#like many others i crave his replies about ethan and rebecca and a pike show
ansonmountdaily · 5 years
Anson Mount’s Star Trek: Las Vegas 2019 panel (sadly, footage of the first 30 mins only without Jason Isaacs) - August 2 2019
0:51 - What was the coolest thing for you to do on Star Trek: Discovery? 1:37 - What drives Captain Pike, what does he stand for? 2:20 - Are villains more interesting to play than good guys or heroes? How do you go about playing Pike with layers of depth? 4:40 - Pike is an inspiration for people with physical challenges, for combat veterans, etc. Pike knew his fate and he still makes the choice that he makes. How did you approach to play that? 6:50 - What does it mean to you to be this guy who is imbuing this character that so many people love and respect and think of as a hero? 8:23 - How was it like to be a newcomer on the Discovery lot? 9:28 - Talk about working with Ethan Peck and Rebecca Romijn. 9:45 - **Surprise appearance by Ethan Peck on stage!** 10:44 - Give as an example of a sci-fi book Ethan gave you to read (related to the previous question.) 11:07 - Lots of fans around the world and in this room want a full-on Pike/Spock/Number One series. How interested would you be if the opportunity actually occurs? 13:12 - We will see you in several of the Short Treks. How did they approach you about that? Were you already wrapped on the show when they brought it up? Was it after the fact? 13:46 - We know you can’t address specifics about the Short Treks but maybe tell us a little bit about the tone of them, and how much fun have you had playing this shorter format? How different are they? Are they adventures? The teaser trailer showed they had some comedy in it. 14:40 - **Anson’s reaction to the Discovery Season 2 dvd promo clip with the blooper reel and extra scenes.** 17:07 - Anson comments the actors did audio commentaries for the dvd. 17:20 - Fan: You have such great chemistry with everyone on set. Are you aware of it when you’re acting what great chemistry you have? 18:26 - Fan: I have a friend, she calls you her "husband", and her name’s Angie. Could you just say ‘hi’ to her? 18:49 - Fan: What was it like to prepare for the battle sequence in the Discovery finale and how was it filming it? 20:36 - Fan: Hell on Wheels was a lot of mud and dirt, and then Star Trek, a lot of CG. Which one was easier? 21:34 - Fan: How do you as an actor conjure the emotions for certain scenes (when Pike is crying, for example)? 23:43 - Tell us more about your podcast. I know that’s a deeply important project for you. 24:52 - Fan: I apologize for this question but you were part of other very large franchises recently. Can you talk about your experience on the Inhumans? 26:04 - Fan: What do you think about the fan reaction [to the Inhumans]? 26:37 - Fan: A couple of years ago I read David Beck’s Section 31 book Control. Does the concept for Discovery come from that book? 27:38 - Fan: I heard that during Season 2, Discovery had a series of re-shoots. Before the re-shoots Pike was actually a very religious man. He did a lot of praying, apparently. I didn’t know if that was just rumour. Could you share some light on the situation? 29:11 - Fan: A year ago at San Diego Comic-Con they set it up for you to meet Chris Hunter, the son of Jeffrey Hunter, the original Captain Pike. Was that your idea? Did they set it up for you? Did they surprise you with it? 30:09 - Fan: Are you prepared to work seven seasons for us because after three Short Treks, you’re gonna be on forever!
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