#like my opinions on stuff. i have many
kidnamedfinger · 2 years
hiii this is completely random but I would like to know why you hate taeyong. like genuinely I'm curious btw this is theboytatu
aa omg.... i dont hate taeyong but i have several bones to pick with the way hes used and his general artistry. the positives are he has a very compelling look and obviously is driven to create cool art. being a creative engine in sm is obviously notoriously hard and i respect the principle of him having a hand in the stuff he does. and he seems nice to the other members and cares abt the leader position which to my understanding can sometimes be not a real responsibility for some groups. the thing i hate most about him is his entire rap style tbh i think his lyrics are fun and different SOMETIMES but honestly pretty clunky and there isnt really a personality or different performance he delivers. the signature is his voice but i really really hate his voice and random flourishes/accents he puts on. i dont think it substitutes for a coherent vision lol sometimes a clean delivery is okay. i also just hate that hes everyyyyyywhere there is lgbt everywhere i cant escape. i understand his combination of charisma and the fact he technically has multiple talent areas (rap/dance) means he has to be the center for promotions but god he is just so annoying in certain concepts. TO ME. i just think there are other all rounders (ten and haechan) and i think ty's skill set is the same as marks but mark can speak english and is younger/foreign so i agree with how recently mark seems to do more center work than taeyong. altho i bet that will get boring soon too. im a jaehyun stan take all my opinions with salt
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