#like makoto and futaba’s catalysts were things they’d kept bottled up For Years before their awakenings
veeta-cuculidae · 3 months
its interesting to me how everyone’s wishes in persona 5 royal have to do with the catalyst for their rebellion. like ryuji getting to live in a world where kamoshida doesn’t break his leg and force him off the track team, or yusuke where his sensei doesn’t betray him, doesn’t plagiarize. they get to skip those moments that revealed how unfair the world is, that made them want to fight back.
so logically joker’s wish should involve his false conviction. it should involve that event which forced him to transfer schools, to live in a store attic, to be labeled by everyone he met as a delinquent, a criminal. but even in a perfect world, all of that remains unchanged. he accepts that that experience Made him Something, that it was for the better in that it let him be a phantom thief, got him to meet all his friends.
no, to joker, the real thing that betrayed the world’s unfairness was akechi dying. akechi’s circumstances, being used by shido for years and then being discarded the moment shido didn’t have use for him anymore, the fact that akechi not only didn’t get the revenge he committed himself to when he was just a kid but therefore also didn’t get the opportunity to move on from it, is the one thing joker couldn’t stand. and it’s not just that joker wanted akechi to go to jail in his stead, because notably, akechi isn’t actually in jail in the third semester.
really, joker just wanted to see akechi again. he wanted to see him again because he loved him.
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