#like news flash languages constantly change and have done so since they were invented
drew-seri · 2 years
People who are against neopronouns when language evolves and changes: 😱😱😱
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sad-af1121 · 7 years
Unforgettable Part 3/?
Summary: You thought your life would be played out they way you thought. But due to a tragic event, you left everything, including your soulmate, Bucky Barnes. Pairing: Deadpool x Reader (platonic friendship) Bucky Barnes x Reader (eventually) Word Count: 2.8K Warnings: Language, angst, mentions of blood A/N:  The (**) is a flashback mark. There will be numerous flashbacks in the series so that you guys will know the reader’s past and what has happened. I worked really hard on this one so enjoy. Feedback is welcomed 💜
Part 1  Part 2
Sweat seeps on your brows as you fought off the Hydra agents skillfully. The mixture of hand to hand combat and your powers gave you the advantage to bring down every agent in the base. Adrenaline coursed through your bloodstream as you moved around so light as air itself. As you charged towards one of the agents, jumping up, using their body to kick up, and knocking the Hydra trash on his ass. A smirk laid across your face, seeing him fall back, unconscious.
“Steve, what’s your status?” You question through the ear com and look around for Bucky and Wanda.
“All clear, Nova.” Steve says confidently as he keeps his eyes out for any more Hydra rats.
“Thanks C- “You were cut off as someone pushes you against the wall, injecting you with some kind of drug, leaving you limp and weak. Horror and regret plasters your face as you take in the face of the bastard who stabs your lower abdomen multiple times, leaving you to bleed out. Tears stung your eyes and your breathing labored. The last thing you see is Bucky covering your mouth and nose with his metal prosthetic.
“How could you do this to me?”
You jolt awake.
What was a vivid memory turned into a nightmare that repeated in your mind countless of times. Tears form in your eyes as a cold shiver runs down your spine and you hug yourself, shutting your eyes and steadying your breathing. Why is this keep happening? Will you ever be at peace with yourself again? Maybe not, not ever. Your mind kept playing a trick on you, adding or taking away places, people, or events with something worse than it was. You didn’t want to wake Wade, knowing he wouldn’t give a fuck about what the Avengers needed from you. He’d take you away, without saying a word.
But you needed to go. You never back down from anything, so why should you now?  
Shutting off your emotions didn’t mean they wouldn’t try resurfacing whenever there was a slight chance to get out. It was getting harder, day by day, keeping them bottled up. You have no choice but to keep it that way. The pain was too much to endure. It was killing you from the inside. On the other hand, you weren’t using your powers as much either. Being afraid that one power would counteract the other, causing some sort of super atomic explosion. You were warned by Bruce that something like that would happen if you didn’t use your abilities evenly. You were constantly forming new atoms called photons, which is the source for the bright blue lights coming from your palms. The blue signifies the temperature at a scorching 20,000 degrees Fahrenheit, enough to wipe off a continent if you experienced overexcitement to your molecular and atomic structure.  
You didn’t care. Storing all that energy was safer than releasing it.
The sky was still dark when you awoke from the nightmare so you decided to get up and dressed, packing the things you seemed were a necessity to bringing along. Nightmares are something you weren’t ever going to get used to. They were new or altered every time you shut your eyes. Busying yourself was the only thing that helped which was why you stalked the streets at night, looking for anything to occupy your mind.
Now that you’d be monitored at the Avengers tower, you weren’t sure if you’d get this freedom again. You had no clue how long you’d be staying there. Most of the things you own were useless anyway, except for your weapons and of course, the bracelets Tony invented for you to control your power whenever you freed it. He had it made for you when you’d became an official member of the Avengers.
You looked at the two accessories, moving them around as the faint light of the day highlights them before placing them inside your bag with the remaining things you stuffed in there. After you were all packed, you decided making breakfast for Wade would be a nice gesture so you walked into the kitchen, pulling out the ingredients. You blasted your favorite song and got started on cooking.
You honestly couldn’t wait to get to the tower and see what has changed.
If anything changed…
At the Tower
Bucky woke up, earlier than usual. He groans and sits up, rubbing his face looking at the clock on his nightstand before throwing his legs over the bed, leaning on his forearms that were rested on his thighs. When Steve told him you agreed to help and that you’d be staying here again, he didn’t know how to react or what to express. He simply nodded and made his way back to his room. He shut the door, and sat on his bed, staring into blank space. A part of him was excited, nervous, happy…but anger and sadness resigned in him. Like the others, he never got the closure as to why you left.
Only a note.
That very note was kept inside his drawer, where he would read it over and over again every night, trying to figure out what went wrong. Since the day you came to the Tower, he would always see you smiling or giggling. There was never a dull moment with you. That’s why he fell for you. You were his light whenever he was in the dark.
He sat on the bed, blinking away the sleep from his eyes before he heard a faint knock on the door. He sits up straighter and clears his throat.
“Come in.” Sleep was still evident in his voice.
Natasha walks in with a mug of coffee and a friendly smile played across her face.
“Mornin’ handsome.”
“Good morning Nat.” Bucky chuckles and scoots over for Nat to sit down next to him. She places the mug in his hands and sighs before sitting. Bucky grins at the warmth radiating off the mug. He needed his coffee every morning no matter what. It was something that made it happy amongst other things.
“So…” she drags out and taps her fingers on her knee. “She’s coming today. How do you feel?”
Bucky slowly turns his head, looking at the redhead before looking away and down to the floor, blowing out an exasperated sigh. In all honesty, he was excited, anxious and frightened. It may have been 3 years since you left, but you and Bucky went through a lot. Not only was he your lover, but a partner in missions, best friend, and support to lean on. “What should I be feeling? I’m fine, just nervous as hell.”
She knits her brows and places her hand on his bicep sensing his hesitation and cold shoulder. “Bucky, it’s going to be alright. We’ll let her know gently. I mean, come on. She left you, so what she finds out we’re together. She’ll figure it out the moment she steps in this tower.” She turns his upper torso, concern etched on her features.
“Nat, it’s easier said than done. You heard what Steve said about her. She shut off her emotions and seems to not care. But I know her. Deep down she does. We were once in love. We were…” He pauses and shuts his eyes before opening them back up. He had tears welling up and he quickly blinked them away.
“We were in love and engaged Nat. No one forgets that that easily.”
Nat purses her lips and looks down, taking and interwinding her fingers with Bucky's.  
“Buck,” she says with sincerity. “I know it still hurts. Hell, I was her best friend. How do you think she’s going to react to finding out not only you moving on and being with me, but the fact that her best friend is with the man who she saw her future with?”
Buck inspects Nat’s eyes, seeing the ache in her as well.
“She left all of us. We’re all still hurting. I bet you right now, Sam is freaking out because he’s getting his partner in crime back.” They both huff out a laugh and Buck nods his head, flashing her a faint smile.
“We’ll get through this together. I’ll be by your side. I’m sure she has someone special.” As those words leave his lips, it tastes of bittersweet. It stung his heart thinking about you being happy with some other guy, but he’d be glad you found someone to share your life with, even if it wasn’t him. Nat was there to pick up the pieces and put him back together.
He leans in and captures her lips in a soft, gentle kiss. Nat pulls away, her face scrunched with disgust and giggles “Morning breath, Barnes.”
Bucky laughs and shakes his head, licking his lips. “It never stopped you before.” He smirks and pulls her in for another kiss.
“Wade! Get up dickwad!” You shout from the kitchen while twirling and swaying your hips to the music that was playing from your playlist. You made as much breakfast food for about 10 people, knowing how much Wade loved your cooking. You wanted today to be just like any other day, but better.
Wade walks in, still in his red onesie with his stuffed unicorn, eyeing you.
“Why the fuck are you-” He pauses and his grumpy, annoyed self instantly lightens up. “Oh hello. Is it my birthday or did you kill someone again?”
You snort and shake your head, taking Wade’s hands and pulling him towards the table. “It’s my last day here as your roommate so why not?” You raise your brow at him and smile as he sits down.
“I’d rather have a blow job, but you can’t always get what you want.” He says before stuffing his face in pancakes and grabbing the syrup, opening the top and squirting a ton into his mouth.
You roll your eyes and smack the back his head. He recoils his head and gives you a look before continuing his breakfast. You sit on the other end of the table, making yourself a plate. You could feel sadness and anger radiating from Wade. “You’re not coming.” You say bluntly while looking down at your food.
Wade stops his actions and looks at you. “Ah, yes I am. These pancakes got me hard.” Both of you burst out in laughter to where you have tears in your eyes. Wade notices this and his laughter dies out as yours stays the same except, tears are running down your face.
“Y/n…” He sighs and right when he was about to speak, you cut him off, wiping off the tears that spilled.
“It’s alright, Wade. Don’t worry about me. I’m pretty sure you’re going to make stops at the tower. I get there, help capture the shithead they want, and leave. I’ll be back before you know it.” You simply state and flash Wade a bright smile when in the inside you’re screaming and aching. It didn’t help that you had a night terror and now that you’re lying to your best friend. It was like someone set you on fire and there were no escapes, just suffering. You didn’t want to leave but you needed to face them.
You made a mistake the day that changed everything for you
You should have told him.
The elevator doors open, signaling your arrival to the floor. You walk out into the empty hallway with Tony right by your side. You sensed people just around the corner, by the amount of emotions you felt. Tony placed a hand on the small of you back and walked you into the common room, seeing the backs of every Avenger, except the demi-god, Thor.
“Hey, listen up children!” Tony’s voices boom around the room and they all turn around facing you. You gulp and look up at Tony who gives you a reassuring smile before speaking. “This is Y/n everyone, Y/n this is the Avengers. I’m guessing you already know who’s who?” He quirks a brow at you and you nod, feeling excited but overwhelmed by everyone staring at you. It was like high school; you make the wrong impression and they’d be on you like prey. You tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear and smile.
“Hi, everyone. I also go by Nova, that’s what Bruce and Tony call me.” They reply all at once and you’re so eager to meet everyone. First up, was Steve Rogers, you knew this by watching the news and seeing him everywhere. He was tall, built, broad shoulders that signified dominance, however, he carries a gentler and sweet look on his face. His piercing blue eyes made you weak in the knees, but you had a simple crush on the super soldier.
“Y/n, I’d like to introduce you to Capsicle aka Steve Rogers.” Tony pats the blonde on the back and walks away. You were about to call him back when Steve spoke up.
“Hey, don’t worry. I don’t bite.” His smile is warm and friendly, which calms your nerves.
“Sorry, I get really nervous around new people.” You chuckle tensely and Steve waves it off.
“You’ll adjust just fine. We heard a lot about you. There wasn’t much background information, only what was given to us.”
You nod your head and blow out a sigh “Yeah, I don’t know much about my past. I’ve been in an orphanage up until I was 13. After that, I was put into a great home, but since I’m different, I wanted to get out and know who and what I really am. My family wasn’t cut out for this life, knowing what I can do. It’s a safer choice to leave them. That’s why Fury wiped anything about them relating to me. I’m just Y/n or Nova. That’s it.”
You saw the look in Steve’s eyes. He felt sorry for you, but he understood. He too carried so much emotion, mainly sadness and lost. But he was happy knowing he had people around him to make new memories with. He was content with his life.
“Well, Y/n. Let’s go meet the rest of the team, shall we?” He gives you a toothy grin and you follow Steve into the lounge where everybody introduces themselves individually. You were absolutely star struck when Wanda introduced herself. You found out both of you had so much in common. You could hear her thoughts, maybe if was the factor that you’re able to absorb what people feel. You two had a mental connection and glad to find someone who was like you. Nat was a little intimidating at first, but she was friendly, seeing how adorable you were every time you met a new member of the team.
When it came to Sam, he was instantly drawn to you. Clearly, he was flirting with you, but it wasn’t serious, more comical. Both of you also had a lot in common and he found out your love of playing video games, every now and then. Clint was very polite and he held an older brotherly characteristic about him.
After talking and bonding with everyone, you still hadn’t met the person who was feeling torn about himself. You were talking with Sam about Call of Duty when Steve leaves the lounge. You excuse yourself and follow Steve out into the hallway.
“Hey Steve, wait-” You stopped mid-sentence when you saw another man coming from a room. His long, chestnut hair curved around his god-like, chiseled cheekbones and jawline, sharp like stone. His penetrating blue-gray eyes met yours and your breath hitched in your throat. His stature was profoundly impressive. You felt your cheeks grow hot when the man gives you a faint smile. You wanted to run away and hide. How could someone be so good-looking enough to make you suffer just from his beautiful face? Words? What were they? You stood there, gawking at the mysterious man then it clicked. The metal prosthetic glistened from the light bouncing off of it and you looked down, smiling wider. The Winter Solider.
“That’s so cool. It looks way better in person.” You didn’t realize you said that out loud and your eyes widen. Fuck, why am I so stupid. Shut up Y/n.  Great, how awkward can this get?
You hear him huff out a laugh and instantly you felt his uneasiness turn to happiness and curiosity. But that odd attraction of emotions that engrossed your thoughts earlier grew stronger with a hint of anxiousness? As if they were hesitant to move, or speak, or even breathe.
You saw Steve from the corner of your eye, smiling before walking over to you with the Winter Soldier.
“Hey Y/n, this is Bucky.”
Tags:  @thatawkwardtinyperson , @buckybarnesismypreciousplum, @the-violent-peach, @amrita31199, @finallybreathee, @atari-writes, @jezzula,  @am-ialive-yet, @that-winchester-hoe, @scarlettsoldier, @tittymuncher69, @elaacreditava, @angelicshinigami, @softwhispers, @wolfechildofslytherin, @cutescreenname  , @iamwarrenspeace, @confusedmemelord
(if you want to be tagged, let me know :)
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