one missing front right leg i gave up and just used a dog code editor for it.
anyway heres my worm. more of a snake if im honest
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next, descendant of Midge!!!, and the first in an entirely too long chain to getting the Flat achievement
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this fucking achievement. i'd heard a bit about spindly being really picky and hard to get, and in some ways i get it since it's so weird about how it calculates leg length, but also all you need to do for that one is get a long-legged dog and cram it full of bananas and/or nutrition pellets and you should get there in 2 or 3 rounds. THIS fucking thing took balancing across 3 different genes; not just minus height, but also minus overall size because the fucking height reducer genes would not behave on their own. i also gave it length Increasers just to be sure we didn't run into weird issues with having too little surface area.
seriously though, you need <5% max height for the achievement, and i at one point got one from 10% down to 7%, but then in the following mutation the supposed height Decreasing gene made it Increase up to like 15%, and then to 27% after that for some fucking reason. by far not the first time i'd seen genes doing the opposite of what they were labelled to do, but the first time it so actively worked against me.
i went through at least 6 dogs for this one and none of them are notable but i like these two's names
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eventually the winning one hit these stats in its teen mutation and i was like. oh my god please
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and thankfully with the combo i was using it did meet the threshhold next mutation, and even managed to hit 0% when it was fully grown
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so this is it. maximum thinness dog.
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you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
also, mkwii inadvertently gave me my first 2-tailed lad so yay
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[there is no richter 1]
and finally here is my favoritest boy of this run
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result of just breeding around because i needed a dog who was fucking normal and NOT: -way too fucking big, -way too fucking small, -missing limbs and immobile, -ugly as shit. and also didnt have a massive tail always getting it dragged through the tubes. anyway yeah i fed this guy like 4 cores before i let it go, but i did also export its code as a juvenile so i'll bring it back at some point too
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