#like omg bro chill out you’re not the chosen one
jesterofthecourt · 6 months
Light thinking he was “chosen” to get the Death Note lines up so well with his thinking of being a god and Ryuk telling him it was a coincidence and he’s fucking stupid for thinking that is so funny to me you tell him bitch
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Vincenzo : Episode 18
slow mo as if he’s not going to be alive, please!
did he get him in the heart or the shoulder though?
Damn did he actually kill the interpol people 💀
I am so confused by this brother storyline I’m so serious. stop playing with me 😭🙏 is it so bad I want him to turn around for the better???
it’s giving Itaewon class where I kept waiting for the CEO’s son to come to his senses after 800 betrayals and humiliation tactics from his dad but he just… fell off
lmao he called our lawyer queenie dumb, as he should. the audacity to roll your eyes like he’s not making points. deporting him doesn’t ensure you’ll stay alive 💀??? but these were the same people celebrating his mother’s murder with no worries in their head so why am I bothering
also everytime someone says mafia I just remember ITZY
HE DID NOT EMBARRASS ME. that’s family !!! 💗💗💗
someone save my himbo. i fear he’ll be caught
my goon guy is such a cutie, just gave him a vip hot air balloon ticket that says for you, anywhere anytime <3
why is evil CEO deadass chilling at his home like don’t you have something to do ???
I knew Babel would have some weird connection to its name. why would you name your company tower of greed omg you manifested its downfall
funny the Wusang ex director is talking about people as collateral damage when I thought he was one too by being part of the Evil CEO squad initially.
GET HIMMMMM !!! (some random people are at the CEO’s house)
this ominous music is so funny LMAO [ominous music intensifies]
is that Mr. Cho getting chased ??? noooo
HACKER GIRL SAVE YOURSELF. I cannot tolerate losing anymore people I’m so serious.
he murdered 4 fellow students when he was in school but jail is where draws the line 💀✋
anybody want lunch 🤣
oh so the happy soft music was for the brother thing. and they aren’t related by some familial thing (as I had once assumed seeing gifs) it’s chosen family!
my babe has suffered DEEP with that brother
I know this is TV but so much of it is real life too. the audacity to want to be a politician and top gun lawyer to serve people while threatening people’s left right centre is so infuriating to me 😭 Mr. Cho’s family’s at stake because you (the politician) and your family did disgusting things and now you want to hide them. I hate these people so bad
honestly I don’t even know what this Babel evil CEO is doing at this point like they’ve not won or done anything substantial AT ALL where you go oh you’re smart or you’re playing chess or keeping us at our toes. they just kill people. they’ll make you sad by killing people but that’s all they do. senselessly murder people or buy people and that doesn’t make you smart in any world 💀✋ all y’all have is brute force
everytime my subtitles fumble a dialogue I always wonder how much translation I’m missing out on but we move
Han Seo (junior brother) about to be tailed again OH NO MY BABY STAY ALIVE
Luca is here and everyone saying hi and he’s smiling and then our girl says hello and he’s beaming like the sun. I almost forgot all about the kissing!!! we have 2 episodes left now MOVE IT guys.
plus there’s that gold nonsense too
plus the evil politician
and now we have some news from Italy.
the acting from the Luca failing bad rn but we move
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Mr Cho noooo, gun to the head I would’ve lied. bought some time 😭✋
also I’ve seen this blue suit in promo posters okay slay
not the kissing photo in the email 🤣 how convenient, as he has to leave. let the memories work their magic 🙏
no pigeon ???
Mr. Nam my cutie
family is here <333
awww they’re giving him things 🥹
awww he called him bro
wait he’s not gonna leave is he
are y’all gonna kiss!?! hug!!!?
damn I got nothing ?
awww she’s speaking Italian. I thought she was running to confess but still this is very sweet indeed.
also that was a jacket apparently not a suit
how to befriend a bird and the pen given by the girl we love lmao, you already miss them so bad and the flight hasn’t even left
this politician’s right hand man has been here for 2 episodes and I already want to kill him. he’s also exposed the gold already 😍 someone GET HIM.
oh they moved everything, I used to pray for times like these. must’ve done it when the monks went out for alms
Yes run !!!!
I knew he’d get off the plane and make in time for a fight lol
Also this is such a callback to the first episode. My girl was about to fight then as well and he stopped it in time.
Also before I forget I thought the way he stared at her old photos, they might’ve known each other lol. maybe we get to skip that trope here 🙏
This is the promo shot where he’s calling them
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
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Title: your demons are my darkness
Pairing: Dark!John x Demon blood!Sam x Reader/ eventual Dean x Reader
Kink: Gangbang
Dark: Dark!John
Heaven & Hell: Demon Blood!Sam
created for @spnkinkbingo @heavenandhellbingo @spndarkbingo​
A/N: This will be a really tough thing for me to write again this is the territory that I seem to find my passion expanding more... Once more if you like this please give it a like and a reblog and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to send me a message.
Tags: forced vaginal penetration, forced anal penetration, screaming, crying, choking from gagging, magical mind melding sex, bad ass escape skills,  forced oral sex, gagging, puking from gagging, impregnation, male dick in male ass 
Kink masterlist. H&H masterlist. Dark masterlist.
You are a huntress, you had lived all over. While living in Greece several years ago you were walking in the countryside, you came across a temple.
Normally you weren't the religious type but today you felt drawn to the temple. You turned to the goddess Artemis for guidence.
Unbeknown to you at that moment that the actual goddess herself would come to speak with you in person.
Artemis: "child, you are blessed with a gift from the gods. I'm Artemis and I have heard your prayers my child. You have found favor under me by which I bestow to you the daggers of Olympus. These daggers grant you the powers of the 12 main Olympians. Use them in your quest to vanquish the demons that haunt this realm. Remember child yell when your holding the daggers & blessings will befall you. Now go home, your next quest is waiting for you. Remember this name: Winchester!"
YN: "Artemis thank you I go now under the guidence of the gods."
You left and boarded the next possible flight. You remembered what Artemis had said, the daggers became bracelets, you arrived home to discover your only hope of retrieving your weapons cache, was to somehow knock out the 2 guys that showed up just before you did.
You overheard their conversation it went something like this:
John: "look Sam I don't pretend to understand what your going through but you can't speak to your brother the way you did & you certainly as hell don't get to speak to me that way either."
At that moment it was unclear to John what was happening. He went to move but felt his darkness rise up once more.
This made your hunting senses go haywire, you tried to ninja your way passed them using the cover of darkness, but they spotted you..
Dark!John: "hey Sam look over here son!"
Demon Blood!Sam: "well well let's play with her shall we?"
Dark!John: "let's get away from here first then we shall have some fun with her."
Both guys were immediately by your sides they knocked you out. by the time you woke up again tied to a bed.
Dark!John: “oh good you’re awake, we were afraid you would sleep through all the fun!”
YN: “who are you?”
Demon Blood !Sam: “have you ever heard the name of Winchester?”
thats when Artemis’ words rang through your mind... 
YN: “you’re what my mentor warned me about. let me go... what do you intend to do with me?” 
Dark!John: “we intend to fuck you into the middle of next week unloading our dark semen into you, little girl. we will begin in just a few moments.”
John and Sam left the area, you struggled against your binds, your next move was to pray to Artemis.
YN: “Artemis Goddess of the Hunt, freeze time in my stay, come now to speak with me.”
in that moment, time stopped as Artemis appeared.
Artemis: “what has happened my child?”
YN: “those 2 goons over there go by the last name of Winchester. please o great & humble Artemis send me salvation for i know i cannot fight what is about to happen.”
Artemis: “not to worry child ill see what i can do...”
in that moment as fast as she had come, she was gone.. you sat in wait, fearing neigh dreading what was gonna happen to you, loosing the barrier of your innocence is something that has always kept you from falling too far in love... 
you retreated to your safe haven, to your inner mind, now you werent paying any attention , you knew you would eventually come back to reality but for right then you were perfectly happy living in your magic.
the rumors surrounding the winchester name were true... but un-beknown to you, your salvation would soon involve another winchester. Meanwhile Artemis was having a discussion with her “brother” Ares.
Artemis: “its time bro, you need to share your powers with the other chosen by the Gods. it is the only way to save my prospect.”
Ares: “chill out sis, who is the lucky person to inherit my gifts?”
Artemis: “dean Winchester.”
Ares: “come with me sister. this will go alot smoother if your by my side..”
Artemis: “very well brother...”
both ares and artemis went on their way to see the better of the winchester line. they appeared scaring the living daylights out of Dean whose reaction was to pull out the handheld, aiming it at Ares and Artemis.
Ares takes a few steps forward now standing directly in front of Dean rolls his eyes.
Ares: “bro put that down... trust me boy your the only solution but your gonna have to act fast...”
Dean lowered his gun at the ringing of Ares’ words...
Dean: “what are you talking about? who are you?”
Artemis: “Dean, you’re one of those chosen by the Gods of Olympus... Ares beside me here is going to give you access to his power as well as that of the 12 main Olympians.”
Dean sat down on the edge of his bed, the expression of shock clear cross his face.
Dean: “well if the dude is Ares, who does that make you sweetheart?”
Artemis: “i am Artemis Goddess of the Hunt... Dean do you accept the charges that Ares will provide to you?”
Dean: “of course but why are you guys just approaching me now?”
Ares: “cause your time to awaken is now, your partner from the Gods is in serious trouble. Dean, you have found favor within me, i bestow to you now the dual swords of Olympus, they will turn into Gauntlets when you arent in battle. the swords will grant you the powers of the Gods. now your task is to go and find one called YN, she is a huntress & your chosen partner. your father & brother are the ones that have her.”
Dean’s eyes went wide with shock and a bit of anger...
Dean: “where is she? how do i reach her?”
Artemis: “we will show you where but once there you must hurry for if they impregnate her, the apocalypse will start. Both you & YN are the 2 people both set to start the apocalypse as well as start it. her getting filled with dark sperm is the first seal broken, this must not be allowed to happen. once you rescue her you have to call our names & we will get you away from there. they havent climaxed yet they havent even started fucking her yet, but they are about to start... i know this cause im connected to her. Dean are you prepared to fight your own family?”
Dean: “im prepared to do what is necessary to save my partner...”
back at what you assumed to be some sort of a motel or hotel room.
YN: “look okay you guys really dont want to do this.. ive got very very powerful friends.”
Dark!John: “shut up you stupid bitch... take what we are gonna give you and like it...”
John came up to your pussy first running his finger through your folds before replacing his finger with his cock. you struggled, you knew what was about to happen... but you felt powerless at that moment to stop it... 
Sam came up to your mouth and started to slap your face with his cock... this went on for several moments before he tried to make you gag on his fingers, you ended up gagging but you bit him in the process... 
Demon Blood!Sam: “why you little bitch... thats it... Dad you can take her virginity im gonna teach this bitch not to bite people...”
Dark!John: “if your not ready for me by now sweetheart your not gonna have a choice now...”
before you could come back with your remark, Sam shoved his Cock in your mouth, thrusting in and out holding position making your eyes water and causing you to gag. you were only given a 1 second breathing period between gagging sessions. 
after the first 5 gagging sessions Sam was laughing so hard amused by your gagging that he didnt even realize that you threw up on his cock right away... he noticed it when John spoke out...
Dark!John: “okay bitch this is for throwing up on my sons cock...”
at that moment your eyes went wide, you let out an earth shattering scream as John thrust himself hard into your pussy breaking past the barrier of your innocence. 
Demon Blood!Sam: “okay bitch, clean my cock...”
Sam then stuck his cock back in your mouth, puke and all... this made it even harder to take in... you threw up multiple times after that... John didnt care that you were bleeding a bit, that soon stopped when your pussy started to form to John... 
you screamed between gags, you were crying and choking and barely breathing... you only hoped that your salvation would soon arrive and that your powers would not show, for the darkness must not contact the light... you retreated into your mental space only partially to keep up the gagging and noises... 
Artemis was now in a similar but not state of shock over what she was feeling from you, she knew you had retreated to your safe space... 
Artemis: “omg we dont have alot of time, YN is growing weak... if they impregnate her they will... wait a moment thats it... as soon as you have eyes on YN you need to mind meld with her, your powers are linked, it will allow you to meet her and to mentally fuck her.”
Dean: “im sorry what... mentally fuck her... what the fuck does that mean?”
Artemis: “ill explain before i send you in... lets go...”
Dean stood up in time to be transported with Ares and Artemis just outside of a warehouse district.
Dean: “explain please...”
Ares: “basically long story short you and YN can fuck in your shared mental space and what ever transpires in there climax wise will transpire in reality. meaning if you cum inside her in your shared mind, it will cancel any dark energy they would be putting into her in reality.”
Dean: “and all i have to do is connect to YN...”
Artemis: “yes she is in her mental space now... but the guys are close to releasing into her... you have about an hour at best before they release... once in the mental scape time will speed up... so make sure you stay out of sight till yours and YN’s roles are done in the mental space... Ares and I will wait here for you to call our names and we will pull you both out.”
Dean stared at the building behind him searching it with his powers trying to get a lock on you... finally after a few moments Dean was no longer in front of Ares and Artemis but instead was high in the rafters of one of the buildings in the district... 
he looked down and saw you, his father and his brother. he got into a position where he was sure that he wasnt gonna fall or anything and while keeping you in sight. he channeled his inner powers and went deep into a state of mind where hopefully he would find you...
entering the joining point he saw something in the distance that he could only assume had to be you. Dean then figured he had better look the part of “not here to hurt you” or anything look peaceful while still hot and sexy... 
indeed the form he had seen was you, sitting on the ground with your knees tight to your chest, knowing that you were at this point helpless to stop what was happening outside... thats when your powers sparked, making you turn around...
YN: “who are you?”
Dean: “im Dean Winchester... yes in unfortunate relation to the ones who are currently giving you your current predicament. but at the same time im the good one. i threw away my darkness a long time ago.. i never looked back. im the other chosen by the Gods of Olympus with Ares as my guide. our patrons wait outside this building for us... but we have to do something first to counteract whats happening outside.”
YN: “what do we have to do? what can we do we are in here they are out there defiling my body... they stole my innocence... they took the thing that kept me from loosing my sanity...”
Dean: “Artemis said that what we do in here in the form of sex, the only thing that will stay as a permenant to your outside form is the climax that i unload into you in here... that will stop them from releasing their darkness inside of you and breaking the first seal of the apocalypse.”
YN: “Dean i trust you to get us out of this mess safely and when we get back to our physical forms i shall like to explore more of what we can be together slowly.”
Dean helps you stand his clothes falling off of him, his arms lift you high softly and gently placing you on his cock. being thrust by Dean made you feel different, like it was meant to be, like this was destined.
Ares: “did they just.?.”
Artemis: “its happening... lets be ready to pull them out... there is only 10 minutes left out here but to them it will feel like mere hours.”
Ares: “lets hope the speed of the Gods makes their work alot faster.”
Artemis: “i hope your right brother.”
Dean was speeding up alot faster than normal, he then remembered about his powers. they were still kicking in, well he now had the speed of Hermes and man was he putting it to good use. 
Dean (out of breath): “squirt for me baby! i can tell your almost there... by my time count so am i and so are they... squirt for me baby... Ares, Artemis be ready to pull us out with clothes on, we are almost there...”
you were now in a half mental and half physical state so John and Sam could hear the earth shattering orgasmic scream you let out the second you climaxed, Dean, John and Sam also climaxed... you spat out the seman right back at Sam and vomited immediately. 
your magic was working to expell the darkness from your body... Dean was also back in his own body... for he then smiled lightly...
Dean: “Ares great God of War, Artemis Goddess of the Hunt pull our asses out. and someplace far way.”
within seconds you and dean were whisked away but Ares decided to teach John and Sam a lesson so he used his power to make them ready to cum again but placed them on the bed where John was about to unload into Sam’s ass and Sam all over John... 
Ares stayed to leave a creepy voice over.
Ares (thundering voice from above): “if either of you morons ever think about contacting that girl or your other family member again i will personally deliever you both to the firey gates of tartarus myself for the dark tretchery you have caused.”
you and Dean suddenly found yourselves in a room, one unlike that of which either of you had ever seen. there was a knock on the wall making both of you look up.
Artemis: “welcome to Olympus... i’m sure you both have lots of questions. let me be the first to say congratulations. but that is news for after a few words from Zeus...”
both you and Dean got down and Bowed before the king of the Gods. looking up at Zeus who smiled and gestured for both you and Dean to rise.
Zeus: “YN & Dean, i am delighted to meet those chosen by Artemis and Ares. i hope you will find this quarters to your liking. dont worry Artemis and Ares will go in a while to collect your possessions from earth. when you both are up to it i would like to discuss a few terms and oaths with you both. but right now with what you both have been through you both need to rest. Artemis and Ares wont be far, the grounds are extensive but are free to roam. no boundaries or secrets. i also recommend the hot spring it has healing properties. for now rest. we are delighted to have you both up on Olympus with us. please dont hesitate to ask questions, welcome to the family.”
with those words Zeus was gone. Artemis stuck robes and towels and things like that in the wardrobe.
Artemis: “dont worry YN when your better we will go buy many of the necessities for you from the best shops this side of greece. but i agree with father as much as it pains me too, you both need to rest. everything else can be put on hold for as long as you need to feel normal again.”
you both bow slightly as she leaves and a tinted glass door closes behind her and a couple of curtains fall over the door and the windows. this left you and Dean completely alone.
Dean: “are you okay?”
YN: “no.”
Dean: “do you feel like talking about it?”
YN: “not really..”
Dean: “lay with me on the bed we dont have to do anything but at least let me hold you.”
you nod as you feel the tears return to your eyes. flowing freely, yours and deans once clothed forms now lay bare covered by one single silk sheet, now cuddled together to rest from the events that took place that one awful fated day.
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legion1993 · 5 years
Your Demons Are My Darkness
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Title: your demons are my darkness
Pairing: Dark!John x Demon blood!Sam x Reader/ eventual Dean x Reader
Kink: Gangbang
Dark: Dark!John
Heaven & Hell: Demon Blood!Sam
created for @spnkinkbingo @heavenandhellbingo @spndarkbingo
A/N: This will be a really tough thing for me to write again this is the territory that I seem to find my passion expanding more... Once more if you like this please give it a like and a reblog and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to send me a message.
Tags: forced vaginal penetration, forced anal penetration, screaming, crying, choking from gagging, magical mind melding sex, bad ass escape skills,  forced oral sex, gagging, puking from gagging, impregnation, male dick in male ass 
Kink masterlist. H&H masterlist. Dark masterlist.
You are a huntress, you had lived all over. While living in Greece several years ago you were walking in the countryside, you came across a temple.
Normally you weren't the religious type but today you felt drawn to the temple. You turned to the goddess Artemis for guidence.
Unbeknown to you at that moment that the actual goddess herself would come to speak with you in person.
Artemis: "child, you are blessed with a gift from the gods. I'm Artemis and I have heard your prayers my child. You have found favor under me by which I bestow to you the daggers of Olympus. These daggers grant you the powers of the 12 main Olympians. Use them in your quest to vanquish the demons that haunt this realm. Remember child yell when your holding the daggers & blessings will befall you. Now go home, your next quest is waiting for you. Remember this name: Winchester!"
YN: "Artemis thank you I go now under the guidence of the gods."
You left and boarded the next possible flight. You remembered what Artemis had said, the daggers became bracelets, you arrived home to discover your only hope of retrieving your weapons cache, was to somehow knock out the 2 guys that showed up just before you did.
You overheard their conversation it went something like this:
John: "look Sam I don't pretend to understand what your going through but you can't speak to your brother the way you did & you certainly as hell don't get to speak to me that way either."
At that moment it was unclear to John what was happening. He went to move but felt his darkness rise up once more.
This made your hunting senses go haywire, you tried to ninja your way passed them using the cover of darkness, but they spotted you..
Dark!John: "hey Sam look over here son!"
Demon Blood!Sam: "well well let's play with her shall we?"
Dark!John: "let's get away from here first then we shall have some fun with her."
Both guys were immediately by your sides they knocked you out. by the time you woke up again tied to a bed.
Dark!John: “oh good you’re awake, we were afraid you would sleep through all the fun!”
YN: “who are you?”
Demon Blood !Sam: “have you ever heard the name of Winchester?”
thats when Artemis’ words rang through your mind... 
YN: “you’re what my mentor warned me about. let me go... what do you intend to do with me?” 
Dark!John: “we intend to fuck you into the middle of next week unloading our dark semen into you, little girl. we will begin in just a few moments.”
John and Sam left the area, you struggled against your binds, your next move was to pray to Artemis.
YN: “Artemis Goddess of the Hunt, freeze time in my stay, come now to speak with me.”
in that moment, time stopped as Artemis appeared.
Artemis: “what has happened my child?”
YN: “those 2 goons over there go by the last name of Winchester. please o great & humble Artemis send me salvation for i know i cannot fight what is about to happen.”
Artemis: “not to worry child ill see what i can do...”
in that moment as fast as she had come, she was gone.. you sat in wait, fearing neigh dreading what was gonna happen to you, loosing the barrier of your innocence is something that has always kept you from falling too far in love... 
you retreated to your safe haven, to your inner mind, now you werent paying any attention , you knew you would eventually come back to reality but for right then you were perfectly happy living in your magic.
the rumors surrounding the winchester name were true... but un-beknown to you, your salvation would soon involve another winchester. Meanwhile Artemis was having a discussion with her “brother” Ares.
Artemis: “its time bro, you need to share your powers with the other chosen by the Gods. it is the only way to save my prospect.”
Ares: “chill out sis, who is the lucky person to inherit my gifts?”
Artemis: “dean Winchester.”
Ares: “come with me sister. this will go alot smoother if your by my side..”
Artemis: “very well brother...”
both ares and artemis went on their way to see the better of the winchester line. they appeared scaring the living daylights out of Dean whose reaction was to pull out the handheld, aiming it at Ares and Artemis.
Ares takes a few steps forward now standing directly in front of Dean rolls his eyes.
Ares: “bro put that down... trust me boy your the only solution but your gonna have to act fast...”
Dean lowered his gun at the ringing of Ares’ words...
Dean: “what are you talking about? who are you?”
Artemis: “Dean, you’re one of those chosen by the Gods of Olympus... Ares beside me here is going to give you access to his power as well as that of the 12 main Olympians.”
Dean sat down on the edge of his bed, the expression of shock clear cross his face.
Dean: “well if the dude is Ares, who does that make you sweetheart?”
Artemis: “i am Artemis Goddess of the Hunt... Dean do you accept the charges that Ares will provide to you?”
Dean: “of course but why are you guys just approaching me now?”
Ares: “cause your time to awaken is now, your partner from the Gods is in serious trouble. Dean, you have found favor within me, i bestow to you now the dual swords of Olympus, they will turn into Gauntlets when you arent in battle. the swords will grant you the powers of the Gods. now your task is to go and find one called YN, she is a huntress & your chosen partner. your father & brother are the ones that have her.”
Dean’s eyes went wide with shock and a bit of anger...
Dean: “where is she? how do i reach her?”
Artemis: “we will show you where but once there you must hurry for if they impregnate her, the apocalypse will start. Both you & YN are the 2 people both set to start the apocalypse as well as start it. her getting filled with dark sperm is the first seal broken, this must not be allowed to happen. once you rescue her you have to call our names & we will get you away from there. they havent climaxed yet they havent even started fucking her yet, but they are about to start... i know this cause im connected to her. Dean are you prepared to fight your own family?”
Dean: “im prepared to do what is necessary to save my partner...”
back at what you assumed to be some sort of a motel or hotel room.
YN: “look okay you guys really dont want to do this.. ive got very very powerful friends.”
Dark!John: “shut up you stupid bitch... take what we are gonna give you and like it...”
John came up to your pussy first running his finger through your folds before replacing his finger with his cock. you struggled, you knew what was about to happen... but you felt powerless at that moment to stop it... 
Sam came up to your mouth and started to slap your face with his cock... this went on for several moments before he tried to make you gag on his fingers, you ended up gagging but you bit him in the process... 
Demon Blood!Sam: “why you little bitch... thats it... Dad you can take her virginity im gonna teach this bitch not to bite people...”
Dark!John: “if your not ready for me by now sweetheart your not gonna have a choice now...”
before you could come back with your remark, Sam shoved his Cock in your mouth, thrusting in and out holding position making your eyes water and causing you to gag. you were only given a 1 second breathing period between gagging sessions. 
after the first 5 gagging sessions Sam was laughing so hard amused by your gagging that he didnt even realize that you threw up on his cock right away... he noticed it when John spoke out...
Dark!John: “okay bitch this is for throwing up on my sons cock...”
at that moment your eyes went wide, you let out an earth shattering scream as John thrust himself hard into your pussy breaking past the barrier of your innocence. 
Demon Blood!Sam: “okay bitch, clean my cock...”
Sam then stuck his cock back in your mouth, puke and all... this made it even harder to take in... you threw up multiple times after that... John didnt care that you were bleeding a bit, that soon stopped when your pussy started to form to John... 
you screamed between gags, you were crying and choking and barely breathing... you only hoped that your salvation would soon arrive and that your powers would not show, for the darkness must not contact the light... you retreated into your mental space only partially to keep up the gagging and noises... 
Artemis was now in a similar but not state of shock over what she was feeling from you, she knew you had retreated to your safe space... 
Artemis: “omg we dont have alot of time, YN is growing weak... if they impregnate her they will... wait a moment thats it... as soon as you have eyes on YN you need to mind meld with her, your powers are linked, it will allow you to meet her and to mentally fuck her.”
Dean: “im sorry what... mentally fuck her... what the fuck does that mean?”
Artemis: “ill explain before i send you in... lets go...”
Dean stood up in time to be transported with Ares and Artemis just outside of a warehouse district.
Dean: “explain please...”
Ares: “basically long story short you and YN can fuck in your shared mental space and what ever transpires in there climax wise will transpire in reality. meaning if you cum inside her in your shared mind, it will cancel any dark energy they would be putting into her in reality.”
Dean: “and all i have to do is connect to YN...”
Artemis: “yes she is in her mental space now... but the guys are close to releasing into her... you have about an hour at best before they release... once in the mental scape time will speed up... so make sure you stay out of sight till yours and YN’s roles are done in the mental space... Ares and I will wait here for you to call our names and we will pull you both out.”
Dean stared at the building behind him searching it with his powers trying to get a lock on you... finally after a few moments Dean was no longer in front of Ares and Artemis but instead was high in the rafters of one of the buildings in the district... 
he looked down and saw you, his father and his brother. he got into a position where he was sure that he wasnt gonna fall or anything and while keeping you in sight. he channeled his inner powers and went deep into a state of mind where hopefully he would find you...
entering the joining point he saw something in the distance that he could only assume had to be you. Dean then figured he had better look the part of “not here to hurt you” or anything look peaceful while still hot and sexy... 
indeed the form he had seen was you, sitting on the ground with your knees tight to your chest, knowing that you were at this point helpless to stop what was happening outside... thats when your powers sparked, making you turn around...
YN: “who are you?”
Dean: “im Dean Winchester... yes in unfortunate relation to the ones who are currently giving you your current predicament. but at the same time im the good one. i threw away my darkness a long time ago.. i never looked back. im the other chosen by the Gods of Olympus with Ares as my guide. our patrons wait outside this building for us... but we have to do something first to counteract whats happening outside.”
YN: “what do we have to do? what can we do we are in here they are out there defiling my body... they stole my innocence... they took the thing that kept me from loosing my sanity...”
Dean: “Artemis said that what we do in here in the form of sex, the only thing that will stay as a permenant to your outside form is the climax that i unload into you in here... that will stop them from releasing their darkness inside of you and breaking the first seal of the apocalypse.”
YN: “Dean i trust you to get us out of this mess safely and when we get back to our physical forms i shall like to explore more of what we can be together slowly.”
Dean helps you stand his clothes falling off of him, his arms lift you high softly and gently placing you on his cock. being thrust by Dean made you feel different, like it was meant to be, like this was destined.
Ares: “did they just.?.”
Artemis: “its happening... lets be ready to pull them out... there is only 10 minutes left out here but to them it will feel like mere hours.”
Ares: “lets hope the speed of the Gods makes their work alot faster.”
Artemis: “i hope your right brother.”
Dean was speeding up alot faster than normal, he then remembered about his powers. they were still kicking in, well he now had the speed of Hermes and man was he putting it to good use. 
Dean (out of breath): “squirt for me baby! i can tell your almost there... by my time count so am i and so are they... squirt for me baby... Ares, Artemis be ready to pull us out with clothes on, we are almost there...”
you were now in a half mental and half physical state so John and Sam could hear the earth shattering orgasmic scream you let out the second you climaxed, Dean, John and Sam also climaxed... you spat out the seman right back at Sam and vomited immediately. 
your magic was working to expell the darkness from your body... Dean was also back in his own body... for he then smiled lightly...
Dean: “Ares great God of War, Artemis Goddess of the Hunt pull our asses out. and someplace far way.”
within seconds you and dean were whisked away but Ares decided to teach John and Sam a lesson so he used his power to make them ready to cum again but placed them on the bed where John was about to unload into Sam’s ass and Sam all over John... 
Ares stayed to leave a creepy voice over.
Ares (thundering voice from above): “if either of you morons ever think about contacting that girl or your other family member again i will personally deliever you both to the firey gates of tartarus myself for the dark tretchery you have caused.”
you and Dean suddenly found yourselves in a room, one unlike that of which either of you had ever seen. there was a knock on the wall making both of you look up.
Artemis: “welcome to Olympus... i’m sure you both have lots of questions. let me be the first to say congratulations. but that is news for after a few words from Zeus...”
both you and Dean got down and Bowed before the king of the Gods. looking up at Zeus who smiled and gestured for both you and Dean to rise.
Zeus: “YN & Dean, i am delighted to meet those chosen by Artemis and Ares. i hope you will find this quarters to your liking. dont worry Artemis and Ares will go in a while to collect your possessions from earth. when you both are up to it i would like to discuss a few terms and oaths with you both. but right now with what you both have been through you both need to rest. Artemis and Ares wont be far, the grounds are extensive but are free to roam. no boundaries or secrets. i also recommend the hot spring it has healing properties. for now rest. we are delighted to have you both up on Olympus with us. please dont hesitate to ask questions, welcome to the family.”
with those words Zeus was gone. Artemis stuck robes and towels and things like that in the wardrobe.
Artemis: “dont worry YN when your better we will go buy many of the necessities for you from the best shops this side of greece. but i agree with father as much as it pains me too, you both need to rest. everything else can be put on hold for as long as you need to feel normal again.”
you both bow slightly as she leaves and a tinted glass door closes behind her and a couple of curtains fall over the door and the windows. this left you and Dean completely alone.
Dean: “are you okay?”
YN: “no.”
Dean: “do you feel like talking about it?”
YN: “not really..”
Dean: “lay with me on the bed we dont have to do anything but at least let me hold you.”
you nod as you feel the tears return to your eyes. flowing freely, yours and deans once clothed forms now lay bare covered by one single silk sheet, now cuddled together to rest from the events that took place that one awful fated day.
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yanyan-chen · 6 years
•have you seen this boy dance??
•because WOW
•did i fall for him the second he started dancing???? yes
•ok on with the story
•zeren has been dancing for as long as he could remember,,
•boy was probably dancing in his mother’s womb lol
•whenever he heard music, his body couldn’t help but move along to the beats no matter where he was. like he’d tap his feet,, or bop his head,, or do little arm movements,,,sometimes he forgets about his surroundings,,,,like once,,, he was at a cafe w his friends right
•and he started grooving to the song,,,and as the song went on, his movements got wider,,,and then his elbow hit quanzhe’s drink
•let’s just say that zeren spent almost the entire day trying to remove the stain from the poor kid’s shirt
•only to have to spend $30 buying a new shirt
•and have quanzhe swear that he’ll never sit next to zeren again
•he’s been in various dance competitions and either won first or second place, never anything less
•dancing was something that meant a lot to him. whenever he was stressed or overwhelmed, he would dance to relax his mind
•so when he got to college, he obviously chose to be a dance major
•he even became one of the leaders of the university’s dance team and always performed at festivals
•dance team also consisted of zhengting, jieqiong, and chengxiao
•so speaking of the dance team
•they were holding auditions soon to recruit two more members to fill in for the members that just graduated
•guess who decided to try out!!!
•if you guessed that it was you
•ding ding ding zeren you’re correct
•dancing was also something that you loved ever since you were a kid
•you loved how dancing allowed you to freely express yourself through all sorts of movements and there were no restrictions on what you had to do
•contrary to your life
•your parents expected you to become a doctor or just anything in the medical field. nothing else was allowed. they always disregarded your dreams and forced you to live the way they wanted you to. they’re always comparing you to their friends’ children too. like “so-and-so got accepted to one of the top universities. why aren’t you putting in more effort to be like him?” “so-and-so got all 100s on her report card, why aren’t you putting in more effort to be like her?”
•”why aren’t you putting in more effort to” was a phrase that you constantly heard throughout your life. they were never satisfied with your accomplishments. whenever you get high 90s on anything, they ask why didn’t you get 100s. they always say you don’t put in enough effort or you’re doing things half-heartedly when you really work as hard, if not harder, than the highest achievers. even when you get academic awards, they say “that’s how it should be”
•all you want is for them to acknowledge your achievements even if it’s just ONCE
•so when you got to college, you decided to go to one that was far from your home
•it also so happened to be the one your best friend, chengcheng, was going to, so you were more than content. you chose to be a pharmaceutical sciences major to satisfy your parents’ wish, but chose to try out for the dance team so you had something you were interested in in college. you wanted to join in your first year of college, but it was full ///:
•but not anymore !!
•so! onto auditions
•it was set to be in the afternoon exactly a week after the first semester began, and chengcheng went with you for support, but also because another good friend of his would be there
•you sat in one of the seats as you waited for your turn, and everyone was really talented so you were lowkey Shook™ and wanted to run away bc there’s no way that you can win against them?? but chengcheng wouldn’t let you
•when it was finally your turn, you were like !!!! the whole time you walked onto the stage. it’s not like you lacked confidence or anything, you were just nervous........cause y’kno......one of the judges was none other than THE ding zeren
•you’ve always watched him dance at festivals and you admired him a lot. not only did he have good as hECK looks, but he was such a skilled dancer
•but hey, you weren’t the only one admiring him. bc at one of the festivals, he was walking around w the dance team when he noticed you at your group’s stand selling snacks and his heart skipped a beat bc ?? you’re so beautiful ??? who are you ??? and before he could go to you, zzt pulled him away saying that they needed to prepare to perform soon. so today, he was determined to find out who you are and talk to you. but then he looked at your application form and was surprised bc ?? a pharmaceutical major?? joining the dance team???? everyone that auditioned so far were dance majors or fine arts majors. so as cute as you were, he was ready to complain to ting about how they’re gonna waste their time by watching your performance bc he really wasn’t expecting you to know how to dance, but no he froze the second you started moving. you were so graceful ??? and you controlled all of your movements so well. you hit every beat of the song and you gained more confidence as you danced
•soon, it was over and zeren over here was like :O
•so were all the other dance team members tbh
•cause, as yixing would’ve said, you had the balance
•they all unanimously agreed to recruit you
•after a couple more people performed, the dance members got together to choose the last person to join. then, zhengting came up on the stage. “thank you to all of you for showing your interest in joining our dance team!! you all are very talented, but sadly, we can only choose two members” he proceeded to give a little speech about how they shouldn’t give up even if they aren’t selected and that they should try again next time. when he finally announced the names, you were on the edge of your seat with your hand tightly holding chengcheng’s. “the first member we are accepting is.......zhou yanchen!” the auditorium erupted in applauds, and it took a few minutes for it to die down. “and the last member is....” you could only vaguely hear your name bc chengcheng immediately started screaming and jumped out of his seat. “I TOLD YOU THAT YOU’D MAKE IT I’M SO PROUD OF YOU” he’s such a precious kid i love him. lots of people were applauding for you too. you were still in shock when chengcheng shook you and nodded his head towards the stage, indicating you were supposed to be going up. you quickly stood up and nearly tripped as you made your way to the stage. you and yanchen bowed to the audience and judges before thanking them. the whole time, zeren couldn’t take his eyes off of you. he was awestruck by your talent and on top of that, you were gorgeous bro
•after auditions, chengcheng ran up onto the stage where you still stood, talking to yanchen. you saw him running up and expected him to go to you,, but nope he turned the opposite way and went up to zeren
•was he the friend that chengcheng was talking about??? THE ding zeren is friends with your idiot chengcheng?????? you were frozen as you stood there, staring at chengcheng and zeren speaking
•you only snapped out of it when zhengting came and started to tell you and yanchen more details about practice
•fast forward to a week later
•spring was coming !!! meaning that the spring festival was coming soon!! fun activities !!! cool performances !!!! gOoD fOoD !!!!!!!!
•so it’s been a decent amount of time since you were accepted, so you became fairly close with all of the members, especially yanchen and chengxiao. you and zeren only had small talk every now and then about the choreography, when practices were, or something stupid that chengcheng did recently
•anw back to the festival! the committee in charge of getting the festival ready decided bring back the romance concept. cause y’kno like flowers, love blossoms during the spring. i’m so poetic
•for the acts, you guys decided to send three groups to perform a medley of couple dances
•the pairings were chengxiao and zhengting, jieqiong and yanchen, and............you and zeren
•you were surprised when zhengting announced the pairings.........bc omg you were gonna dance with ding zeren..........to a couple song !!!!!!!!
•zhengting said the names were randomly chosen but he’s a liar he lowkey thought you two would look cute together but he totally wasn’t planning on telling anyone that. zeren was hoping you’d be his partner too tbh so the boy was thrilled to hear his name being called with yours. he’d been wanting to get to know you more but he never knew what to say or was too shy. but he managed to muster up the courage to ask if you were free that weekend to come up with a choreography
•you were super excited bro
•but had to come off chill so you were like oh,,,, yeah sure
•but on the inside you were screaming with joy
•when the weekend came, zeren knocked on your door. taking a deep breath, you checked your reflection in the mirror quickly before opening the door. you smiled and greeted him as he greeted you back, flashing a grin that exposed his dimples. your heart almost jumped out of your chest because wow he’s so adorable and good-looking??? he was dressed in sweatpants and a normal t-shirt.......but still....how can someone look so good???? you probably looked like a bum
•that’s not what zeren thought though. he thought you looked pretty with your hair tied up, a couple of loose strands framing your face. his gaze went down to your lips and noticed the shade of lipstick you applied was slightly lighter than what you usually had on before they quickly went back up to your eyes. neither of you realized you were just staring at each other until your roommate coughed, making you both flustered before zeren spoke up
•”oh, uh, ready to go?”
•“yeah! let’s go”
•so you both headed over to the practice room. it was kind of an awkward walk bc neither of you knew what to say nor have you been alone together. but halfway there, zeren decided to ask you something he’s been curious about
•“so...how come you’re not a dance major?”
•”ah...my parents didn’t want me to choose that. they wanted me to have a medical profession. it’s fine though, as long as they’re happy.”
•he noticed the hint of sadness in your voice as you said the last sentence, so he chose not to question you further. upon arriving at the practice room, you guys jumped right into it. first, you needed to choose a song. you and zeren looked through a list of songs prepared by ting and didn’t take long to settle with say you won’t let go by james arthur. as you listened to the song, your bodies flowed with the melody. but since this is a love song...........you had to be fairly intimate......and the thing is....... you were both flustered messes. you were either tripping over your own feet or you stepped onto each other’s feet. but overall, you guys were doing well, like you got most of what you needed down. so, you decided to call it a day and head back to your dorm rooms. as you were going back, you debated whether you should ask zeren to join you for dinner since it was already 7pm, but before you opened your mouth, zeren invited you to go to a restaurant with him. the restaurant that he took you to was relatively small and close to campus. as soon as you walked in, you were greeted by a warm aroma of freshly cooked noodles. an elderly woman, whom you assumed was the owner, cheerfully welcomed you in and led you to a table. she took your orders and before she left, she commented that this was the first time zeren came in with a girl and not his rowdy friends, causing zeren to groan and usher her to go away. she only smiled innocently before disappearing into the kitchen. shortly after, she came out with two bowls of noodles
•and it was love at first sight because they looked SO GOOD and after you finished drooling over the food, you tasted it and the taste was even better than its appearance like omg where has this restaurant been all my life. and as you ate your food, zeren started to ask you questions like “when did you start to dance?” and “why do you like to dance?” and once you gave your answers, he’d share his own answers before you asked him some questions
•and this went back and forth until both your bowls were empty. you could feel yourself opening up more with each question and the same thing goes for zeren. zeren hasn’t been able to feel this comfortable around someone that he wasn’t close to before. he really enjoyed being in your company and wished he had talked to you sooner afterwards, he walked you to your dorm before going to his own
•during the next couple of days, you and zeren spent more time together in the practice room (and quickly finished the choreo) and inevitably grew closer. as that happened, you started to notice that you’d see him around campus more often. one morning, you walked by his lecture room and saw him standing outside. you asked him why he didn’t go in and he answered that his teacher was late so he just waited outside. this continued every morning though like you’d see him just standing there on his phone or looking through a notebook, and when you walked by he’d always greet you with a smile and ask if you slept well or make some kind of small talk
•and you’d be lying if you said that wasn’t your favorite way to start your mornings
•he gave you coffee once saying that they messed up his order so he got another coffee for free but for some reason the “messed up” coffee was exactly how you liked your coffee so you were like ???
•other times, you’d pass by him on campus and he’d always wave enthusiastically with both hands no matter how far he was from you and honestly that’s just the cutest thing ever. or he would end the conversation with whoever he was talking to and then run over to you and ask where you were going next and he’d walk with you to your next class
•one morning, you walked by zeren’s class and didn’t see him. you thought that he must’ve just overslept, so you continued to your class. but afterwards, you still didn’t see him at the usual spots that he’d be hanging around, so you decided to call him, but he didn’t pick up. when you saw one of his friends walk by, you asked if he’s seen zeren but he said he hasn’t seen him since yesterday afternoon. worried, you decided to head over to his dorm to see if he was there. as you were walking to his dorm, it started to rain. you cursed under your breath as you began to run to the dormitory, but you still ended up getting soaked. upon arriving, you walked down the hallway, unsure which room was his. probably should’ve thought of that before coming but anw. as you continued down the hall, chengcheng came out of one of the rooms and saw you. “HEY, IT’S Y/N! wait, are you okay? you might catch a cold like that”
•”i’m fine! don’t worry. have you seen zeren? i haven’t seen him all morning and he wasn’t picking up my calls so i wanted to check if he was okay”
•”have you checked the library? he was having trouble sleeping last night so he went there”
•”oh, i’ll go there now. thanks” and you turned to leave but then started sneezing continuously. chengcheng took off his hoodie and threw it over your head
•”put that on. you’re already getting sick” and you thanked him again before pulling it over your head and going to the library. chengcheng just watched you leave and sighed. “they obviously like each other but they’re too dumb to realize it”
•when you got to the library, you went all around it but couldn’t find him. as you were leaving, you bumped into zhengting. you asked if he’s seen zeren, and he replied that zeren just woke up and is heading over to his class now. you were relieved to hear that he was okay, but now you were concerned about yourself because you were shivering and constantly sneezing. zhengting offered to take you to the infirmary or get some medicine for you bc he’s an angel but you declined and said that you should head to class now. anyways after all your classes were over, you went over to the practice room to rehearse. zeren came slightly later than the planned time, and you noticed that he wasn’t his usual upbeat self. like he greeted you half-heartedly and there was just a negative aura surrounding him. and you would’ve tried to cheer him up but you honestly had no stamina left like you really should’ve taken some medicine before coming
•and because of your lack of stamina, you began getting frustrated because you were constantly half a beat off. you could tell zeren was feeling frustrated too but he was trying to hold it in. but as soon as you stepped on his foot for the third time that day, he couldn’t control it anymore. “what’s wrong with you? why aren’t you putting any effort into this? is it because it’s not your major so you don’t care?” you would’ve been fine if he had only said the last sentence. but no his first sentences hit you hard, because memories of all the times that your parents said that to you came rushing back. you immediately grabbed your things and rushed out of the practice room, leaving zeren there alone. his frustration dissipated when he saw the upset expression on your face as you left. he let out a sigh as he went to the back of the room and sat down, leaning against the wall. not too long after you left, chengcheng came running in looking for you
•”where’s y/n??”
•“oh...she just left. why?”
•“i have some medicine for her cold. she was running all over the place looking for you even though it was pouring outside”
•and that’s when it hit him. you got sick while you were worrying about him, and yet you were trying your best to practice
•and he even yelled at you. feeling guilty, he grabbed the medicine from chengcheng and ran out of the practice room
•chengcheng just froze there and stared at his hand
•like bro what just happened
•zeren ran out of the performing arts building but then stopped. where could you have gone?? he contemplated calling you but he doubted you’d pick up. then, he remembered about the place you’d always go to when something upset you
•the rooftop
•the boy nearly flew up the stairs at the speed that he was running at. when he opened the door, he found you sitting with your back against the wall, one earbud in your ear, and your eyes closed. he took in a deep breath as he slowly approached you. you were slightly startled when you felt something nudge you, but relaxed when you saw it was zeren. “uh...hey. here’s your medicine”
•“oh, thanks”
•you were quiet as he explained, slowly starting to feel bad for storming out on him after how badly his day was going. you forgave him, saying that you understood why he acted that way after all that he went through before explaining exactly why you were upset by what he said. he listened attentively as you talked about your parents and all the expectations they had for you, and how they always dismissed it when you met those expectations, and how they were never supportive of you. he apologized again before pulling you into a hug, mumbling how he never meant to hurt you like that, or at all for that matter. you were surprised at first, but quickly returned the hug. zeren decided that there was no way that you could practice in this condition, so he took you back to your dorm. he came back not too long after leaving and brought you a bowl of noodle soup. you expected him to leave afterwards because you were more than thankful that he was that thoughtful, but no he invited himself in saying “my mom said that you should never leave a sick person alone so here i am. let’s watch a movie”
•and that’s how your roommate walked in to a sleeping you and zeren wrapped in a blanket and snuggling on the couch with hercules still playing and an empty bowl on the table
•she def took pictures for future references, and you were both embarrassed messes when she woke you up
•a couple days before the festival, you were completely well again and the three groups practiced together. everything went smoothly and you were all satisfied with how it went. on d-day, you were slightly nervous because this was the first time that you would be performing in front of such a hUGE crowd. but everyone in the dance team especially zeren reassured you that you would do great. after watching a couple of the performances, it was finally your group’s turn. the performance went so much better than you expected. like as soon as you stepped onto the stage, your nervousness melted away. the crowd loved the performance too like they were cheering louder than they did for the other ones
•so yeah!! spring fest performance was a big success, and zeren decided to ask you to go to disney to celebrate with him
•and of course you agreed
•and yanchen overheard him inviting you and he was like wow we used to be best buddies how could u leave me out
•unofficial date at disney!
part two
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chaoscheebs · 6 years
Cloud’s Return to Streamland
So, hey, enjoy some canon-happened-but-also-Cloud-streams-games flavor of Gamer Cloud stuff that I wrote at 2am.
Game, check.
Microphone, check.
Streaming program set up?  Check.
Alerts set up?  Check.
Webcam ready?  Reluctantly check.  Cloud never really felt comfortable being visible on these streams, but the fans seemed to like it.  Plus…  Honestly, after he disappeared from streaming for weeks and after what happened recently, they’d probably be reassured to see him alive and sorta well right now.
He moved the arrow on screen to the “start streaming” button and clicked it. No turning back now…  He’d be lying if he didn’t keep the “Now Loading” animation screen Denzel pulled together for him up a little longer than normal to delay the inevitable, though.  It’d give people time to check their mail and social media and see he was up and running, he justified.
He couldn’t stall forever, however; already the chat was having a fit and flooded with messages like, “he’s back omg!”, “what happened are you ok!?!?!?!”, and “dude I saw the news you were totally boss holy shit”
Chuckling a bit at the latter sort of messages, he switched to the standard stream setup, showing the bright, colorful game he has chosen, the chat to the right of it, and himself in the upper corner, dressed more like a tired college student than the visual kei badass look he normally tried to rock when on the job.  “Hey,” he said, giving the camera a little wave.  “So, a lot of things happened while I was taking a break from streaming, but the good news is I’m not in any immediate danger of dying anymore, so that’s pretty baller.”
Not surprisingly, chat didn’t slow down a bit, now ranging in responses from “haha cool I know that feel too bro” to “same, fuck geostigma, it can stay gone” to “you were in danger of dying before????????”
Cloud couldn’t help but smile; it was nice to see the cure was making the rounds outside his little corner of the world too.  “Right on, tableflippro, it absolutely sucked, being on the receiving end and watching someone else close to me suffer.  Would not recommend.”
He picked up the controller from the table, moving the arrow on the game between the new game, load game, and options on screen as he tried to figure out how he wanted to say the things he wanted to say.  “So, yeah…” he began, “I was pretty sick for a while there. Between that, and the stress from that, and… um…”—New Game, Load Game, Options, New Game—”… some things I hadn’t really dealt with that happened to me finally smacking me in the face, I wasn’t…”—Load Game, A, Save 1, Save 2, Save 3—”I wasn’t exactly in any sort of state to do much but drown in a bucket of my own wangst and depression and push everyone away.  So…  Sorry if I made anyone worry with my sudden disappearance.”
His eyes flicked back to chat.  The general theme now mostly condolences and asking how he was now.  He could try to sugarcoat things, downplay it a little, but…
Taking a steadying breath, he replied, “I wish I could say I was 100% better now, but that’d be a damn lie.  I’m not OK.  After everything I’ve dealt with in my life, I’ll probably never be 100% better.  Having a load taken off of me doesn’t mean I’m not still pretty fucked up.  Plus Geostigma may be gone, but it still did a number on me and recovering from the damage it did still sucks.“
He finally loaded a save file, taking his cute round character to the world map.  “But.. Having that load taken off of me has helped.  Not having to worry about me or the kid dying anytime soon helped.  Learning to maybe forgive myself a little for not being good enough to save a couple people important to me has helped.  Figuring out I’m not alone has definitely helped.”  He made the character walk around in aimless circles and repeatedly duck and look up as he continued to speak.  “So…  I’m not doing great, but I’m not feeling like absolute trash, so… improvement.”
He saw one particular reply in chat and laughed.  “Exactly, Eternal_Damnation, I’m a trash can, not a trash can’t.  I’m not about to give up on trying to make things better anytime soon.  I’m pretty sure Aerith would rise from the Lifestream to smack some sense into me if I gave up.”
That set off a new flurry of questions, mostly “who’s eris?” and a couple surprising “was that the pink lady with the spiky guy??????”s, which, honestly, was kinda reassuring to see.  Cloud wasn’t going crazy, at least regarding that.
Hitting pause, he said, “First of all, to those who saw the pink lady and spiky guy, go to freaking bed, it’s like midnight and you’re all like 8, tops.”
One very familiar username exclaimed, “I am not 8!”
Cloud let out an embarrassing snort-laugh.  “You’re close enough, Denzel.  Go to bed, and if you’re gonna sneak staying up late, maybe don’t out yourself by talking to me.”
“But I can’t sleep,” was the swift reply.
Trying hard to look like a serious business parent and kinda failing, Cloud said, “At least lie down for a while, and if that doesn’t help, you can come chill with me for a bit until you get tired, OK?”
There was a begrudging “OK” from Denzel’s username, and it fell silent once more.  Cloud unpaused the game and entered a level, only to faff around more once his tiny pink character gained an ability.  “… anyway, I guess I never did talk about Aerith much here, huh?  It hurt too much to think about, honestly.  But…”  He started demoing random moves with the character without really leaving the first screen.  “… she deserves to be talked about.  She saved us all, y’know?  She was strong, like, magically.  That stuff that stopped Meteor?  That was her.”
This only made the chat ask even more questions.  More questions than Cloud really wanted to answer.  But slowly, painfully, he did.  He knew himself; if he didn’t do it now, talk about this now, when would he ever?  So, he talked.  He talked about a woman who was kind, a woman who was patient enough to cultivate flowers in barren Midgar.  He talked about how the same woman threated to rip the balls off a mob boss and how it was the part of the funniest-slash-most badass thing he would ever be part of.  He talked about a woman full of confidence that she would fix the mess they were collectively in and come back to tell the tale.  He talked about a woman who was right about the first part, but not the second.  He talked about a woman who he felt was still looking after him, even now.
(He did, however, skip the part where she convinced him that wearing a dress was the only way to save Tifa.  Some things, chat did not need to know.)
By the time he was done talking, he had completed roughly half a stage and had the character destroy the cap off a sentient mushroom person and make it look sad.  “So, yeah…” Cloud said, his voice wavering, “… we may not have known each other all that long, but…  I miss her a lot.”  He could feel the tears stinging his eyes and mentally cursed.  He did not need to do this now, not after trying to reassure people he was doing better, dammit.
He threw out a quick, “I’ll be back,” muted the microphone, and brought up the break time screen.  He then leaned back in his seat, covered his eyes with a hand, and let out a strangled cry as all the things he’d been holding in let themselves out.  He cried for Aerith, for obvious reasons; for poor Zack, still half-forgotten in the fog of Cloud’s memories and deserving better than that; for his mother and for all the years he lost; for Tifa, who was still alive but deserved better than having to deal with a emotional wreck of a friend.
So lost in tears he was, he didn’t even register the warmth at his side until he started to calm back down.  Next to him was the same kid he had not long ago told to go try to go to sleep, holding a tissue box that had been plucked off the table.  “… you all right?”  Denzel asked.
Cloud started to nod, but turned it into a shake of his head as he reached for a tissue.  “Not really,” he managed to say, “but I’ll manage.  You happen to see what chat’s saying now?”
Denzel shrugged.  “Mostly them worrying again, but I told them you’ll be all right,” he said, waving to the chat section of the screen.
“Thanks,” Cloud said.  He paused, then asked, “So, still can’t sleep, huh?”  The boy shook his head.  “… y’wanna play the game for a bit while I go splash some water on my face and try to not look like a disaster?”
“Sure,” Denzel replied, holding his hand out for the controller.  Cloud passed it to him, rose from his seat, and walked away. Once he was out of view, Denzel switched back to the main stream set-up and unmuted the microphone.  “Hey, Cloud needed a couple more minutes, so I’m taking over.  So, what was he—jeez, did he not even finish one level?  Let’s fix that.”
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purplesurveys · 4 years
by skiassurveys
1. How has covid affected you? It robbed me of few months’ worth of memories in my last year in college, my graduation, travel plans, employment prospects, a 22nd birthday with friends. Fortunately, other than a mutual friend, I personally don’t know anyone who has gotten the virus.
2. What is a comfort show of yours? Friends, without a doubt. If I need a pick me up I just look up a scene on YouTube and I’m bound to feel better in seconds.
3. Are you open about your past or do you not let anyone in? I’m pretty open about my past as long as people ask the right questions that would make me want to open up that can of worms lol. But I’m very secretive about the present and if I’m currently going through something, I tend to be selfish when it comes to opening up. I don’t like being completely vulnerable, and I leave those last few bits of vulnerability to only myself. I can’t even open up on Tumblr in certain instances; it’s just how I am.
4. Favourite fast food joint? Yellow Cab.
5. Do you think we were put on this earth for a reason? I don’t. I don’t put a lot of thought into this, either. It’s just not something I particularly care about. 
6. What is something you have done this year you’re proud of? Finish my thesis. I used to think it was some colossal, nearly-impossible requirement and I never thought I was capable of creating my own. But I got through it and it was such an amazing feeling to see myself and Andrew wrap it up and write our acknowledgments at the very end.
7. Do u ever feel like surveys are usually the same questions? There are definitely questions that come up more often than others, but I’m never super bothered by them. I just try to answer them differently then move on.
8. What were you doing 10 years ago? I was 12, in sixth grade, friendless, suicidal, and was in the biggest mental health slump of my life thus far; so, not doing well.
9. Do you call out Karens when they’re harassing a cashier? I don’t call them out but when it’s my turn to be served, I make it a point to greet them and smile and give them the change, like I do with any cashier – except amplified this time around so they can feel better and not think that every customer is an asshole.
10. Animal crossing, yay or nay? Yay. I don’t play it but I’m certainly not gonna dampen people’s enjoyment by thumbing it down lol. It looks so cute and the challenges look wholesome; that game just can’t hurt anybody haha. But I guess it helps that my favorite characters to play on Mario Kart are Animal Crossing characters, so there’s that.
11. Why do you like to do surveys? It’s a safe space. And I’m very talkative in my head but not in real life, so surveys always serve as an outlet for my thoughts and feelings.
12. Did you ever have a MySpace? I did but I caught they very tail end of its popularity. By the time I joined people were already starting to flock to Facebook, so it wasn’t like I was ever able to do anything fun or worthwhile on Myspace. It was also never as popular in the Philippines too; we were into Friendster a lot more.
13. Do you think breaks are toxic in a relationship? I don’t think things like that work in absolutes. I’m sure breaks work for some, but for others they could also just create more distance and cause a couple to grow apart over time.
14. Do you have a YouTube channel? If no, would you create one? If yes what’s your content? I have one but it’s only so that I can support my favorite channels and subscribe to them, and so that YouTube can tailor my homepage to my interests. If I had to start posting videos, I’d prefer to take it easy and just post chill daily vlogs, nothing that tries too hard; and maybe take part in a taste test every once in a while because I enjoy watching those.
15. Are you a math person? Only up until advanced algebra or geometry. I’ll have to bow out if we have to get into trigonometry or calculus.
16. What’s the worse thing someone has said to you? I’ve been told I was a headache to deal with, heartless, unlovable, ungrateful, lacking a brain. All courtesy of my mom.
17. Have you ever befriended someone because you felt bad? Just once. In Grade 7 there was a new girl who was a bit of a loner, so Gab and I started talking to her so that she wouldn’t be alone during lunch. She didn’t really mix well with us and our dynamic though, so we slowly stopped hanging out with her. I felt bad, but I also didn’t want us to keep faking it with her because it would’ve been unfair to her – at least we tried. I was glad when she finally found her group, which didn’t take long.
18. Would you ever date someone online? I’m not open to it.
19. Have you been ghosted before? Would you ghost someone? I’m pretty sure what I did with Mike is the equivalent of ghosting...oops. I haven’t been ghosted.
20. When do you think things will be normal again? For a second this sounded really accurate about my life and I almost started crying :’’’’)))))) but now I realize you meant to ask about Covid lol. UHHH idk man. I remember back in March thinking this was gonna be over by April, and I had never been more wrong lmao. It’s so hard to tell.
21. Do you watch anime? No.
22. Biggest goal you wanna reach before 2020 is over? Be happy.
23. How old did/do you turn this year? 22.
24. Do you like tiktok? I don’t have the app downloaded but I’ll watch TikTok compilations on Facebook sometimes, and I’ve never had anything bad to say about them. I loooove the ones where people show what they do in their workplace like cleaning laptops, making ice cream cakes, doing pottery, etc., or showing projects that they’ve been working on like cleaning their swimming pool or renovating their bedroom. Those are the most satisfying to watch.
25. Do you ever miss vine? OMG yes. TikTok is entertaining, but the sense of humor that Vine birthed is on another fucking level. Only Vine could’ve made hurricane tortilla, a child, two bros chilling in a hot tub, and no head funny.
26. How are you doing, seriously? Today was one of the easier days. But I’m still hurting. It was just more manageable to breathe today.
27. Is there someone you want to talk to but you know you can’t? Yes.
28. Do you make jokes to cope with your problems? Sometimes, if I’ve already accepted the problem. It’s harder to make light of a situation that I’m still grappling with.
29. Have you ever had someone call you their best friend but you didn’t even consider them a close friend? I don’t think so.
30. Have you ever dealt with a pathological liar? Sure.
31. Long or short surveys? Medium-length to long.
32. If ur in school, are you doing it on zoom or in class? I’m not in school but I can definitely tell you that there aren’t any physical classes happening any time soon, at least in this country. It’s just not safe enough yet.
33. Would you ever have a pet rat? Nope.
34. Favourite memory with your best friend? I like laughing fits with Angela and spending hours at her house doing nothing. With Gabie, I always enjoy eating out with her.
35. Favourite type of content to watch on YouTube? I’ve mentioned them a lot on surveys recently, but it’s definitely Good Mythical Morning. I always turn to them when I’m going through depression so I’m really grateful that they have 1500+ episodes on their main channel and have a bunch of secondary channels with hundreds of videos in each as well. They have no idea how many lives they’ve saved. Other than that, I also like watching Korean reality shows, mukbangs that double as ASMR videos, soothing baking videos, and vlogs from local celebrities heheh.
36. Are you allergic to anything serious? No allergies for me.
37. Dream job? I don’t really have a dream title for now; I just want to eventually end up at the top of the ladder in my chosen career path which is PR.
38. Do you think dreams mean anything? No.
39. Fave clothing brand? Mango or Zara.
40. Do you miss anyone? Painfully.
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