#like its not just the usual 'oh biblically accurate angel!' of eyes and wings! they have so many descriptions according which type it is
darabeatha · 7 months
@corrchoigilt replied ; ((STAN. yes. plz. i need more stan content. (BUT FR ANGELOLOGY IS SO INTERESTING?? and omfg paradise lost is so good i dont at all blame you oTL THE TRAGEDYYYYYYY
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/ IT SO IS LIKE??? i was lit weeks old when I learned there's a classification of angels? like we have information of what the 'duties' of some angels are, where they 'live', how 'close' they are to god (like in the literal sense as some are literally described as being god's carriage), some supposedly only exist next to god and they just vibe there, but there are other angels that roam around the earth and its all so interesting? or like how the seraphim are known to be like the highest order of angels, which another curious thing that makes u go :O!!!! is that a lot of times its often believed that before falling from heaven, Stan was a seraph (which also curious note; seraph means 'the burning ones' <- how that later on literally happens when L.ucifers falls to hell), which means he was right next to god; which also means that he was at the very least on a physical level, the closest to him, so it's not like he was some distant angel who looked up to him from afar, which I believe just hits harder when u know all that happens after
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kikicocobell · 2 years
Title? Don’t worry about it.
I just randomly thought of a brand-new OC that I really want to talk about because it’s kind of bonkers and nonsensical but would make for a really entertaining story.
don’t ask me how this idea came to me, because it just randomly happened, and I could not be happier.
so, our boy is a Lovecraftian monster!
the image I have in my head of him is somewhere between Biblically accurate angel, Hecatoncheires, and Satyr, and his head is a ball of blue flame. what I mean by that is that my wonderful nightmare son has goat legs, a long thin tail with a blue flame at the end, a sh*t-ton of arms and wings, LOTS of eyes, and floating above an empty neck-stump is a big ‘ol ball of bright blue fire.
the fun part is in what he does.
my boy is a baker.
that’s right.
this otherworldly biblical horror runs a wholesome little bakery and cafe.
how does he do it? well, my golden child has a humanoid form. his head is still a ball of blue flame, and his tail is still there, but his body becomes completely human. he takes this form when interacting with his customers and baking his sweets. he doesn’t talk, by the way, it’s all body language and expressions with my boy.
he’s also just a sweetheart, my lovely wholesome baker boy can do no wrong. he decorates his cafe with flowers and plants and fairy lights because he just likes to make it pretty. he knows the names of all of his regulars by heart, as well as their usual orders. he probably knows about loads of his customers’ personal lives because they sit down and chat with each other a lot. he’s a very good listener when people need to talk over their drinks. he physically can’t give advice, but he will try to help people who come to his cafe looking for it. there is not a malicious bone in his body, he’s just here to bake cookies, be wholesome, and make friends.
I don’t have a name for this precious boy yet, but I love him dearly.
I’ve got some important worldbuilding lore bits for ya:
there are monsters and cryptids that just live and vibe alongside humans in this world, but eldritch monsters are either not known about or aren’t really welcome. so, our boy stays in humanoid form.
my boy’s cafe/bakery is in a big city full of people. his cafe’s not super popular at the moment, but he doesn’t mind. he just loves seeing the smiles on his regulars’ and random customers’ faces when they eat his sweets.
our boy is actually pretty small for an eldritch being. don’t get me wrong, his true form is practically titan-sized compared to normal people, but the average size for an otherworldly abomination would barely fit on the planet.
my biggest issue is coming up with a name for his cafe/bakery. it’s a challenge to come up with a catchy and fun cafe name on its own but if I were to explore this story, I was planning on using the name of the cafe as the title of it and I wanted that sh*t to be good. I wanted there to be a little nod to my boy being an otherworldly beast, but I thought something like “Eldritch Eats” was too on the nose. I wanted something that’s clear enough to be like... if you know you know, but subtle enough that no one would logically question it further than “oh, that’s a fun name!” in-universe... so began a long Google rabbit hole looking up Eldritch Synonyms, and Otherworldly Synonyms... Ethereal Synonyms- I had a vibe in mind and I was desperately looking for it. I was looking for a word that gave it that otherworldly meaning but a very fluffy and pretty sound... and eventually I landed on “Celestial.” 
this was a f*cking eureka moment.
it gives the otherworldly meaning that I want, and it’s very pretty sounding (I’d say it’s glittery, but I don’t think that quite works for describing a word). even better, if it implies anything, it implies angelic and holy things instead of... y’know... the owner being a gigantic, horrifying apparition. and so, I finally found the name for my beautiful boy’s cafe/bakery
“Celestial Sweet Shoppe”
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look at him... the goodest of boys. 
(I’ll draw him more detailed along with his true form soon, I luv him)
just because I can, I’m going to share with you how I described this precious monstrosity to my sister because there is literally no way I can top it:
“Just imagine an unknowable eldritch entity lovingly decorating cupcakes and making coffee art.”
thank you for reading about my bestest boy.
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transtrendhumanity · 7 years
a week feels like a very short period of time but we do want to do weekly system check-ins, so let’s do one now. on time for once.
callon is fronting, as has been the usual lately. for a while we thought cilla would become longterm core, but i guess that was just a stress front. overall we’re doing very well right now, but we’re spending a lot of time at work etc acting as a singlet, so it’s been slightly difficult to keep track of everyone. i think that documenting front shifts on our recovery twitter has been helping.
aren arrived this week. or like, stepped out of the shadows, more accurately. he’s been ghosting around for months. he’s dueling venic in the back room of the main house now. i think vaccine won the chess match, so by all means it should be them playing the next game, but they left to set up their own office in azdien’s basement.
vex is still brainstorming about scrapbooking. jace has moved on to contemplating knitting projects. i wonder if we still have our smuppet crochet pattern memorized...
moving into the main room, perien is on the couch with amelia and floret now. i feel really bad for skipping over kyr in our last roll call. we’re commissioning a short fic for kyr, so kye’s a bit emotional about that. amelia still seems very tired, but i think sea’s slowly recovering. we’ll probably have to discuss system roles again soon.
gabbi is bringing over dessert squares and tea for them. floret encourages nir to borrow ethan’s chair and sit with them. cilla and echo are curled up together. echo is sleeping, and cilla is keeping an eye on the nearby conversation.
i think nitexx headed to the treehouse to talk to kayden. upstairs, remm’s room still seems to be in sleep mode. haze is sleeping as well, and seems restful. im knocking at riley’s door.
nessie answers but tells me to hush. i guess riley is sleeping? si’s been somewhat active wrt searching tumblr for other kin though.
raliel doesn’t seem to be around.
heading outside and looking down at the shoreline, rayn is very quiet. maybe it’s asleep a- oh nope, it woke up, it’s excited to see gh0st again soon.
there’s noise coming from the treehouse. the ladder is down, so i climb up. questioning what “i” look like, i start wondering if elster is cofronting with me.
nitexx has somehow converted the tv stand into a makeshift stage. zir and kayden are standing on top of it, singing along to some of kayden’s favorite music. it’s really nice to see zir up and about again, even if it doesn’t feel like ze’s particularly able to front lately, even now. i thought ze had been coming to talk to kayden about his robot life, but i guess they got distracted.
kitt, surprisingly, has shifted back into is human form to heckle them about having shit taste in music. they are completely unphased, it seems to add to the mood if anything. kei is leaning against the back wall fiddling with their knife, but they seem pretty amused. vite is really into it. nero seems less so. tobias has come to check it out, and is standing with nero towards the back of the room. i think nika is on sier way as well. i ask after jody, but i think they’re asleep.
by the time i leave the treehouse, nika is singing a ballad. ethan looks on curiously. trysten is coming up the hatch to watch, but i’m not sure sie intends on participating much.
i head to the mansion. azdien is clearly awake for once, sorting the books in vaer reading room. drohen is helping vaer out. darion let himself out of the room to smoke, but he’s just in the front hall, instead of actually being outside. for shame. no one seems to really mind, though.
asking after kisoquine, i get the sense that xe’s in a place that actually suits xyr, but i have no idea where in headspace that actually is. it’s not in any of the known levels of azdien’s mansion, but it might be in a secret second basement? i get the impression that the entrance is more of a portal than a door. drohen might have helped.
yeah i think it’s like, under the mansion, significantly.
vyrn is in there, too.
phasing up through the floor to the actual basement feels weirdly slimy. vaccine’s study looks very proper.
upstairs, i catch sight of someone in the kitchen. to my surprise, jody is making kraft dinner. they sheepishly say that it’s a midnight snack, despite it being lunch time. it actually does seem to be slightly dark outside though. maybe an 8pm feeling. i guess time passes differently in headspace.
asking after micah, i catch them slithering past my feet towards the front door. i guess they’re interested in the treehouse karaoke party as well, although i suppose they’ll just be watching if they’re unable/unwilling to change back into a human form.
oh i forgot to mention yacinthe. i did get the impression of someone else like actively enjoying the party along with vite, but i couldn’t recognize cer at the time. my apologies.
since elster is cofronting with callon in taking survey of everyone, ze’s not in the library, but their section of it looks as luscious as ever.
we trek to corian’s cabin. corian offers us tea, and makes a backhanded comment about the noise from the treehouse. i think they’re just upset that nika left them alone with nine, who is sleeping. tyto comes upstairs shortly after we enter, apparently intending to console corian before they decide to start oozing slime. eir eyes are still a bit red-edged, but ey seems calm.
kestrel and ailecent aren’t in the basement. they’re actually out on the roof today. kestrel’s wings stretch majestically behind aer. ailecent is also looking majestic and notably non-human. ae seems to really have kinned deep-eyes white dragon, but like, a bird form of it. ae has five wings sprouting from a large halo. and ae has more eyes than fit on aer head, blinking in and out of holographic existence around aer head. ae seems angelic in a very biblical sense, and is, just slightly more than usual, radiating white light. i feel like i can sense xykiel nearby, but cae’s still no more than a glimmer of light, so it’s hard to tell.
skye is in faer less tangible form as well. faer northern lights illuminate the slowly darkening sky. rayn waves up at faer, and fae leans down to kiss its forehead, light dancing across its spots.
i ask after raliel. wav turns out to be out on the cliffs again, watching skye’s light show with a sense of serenity, and maybe a tinge of homesickness.
aloe is hiding inside. ae had a sort of intense experience just after aren showed up, blogging cleancore for an hour while the rest of us tried very hard to let aer front without letting aer connect to our physical setting. we didn’t entirely succeed, but we kept aer from outright having a panic attack. ae is in a glass box on skye’s counter, which we know instinctively is sterilized both chemically and magically. we don’t do more than stick our head into the cabin before leaving again.
gail is prowling nearby. it seems disapproving, but unlikely to act on it.
our connection to ooze ocean is very limited right now, but not in a bad way. void simply doesn’t think we need voids presence, and void is uninterested in the party happening in headspace.
we head back to azdien’s mansion to investigate the new rooms.
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