#like that idiot interviewer couldn’t mention Naomi’s name at all?
zhindian · 2 years
I am tired of how Naomi keeps getting left out of conversations. The disrespect!
Triple H had an interview where only Sasha Banks was mentioned. First, Sasha didn’t walk out by herself and this walkout wouldn’t have had this much impact without Naomi.
Plus the interviewer was full of shit too because they couldn’t find a second or two to add Naomi’s name to the conversation.
I don’t care if Sasha is the bigger “star”, this is damn disrespectful to Naomi. Yes, Sasha hasn’t been treated right but Naomi has been treated filthy. Her only storyline of note was a racist one with Sonya, and that was stripped from her the moment Rousy got back.
Despite staying over and tending, we get idiots like Booker saying Naomi didn’t deserve it. It always seemed like that made an effort to keep Naomi from her husband and the Bloodline story, yet everyone knew who she was married to. But even that association didn’t save here when people came after her for Jimmy acting up.
I’m tired y’all. At this point she needs to do what she wants and not come back to this cesspool. I said what I said.
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maylovexhs · 6 years
Author’s Note: I had to push through writer’s block for this. It is a long one and prepare for some crying. Feedback is always appreciated. Enjoy loves xxx M
Tags: @loveway4presidentus
 Invisible Series Masterlist
“Okay, what about this one?” Elma asked, holding up a red dress in her hand.
I cringed at the sight of it. Not that I didn’t hate it, it just didn’t personally fit me. Not to mention it was also flashy, especially in the pelvic area. God, I wished I said no to Harry earlier.  
“I’m not wearing that” I told Elma.
“Oh come on, why not?” Elma asked, putting the dress back on the rack. “You would look good in it. Shows off your legs”
“Yeah, all of my legs” I criticized. “Plus, I’m pretty sure if I bent down, everyone would see my underwear”
“So?” Elma asked, not seeing the point. “Isn’t the point is not to be invisible?”
“Yes” I answered her. “But I’m not supposed to come off as a whore already. Kendall probably already thinks I’m one”
Elma laughed at my words.
“You? A whore?” Elma managed to say while laughing. “I think Kendall has to look at herself before labeling you a whore”
I turned away from Elma and started to walk towards the dressing room.
If she thought picking a dress for an exclusive party that was being held by Gucci was easy, it wasn’t. The fact that everyone else was going to wear designer brands while I was going to wear a dress from an unknown cheap store spoke for itself. I was a nobody going to an all star party. I felt like a nervous Cinderella. Except Cinderella had no fairy godmother who could get her a dress that made her stand out of the crowd. Oh, and that Cinderella’s prince is in love with another woman. Why did I compare myself to a nervous Cinderella again?
“Y/N” Elma called on me.
“What?” I asked, turning around to her.
She held up a short silver sequin dress. It was sparkly. Very sparkly that I would be noticed in less than a second. I wanted to wear it but I was pretty sure I couldn’t pull it off. It was a party-party dress and I wasn’t that girl.
“Put it back” I said.
“Are you kidding?” Elma asked, losing more patience with me. “You have to wear it tonight!”
“No, no” I shook my head at her. “I already have these two dresses in my hand”
“Yeah, two boring dresses” Elma criticized. “You’re really going to limit yourself to a dark blue and black dress? You’re asking to blend in with the crowd”
“But I would feel comfortable tonight” I told her.
“When are you ever comfortable, Y/N?” Elma asked me. “You always let other’s opinions control what you do. Stop being a pushover and for once do what you want”
I raised my eyebrows at her.
I wasn’t a pushover. Sure, I cared about what others say but who doesn’t? As for my clothes, I rather choose comfort over style. If I had to pick between an ugly comfortable dress than an itchy nice dress, I’d pick the first choice. I wear what I want to wear.
“I’m not a pushover” I stated. “Put the dress back”
“Y/N, come on” Elma begged. “Just try it on. I’ll stop annoying you if you do”
Just to try it on? All for Elma to stop annoying me?
I looked to Elma who was moving her front strands of her hair back. I sighed in defeat, knowing I couldn’t pass up this offer.
“Give me the dress”
“Say cheese!” Elma said, holding her phone up at me.
I pouted my lips at her, placing my hand on my hip.
Comfort over style. Comfort over style. Comfort over style. I think I jinxed myself with that.
For the record, I was wearing the dress Elma picked out for me. Surprisingly, the dark blue dress I tried on was too tight on me and there wasn’t one in another bigger size. As for the black dress, it was itchy. That left me to try on the sequin dress. Of course, it fit and it was comfortable to wear. I wanted to look for other dresses to wear after trying it on but Elma promised if I did she would continue to annoy me. So, I ended up buying the dress and now here I was wearing it. Elma thought I should have some pictures of myself all dressed up before Harry picked me up.
Yes, Harry was picking me up. As much as I didn’t want him to see me in this dress, he thought it would make sense if we arrived together. He believed I would definitely be let in as his plus one if he was there was beside me. I understood where he was coming from. Anyone could go to a party and claim they were a plus one and expect to get in. Harry was just making sure I would.
“Don’t pout” Elma said. “Just pose like you’re in a magazine. Pose like Naomi Campbell”
I looked up, bursting out in laughter. For some odd reason when Elma brought up Naomi Campbell, it reminded me of that funny interview Naomi shaded Kendall in. I knew I shouldn’t be laughing but that reminder that an iconic and legendary model shaded and didn’t like Kendall made me feel better. I guessed I was happy that someone like Naomi didn’t like Kendall too.
“I got it” Elma said, zooming in on her phone. “You look so hot here”
I walked over to Elma and looked at the picture.
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Hot? I didn’t see myself as hot. The picture only showed off my body and smile. Speaking of body, I should bring a jacket with me. Or at least, something to cover up in case. 
I jumped and almost tripped when I heard the buzzing sound of my apartment bell ringing. I looked to my alarm clock.
7:15 PM.
Harry said he would be here at 7:20. It couldn’t be Harry ringing my apartment. He called me first last time and he wouldn’t come upstairs. Not when we had some place to be. I doubt he would come upstairs to escort me out. It was probably a USPS package. I ordered a new tripod last week.
I looked to Elma.
“Can you check who it is?” I asked her. “I have to get a jacket”
“Yeah, yeah” Elma said as she walked away from me and out of my room.
I walked over to my closet, opening it. I moved hangers of dresses and cardigans to get to the back where all my jackets were. I took out two jackets. One in dark black and one in pearl white. I didn’t know which one I would look better in. White would match my dress but it would be too much. Black might take more attention away from my dress. I held the two jackets in my hands and walked over to my mirror.
I tried on the black jacket first. I looked like I was wearing a jacket that a boyfriend would have leant me. I bet Kendall would be happy thinking I had a boyfriend when I didn’t. I took off the black jacket and threw it onto my bed. I tried on the white one. The jacket was eye-catching. Eye-catching but blinding. I took the jacket off. I needed Elma’s advice. Speaking of Elma, where was she? It doesn’t take this long to press a button to let someone in.
“Elma!” I called her name out.
“Yeah?” I heard her say along with the sound of footsteps in the hallway.
I expected her to walk into my room.
“Which jacket should I wear tonight?” I asked without looking to my bedroom door.
“Hmm. . .I like the white one” I heard Harry’s voice.
Wait. Harry’s voice?
I turned around to my bedroom door to see Harry standing in the doorway. I froze in the sight of him. I stood corrected. Harry actually came upstairs to escort me out when we on a time limit. He was a true gentleman. I felt like an idiot not thinking he would.
I blushed in embarrassment and looked to Harry.
“Thanks . . .and hi!” I said to him, trying to play it cool. “You look amazing”
He looked more than amazing. He looked like an angel. He dressed like one. He wore a light blue suit and a sea green shirt underneath. His suit highlighted his lush woodland eyes. His eyes effortlessly held onto my gaze, never breaking contact. I didn’t even notice Elma was standing behind him until she spoke.
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“Kinda agree with Harry” Elma said. “It would match”
I smiled to her. Harry took a few steps towards me, looking at my dress.
“Nice dress” Harry complemented. “Yeh look fabulous”
I blushed.
“Really?” I asked. “You like it?”
“Love it” Harry answered with a sincere smile.
At least I wasn’t seen as a whore to him. Well, he didn’t say so yet.
“I think I should go” Elma said to us as she backed out of the doorway. “I’ll let myself out”
Harry and I turned to her. Before she walked away into the hallway, she gave us a not so subtle wink. I wanted to kill her for doing that.
“Did she jus’t wink at us?” Harry asked, looking to me.
“Yeah. . .” I said, pushing the right side of my hair back behind my ear as I tried to hide my embarrassment. “She usually isn’t like that”
“Eh, she seems pretty nice to me’h” Harry said.
I smiled, looking down.
He always sees the best in everyone. Even if that person is Kendall Jenner.
I looked up to him.
“Umm. .Should we go?”
“H!” Kendall called him, running over to us with her arms out. “I’ve been waiting for you!”
She hugged Harry which he happily accepted. They both tightly wrapped their arms around each other’s waist. Kendall kissed him on the cheek.
Somehow, I wasn’t tearing up. Maybe I didn’t have enough tears in me anymore after crying them all out in the past few days. Or maybe it was my expectation of them to have their hands all over each other tonight. Whatever it was, I was just happy I wasn’t the one making a scene.
They both pulled away from each other. Harry smiled with his eyes sparkling at her.
“Told yeh it would be quick darlin” Harry said.
Darling. I may have not wanted to cry but I did want to puke. It made me sick that he was calling her that. I think I could never hear the word darling without remembering this moment.
Kendall turned to me, looking at my dress. She gave me a fake smile. I could tell the smile was fake. With the amount of times I faked smile before, it was easy to recognize when someone else gave one. She was probably trying to hide the fact that she hated my dress.
“Y/N, I love your dress” Kendall complimented, lying. “I have a similar one from my 21st birthday”
I knew which dress she was talking about. She wore a silver dress for her birthday party that was entirely made from little crystals. Mine didn’t have crystals. Neither was mine a thousand dollars.
“Oh, thanks” I told her. “I got it last minute”
“Y/N, is that you?” I heard Hailey say somewhere in the distance.
I turned around to see Hailey approaching me. She was smiling from excitement. She was surprised that I was here.
“Hey” I smiled at her.
“Hi!” Hailey said, greeting me with a hug. “How are you? You look amazing”
“Thanks” I said to her. “How are you?”
She let go of me, pulling away.
“I’m great!” She answered. “But look at you! You’re doing better”
I blushed from her compliment.
I could tell from the corner of my eye Harry was smiling, watching us. I didn’t care much to as what Kendall was doing. I had a feeling she wanted me gone though.
“Yeah. It’s a cute dress” Kendall added. “I bet your boyfriend is jealous you’re out tonight”
I turned around to her. I raised my eyebrow at her, being a bit offended. Not that she assumed I had a boyfriend, which I didn’t. But the idea I would be with someone who was jealous of everything I did. I knew I could seem like a pushover sometimes, but I would never let myself be in that situation.
“I actually don’t have a boyfriend” I corrected her. “And I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be with someone who was jealous of what I did. That’s too controlling”
Harry looked to me, being a bit surprised with what I just said. Kendall let out a small laugh, trying to play off what had happened. Hailey was as surprised as Harry.
I didn’t mean to act like a bitch but what Kendall said really offended me. I mean, if she was going to put anyone with a jealous person, she might as well say Harry with herself first. Kendall was very controlling of Harry and jealous of everyone who he was with. She practically tried to control Harry and get him not to take me here when Hailey suggested it. Even before New York, she was controlling and jealous. There were times she was backstage with Harry and she shot me eyes to stay away. Of course, I did back then. Now, I couldn’t care less.
“Kenny!” We heard Bella called Kendall from the distance.
I decided I should go get away for a minute for everyone to calm down. It would be a good idea to get a drink.
I turned to Hailey.
“I’m going to get a drink” I told her.
“Okay” Hailey said, nodding her head.
I walked away without looking at Harry.
I couldn’t believe Kendall had the audacity to say that. What was more worse is that I couldn’t believe that Harry did nothing to defend me. Harry. The person who wants others to treat people with kindness did nothing. Nothing. He did fucking nothing. Nothing for a ‘friend’.
I shook my head, trying to shrug off the whole situation. I walked over to the bar and ordered myself a Sangria. I placed my phone on the bar table. I turned my attention to the group. I looked at Harry who was talking amongst everyone. Kendall was whispering to Bella, probably of what had just happened.
I regretted saying yes to Harry when he asked me to come. I regretted meeting up with Harry in New York. In fact, I regretted meeting Harry. I regretted all this time I spent on him. Wishing I could be close to him. Wishing he would notice me. Wishing that for one day and realize that the thing he had been missing all along was right before him. Wishing for that to be me.
It never was though. It was never going to be me. Harry would never go for a girl who was invisible like me. He only saw people who were like him. People who can hold a conversation with him because they understood. People who were easy going and didn’t want to cause any trouble. People who could actually fulfill his expectations easily. I wasn’t one of those people. I was never going to be one of those people. He was never going to see me as one of those people. I needed to accept that. Yet, I couldn’t. I couldn’t because I’m so fucking in love with Harry. I’m so fucking in love with Harry that I’m afraid to move on. I’m afraid to do anything anymore. My love for him consumed me.
I turned and looked away when I noticed Bella saw me looking. I looked down to my drink.
Great, now Bella is going to tell Kendall and Kendall is going to act like a bigger bitch to me. I’ve fucked myself over again.
I drank some of my Sangria. before deciding to look in the direction of Harry again. I looked up and turned my head to see not only Bella but as well as Kendall was looking at me. Kendall was smirking in a sinister fashion and turned her head to Harry. She placed her hand on Harry’s cheek, cupping it. Harry turned to her, confused and taken back by what she was doing. My heart began to beat faster as Kendall leaned in closer to Harry. Before I knew it, she pressed her lips onto his.
I wanted to look away but I couldn’t. I stood there, paralyzed in fear as I watched Kendall make out with him. Everything became a blur except them two. I didn’t feel tears roll down at all. I didn’t realize my breathing became sharp and irregular. I didn’t care if anyone else was looking at me. All I knew and could understand that Harry was kissing someone else. 
Someone else that wasn’t me.
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