#like of all of them they said the dnf ones were gay šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
livingproofoftbd Ā· 10 months
someone hid these little plastic ducks around my school and
Tumblr media
my friends found some dnf ones (mine is santa) AND THEN THEY SAID THEYRE GAY LOVERS I WAS DYINGGGGGGG
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mcytblr-archive Ā· 4 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: leftistgnf
today's interviewee (after far too long letting this sit in my drafts) is leftistgnf/marg, also known for running the gnflegalteam blog! they were kind enough to answer my laundry list of questions, and i'm excited to finally share them with you all!
Q: What do you remember about the mcytblr awards?
A: omg i hope this isnā€™t a disappointing way to start but i actually remember very little about these. were these the ones angie markets did? i just remember attempts to make mcytblr-wide events like this usually got complained about because the fandom was too big lol.
Q: What was the gnflegalteam blog?
A: probably the most poorly-aging part of my digital footprint šŸ˜­sometime in late 2021 i started doing a bit on my blog where iā€™d roleplay as a lawyer defending george from the gay allegations. on april fools day 2022 i made a sideblog with this fake press release about how we lost our case and needed help with the appeal and people started sending asks and it became a whole little side project. it was honestly pretty fun! people who already didnā€™t really fuck with me called it parasocial, but so was everything we were all doing all the time. unfortunately it is gone forever nowā€¦. after the story about george sexually assaulting caiti became public i made a final post telling him to kill himself and someone reported it and tumblr deleted the sideblog LMAO. it was a pretty fitting way for it to go out.
Q: What was the "drama stream" that you and Hari streamed?
A: HAHAHA okay this was like, summer 2022 i think? i had made this channel with the gnflegalteam username just to talk in solā€™s twitch chat, with no intention of ever streaming, but hari and i began kicking around the idea of doing a ā€œā€ā€drama streamā€ā€ā€ where weā€™d mostly talk about cc drama. iā€™m not sure how to best describe this but: we, and our friends, tended to disagree with the dtblr majority on a lot of controversies. and dtblr could be really vicious when you had differing opinions! even on inconsequential stuff like lore takes! so people already saw me and hari as being toxic and controversial, just because we held those differing opinions, and i guess i felt like i didnā€™t have anything to lose by talking about it all at once.
admittedly we clickbaited it a lot and probably flew too close to the sun and hari made a very uhhh.. inflammatory advertisement for it. but looking back i donā€™t think we actually talked about anything THAT crazy. like i said, most of the ā€œdramaā€ was related to creators or the dsmp and not other tumblr users. there was a group of blogs who specifically planned a stream at the same time as ours and made posts about choosing positivity or something, which blew what we were doing way out of proportion and created its own unnecessary drama. but the stream itself, after all the angry anons we got leading up to it, was a lot of fun. it attracted a lot more attention than i ever expected. i infamously got connoreatspants to react to a raid from a channel called ā€œgnflegalteam,ā€ which was probably one of my favorite moments of my whole mcytblr experience.
Q: What was it like to be in 404blr?
A: 404blr, especially in the earlier days, was nice because there were so few of us who actually considered themselves ā€œā€george mains.ā€ā€ george never streamed and was barely even active on social media so a lot of the community bonding happened over content droughts. i remember a lot of thinkpieces on the trajectory of his career and these floods of desperate ā€œi miss georgeā€ posts. also, i know you didnā€™t ask about 404cord but i want to mention it briefly because basically everyone on 404blr ended up joining in the first couple of days. before all the drama it was really just 404blr people, plus a couple dream stans who also really liked george. it used to be very fun and normal!
imo most of the conflict surrounding 404blr happened when we fought with other subblrs. there was definitely a clash between dream/dnf mains and george mains, because they would really mischaracterize and over-sexualize george in ways that felt weird to us. in the context of shipping, george was always portrayed as this blushing virginal twinkish nymphomaniac. in general a lot of self-proclaimed dnf/dream team mains were really just dream mains who liked george as the other half of a ship and didnā€™t really care about him as a person. honestly, we were always just on a soapbox trying to convince people that george was a fun interesting good streamer.
itā€™s complicated to look back on because obviously i think george is really fucking gross now, which colors all my memories of being a fan of his. i donā€™t know that i still agree with my past self about him being particularly good at streaming either. but i met a lot of friends through 404blr and generally think about that specific community fondly
Q: Why was Hari in people's blocklists?
A: hmm i wonā€™t say too much about this just because itā€™s not my exposĆ© to give. but like early 2021, when i had just joined mcytblr, there was this discord server that hari was in, and they had a conflict that escalated to the point of some members putting her and ā€œher supportersā€ in their dnis. it was really bizarre because they talked about her like she was a problematic content creator and not a friend they fought with. i was mutuals with a couple of the people who were mad at her and they were vagueposting like she killed their entire family. iirc everyone involved was very young at the time, which i think explains a lot of how that went down.
Q: Do you think there was an overlap between inniters and 404blr?
A: yes thanks to me! JUST KIDDING. i personally was a big clingy duo fan so i followed a lot of inniters and ended up being friends with a lot of inniters, but most of them didnā€™t really gaf about george. a lot of inniters (sbi fandom in general) didnā€™t like dream and really didnā€™t like rpf so we were a little star-crossedā€¦ i canā€™t speak for innitblr as a whole but there were definitely jokes among my mutuals about a couple of us being token george mains or token dnfers. because george (at the time) was kind of controversy-free and also interacted a lot with the uk dsmp creators, i think it was easier for them to let 404blr into their hearts than like, dreamblr or dtblr.
on the other side, a lot of dtblr people hated inniters because they were critical of dream, or because they had such different opinions on lore. i was constantly getting anons asking me why i was friends with certain blogs who had made fun of dream before. so i guess idk if crossover is the right word because it was more like, three or four dnfers who really liked tommy and shamefully showed up at the doorstep of innitblr asking not to be softblocked. thank you spider enclosure for extending that grace to me.
Q: What was it like on the inniter side of Tumblr?
A: my personal experience with innitblr was great! obviously a lot of them felt apathetic or negative towards george or the dream team but that was never really an issue for me i guess -- all my mutualsā€™ criticisms were pretty fair, even back when i disagreed with them. i remember the community itself being really funny and a lot less volatile than dtblr or even 404blr. they were also way more invested in lore, which was another draw for me because i was always a huge lorehead. tbh i probably posted as much about clingy duo as i did about the dream team so i was basically a part time inniter anyways. that being said, innitblr skewed a little younger than dtblr so i was never as involved in the community. but i always loved interacting with them and iā€™m still friends with a lot of my (ex-)innitblr mutuals. most of spider enclosure (for example) are still on tumblr and just post about like doctor who and shit.
Q: What were some positive things you remember from that time?
A: like iā€™ve mentioned: i made a lot of really really great friends who i still talk to often, even a year and a half out from leaving the fandom, which is easily the most positive outcome for me. i could write a million words on how grateful i am for those relationships. itā€™s kind of sweet to think about how these random blogs i befriended during a crazy minecrafter hyfx are now people iā€™ve hung out with in real life, or who send me instagram reels, or who i watch timothee chalamet movies with. mcytblr also had some of the most talented artists and writers iā€™ve ever met! i also think the culture of liveblogging was a LOT of fun, especially during like big lore streams or mcc. an all time favorite memory was liveblogging tommyā€™s love or host because i saw tommy fans, george fans, and variety fans on my dash all begging for it to end lmao.
Q: Conversely, what are some negative ones?
A: a lot of people were likeā€¦ really really not nice. and iā€™ll be honest, most of the not nice people were on dtblr. itā€™s kind of insane thinking back on the stuff that was said to and about me and my mutuals. this is another thing i donā€™t want to get too into because a lot of the stories arenā€™t mine to share but in addition to run-of-the-mill suicide baiting i got a lot of lesbophobia in my ask box, and my friends got anti-semitic and islamophobic and racist and transphobic hate anons. iā€™ve been on tumblr for like 10 years and it was my first fandom experience that was that vitriolic. it was also really easy to get swept up in that kind of toxic culture -- iā€™m certain i said some things i wouldnā€™t be proud of now, especially in defense of dream or whatever.
after october 2022 when dtblr self-rebranded as ā€œdtblr 2.0,ā€ there was a lot of gossip and hate posted about those of us who had left. i donā€™t like admitting this but it really fucked me up for a while! and ruined a lot of my ability to look back on the fandom fondly! it sucks knowing that people who have never once spoken to you have decided to hate you.
anyways, iā€™ve done a lot of self-reflection on my own relationship with fandoms and online discourse and public figures and i think iā€™m better for it, so i guess i hope the people who harrassed us have done that too.
Q: Were there any major fandom/creator events that you remember?
A: broadly speaking, mcc will always have a special place in my heart because it was such a community-wide event. like yes it was about the creators but there was so much activity in the fandom surrounding it (posts, art, analysis, etc etc) that it felt really major for us too.
i donā€™t remember details about this but i know there were mcytblr elections at some point in like 2021 maybe? i just remember i endorsed the 404blr ticket. maybe youā€™ve already archived posts about this. i donā€™t think it really went anywhere, but the campaigns were fun! and it was the first ā€œcommunityā€ event in the mcytblr fandom that i remember being around for.
ALSO iā€™m a little nervous to talk about this one in case itā€™s still controversial on dtblr. but ages ago i had a friend who put a bunch of mutuals in one of those silly hunger games simulators and it became this whole thing where people accused them of only including the ā€œdtblr 1%ā€. which was like, categorically untrue, but it spawned such inane discourse that itā€™s ingrained in my mind forever.
Q: Is there anything else you'd like to share or have archived?
A: i think you got an anon asking for 404blr perspectives in the wake of caitiā€™s statements, which is likeā€¦ what do i even say except that george is a sexual predator lmfao. because he is! obviously i left the fandom when a lot of people did, after dreamā€™s grooming allegations, because i think heā€™s also acted inappropriately with underage fans (to put it mildly). the sheer number of survivors publicizing their experiences with abuse and assault in the mcyt space proves how prevalent an issue it is, and how harmful it was to have george and dream (and wilbur, and punz, and so on) in such positions of power there. itā€™s nauseating to think how much they, and men like them, were able to get away with. i regret how many red flags i overlooked, even back then before the worst of it was known.
iā€™d like it archived that spider enclosure was technically in the washington post. they ran an article about r/place back in april 2022 and the screenshot they chose for the header included the spot where we wrote ā€œspienā€ even though itā€™s so horribly pixelated that itā€™s illegible.
uhh i think thatā€™s it. sorry if this was more focused on dtblr than 404blr, they were pretty inextricable by 2022. but i hope those people who wanted to hear from 404ers got the insight they were looking for? my parting wordsā€¦ subscribe to tubbo.
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livingdeadvamp Ā· 1 year
ahhhhhh, i missed that you answered my askšŸ˜­
ok, so essentially there's one really really popular mcyt ship that's called dnf right? and that's two out of three people of the dream team (best friends for like 10 and 7 years one of them moved across the world to live with the other two they all love each other so much, it's very epic) and *some people* are like dnf-solo truthers (aka dnfolos) and take it very serious and are convinced that they are dating and that saying they aren't and/or shipping one of them with someone else (or all three of the dteam together) is disrespectful to them and that saying you think the one who said he's straight (once a while ago, in a bit of a high pressure situation, also got called "the straightest person there" a bit ago and didn't say anything against it but also didn't disagree when he got called gay and a bottom so who knows) is homophobic, which... already a bit of a weird take? but a lot of them also tend to push them into very heteronormative and fetishised roles within the shipping of one being the big man top and the other a girly tiny hourglass figure bottom which are not really roles that they tend to represent in their content,,,like at all?
and now, one of them and the other person of their group (their ship is called snf) were on a stream the other day where they talked about how little having privacy from eachother matters to them and they joked about showering together and then went to shower (separate) but synced up their music and every time one of them has a moment like that on stream with someone else some dnfolos tend to have some.....very interesting takes on how this is somehow about dnf or why that other person is somehow in the wrong for what happened and the double standard is just fascinating....and essentially i just wanted to make a joke about that and how bad some of their takes are, which isn't actually bad but they are kinda infamous to be v pro death threats and there's definitely been some moments where it escalated into a mob mentality against specific people (be that other fans or content creators) and i just decided that maybe i don't even want to make a silly little joke about those people....
anyway i hope that made a little bit of sense and helped your need for drama! basically just infighting in a sub-fandom that's already hated by a big part of the main fandom lol
I'll be honest I love learning about random fandom (hey that rhymes!!) drama it's usually sososo silly. People like that are insane. There's having fun with theories or private speculation, then there's That. There's a similar thing in the Taylor Swift fandom where people (Gaylors) INSIST she's actually gay and closeted and all men she dates are all beard contracts and saying otherwise is really homophobic. I don't get why they get so hung up on what is fantasy. Not complaining too much tho because I'm not that involved in either situation, so I just get to sit around and watch the drama unfold
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tinogiehd Ā· 2 years
completely unrelated but a fucking ridiculous dream happened and i know you host ran/boo neg so here i go, i guess?
okay so i drank way too many homemade cocktails that i call apple bunnies (vodka+apple juice+redbull+candied cherries+ice) and passed out (look it was a monday, please dont judge me šŸ˜­).
that is when i had a drama dream as i call it, where i was happily scrolling tmblr when something happened to throw the dash into a ridiculous panic driven posting, like the first person was i think gnfogies posting "WHAT THE FUCK" out of the blue, the posts kept coming 10 a minute i kept refreshing dash going whatthefuckisgoingon???? when the first screenshots came in.
dream and george posted a cute touching foreheads pic with both chains in full view and a heart made by their combined hands as a happy pride month thing and everyone was going fucking insane i mean rabid celebrating it
but there is a huge but
SOMEHOW, AT THE SAME TIME, ran/boo got exposed via someone secretly recording him making a throw away comment about male gay sex workers being gross because all of their videos were "cringy" and "bad lgbt rep" that made them "normal gays" look bad.
tinogie, it was fucking war, everyone was screeching at mach speeds and foaming at the mouth, i think twitter broke at one point ffs
i woke up scared shitless and close to tears never drinking that much EVER AGAIN FUCK THAT SHIT
šŸŽšŸ‡ anon signing off, i hope i never dream about shit like this ever again (although please remember me if ran/boo ever gets canceled, i will be there in spirit)
guyss. s I'm really fucking scared why are you all having dnf dreams . I dreamt that dream and sapnap were both live with face cam and george was in sapnap's room and sapnap offered him a cookie and he went no maybe if you'd offered it ten minutes ago when I said I was hungry. but he took it anyways and brought it to dream and chat told sapnap and he just sighed and went well obviously :/ .... also anon this so fucking beautiful like this would be the best day of my whole life for the record
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