#like she was the alagaesian equivalent of belle from beauty and the beast
eliza-makepeace · 1 year
So, I'm still very soon into my re-read of Eragon, but I already have a few questions.
Garrow seems to have a problem with the townspeople. He refuses to buy anything from them unless he literally has no choice, and he moved far away from them into an abandoned for 50 years house. My guess is that it has something to do with Selena, possibly how the villagers treated her back in the day. Eragon says Sloan stared at him as if he was something "unclean".
Another thing that confuses me is that when Garrow tells Eragon about Sloan's wife dying, he says it happened "a year before eragon was brought there", even though in the next chapter it is explicitly said Selena arrived when she was four months pregnant, and left immediately after giving birth to and naming Eragon.
I don't really know what to make of it, but throughout all of it I was perpetually like ????
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