#like oh yeah there’s this one specific groundhog that predicts the coming of spring each year and they stream it live and people watch it
doctor-peggy · 4 months
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I almost forgot!!! Happy marmot day to everyone except this poor guy who does not seem to be enjoying himself. America, your gods are strange and interesting.
Also last year I wrote a poem about him while I was in a depressive haze and it ended up submitting it to a magazine so I did not post it. But! This year I will. Because it’s very silly and I’m proud of it for this reason. Not that I have an audience but I mean you know that’s not the point of tumblr anyhow.
Marmot; A short love letter to Phil
I wonder what he’s thinking when
They lift him up so high
You worship him, your god of spring
He’s just a little guy
He truly is just. A little guy. Thank you to my friend for reminding me that today is Groundhog Day.
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