#like summer intro to just after winter break compromises the bulk of the text
mzminola · 8 months
Okay when I did the first round of writing on this I got to about ten chapters, and then hit a wall on "What happens next?" because I needed to figure out some pacing and how much Regula should remember versus deduce.
Came back to reread it, decided to post it even if unfinished, went with Mature & Choose Not to Warn because I wasn't sure what might happen in later chapters.
Have now written up to a satisfying conclusion in Prisoner of Azkaban; I'd like to write a sequel compromising the events of Goblet of Fire, but if I don't manage it I think this works. Changed rating to Teen & No Archive Warnings Apply, and given it a chapter count.
Debating if I should go ahead and make it a series now, or if I should wait until I've written actual prose for GoF instead of just notes.
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