#like overall he obviously cares for the kids and mokuton and 9tails aside i think naruto is definitely his favorite
mokutone · 2 years
@reverseforgoodluckxx replied to a post:
I'm also watching through Shippuden, it's fun to see other people's thoughts on it! Yamato has gone full PROTECC towards Naruto - he got over that "If you can't continue on, we gotta leave you behind" stuff from the Bridge Arc REAL fast 😂
to be fair to yamato though, that mission was a mission regardless of naruto's participation, like. even if naruto died or was incapacitated whatever they would still have to go to the bridge to meet kabuto
right now, naruto IS yamato's mission. like, the 9tails is so unstable rn that his whole purpose accompanying naruto on this mission when he is ALSO kinda needed to rebuild Konoha—is that if he steps away and naruto loses control, (without his special dadmagic seal jutsu to help) there will be hell to pay. he kind of can't leave naruto alone rn, because the mokuton is the only thing keeping the fox in check aside from narutos incredibly fragile emotional state
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