#like samba schutte might BE ROACH right now. and i just have to live with that?
natjennie · 2 years
WAHHHHHH the fact that rhys is out here talking about getting strong from filming ofmd is making me CRAZY because like. he knows. he knows what happens in season 2. because he's doing it. imagine just walking around living your life being able to fucking quote a line from an episode of season 2. because you just said it into a microphone and there were cameras and you were dressed up as your funky little guy. he's literally out here lifting things and rowing and idk getting in sword fights and kissing taika or w/e the fuck and he just knows about it! but can't tell us!!! he just gets to know! because he's the one doing it! imagine!!! imagine doing a scene and then going home and getting in bed like. they're gonna go fucking crazy for that one I know it. they're gonna love that. can you handle the fact that season 2 is actually happening!?!??!?! like rhys just gets to be there!!! he's THE GUY! he's the ofmd man. he's there for like. most of it. he just gets to flounce around and be silly with the rest of the crew and hold his cool sword and put on his fun pirate costumes and make it happen in real time. and just live with that. while we're here hanging on his every word and muscle flex. he gets to say his magic words into the video box and know that that's what's happening in the story and live with the fact that in a handful of months we're gonna see it and go feral over it. WHAT THE FUCK.
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