#like santa claus goes through the sky with a sled with reindeer
I'm boutta start hyperfixating on my country's history and culture.
Like, Dutch architecture, Dutch folklore, Dutch history.
I mean the history is awful for the most part, that I already know. But I am interested in the history regarding our fight with the sea, or the way we shipped around tulips. Maybe even the history on a geographical level, like the ground and swamps and stuff.
I'm particularly interested in the folklore. I always thought I didn't know anything of it, but it turns out I know more than I thought about it, because of some comics I read as a kid. Witte Wieven (basically ghosts), weerwolven (werewolves), de bokkerijders (goats with wings and devil worshippers or something), the lange man (apparently we have a version of slender man too? But he would knock on windows and look inside)
anyways I fuckign love it
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whitelionspirit · 3 years
Hello!!! I'm now in Christmas spirit. 🎄Well it's now Christmas month haha. Can I request head canons of Law, Ace and Luffy x fem! S/O that still believes in Santa Claus? Well more secretly because she's afraid that people find it stupid. Also because when she was young she has meet the real Santa Claus. And... The boys will also meet the real Santa Claus and you can decide how they meet. Take your time. 😊
a/n: A rather interesting request but a good one none the less. Also my first time writing for Luffy and Law so yay! (P.s. I got carried away with this so it’s a bit long)
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As someone who easily believes in anything it would not be hard to see him also believing in Santa far into his adult life.
The rest of the crew besides Chopper easily dismiss his excitement over the arrival of the big man. Luffy calls them scrooges for not believing but happily goes on about his day as usually.
Though it becomes apparent after his confession that you had become rather quiet the rest of the day. While it was not a strange thing it seemed something was very much bothering you.
It got worse as the holiday drew nearer and the idea at stopping at a winter island became a more agreeable idea. Finally after docking and everyone leaving the ship to do some sight seeing you were left with Luffy who surprisingly decided to stay behind.
You were taken aback at your boyfriend wanting to stay behind but he smiled sweetly at you and stretched his arm out and pulled you close into his embrace.
You weren’t sure what to expect but he began chatting about nothing and everything involving Christmas. It put you at ease as you easily snuggled into his chest as you listened closely. It was when he brought up Santa again that you stiffened.
He looked down at you curiously tilting his head in that questioning way he always does. You decided to bite the bullet and tell him your secret after telling him he just looked at you surprised.
Even though he believed you were still awaiting the laughter that usually followed but it never came. Luffy got in your face which made you blush but he just smiled at you.
“It’s okay (Name)! Because I know he is real and it’s so cool that you met him!” He said excitedly which made you relieved.
A few nights later on Christmas eve you were awoken from a deep sleep and were dragged out of bed by your rubber boyfriend. The air outside was freezing as snow began falling over the island. you shivered but a blanket was quickly wrapped around your shoulders.
Feeling a bit better you gathered your bearings and looked to see Luffy’s smiling face illuminated by the moon and the surrounding snow. He was pointing to something in the sky.
It took a few tries but you finally saw what he was pointing at in the far sky. What looked like an almost miniature boat was being pulled a bunch of reindeer through the night sky. A gasp left you as Luffy laughed pulling you close to him as you both watched the man fly away into the night
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Unlike his brother Ace had grown out of children’s fantasies at a very young age but because of having Luffy for a brother he always kept his thoughts to himself.
So seeing you frown at his teasingly talking about a group of kids excited about Santa coming to the crew made him question what about the comment made you upset. He was not the most reserved when it came to his honesty much like his brother so seeing you like that bothered him.
Of course you try to brush it off as nothing which makes him just angry which resulted in a rather heated fight between you both. It was so bad you didn’t speak for days nor did you sleep in the same bed.
As it got closer to the holiday Whitebeard decided to stop off at a winter island in the new world. Surprisingly it is your home island of all places you immediately leave the boat without even a second thought even with shouts of protest behind you. You are soon met with happy greetings from the villagers as they recognize you, you had not been home in several years so the reunion was a happy one.
Your family was very much happy to see you even if they were hesitant with meeting your new family. In the end it went rather well as you tried to avoid mentioning your boyfriend who you had yet to makeup with.
Unfortunately even if he was upset you had yet to introduce him he made sure to make himself useful to them in any way he could. Even when late into the night when the partying was still going strong, he got a few stories out of them about your youth.
One in particular caught his interest; it was about you supposedly meeting Santa as a child one Christmas years ago. How even since then you had believed what you had seen even into adulthood.
It finally clicked with him as to what had upset you so much he felt like an idiot and knew he had to fix it. Even if he himself did not believe you did and that went against his own moral code of not judging others about their beliefs and dreams.
Christmas Eve had finally arrived and he just finally got you alone in the dark of your family’s kitchen late into the night. The pent up emotions of the last two weeks finally got to you both, as you tried to get past him but he stopped you by grabbing your arm gently.
He was not the best at expressing his emotions even now, but for you he confessed how he knew what the issue was now. You froze but allowed him to finish his ramblings, afterwards you turned to him and also confessed you were sorry. As it wasn’t as he actually knew why you had been upset, he kissed you then in the barely lit kitchen with you flush against his warm body.
A sudden sound of bells ringing broke the spell on you both as you pulled away breathless and ran to the windows. Ace followed close behind as you both peaked out into the snowy night. There in the back of the home was a sled with reindeer attached to it along with a very large man clothed in red who hopped down from the sled and laughed at both your shocked expressions.
“Woah he really is real,” Ace whispered, making a grin spread across your face.
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Much like Ace he had to grow up quick at a young age so believing in something like Santa was never really an option for him.
Hanging around in Paradise for a while didn’t leave you many options to travel around in so a lot of your time was spent near the islands closest to Sabaody. While Law didn’t particular care for the holidays, you on the other hand took it upon yourself to decorate the submarine.
At first he was annoyed but he saw how happy it made you and how the others brightened up at festive decorations. So he let it go as he buried his face into his medical books.
The mere mention of Santa Claus has him scoffing and making remarks on how parents trick their children into believing in a false reality. His words stung and hit you hard as you tried to hide your disappointment.
Not wanting him to see you busied yourself with looking over the recent logs and documenting new plant life you had discovered recently. Christmas came sooner than you thought and your days were full of present wrapping and stocking up on food for the holiday.
Law knew something was up as you were quieter than normal and it bothered him but he did not push you for answers. He asked Bepo instead who didn’t have an answer for him either.
Christmas was spent on a remote winter island deeper into Paradise the crew deciding to ruff it on the island for the night. Bundle up tight everyone was happily drunk and playing in the snow around several large bonfires. You leaned against Bepo as he recalled a story from his and Law’s early days together to everyone.
Law was sitting across from you all as he huddled a tanker of what you presumed was some kind of cider. He occasionally met your eyes which you quickly avoided. Sometime later into the night you wandered a bit further from the camp wanting to see if you could see the stars.
You know he is following you and when he stands beside you as you peek through a cluster of trees. After several minutes of collective silence you finally speak your mind after an entire month.
“I have believed in Santa Claus since I was very young, mostly due to the fact that I met the man once. While many don’t believe me it was very much real that is the reason I was upset this whole month.”
Law says nothing as he leans against the base of a tree. “I know,” he starts as you look over at him. “I knew the second week it was obvious after connecting some dots. Anyways if that's what you believe, who am I to deny that for you.”
You subconsciously grab for a gloved hand of his and intertwine your fingers together as snow begins to fall again slowly.
You stood like that for some time and watched as the snow gradly came down more only for it to be broken by the distant sound of bells ringing into the still night. You both shared a look, before dashing for the camp where the yells and cheers of your crewmates got louder.
A feeling of excitement came over you as you reached the clearing to be met by the familiar figure of Santa as he was handing out presents to Bepo and the others.
You grabbed onto your boyfriend’s arm and looked at him happily as he just looked on in shock making you laugh gleefully into the cold night.
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