#like keith's not on record talking about his good grades lol
fannyyann · 5 months
"I actually did three years of school in two, and I'm no brainiac, but that was pretty tough."
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ptw30 · 5 years
Happy Birth-week! Maybe the prompt motorcycles/hovercycles like a race or a getaway scene? I’ll leave the pairing up to you and the setting. :) (Lol at first I thought you were asking for short stories for your birthday and I was like “sure!” XD)
Title: The Family Business
Pairing: Gen 
Summary: The Voltron Paladins - a team of thieves, smugglers, and outlaws - are hunted by cartels, the FBI, and Shiro's father. Yeah, life isn't easy, but the team has each other. And that's all that matters.
Shiro stepped on the clutch and shifted, sending his Dodge Charger—which he affectionally called the Black Lion—soaring through the almost empty streets of Daibazaal.
“You know this is your fault,” he said. A quick glance in the rearview mirror showed two black sedans chasing them. “You said we should take all the triggers.”
In the passenger seat, Allura typed furiously on her tablet. Dressed in a tight white and pink cold-shoulder top that cut just below her tighter-than-tight jeans, she looked more like a pop star than a high-profile thief. Her curly ponytail hit Shiro in the face when she shifted in her seat to look behind them.
“So then I am to assume you would have left the nuclear warhead triggers in the hands of not-quite-professional businessmen.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“No, you’re saying that you would have left them in the hands of nefarious criminals.”
“As opposed to non-nefarious criminals?”
Allura laughed. “Well, we aren’t exactly law-bidding citizens.”
The car wheels squealed when Shiro eased up on the accelerator, cut the wheel, and then tore down the nearest alleyway. The shadows of night wouldn’t conceal their taillights, and when the Black Lion rocketed onto the street, the sedans still clung to his bumper.
“I’m just saying that stealing a trunk-load of military grade explosives by having Lance and Keith start a fight in the middle of black-market weapons depot might not have been the best course of action.”
“Then what would have been the best course of action? Trying to steal the triggers after Zarkon used them to start World War III?”
“Of course not. I’m just saying—”
“And you know Keith and Lance weren’t acting. Lance actually did take Red for a ride the other day and put a scratch in her chassis.”
Shiro let out a heavy sigh. “Can’t you just let me live in ignorance?”
Allura laughed and leaned over to press a kiss to Shiro’s cheek. “At least they worked it out of their—Quiznak.” Allura’s tablet let out a warning beep. “Red Paladin, Blue Paladin, we’re going to need your special brand of street cleaning.”
As the Black Lion passed a main thoroughfare, two motorcycles roared to life—a red Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14R and a blue Yamaha YZF R1. The two racers wore protective jackets and helmets that matched their bikes, though the red racer’s jacket had black and yellow accents, while the blue racer’s uniform boasted red and yellow stripes. The motorcycles tore down the straightaway toward two more sedans that suddenly screeched to a halt in the middle of the street, blocking their path.
Shiro narrowed his eyes. “Does the Blue Lion have a red chassis now?”
“Yes! Keith defiled my baby!” Lance bemoaned across the team’s channel.
Keith huffed, and the Red Lion swerved to evade gunfire. “Stop whining and help me take these assholes out.”
“‘Stop whining.’” The Blue Lion hopped the sidewalk and used the streetlights as cover. “Well, if you hadn’t hurt my precious girl—”
“Your precious girl just got a new coat, something you hadn’t even bothered to—”
“Guys!” Shiro yelled, but Lance was already shifting gears. “Chill, Shiro. We’ve got this.”
Sure enough, Keith and Lance came to the middle of the street and wove between the car blockade. Two subsequent explosions sent the cars rocketing into the sky. The Black Lion poured it on then and zipped underneath the elevated cars, which eventually landed upon the chaser sedans.
“Good job, you two!” Shiro praised. “Now get to the rendezvous point ASAP and lock it down.”
“Yes, sir!” Keith’s crisp voice sounded over the connection, followed by Lance’s mocking tone once more. The twin motorcycles zoomed ahead and disappeared in the labyrinth of city streets.
Shiro could practically feel Allura’s penetrative stare give way to a self-assured smirk. “They make a good team.”
“As long as they don’t kill each other.”
“Oh, give them a bit more credit, Allura.” He waited a beat. “Keith would make it quick.”
“If Lance didn’t talk him to death first—and if that cartel doesn’t catch us.” Allura tapped on her tablet. “Green Lion, Yellow Lion, status report.”
Instead of a voice confirmation, a loud explosion echoed through the connection. Allura shot up in her seat. “Pidge! Hunk!”
A few loud hacks, followed by fits of coughing, and Pidge sucked in a deep breath. “I said not to denotate until we were a safe distance away!”
Shiro heaved a relieved sigh and heard Allura do the same.
“Oooh. I thought you said, ‘Let’s go for crème brulee,’” Hunk said between coughs.
Shiro could imagine Pidge throwing up her arms. “That doesn’t even make sense.”
“Hunk, Pidge, report,” Allura repeated, shaking her head. Shiro stepped on the gas for one final burst of speed, and the Black Lion entered the private airport.
“The facilities have been destroyed, Allura,” Hunk replied. “The rest is up to you and Shiro.”
So it was. Once Shiro spotted the Red and Blue Lions outside of a private hanger, he directed the Black Lion inside the massive area—devoid of any planes—and threw the car into park. Allura tossed him a nervous grin, which he returned, and they exited the car.
Only Keith and Lance occupied the hanger. No shelves, no airplane, no grease. Off to the side, a simple garage door lifted with eerie screeches that echoed through the empty space. Once it stopped, a rather tall man with slicked back hair, sunken eyes, and a thick chin entered the hanger between Lance and Keith. In a black suit with a purple tie, he looked like a wayward stockbroker, strides long, haughty, and loud. His eyes narrowed as he stopped before Shiro and Allura, arms spreading in a regal greeting.
“Ms. Altea. As always, a pleasure.”
“I assure you it most certainly is not,” Allura replied, manicured fingers clicking on her tablet.
Zarkon turned to Shiro without missing a beat. “Shiro, I appreciate you joining us.”
“We do agree there,” Allura snapped. “It is the only way you will survive, Zarkon.”
“Ironic, is it not? To think I am standing here with my former partner’s daughter who has taken my son as her own partner, despite knowing the history between our families.”
“Shiro isn’t a two-timing, egotistical psychopath like you,” Lance spat.
“But somehow he’s still entered the family business,” Zarkon retorted with an all-too-delighted grin.
Rather than replying, Shiro hit the car remote and popped the trunk. He lifted the back to reveal the triggers. “Here’s what you wanted from the Olkari Cartel, right?”
An amused, almost proud grin crossed his features. “I will need to inspect the merchandise.”
“Yeah, about that.” He slammed shut the trunk. “You’re not getting anywhere near these devices.”
Zarkon’s gaze was anything but tolerant. “We already agreed upon terms.”
“Yes, we did, but now I’m changing them. Ms. Altea, would you like to do the honors?”
“Thank you, Mr. Shirogane.” Allura stepped forward and handed her tablet to a suspicious-looking Zarkon. “That is a live feed from Langley, the ‘Other Matters’ subdivision, which you run.” She paused. “Ran. Our operatives Yellow Paladin and Green Paladin took care of your stronghold. Call it a retirement gift.”
“I thought we were calling it a ‘going away’ present,” Keith asked, arms crossed across his chest.
Lance giggled.
Keith rolled his eyes. “What?”
“You cannot get rid of me that easy,’” Zarkon growled. “No judge or jury in the world will convict me, not with my record. And no one will believe you—my son who became an international smuggler and his partner, the daughter of my former partner who died under investigation.”
“Yellow and Green transferred all your dark files to the Federal Bureau of Investigation before making the big kaboom,” Lance laughed. “Seriously, man? We have everything and we know everything.”
Zarkon’s thick fingers curled about the tablet. “You have to know this is futile. You can sell those triggers you stole to another foreign power. You can leave the country, hide in some remote island, and look over your shoulder for the rest of your life, but I will still find you. And I will end you.” He stared directly at Allura with demonic glee. “Just like I did your father.”
Allura didn’t even flinch. “Good luck doing that from a prison cell at Leavenworth.”
“FBI!” a booming voice echoed through the hanger. “On the ground now!”
A SWAT team stormed the front opening while a tall blond man came in from the back. He wore in a tight suit with a purple tie, dark slacks and a FBI jacket. Four female agents, all wearing similar garb to the lead agent, covered him from the entryway.
“I said on the floor, now!” the agent yelled at Zarkon.
Keith went down first, having gone through a similar situation before. Lance followed and muttered about this not being the greatest plan after all. Zarkon tried to rebuke the orders, but the familiar FBI agent—Lotor, Shiro noticed—wouldn’t have it.
Eventually, Zarkon met Shiro’s gaze once they were both handcuffed and lying face flat against the cold concrete.
“This isn’t over,” he threatened.
“Yes, it is,” Shiro insisted. “It was over the moment you decided your greed was more important than family.”
Shiro didn’t know how long he’d been waiting in the interrogation room, though he figured he would be the last one the FBI questioned. Pidge would be the first as the youngest, followed the soft-hearted Hunk, the smooth-talking Lance, the sharp-edged Keith, and then the regal Allura, if Lotor wasn’t intimidated. Then, and only then, would Lotor pay a visit to Shiro.
When he finally did, he wore a tired but true grin. “Special Agent Shirogane. I told you to get a team you could trust to have your back when I couldn’t be there. This was not what I had in mind.”
Shiro’s handcuffs jingled as he sat back in his seat. “You don’t like my choice of team members, Special Agent Sincline?”
Lotor sighed dramatically and dropped his tablet to the table, tapping the edge and bringing up five pictures. “An X Games Motor X gold medalist who was raised by smugglers and the silver medalist with whom he does not get along. At all. A red hat hacker who isn’t even old enough to graduate high school. A chef turned motocross mechanic. Oh, and the daughter of my father’s former CIA partner, whom he killed. That’s who you decided you could trust?”
Shiro tossed Lotor a teasing smile. “Jealous?”
“Of course,” Lotor replied, crossing his arms. “We’ve had each other’s backs since forever.”
“Since we were twelve.”
“Just because we weren’t together since diapers doesn’t change the fact that we grew up together. We went to Quantico together. And now I only get to see you for clandestine meetings and the occasional coffee.”
“But it’s good coffee.”
“You’re my brother, Shiro. I’m supposed to protect you.”
Shiro knocked his shoulder against Lotor’s knee. “And you do. You handle the bureau. I handle the criminals. If I didn’t trust you with everything, this couldn’t work.”
“Do you trust them with everything?” Lotor motioned toward the blackened two-way mirror. “Not one of them said anything. Just asked for water—or in one case, iced tea. Sweetened with lemon.”
“Lance…is high maintenance,” Shiro laughed, “but in the best way.”
Lotor huffed. “He asked for it to be sent to Pidge.”
“Of course, he did.”
“And Hunk asked me to make sure Lance was given appropriate bathroom breaks, and Keith asked if Lance was gagged and then asked if he could be.”
“Sounds about right.”
“Allura, however, asked me for pictures from our teenage years.”
Shiro blinked. “…I’m not sure how I feel about that.”
“But they all asked about you.” Lotor clasped Shiro on the shoulder, firm and supportive. Lotor truly was his foundation, unwavering and firm. “I’m glad for you, Shiro. You deserve to have a family again.”
Shiro undid his handcuffs with a trick Keith taught him and reached up to cover Lotor’s hand. “I miss you, too, brother.”
“Hm.” Lotor held him a second longer than necessary, almost as if refusing to let Shiro go, but he eventually relented. A serious countenance overtook his face, and Shiro sat up straighter in response. Back to business.
“I’ve spoken with the higher-ups,” Lotor explained. “I’ll be in contact when Father goes to trial. You and your team might need to come in to testify, but right now, I suggest you find some place to lie low. Maybe a Caribbean island. A nice seaside Mexican resort. Disneyland. Stay off the radar and away from anyone Father might have worked with. Be safe.”
Shiro blinked. “That’s it?”
“That’s it. Unless you’re ready to come in from the cold.” Before Shiro could debate that question, let alone respond, Lotor flipped a switch. The two-way mirror went from black to transparent, revealing Shiro’s team on the other side. While four of his team members sat around a small table—Hunk was teaching Keith to pay some card game while Allura braided the longer strands of Pidge’s hair—Lance held a hand-drawn sign, scribbled on a yellow notepad, against the mirror.
Can we please have our Special Agent Shirogane back now?
Shiro thumbed toward the mirror. “Does he know I’m on the other side of this wall?”
Lotor’s eyes were narrowed; a look of confusion overtook his face. “How…did he get a marker and paper? That’s a monitored room. No one’s gone in there.”
Shiro simply shrugged. If his team was anything, it was resourceful.
Lotor crossed his arms and stared into the room, eyes resting upon the one person sitting on the right side of the table, talking to Hunk and Keith.
“Allura Altea. She’s…good to you?”
Shiro eyed Lotor. “Yeah. She’s my best friend. I trust her with my life.”
“But do you trust her with a picture of your teenage years?”
“I certainly can’t trust you.”
“That hurts, Brother.”
“You should have thought that before you showed Allura my awkward teenage years.”
Lotor rolled his eyes. “Don’t be so dramatic. It’s not like I showed her the pictures from comic con.”
“So…that’s it?” Hunk asked, watching as the black, non-descript FBI vans drove away. “We help to take down a dirty counterintelligence agent—”
“And blow up part of the CIA’s own headquarters,” Keith added.
“Only the bad part,” Pidge pointed out. “We left the rest still standing.”
“Yes, but that means we must lie low for a bit.” Allura walked toward a private jet on the tarmac. “Coran has been scouting new jobs for us and believes he’s found an interesting one. Shiro, how would you feel about visiting your childhood home, if you catch my drift?”
Shiro smiled. “Tokyo’s nice this time of year.”
“Smashing!” Coran greeted, lowering the stairs to the private plane. “Come along, Paladins! I’ve stocked the plane with all your favorite snacks along with the latest episodes of Riverdale and Legends of Tomorrow.”
Lance raced up the stairs. “Score! Dibs on the couch!”
“No!” Hunk whined. “You can’t call dibs until you’re on the stairs! Everyone knows that.”
Pidge raced after them while Keith turned to Shiro. “I’ll save you a seat and a pack of gummi bears.”
“Thanks, Keith.” Shiro stopped Allura at the end of the stairs, taking her hand in his. “Hey. If you ever need to talk about anything, I’m here. You know that.”
Allura’s eyes trembled as they stared into Shiro’s. Tightening her grip, she looked away. “Thank you, Shiro. I know this mission was not easy for you, either. It must have been difficult arresting your father.”
“Yeah, well. Lotor technically arrested him, and we’ve been preparing for this day for a long time.”
“As have I, but…we’re never really ready for it, are we?”
Shiro’s heart ached, especially when he remembered the look of disdain Zarkon sent him as Lotor led him to the FBI van. However, it was nothing compared to what Allura must have felt when she received the call about her father.
“No, I guess we aren’t.”
Allura hummed. “It won’t get better. I’m not sure there is a better, but Zarkon will finally stand trial for his crimes. For that, I am grateful.”
“Me, too.” Shiro held up his phone with a picture of Allura with braces and short hair. “I’m also grateful for my new wallpaper.”
“Takashi Shirogane!” Allura’s hand shot out toward his phone, but Shiro managed to duck and head up the stairs. “Get back here! You’re going to tell me who got you that picture.”
“I’ll never give up my source.”
She caught up with him just inside the plane and playfully knocked him against the wall. “Hunk, Pidge, or your brother? It was your brother, wasn’t it?”
“It was actually Coran. He showed it to me the first time we met, along with every other baby picture he has of you.”
“Of course, he did. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have an uncle to kill – I mean, fill in with our latest job.”
Shiro smiled, knocking her on the shoulder, and then headed to take inventory. Pidge and Lance took up the long couch, already halfway through the snacks, while Hunk sat in a reclining chair just to right next to them, his lap full of delicious treats. Keith lounged upon a loveseat and left a spot open for Shiro, while the seat next to it remained empty for Allura. She’d join them in a few.
As they took the skies, Shiro wondered not for the first time why Zarkon and Honerva took him in and taught him right from wrong, just to pervert those morals themselves. But he dismissed the thought quickly as he threw an arm about Keith and pulled him close. While he would forever regret the cycle of events that brought him to the world of drag racing and smuggling, he would forever cherish the family he found there –
Shiro’s phone vibrated with a message from Lotor.
Forgive me.
The cockpit’s door swung open to reveal Allura, a bright smile upon her face, her cellphone in her hand. “You cosplayed at comic con!”
– most days.
The End
Thanks for the prompt and birthday wishes! 
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