#like mainly they do care about getter 1 but man even if 3 is more shafted with how it’s written 2 feels done dirty too
no1ryomafan · 8 months
Yknow I love Getter 2, it’s my favorite getter within the set of forms most of the time but I can’t help to notice compared to it’s counter parts it feels like it lacks the most in combat because it only has one weapon.
Like the main issue with Getter balancing is Getter 1 (sadly) gets all the attention, thus they prioritize it having the most weapons in its arsenal. (The tomahawk, a occasional gun, various getter ray based powers past getter beam) and even if Getter 3 is clearly the most shafted of the group it at least can do a lot with its arms and has missiles on top of that. (Really it’s issue more stems from it hardly gets used in fights and when it does it’s almost never a standalone one) But then you look at Getter 2, who gets a decent amount of usage but all it gets to do is drill things and those have noteworthy drawbacks as sometimes it’s drill is completely stopped or removed from its arm.
I do remember Neo2 has a sword but it’s not like Sho used it much given the length of SVN-and don’t remember if in the manga it even has it there as Getter Sho-and most base Getter 2s are just drill go brrr. I wish at the very least if they aren’t gonna give it a second weapon they idk do the Gurren thing where it’s a powerful green drill. (I say as I haven’t seen it but COME ON how did the heavy getter inspired show do a green powered drill but the series itself never did)
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