#like my big teddy bear fighter firbolg named Tavel who befriended a nonspeaking fey spirit as a child who takes the form of a fox familiar
corbinite · 2 years
being so excited for ttrpg pcs you’ve made but have no real plans to ever play
#mine#I have too many ideas to ever get around to#but like#omg I am so excited at the idea that I might some day#some of them are like generic good people who just seem fun and interesting to play#like my big teddy bear fighter firbolg named Tavel who befriended a nonspeaking fey spirit as a child who takes the form of a fox familiar#or my half-elf chaotic good death cleric Călin who defected from a war and now lives as a vagrant with barely anything on him#or my earth genasi warlock Nguyệt whose patron is her own great-grandmother#cause I normally don't really go for the edgelord characters so much I feel like they can be kind of... eh a lot of the time#like we get it you're Sad and Complicated and Have Issues#but there's a couple ideas I have that I feel like I could have a lot of fun with#like my douchey human barbarian Gazsi who is like one of those guys who just got really rough really early#and now just barrels through life not really hoping to live long and just absolutely indulging in every hedonism#including a bunch of one-night stands in taverns with people he barely acknowledges later because he is a Douchebag#and I feel like it could be really fun to dive into why he's like that and how it relates to him being so vain and materialistic#and how he can heal and learn to live for the future#(or maybe he makes a reckless decision and dies before anyone is high enough level to resurrect him WHO KNOWS that's the fun part lol)#or my human fiend warlock Leofric with a Twist#the twist being that it's not a normal warlock contract and I'm actually playing as the fiend patron#who possessed Leofric's body as a part of a deal to keep Leofric alive from a deadly curse that puts a timer on his life#and as long as the devil is inside him the timer is paused#the agreement being that the devil can use his body to retrieve an artifact in the material plane#and once that goal is met the devil uses its powers to break the curse that's on him#and of course this possession would be a Secret and other players would come into it thinking I'm just a sickly looking warlock#I'm thinking that if he dies before the goal is met it's permadeath#like if leofric's body is killed it can no longer house the litreral devil literally inside him#and it ends up bursting out of him in a firey explosion that destroys his body and deals aoe damage#and also the curse he's under binds his soul to some afterlife or another#so he can't be resurrected#it'd be risky but fun
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