#like its just this fundamental misunderstanding of what disability accomodations are
You wanted to play a disabled character but gave them a magical prosthetic and painkiller that takes all the pain away - so you arent really playing a disabled character anymore.
So I've sat with this ask for about a week and I am choosing to take it in good faith. Sorry if this is poorly worded but Im about to finish my lunch break so I wanted to answer this then get to work. Disclaimer: If I had done what you are suggesting and erased my characters disability that would be my choice. Im a disabled man and this isn't a tv show or hollywood film - its my friends dnd game where a bit of wish fulfillment is very much acceptable. Nobody should feel bad about this kind of thing.
Disclaimer two: having accomodations does not erase a disability. People are not magically not disabled anymore just because they can manage their symptoms. Finally, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of who Mask is, what his disabilities are and how he manages them. (Which is fine because I am not sure how detailed I've gone - people are here for art not my character stuff). When I pitched Mask to my GM we had a lot of conversations of what exactly I wanted out of him and what my GM wanted functionally within his world. I wanted to play a character with a fantasy reflection of my condition: without going into detail I am prone to injury and many injuries I do sustain do not normally heal properly - resulting in chronic pain and loss of mobility. Mask is cursed so that when he is injured in areas of his body effected by the curse, those injuries do not heal. In the past this caused him to seek amputation of his arm due to the severity of its condition. Since then he has started taking a painkiller daily, and has mechanical prosthetics. I specifically did not want those to be a cure all. Although Mask's prosthetic hand does function with full mobility, it is not quite as dexterous as his real hand used to be. He spent years learning to favour his left hand, and learning to use the prosthetic once it was attatched. The prosthetic is clockwork and requires daily maintance, and failure to keep up with this maintance can cause it to jam or 'lag' as the internal mechanisms run down. The prosthetic has also been marked as a point of 'weakness' by intelligent enemies - thus the art from a while ago where someone had cast 'heat metal' on parts of it. (It has its perks too, he has a crossbow concealed inside it and can use it to smuggle small objects in the casing). Mask is addicted to his pain medication. He could come off it and seek help from a cleric to allieviate his symptoms until the addiction clears his symptoms. He sees no reason to do that since without some form of strong pain relief he can't think clearly through the fog chronic pain causes. During game I've had to consider these accomodations. If we're going on a multi-day quest I need to have mask acquire and bring enough medicine for the trip. He needs to take time daily to change his bandages and maintain his arm, and is often one of the first to call for a rest when we've been travelling for long periods so he can do that. I like this character a lot, and how he tries to accomodate his own needs is part of that.
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harvest-honeymoon · 4 years
you ever get so mad over a film’s missed potential, you feel like you’re gonna foam at the mouth?
(rant in the tags)
#harvest mumbles#lord howdy i just saw jacob chase's come play and i have some Words for it#how can you write a genuinely sympathetic nonverbal autistic protag#that literally moved me with how humanly he's framed in this flick#and then so utterly shit the bed in the third act to give audiences an ending that wont upset the sensibilities of nt parents#who refuse to interrogate their ableism and fundamentally misunderstand their children on every level due to said ableism.#literally wanted to throw my phone across the room i was so disappointed by how this flick ended and how it chose to frame its monster#their fingers were literally on the pulse in so many ways and yet they fucking threw the game because they didn't want to ask#what actually lead to the circumstances of the film from a social perspective#and just wanted a quick and easy little something something#newsflash asshole autistic people have been human goddamn beings the entire time and deserve human rights and compassion and accomodation#the fact we lean into media and screens is because our society systematically disenfranchises the disabled and does not value us#beyond acting as cogs in the capitalist machine and not a monster who preys on our dumb asses because we feel ''odd'''#its people like the mom in this movie and the bullying kids who contribute to our oppression by refusing us to see as human beings as we are#and instead seeing us as humans to be freed from a fucking prison or cured of a terminal disease#screens have literally revolutionized the way autistic people communicate with each other and get help and demand our rights#and the fact you made a monster that is the embodiment of dehumanizing loneliness#lurk inside of screens and drag the societally under represented into said screens and turn them into monsters#and not have the parents question why their kid is feeling that way inside of his own home?#and have the ableist af mom go with the monster in place of her kid instead of admitting to her ableism and working to fix it???????#weak shit my guy weak fucking shit#way to lick ableistic/allistic hegemony's boots come play i really had high hopes for you#autism stuff#bad moon rising
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