#like that meet the plastics intro she sang
btsqualityy · 4 years
Scripted: Part 9
Namjoon x Reader; Jimin x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, President!Namjoon, Head of Security!Jimin
Warnings: (Reluctant) open relationship, mentions of cheating, fingering
Author’s Note: If you’ve been following me for a year or more, you guys know that I always upload something on my birthday so here you go! Here’s an extra long part 9 to make up for how short part 8 was and the Italics indicate a flashback! I hope you guys enjoy it!!
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When you woke up the next morning, you were in a bed that was in a room that you didn’t recognize. You sat up, stretching your arms out as everything that happened the day before came rushing back to you. The last thing that you remembered though, was coming to Jimin’s apartment and falling asleep cuddled up to him.
Using the context clues, you figured that you were in Jimin’s room since you saw several photos of Jimin’s brother and niece around the room, as well as some of an older couple that you assumed to be his parents. Pulling the duvet off of your body, you climbed out of his bed and walked out of the bedroom and into the hallway. You were able to hear the telltale sound of bacon cooking so you followed the sounds and smells into the kitchen, where Jimin was standing in front of the stove.
“Hey,” you spoke up, making Jimin jump in surprise as he looked over his shoulder. 
“Good morning,” he smiled as he recovered and you walked further into the kitchen in order to stand next to him. “Hungry?”
“Not really,” you shrugged, not feeling like you had much of an appetite. 
“Well, I’m making bacon and pancakes, in case you do decide that you’re hungry,” Jimin told you and you nodded. “Did you sleep alright?”
“Yeah, I did actually,” you replied. “That’s your room, right?”
“It is.”
“Where’d you sleep then?”
“On the couch,” Jimin replied as he grabbed a plastic spatula, flipping one of the pancakes that was in one of the pans on the stove. “This is only a one-bedroom apartment.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” you scolded him lightly. “I’m the one who barged over here.”
“You didn’t barge over here, I invited you,” Jimin chuckled. “And you’re my guest so you automatically get the comfy place.”
“Well, thank you,” you smiled and before you could overthink it, you leaned over and kissed his cheek, letting your lips linger on his skin for a few seconds before you pulled away. He looked over at you with a small smirk, before the sound of the bacon frying in it’s pan became overwhelming. 
“How about you go sit at the island over there while I get this food done,” Jimin suggested as he gestured to it with his free hand. “And then I’ll fix you a small plate.”
“I don’t know if I’ll eat it all,” you admitted.
“That’s ok, just eat whatever you can manage,” he told you and you nodded before turning around and walking over to the large island that divided the kitchen and the living room, taking a seat on one of the stools that was pushed against it. You set your elbows on top of the island and then placed your chin in your hands, watching silently as Jimin moved around the kitchen trying to finish breakfast. 
About 10 minutes later, he was done and he walked over to the island carrying two plates, setting one down in front of you before taking a seat on the stool next to you.
“This looks amazing,” you complimented, staring down at the plate that was covered with two pancakes, a few strips of bacon, and some strawberries as well. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Jimin shrugged as he dug into his own plate, not wasting any time in eating his food. “I figured you could use it after everything that happened yesterday.”
“Yeah,” you nodded, cutting into your pancakes and taking a bite. “It still doesn’t feel like everything that happened yesterday, actually happened. You know?”
“I get it,” Jimin replied. “I had a lot of those days in the Navy.”
“And I’m just so...angry,” you added. 
“Do you think that maybe you’re ready to explain all of this to me?” Jimin wondered and you looked over at him, and he held his hands up in mock surrender. “You said later.”
“And it’s later,” you finished for him with a chuckle, setting down your fork and knife before turning the stool so that you were able to look at him head on. “Should I start from the beginning?”
“It’d help,” Jimin agreed as he took another bite of his pancake. 
“Ok so like I told you yesterday, Namjoon and Hyejin had dated for most of high school and the very beginning of college before Namjoon broke it off with her,” you said. “Namjoon and I met the next semester, in an intro political science class.”
“Did you two start dating soon after?” Jimin asked and you shook your head.
“Actually, me and Namjoon were just really close friends for the first few months of us knowing each other,” you told him. “He was still pretty butt hurt about the whole breakup with Hyejin and I wasn’t looking for a relationship because I was too focused on getting my degree. A few months into us being close though, my parents died in a car accident.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Y/N-ah,” Jimin sighed, reaching over and setting his hand on your knee. 
“It’s ok,” you assured him, setting your hand on top of his and you couldn’t help but to smile when he flipped his hand over and intertwined his fingers with yours. “After that, I was pretty much on my own since I’m an only child and don’t have any other immediate family so I just kind of..attached myself to Namjoon more. He didn’t mind though,” you chuckled as you thought back to your college days. “He may not seem like it, but he was a big softie back then and he’d almost faint if I did something as simple as hold his hand.”
“That’s cute,” Jimin laughed. 
“So we started dating officially and once we graduated college, Namjoon proposed to me and we got married,” you continued. “I managed to go to law school, pass the bar, and establish my law firm while Namjoon began his political career and things were good for the first three years of our marriage.”
“When did things start to change?” Jimin questioned.
“When he made the official announcement that he was going to be running for President,” you responded. “After that, he was gone more often, giving speeches and meeting people, so we barely saw each other. Things happened and our marriage just kind of started to....crumble, in terms of communication.”
“Is that when he cheated with Hwasa the first time?” Jimin guessed and you nodded.
“It was like a month before the election and I caught the two of them in our bed, just like I did yesterday,” you laughed ruefully. “Ironic right?”
“I was thinking more like disrespectful but whatever works,” Jimin shrugged.
“I tried to kick her ass but Namjoon wouldn’t let me get to her,” you huffed. “After that, I was ready to leave him. I had packed up all of my shit and I was ready to just....walk away.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Namjoon’s father, Kim Sang-hoon.”
You were in your and Namjoon’s old house, packing up the last of your belongings so that you could take it over to Momo’s house, which is where you had been staying ever since you’d caught your husband in bed with his ex-girlfriend.
As you were putting the last few of your knick knacks into a cardboard box, you heard the doorbell ring. You had hoped that it wasn’t Namjoon, who you had texted before coming back to the house and explicitly told him not to come back until you texted him that you were gone because you didn’t want to see him. However, you realized that Namjoon wouldn't ring the doorbell since he had a key. Leaving your box on the bed, you walked out of the bedroom and into the front hall, walking over to the door and pulling it open.
“Sang-hoon,” you said in surprise and Sang-hoon nodded his head to you.
“Hello Y/N-ah,” he smiled.
“Hi,” you bowed, greeting him properly before holding the door open. “Please come in.” Sang-hoon thanked you before stepping inside and you shut the door behind him. “Can I get you some tea or anything?”
“No thank you Y/N-ah,” he declined. “I actually came here to talk to you.”
“I have to admit, I’m not sure why,” you confessed.
“Namjoon told me about what happened,” Sang-hoon announced and you sighed as you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“And you’re here to try to get me to take him back?” You guessed.
“Ah, think of it more as a...proposition,” Sang-hoon replied and you raised an eyebrow at him. “Can we sit?”
“Sure,” you nodded, gesturing into the living room. The two of you walked into the living room, you sitting down on the couch while Sang-hoon sat down in one of the armchairs. 
“So, I know that you’re upset and hurting,” Sang-hoon started. 
“I’m pissed,” you clarified and Sang-hoon held his hands up in mock surrender. 
“And that’s completely understandable Y/N-ah,” he assured you. “But I have to ask you, have you thought about what a separation and potential divorce could do to Namjoon’s chances of winning the election?”
“I don’t care,” you chuckled in disbelief. “He cheated on me, and with Hyejin! Out of anyone, I would think that you’d understand. Being as though you were the reason why he broke up with her all those years ago.”
“Trust me, I don’t know why my son went back to that...woman when he has a perfectly suitable wife in you,” Sang-hoon agreed. “But, my son is also a man and he’s his father’s son.”
“So you’re trying to tell me that you’ve cheated on Mi-sook before?” You questioned, referring to Namjoon’s mother.
“Yes, and she knows about it,” Sang-hoon confirmed. “Because we have an agreement.”
“An agreement where you can cheat on your wife?” You shot back.
“It’s not cheating if the marriage is open,” Sang-hoon replied and you just looked at him. “Mi-sook’s and I’s marriage has been open, oh, since about a year after Namjoon was born.”
“That long?” You wondered in awe and Sang-hoon nodded.
“When you’re married to someone in politics, everything becomes a deal of some sorts,” Sang-hoon explained. 
“So you’re suggesting that I come up with a ‘deal’ that’s similar to the one that you have with Mi-sook?” You said.
“I figured that it’d be hard for you so I talked to Namjoon and we came up with some basic ground rules,” Sang-hoon told you and your eyes widened. “You can feel free to add your own as well.”
“Are you serious?” You demanded to know. “You really think that I want to stay with him after he’s broken our vows?”
“If you think about it Y/N-ah, it’s really in the best interest of you both.”
“Please, enlighten me.”
“For Namjoon, obviously he wouldn’t have to go through the public embarrassment of a divorce and he’d win the election, which you and I both know he has in the bag otherwise. And as for you, you’ll get to continue living the life to which you have grown accustomed, while also being able to go out and have your own fun.”
“First of all, when Namjoon and I got married, I decided then that I didn’t want to have my own ‘fun’ anymore because I had found my soulmate, or so I thought,” you told him. “And secondly, I don’t need Namjoon’s money or the recognition that would come along with being First Lady. I had a very successful law practice before I gave it up for your son, if you remember correctly.”
“Look Y/N-ah, I just came here to urge you to think about it,” Sang-hoon said as he stood up from the armchair. 
“And what if I decide to say fuck you, fuck your son, and leave anyways?” You wondered out of pure curiosity. 
“Well, then we’d be force to spin everything to make it look like you were the unfaithful one,” Sang-hoon shrugged. “You know me Y/N-ah, and you know I could ruin your law career if you force my hand. That’s why I came here to talk to you but I can see that you still need a few days to get back into your proper mindset so I’ll see myself out. Have a good rest of your day.”
“So, it was Namjoon’s father who basically manipulated you into that ‘agreement’?” Jimin summed up and you nodded your head. 
“After he left, I thought about it and I realized that he was right. Sang-hoon is a decent person but he has some fishy ass associates and I knew that he could make it to where I wouldn’t be able to sustain myself if I opened my practice again,” you explained. “And besides, despite how angry I was at Namjoon, I still loved him and I didn’t want him to lose the election because of me. So I stayed.”
“What were the rules that Sang-hoon had told you about?” Jimin asked. 
“Oh, that Namjoon and I were both able to see other people, albeit discreetly, as much as we wanted. Condoms had to be used during any encounter, people that either of us are close to are off-limits, and we’d have to keep up the facade of being happily married for the entirety of Namjoon’s five-year term. I also added the stipulation that Namjoon wasn’t allowed to see or speak to Hyejin anymore too, but that was mostly me being a petty bitch who just wanted something to make me feel better.”
“And he broke that rule,” Jimin supplied.
“He did, and I don’t know what I’m gonna do about it,” you sighed. “I’ll admit, I clung to Namjoon once my parents died partly because I just didn’t want to be alone but now it feels like I’ve gotten myself stuck in a cage that I can’t get out of.”
“Come here,” Jimin said, pulling your hand and pulling you into his chest before he wrapped his arms around you. You allowed yourself to relax against him, wrapping your arms around him as well and allowing him to just hold you. 
“Baby bird,” Jimin spoke up suddenly a few minutes later and you pulled away from him just enough so that you could look at him.
“You know how baby birds are always so eager to fly, even when they don’t know how yet?” Jimin explained and you nodded your head. “You’re like a baby bird who wants to fly away but you just aren’t sure how to yet.”
“That’s....such a good way of describing it,” you smiled softly. “I like it.”
“I’m glad,” Jimin said, leaning forward and kissing your lips softly. When he tried to pull away, you reached up and set one of your hands on his neck, pulling him back to you. He moaned against your lips, placing both of his hands on your cheeks as the two of you kissed for what felt like forever. When you finally pulled away, Jimin had this insanely wide grin on his face.
“How about you finish your breakfast and then we can do something fun?” Jimin suggested and you nodded your head.
“Sounds like a plan,” you agreed, leaning forward to kiss him one last time before turning back to your pancakes.
“Don’t open your eyes.”
“You’re putting something slimy on my face and I don’t want it in my eyes so they’re definitely closed.”
“I’m telling Jung-hee that you called her face mask slimy,” Jimin threatened as he used a small plastic spatula to spread the homemade face mask onto your face. Jimin had come up with the bright idea of doing a face mask in order to help you decompress, and you couldn’t say that you completely hated the idea. So that’s why you were laid out on Jimin’s couch, dressed in one of his t-shirts and a pair of his joggers, with Jimin kneeling on the floor next to you.
“Please don’t,” you begged. “I’m actually genuinely afraid of what would happen if I got on her bad side.”
“I won’t tell her, for the price of a kiss,” Jimin smirked and when you puckered your lips out, Jimin leaned over and pressed a quick peck to your lips. Once you felt him move onto to spreading the mask onto the bottom half of your face, you opened your eyes and looked up at him.
“Can I ask you something?” You wondered.
“Go for it.”
“Are you afraid of this?” You asked and you saw his eyebrow quirk upwards.
“Afraid of what?”
“This..attraction between us, I guess,” you shrugged lamely. 
“Not really. Well ok, I take that back,” he corrected himself as he looked down at you. “I am attracted to my boss’s wife, which is literally like the number one thing that I was told not to do when I accepted this job.”
“You were told not to fall for me?”
“I was told not to develop close personal relationships with you or Namjoon,” Jimin told you. “Being too close to someone that you’re protecting can make it hard to do your job effectively.”
“I’ve heard that before,” you nodded. 
“Are you afraid of it?” Jimin turned the question back on you.
“No,” you shook your head. “After everything that’s happened, I’m kind of over feeling bad because of Namjoon so I don’t really have any reservations about it.”
“So, what you’re saying is that you’re comfortable with the fact that you like me?” Jimin questioned.
“I am,” you smiled. “Are you comfortable with liking me?”
“More than comfortable,” he assured you and you just watched him as he finished up with your face mask. “Now, we have to let it set for 10 minutes and I have something that we could do while we wait.”
“What’s that?” You wondered. 
“Sit up for me,” he requested and you did so, sitting up and swinging your legs around so that you were sitting upright on the couch. Jimin then set his hands on your thighs, squeezing them softly as he kissed you firmly. You instantly responded, reaching up and looping your arms around his neck as you pulled him closer. Soon enough, his lips had moved away from your lips and down to your neck, sucking at the skin there.
“Oh, that feels good,” you moaned softly, tilting your head back in order to give him easier access. 
“Yeah?” He murmured huskily, and you almost felt yourself shiver from how much his voice had dropped. 
“Mmhmm,” you hummed and Jimin licked a wide stripe up your neck. 
“Can I touch you?” He asked.
“You are,” you giggled.
“I know, but I meant more,” he said, moving his hands so that they were tracing the band of the joggers that you had on, and your breath hitched at the feeling of his fingers on the skin of your stomach. “Like here, and lower.”
“It’s been a while,” you admitted sheepishly and Jimin pulled his face out of your neck in order to look at you.
“It’s ok. We don’t have to do anything that you’re not comfortable with,” he promised. “But I would like to make you feel good.”
“Ok?” He smiled.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “I trust you.”
“Good,” he replied, leaning forward and kissing you again. As the two of you made out, one of Jimin’s hands slipped underneath the band of your joggers, his fingertips pressing against the fabric of your panties.
“O-Oh,” you exhaled breathlessly as Jimin gently rubbed over your clothed clit. 
“Can I pull them aside?” He whispered against your lips and you nodded wordlessly, giving him permission. He did so, the both of you letting out simultaneous gasps when he touched your clit.
“Damn Y/N-ah,” Jimin grumbled deeply. “You’re so wet.”
“I told you, it’s been a while,” you sighed, enjoying the feeling of him rubbing your clit firmly.
“So fucking pretty,” he mumbled, and it almost seemed as though he was talking to himself and not you. You felt his fingers leave your clit and trail downwards, lightly rubbing the length of your slit. You were working up the courage to ask him to put one inside of you when he took the initiative and just did it, sinking the tip of his middle finger inside of you. 
“Oh my God,” you hissed, making Jimin look up at you.
“This ok?” He checked in.
“More than ok,” you chuckled breathlessly. “Feels so good.”
“I’m glad baby,” he whispered and you didn’t miss the term of affection. “God, I’ve been thinking about this for the last two months.”
“Really?” You asked, your eyes fluttering closed as Jimin began to thrust his finger in and out of you. 
“Ever since the day that I met you in Namjoon’s office,” Jimin confirmed. “You had on that sexy green sweater dress that shows off your legs, and all I could do was imagine how good they’d look wrapped around me.” 
“Jimin,” you gasped, feeling yourself becoming wetter as he fingered you. “Another finger please.”
“Whatever you want,” he smirked, pausing the movements of his middle finger and pushing his pointer finger into you alongside it. You immediately clenched around the digits, and the desire to come became almost overwhelming.
“Give it to me,” you begged, opening your legs wider and hooking your ankles over Jimin’s lower back. “Fuck me Jimin.”
“Fuck, you have no idea how sexy you sound right now,” Jimin grumbled as he began to pump his fingers in and out of you at a steady pace. 
“Oh, that’s so good,” you praised him, leaning forward and pressing a sloppy kiss to his mouth as he fucked you.
“You want me to make you come baby bird?” Jimin wondered and you nodded your head rapidly.
“Please, please.”
“Look down and watch me finger fuck you,” he instructed and you did as he said, looking down in between the two of you, where you could see the outline of his fingers moving in and out of your pussy. The sight only turned you on more, and you found yourself moaning louder and louder.
“Please Jimin, don’t fucking stop,” you pleaded. “I’m gonna come.”
“Come all over my fingers baby,” he encouraged and with a few more thrusts of his fingers, that’s exactly what you did. He continued to fuck you through your orgasm, and he didn’t stop until you reached down and grabbed ahold of his wrist.
“Too much,” you chuckled weakly, making Jimin smile fondly at you. 
“Good girl,” he told as he pulled his fingers out of you and out of the joggers that you had on. As he brought his hand up, you were slightly embarrassed to see your juices on his fingers but nothing could have prepared you to watch him stick his fingers in his mouth and suck them clean. 
“Tastes amazing,” he smirked.
“Shut up,” you groaned playfully, reaching up and pushing his shoulder. “Give me a few minutes to recover and I’ll reciprocate.”
“You don’t have to do that Y/N-ah,” Jimin waved you off. “I just wanted to make you feel good.”
“You sure?” You asked.
“Definitely and besides, it’s been over 10 minutes and there’s no telling what Jung-hee put in this mask besides what’s on the label so we should get it rinsed off,” Jimin smiled. “And then you can shower again. I’ll give you more clothes and everything.”
“Thanks Jimin, for everything,” you told him.
“Anytime,” he replied, leaning forward and kissing you one last time before standing up and helping you off of the couch to go rinse your mask off. 
Tag List:  @toddsgirl27 @leftieaquarius @joyfulkmusicfan @jennyjq @xcharlottemikaelsonx @pop228 @belatona @babebri144 @dragonqueen01 @paolaa9700 @yiarsan @sunshinein17 @daydreambrliever @lyralefayc @weirdestpersoninearth @peachesandcreamsthings @missseoulite @ramengrace @minyoongi-infiresme @0minabean0 @korkanswers @dchimminie @mysr3 @emily2404xx @leilaakk @vonvi-blog @btsxdoll @heartfeltscribblings @nooooooooona
354 notes · View notes
pasteljeon · 6 years
Nymphet Garden: Prologue
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Prologue: White Heather - Calluna vulgaris is a flower native to Northern Eurasia and America with a history of being very versatile as it was used in nearly everything from household items like brooms and baskets to flavoring drink like beer. The plant is immersed within Scottish folklore as they believed that the soft blossoms only grow where faeries have been and that owners are blessed with good luck and protective powers. It means that ‘wishes will come true’ and that is what happened when the boys met you.
➟ Based off this request: I’d like to request a multi-part fic with the reader being a solo!idol and the bts boys perhaps being big fanboy of hers? I’d love to see your take on this. I’d love some down and dirty smut too please! from @/stxrlxghtsora
➟ Summary: He was just a fanboy, they got dragged into it, and so blooms your love story.
➟ Pairing: OT7/Reader, non-idol!BTS, idol!Reader
➟ Warnings: uhh, this is basically a short smutfest with a loose plot (reverse ynwa style), including, but not exclusive to: switch!reader, switch!ot7, overstimulation, oral (m&f), edging, cuckholding, bondage, breathplay, daddy kink, noona kink, some hot jealous fucking, 3somes
➟ Length: 6.8k
➟ In collab with @/sugarcookiesandsins - please give her some love! ♡♡
➟ Notes: We spent a literal 8 hours on this first part sdhjsk we hope you all enjoy and look forward to the next parts! The following chapter will be posted on Jae’s blog, @/sugarcookiesandsins so please keep this in mind! Links will all be reblogged. 
“Hyung!” Yoongi groaned, throwing his head back to glare at Jimin who eyed him hopefully from across the couch. The boys were already crowded at the door, shoes on and looking rather excited themselves despite their reluctance earlier that week. Jimin, the source of exposure, had his hands clasped together and amber irises blown out pleadingly. They were practically glowing, and it was lethal, at least, to everyone except one Min Yoongi .
“Just get Taemin to go with you guys. You know I hate public places and that venue is going to be packed. I can’t stand another twenty thousand you’s screaming in my ear,” Yoongi grumbled.
“I’ll get you that new studio equipment you wanted,” Jimin wheedles. His bank account would suffer, but it would be worth it if Yoongi went to the concert. Having the iconic Bangtan Ensemble was what he wanted, after all, for attendance at his favourite idol’s concert tonight. Besides, he had spent good money on these tickets. He could have used it to replace the speakers in his dance studio or his worn sneakers, but no. He had single handedly paid for 7 front row tickets, and damn it to hell if he wasn’t going to get his money's worth.
The aspiring composer squinted at the younger suspiciously, but Jimin only beamed back at him. “Please, hyung? I really want us all to go together!”
With a drawn out sigh, Yoongi swung his legs over the couch and grabbed his jacket. “Fine. But you owe me. I better see that ASR 88 sitting in my room by the end of the year.”
Jimin winced inwardly but nodded eagerly. As long as he got all of them to go, then any future pain would be worth it. Besides, he was sure that after that night, Min Yoongi would be thanking him for dragging his ass to this concert. “It will, don’t worry.”
Twenty minutes and a bus ride later, Jimin still couldn’t  believe that he was actually here, standing a couple feet from the stage where his future wife would soon be singing your her heart out. He had their wedding planned and everything, she just didn’t know it yet. Looking to his right and left, he was happy to be surrounded by his closest friends, even though he knew that what he had promised some in exchange for their attendance may be a little out of reach for his. He would deal with that later and focus on the now. Besides, there had to be extra shifts he could pick up at work to make up for the huge dent in his expenses.
Suddenly, any stress he had melted away as the familiar piano of your intro played over the speakers of the venue. The screen on stage lit up as the video began to play. He had seen it so many times, Jimin could probably watch everything with his eyes closed, but he still kept them locked on your features as you played your role in the video, your skin looking softer then it had ever looked on either his phone or his computer. The screams never stopped. The boys were sure they were going deaf wincing as pitched voices echoed around them. Still, they were at a concert. What did they expect?
Jimin had been lucky enough to snag tickets to the GA area and they rushed in to secure a position at the front. Camping was prohibited so it was a fight to the death to get into line as early as they were permitted. They lounged around on the ground, joking around as they patiently waited for the actual performance to begin.
It was almost an hour later when you came onstage yourself, decked in the familiar attire from your debut song. The boys shot to their feet instantly. It was an upbeat tempo that got everyone dancing and screaming the lyrics as you executed the choreography to perfection just like Jimin had seen in live performances.
Taehyung was jumping up and down next to him, yelling something indiscernible over the roaring of the crowd. “What?” Jimin yelled. Taehyung pulled him closer, shouting, “She’s really good! Where can I buy her album?”
Jimin grinned, telling him he would send the link when they were home. One down, five more to go. Taking a quick sweep around, he spotted Namjoon and Hoseok jamming out near the barricade. Seokjin was nodding his head along to the beat enthusiastically to the right of him, and even Yoongi looked impressed in spite of his reservations earlier. Jungkook was hooked the moment you walked on stage and opened your mouth. The music major was a sucker for a voice as angelic as yours, his jaw dropping so low Jimin feared the fireworks would fly right into it. He smiled to himself. Jimin 1 : Bangtan 0.
The concert ran for two hours, though there were breaks in between where you were offstage changing outfits and videos promoting your tour theme ran on screen, or you’d walk forward and speak to the audience. Jimin swore his heart stopped beating when you knelt in front of him, smiling directly at him as you sang a line to one of his favourite songs off your older albums. God, you were perfection. You sent him a heart and he swooned, mouthing an I love you. Jimin ignored Taehyung’s boisterous laughter, having noticed the exchange.
“You’re so whipped for her, Chims,”  Taehyung cackled. Jimin flushed, still singing along.
He still didn’t forget to check his phone periodically, eyes flying to his notifications at every vibration in his pocket. Before the concert, you had done a vlive during the soundcheck when you announced the raffle that would make one group of people very lucky indeed. In between songs, you explained to an enraptured crowd that you would be drawing for the winners of backstage passes. Those that purchased in groups of 5 or more tickets were grouped together and solo purchases were randomly assigned to groups. Thankfully Jimin had purchased all seven tickets so when he checked the website, he was happy to find them all together in group number 713. He had watched the entirety of the livestream, including where you draw from a hat that was part of a costume set.
“... 713!” He swallowed. “Um, Tae?”
“Hmm? Yeah?” Taehyung said absentmindedly, eyes glued to the screens as a new teaser began to play.
“We won,” Jimin said slowly. His palms slickened and he shoved his phone into his friend’s face, his knees already quivering at the thought. “We’re going to see ___! Backstage! In person!”
Taehyung blinked at him uncomprehendingly. “Oh fuck!” Jimin screamed. His voice was swallowed easily by the crowd but now he could barely focus on the remainder of the concert, feeling dizzy and feverish.
“What’s going on? Is he okay?” Seokjin yelled over from the side. Taehyung smirked, making an O with two fingers and shoving another into it, eyebrows wiggling.
Jimin stepped on his foot so hard Taehyung had to squat and massage it for the entirety of your next song. The 95 liner sighed happily, returning his attention to you, eyes glazing over dreamily.
Jimin was practically vibrating with equal parts fear and anticipation. “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” he whispered, pacing before the door. “This is really happening. Oh fuck!”
Namjoon placed a hand on his shoulder, concerned. “You alright there? Should we leave?”
“NO!” Jimin almost shouted. “No,” he said again, shaking his head furiously. “I need all of you there. Besides, we won together. It’s not just me.”
“Don’t worry so much hyung,” Taehyung grinned. “Chims is just excited to meet my future wife.”
If he wasn’t in public, Jimin would have tackled him, but instead he just shot him a glare that could burn hotter than the sun. “It’s not good to lie, Taehyungie.” His voice was sickly sweet saccharin, that Taehyung knew he would be sleeping with one eye open for the next couple days. He had been witness to Jimin taking revenge on Jeongguk for breaking a speaker, and there was nothing he had wished for more than to be the last person in the sights of Park Jimin.
Before anyone could say anything to diffuse the situation, the security guard they had shown their tickets to came out from behind the door with 7 pases dangling from his hand, lanyards colored to match the tour’s theme with writing indicating both your name and the name of the tour in bold letters. Behind laminated plastic were the very things that Jimin had dreamed about: backstage passes. He had read enough fanfiction to imagine a lot of things, each one riskier than the last, painting his face a bright red. Clearing his throat before speaking, he grabbed one once the security guard held them out. He flipped it over in his hand multiple time making sure it was real. Finally assured that it would not get ripped from his hands, he pulled it over his head letting it hang where everyone can see it.
“Miss ___? Your guests are here.” The guard knocked on an ajar door, the mirrors and rows of clothing indicating it was probably your dressing room. Jimin choked on his own fucking saliva when you turned around from where you’d been speaking to a staff member. You were patting yourself down with a towel, wiping off sweat from your neck as you walked forward.
“Hello! I’m ___. It’s wonderful to meet you all,” you said warmly, voice melodic though a little raspy from exertion. You’d changed into casual clothing and removed the heavier aspects of your makeup, caring less about your appearance than how comfortable you were. Shit, you were even more beautiful barefaced. Jimin tugged at the collar of his shirt, the room suddenly stifling.
“H-hi! Your name is Jimin!” He stumbled over his words, immediately wanting the ground to swallow him whole. Great. The one time I meet my all time favourite idol and I fuck it up. Go figure. He groaned inwardly. “I mean - My name is Jimin,” he gulped. “And it’s really such an honour to meet you.” He nearly smacked you as he stuck out his arm.
You giggled, eyes crinkling as you regarded the man. His hair was tousled, looking like he’d run a hand through his thick locks several times in anxiousness and you noticed his body trembling slightly, fingers shaking as he shook your hand. He wet his lips, plump and pink and you concluded he was quite handsome.
In fact, all seven of them were. The one next to Jimin let out the deepest laugh. Ah. You noted. One of those whose face did not match what you’d expect his voice to be. “Don’t mind him, he’s just extremely nervous. I’m Taehyung, this idiot’s best friend,” he said cheekily, stepping up to take your hand next.
“Namjoon. Your performances were lovely. I loved the lyrics. Did you write them?” He looked like he wanted to take notes at your response.
“Hello, I’m a thief and I’m here to steal your heart.” Cue windshield laughter. “I’m Seokjin, but everyone calls me Jin.”
“H-hello. I’m Jungkook. I really like your voice! And um, your dancing. It was all very good.” Heavy blushing.
“I’m Hoseok! Your choreography was sick! What kind of concept are you going to be using for your comeback?” This one had the sunniest grin, making you recoil just a bit so you could shield your eyes from the blinding effect.
“Yoongi.” He didn’t say much, but you could tell it was his natural character. He was quiet throughout the entire exchange, though his eyes were sharp and watchful as he examined you.
Jimin, bless him, was still fluttering around awkwardly, clearly wanting to convey everything he’d been harbouring for years now that he had an opportunity, but he kept tripping over himself and ended up staring at the ground for most of the conversation, looking disappointed and frustrated.
Namjoon and Hoseok chatted animatedly with you, discussing choreography and the elements of music like mixing and editing. From what little they knew, you also composed most of your own songs.
Seokjin cracked jokes here and there, Taehyung popping in periodically and Yoongi simply listened attentively. Jungkook spoke timidly, asking a few burning questions and his smile was surprisingly sweet, bunny like and bright.
Forty minutes into their visit, your stylist tapped you on the shoulder, murmuring something as she passed.
“Ah,” you said apologetically. “It looks like our time is up. I really enjoyed meeting you all. Best of luck with your own careers! And,” you paused. They looked at you inquisitively. “I hope to see you all on the billboards one day. From the sound of it, you all have immense talent and potential.”
Taehyung nudged Jimin frantically, jerking his chin at you. “Do it now!” he hissed.
“U-um. Please, will you sign my album?” Jimin thrust it in front of you with trembling hands, bowing his head deeply.
He almost regretted his question as you turned to him and unleashed a wide smile that could put Hoseok's to shame, at least in Jimin’s eyes. He was the cutest of the bunch with his rosy cheeks and nervous habit. “I would love to,” you said with a grin as you motioned to a staff member to bring you a marker. Once the black ink was in your hand, you proceed to make your signature on the cover of the album, directly below the tite and accomapnying infomation. Below that you wrote a cute message. ‘Thank you for coming to my concert cutie!’ with a little heart and kiss.
It was simple enough, but Jimin felt his soul leave his body as you gave the album back to him, fingers grazing each others’. Smiling again at him, you got up and enveloped his body in a hug, a small gift for being a fan as well as a farewell. Jimin thought he would die of happiness again as Taehyung brought him back to reality by poking him in the side. You were hugging him! Over your shoulder, Jimin saw Taehyung motioning to your body and he understood the message. He wrapped his arms around your frame, squeezing a little. You pulled out of the hug a moment later, still with that smile as you said your goodbyes. Jimin could only stare, eyes dreaming of you as you said your departing words to the others.
On the way home, Jimin lay limp against the window, letting the cool glass dispel the heat that he felt after leaving the venue. He was still on an adrenaline high after the backstage experience. The other boys were in various stages of drowsiness after the concert since it had run late, not including the time that they spent with you backstage.
Still, all the boys were feeling the same symptoms. Doctors have termed the disease ‘idolstruck’ as most seem to become infected after meeting their idol. They were all lost in the image of your smile as you talked to them, face illuminated by the lights of the venue. The same smile that someone has when they are doing what they love. The boys were truly happy for you, and they were happy for themselves for agreeing to go with Jimin to this concert.
They had heard him a million times squealing from the confines of his room and knew the reason behind it. Still, they had left it alone, not really bothered by Jimin’s fanboying unless he spontaneously decided to take over the living room big screen to curl up on the couch and watch you participate in variety shows. They would walk in to see him smiling stupidly at your image on the television as it reflected in his eyes. Previously, they would all just shake their head and walk out, but now they were considering asking him if they could join him. They went home silently, and fell asleep as soon as their heads hit pillows.
Until the sun came up, they dreamed of you, angel eyes and all.
The next morning, not a single person was awake before noon as they took advantage of the weekend and slept in. Still, hunger affects the strongest of us, and soon enough the boys made their way into the kitchen, still rubbing the sleep from their eyes as they planned the quickest strategy to get back to bed. Almost as it it was magic, they locked eyes in the kitchen and burst out in smiles as they thought of the reasons they slept like the dead. The first one was your concert, and all other items on the list were only subpoints to this main header.
“Did that actually happen?” Jimin was the first to voice their thoughts, he was still sporting sweater paws as he had not worked up enough to care that he had slept in another boy’s shirt, not that anyone else was too quick to call him out on it either.
“It did Jimin,” Namjoon may have also looked sleepy, but he was still more awake compared to the rest of the boys since he had gotten a whiff of the coffee he was making.
“That was amazing. She was amazing.” Jeongguk was still hung up by the memory of your voice. Sure, he had been forced to listen to it with Jimin, but he had always put it down to really, really damn good vocal editing. He was in awe last night when your voice sounded exactly like the songs on the album as well as your ability to belt out the lyrics while still keeping up with choreography that was fast-paced and technique oriented.
The coordination with your back-up dancers made Hoseok's eyes shined as he remembered a  5 minute period when you demonstrated a difficult section that he liked, laughing as you recounted memories of mistakes that left the boys unsuccessfully stifling their laughter at your predicament.
“Hey Jimin.” Seokjin hid his face behind a mug of tea as spoke, half in embarrassment and half in relief as the tea woke him up slowly.  “Can we have a variety show marathon tonight?”
The week following passed by in a blur. The boys consumed your content like Jungkook drank banana milk - every chance they got, they were glued to their phones, laptops, TV to watch you laugh, dance, sing and talk.
“Guys,” Namjoon said solemnly. “I think we have a problem.” It was Friday, with all the boys sprawled over couches and lying on their stomachs as your newest Run! episode played on screen.
The past few days had been stressful. Jungkook had finally finished the demo he’d been fretting over for his final project with some help from his hyungs - though they fared no better. Yoongi and Namjoon poured over a new collaboration with an indie artist that had just signed them, spending hours cooped up in their studio. Taehyung had all but disappeared, travelling to different ends of the city for material on his photography initiative. Seokjin had been on and off as well, working for his father at his company whilst finishing his Master’s. Hoseok and Jimin were instructors at one of the best dance studios in the city, but Jimin had recently taken up a part-time job at a nearby cafe to pick up some extra cash to fulfil his end of the bargain for Yoongi.
“Hyung, I think we’re addicted,” Jungkook said absentmindedly as he reached for the bowl in the middle of the table. Various snacks were poured into it, and given the state of their lean, well-muscled bodies, they could afford a day off. They burned through calories quick enough as it was.
“Holy shit,” Jimin exclaimed, interrupting their conversation, leaping to his feet. His eyes widened as they flew across the screen of his phone. “She’s holding a contest. Guys, this could be our chance to see her again!” His heart fluttered at the thought, beating fast.
“Contest?” They flocked him like birds, jamming together instantly. Even Yoongi dragged himself over, looking mildly curious.
“It says you can either do a song or dance cover. There’s a winner for both. The prize is being able to shadow her for the production of her new music video!” He explained, showing them the post on her Instagram. “It’ll give us a chance to see what it’s like to film in a setting like that and how the whole process works!”
Taehyung perked up. “You think they’d let me shadow the filmmakers instead?”
Jimin nodded. “They’re usually in the same room so it’s up to you really. You can ask about the editing process, maybe they’ll let you in on that as well.”
“Let’s do it.” They stared at the speaker in shock. Yoongi shrugged. “What? It sounds like a good opportunity. She’s part of a pretty big entertainment company. We could check out the equipment.”
Seokjin cackled. “Like you’re really going for that. I saw your browsing history and I’m pretty sure you have more tabs saved on ___ than Jimin at this point.”
The composer flushed hotly under the disbelieving looks his friends shot him and scowled at the older man. “It’s for science,” he muttered, crossing his arms. “Obviously.”
“Uh huh,” Hoseok said skeptically. “Didn’t you fail science in fifth grade?”
Yoongi hissed at him. “Fuck off, Hobi.”
“Let’s split up,” Jimin suggested eagerly. “Tae, Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon can do a vocals cover. Hoseok, Jungkook and I can do a dance cover.”
“Is there a limit to how many people can win?” Namjoon asked doubtfully.
“Nope, just everyone that was involved in the production.”
“I’m in,” Jungkook offered. Taehyung agreed readily. They all turned to Yoongi.
He sighed loudly.
“Fine,” he grumbled. “Fine, you little fuckers. I’ll go along with you but if we lose, don’t come crying to me.”
Jimin ruffled his dark tresses, pushing back his bangs as he chewed his lower lip nervously. He whirled around the cafe, picking up plates and delivering dishes. One hand rested on his pocket periodically, as if anticipating the buzz.
“You okay there?” Jimin turned to Kai, a barista and an old classmate who eyed him with amusement from behind the counter. It was near closing time, clients trailing out as the hour ticked by.
He nodded quickly. “Yeah. I’m just waiting for the results. They’re supposed to come out today.”
“Ah,” Kai made a noise of understanding. “For ___’s contest right? Coups mentioned something about that. I think he entered too.”
Jimin clutched his phone tighter. Shit, if his other friends were contestants, they had to start praying. They were all extremely talented.
His phone vibrated quietly in his hand. “Good luck,” Kai sang as he picked up the disinfectant to start wiping the counter down.
Jimin gulped, swiping left.
Congratulations Jimin! Your cover is the winner of ___’s Shadow Set contest. Attached are the forms and details to the event. Please ensure all members of your group have completed these prior to attending.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon!
“Holy sh - ”
“So who were the lucky winners?” You hummed, looking up from your laptop. Your manager walked in, handing you the rundown of the shoot’s schedule.
“Who else? I knew they were something special.” She laughed but agreed. Sifting through the documents, you smiled down at the papers as Jimin’s voice played through your speakers.
The two ran at each other, jumping into a hug as they screamed incoherently at one another. “We won!” Hoseok promptly broke into a dance, grinning widely.
A groan. “Not this shit again.” But the dance managed to wrestle the composer down before he could escape. “We won hyung!”
“Yep, heard you the first time,” Yoongi muttered, rubbing his ear.
“I’m going to see her again,” Jimin said excitedly, eyes glimmering as he did his own little victory dance as he raced to print out the forms for the boys to fill out. The others were not as vocal in their excitement (except for Taehyung and Hoseok), but each was excited in her own way to see their favorite idol outside of there screen of electronics.
You sadly stood in the center of your practice studio as you finally got a break from the events of the day. It had been business as usual as you entered to the chatter of your back up dancers and the staff. Following your usual breakfast of a smoothie, you set up in the center of the room to practice the new choreography for your next mini-album. The company had decided to try a new theme this time to test the proverbial fan base waters.
Most of your themes had been powerful messages of believing in yourself or softer ballads that accompanied pastels and picnic. For the first, and maybe last time, you were doing a sexy themed performance. It was darker than before too, the lyrics angstier and centered around heartbreak. There was plenty of couple dance routines mixed in with the floor technique and your outfits were no less sexy. Plenty of fishnet and shorts with crop tops, that you had mixed feelings about. On the plus side, you would no longer be sweating buckets during performances; skinny jeans and t-shirts were hotter than you’d think when dancing under the lights. Still, you were still relatively on the younger side of the age spectrum, and thinking of the revealing costumes still made you cringe. Either way, you were starting to enjoy this new persona, it was confident and powerful.
Still, it seemed that it would have to be pushed back. One of the main dancers had broken their leg and was out of commision for a month or so. He was your main partner throughout the choreography and it would difficult to get a new dancer to replace either a back-up that moved forward to to replace the main. Not only that, the dynamic had to be pretty comfortable between partners or the flow was choppy. She had danced with Kyungin since she first debuted, so even if they were not partners before, they still knew each other to be comfortable with some of the choreography.
__ didn’t want the release to be affected by this set-back but it seemed like they had no choice.  
“What do you want to do?” Your manager had pulled you to the side as the crew continued to set up, though slower as they waited for your decision.
“We don’t have anyone on the call, do we?” You tapped your chin thoughtfully. She shook her head ruefully. “No, but I should’ve. This is on me.” Then your eyes trailed to the boys at the side.
The seven boys had come trotting in obediently, lead by your manager, wide-eyed as they took in the logo of your company in big illuminated letters. This was the same sign they had seen in the background of every choreography video they watched, mesmerized by every twist and turn of your body and particularly interested in the moment when your lose shirt flew up when you jumped. Boys would always be boys.
You giggled at their expression, the small sound pulling their attention to your form. You had ended practice only moment ago, moving away from the new to practice the old as most of the staff went to the hospital. Thus your form was glistening with sweat, much like the night you first met them after to concert. Making you way over to them, you snagged your water bottle from a nearby table to replenish yourself.
You many be an idol, but you were still a woman so you felt their eyes very clearly on you as you tilted your head back to allow the cold liquid to run down your throat. You felt their eyes trace a stray drop that had escaped you mouth as it ran down your skin, tracing every curve and dip, much like men did with the woman they loved.
You smiled devilishly. Maybe this contest would be more fun than you thought, especially with these boys around. This concept had introduced to the character of the dominant female, and it was starting to become you more that you would ever care to admit.
Then you realized the reason they were here; they wanted to see the life of an idol, to shadow you with this next comeback. Now, with a dancer missing, you wondered if there was even gonna be a comeback. Unless….you took a long time looking at the boys who you had dubbed mentally to be the dance line.
You had seen their submission, they were very good at what they did so perhaps you could give one special treatment. You turned to you manager and raised an eyebrow? Tilting your head in their direction. The boys were silent, watching. The three who were under scrutinization sweated. Something serious was up if the managers expression was anything to go by. Looking back and forth between you and the boys, you manager nodded once, so quick it would be easy to miss, before stalking out the door towards the elevator. She had things to discuss with the CEO.
On the other hand, you turned to the boys with a smile and motioned for them to follow you. The eight of you walked through the halls towards the large conference room. You would be taking them to your personal studio, but the Shadow Contest was now up in the air after the loss of a dancer, so you still had to protect the interests of the company. The answer that you manage got would determine the future of these boys.
“You’re sure about this? You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” you told him gently. Jungkook shook his head, smiling. “I want to, ___-noona.”
Oh. Oh, you liked that very much. “Okay. Let me call over my choreographer and he can teach you the steps for the first part that we’re filming today. It’s not too intense or long. Do you think you can learn it in the next three hours?”
At that, Jungkook grinned. “Definitely. I’ve done worse, trust me.” He shrugged off his sweater, passing it to Hoseok. Underneath, he wore a plain white tee that shifted as he moved. Mmm. It surprised you to noticed that he packed some hard muscle, visible through the thin material. He was lead off centre, where they set to work immediately.
“Yoongi, Namjoon,” you called. They stood to meet you as you approached. “Would you guys like to meet my producers? I heard they’re working on something new today so if you’re interested, I can take you there.”
They looked at you, mouth agape. “No way, seriously?” Namjoon was the first to recover. “Please, that would be such an honour.” Yoongi nodded rapidly. You gestured them to follow through a separate door.
Jimin glowered at the youngest from where he sat with Taehyung, pouting. “Why didn’t she choose me?” Hoseok had wandered over not long after to observe Jungkook and the choreography.
“Because you’re too short pabo,” Taehyung flicked his forehead. Jimin sighed, melting back into his seat. He fiddled with Jungkook’s jacket, looking a bit put-out.
You returned shortly, and with your own outfit on for the video shoot. It was definitely more revealing than any of the outfits the boys had seen you in before. Even the makeup did not make it any better with a red lip and smoky eyes that made you more alluring. Combine that with your stage presence and it was a lethal combination to anyone remotely interested in girls.
You noticed the look on Jimin’s face and wanted to pinch his cheeks. The sweet boy was pouting as he clutched onto the jacket Jungkook tossed his way. He looks unbelievably small and child-like with his pastel sweater contrasting the leather of the jacket which looked big on his frame.
Smiling softly, you made a guess at the reason behind his disappointment and smiled at the jealousy. It was no secret that he was your biggest fan among the boys with his name always being used for the group as a whole. You walked towards the two men, grinning as they met your gaze.
Jimin smiled at you, red-faced as he dragged his eyes up your legs and torso, to stop on your face. Taehyung, though not as physically prone to show his feelings, still tensed at the sight of you in front of him. Since the concert, he had looked into you more and fallen deeper into your fandom, even dabbling in fanfiction as he cuddled his pillow, pretending you were the one there beside him. You would be the one greeting him when he came home, you were the one that made him coffee when he stayed up late to complete assignments.
“Having fun boys?” Both felt shivers run down their spine at your voice. It was smooth and sultry, the kind of voice that suited the theme perfectly. They could only nod in response, too distracted by your charisma.
“Don’t be nervous. I’m still me.” You grineed, teeth on display. For a second, __ the idol was gone and was replaced with __ the girl. This was the you the boys loved, the personality they saw on the variety shows with her twinkling eyes and kind heart. The girls who was not afraid to laugh or get messy in the kitchen having the most domestic of argument debating how much water should be added to the rice pot. This was the girl they saw when you looked at them and this was the girl they fell for when you appeased their fears, sitting next to them dishing out bad jokes that put a smile on both their faces.
Your stylist ushered Jungkook in a chair and you watched rather amusedly as she fussed over his hair, applying light makeup and rifling through the closet for clothing his size.
He changed quickly, tugging on the suit and smoothing over the wrinkles. You cocked your head, drinking him in. “You look good.” Jungkook blushes. “T-thank you.”
“Nervous?” You asked. He nodded, looking a little overwhelmed. “I’ve never been in a professional shoot before. But,” he hesitates, peeking up from his lashes to peer at you shyly. “I’m glad it’s with you, noona.”
You wanted to coo at him, he looked so sweet smiling up at you like that. “Thank you for doing this. We really appreciate it.”
He reddened, rubbing his neck. “I’m glad I could help.”
“Ready?” The director called. Jungkook nodded at you, retreating to the shadows as he waited for his cue.
“Take one.”
The music started. It was soft, a little haunting. You glided in, steps light as you walked to the throne set up in the middle. As the line quickened, you mouthed the first line as you took a seat, leg crossing over the other.
Jungkook strode in, one hand in his pocket, the other slicking back his hair as he made eye contact with the camera.
He knelt before you, taking your hand and dusting a light kiss onto the back of it. You tipped his chin up, the camera zooming in as you grazed your manicured finger across his chiselled jaw. You swore you felt him shiver beneath your touch, his eyes fluttering closed as your cool breath whispered across his ear.
He turned, ripping himself from you as he stood, feet planted apart and expression tormented. You snaked an arm around his upper body, tapping down the expanse of his chest. You pressed yourself to his back, staring at the camera with lidded eyes as you sang.
He twisted away from you as soon as the bass dropped. Stepping behind you, it started. Oh God, did it start. His movements were powerful, sharp and clean. His hands trailed up your legs resolutely, his hips rolling against yours. Though your pelvises did not touch, you could feel his heat through the fabric of his suit. Then the bass backed out of the tune slightly as your vocals became the center of the song, commanding the attention of all, including Jungkook. You gripped his body and brought it surely in front of you, pushing him gently to his knees as you gazed down at him, simpering at the expression on his face. The next part harkened back to your debut song as you controlled Jungkook like a puppet, your arms and his body moving in sync as his expression emulated the idea that he was at your mercy in all possible ways. Then the dynamic of the song switched again, the base entering as Jungkook took control of the situation. His popping showed him breaking out of your control as you struggled to maintain your power over him. In the most risque move yet, he turned you so you back faced the camera as he pulled gently on your hair, following his lead and the choreography, you bent backwards until you were looking at the camera upside down, still singing along to the track echoing from the speakers as his mouth came down on your neck. From the frontal angle, it looked inappropriate but he was doing nothing more than just shifting the angle of his head.
Still, Jungkook could almost feel your skin beneath his lips and temptation set to to trace the same path that the water droplet took the other day when you first met them at the studio. You were glistening the same way too, the sheen of the sweat making your skin shine like diamonds under the powerful lights. Then you pushed him back as the second verse started, already tired of dancing to his beat.
The music cut off just as he fell to his knees, the power balance shifting as you gained the upper hand. Sweat dropped from his fringe as he brushed it back, panting. You helped him up, breathing heavy yourself. Jungkook took it gratefully and gave you a tired grin. “How was that, noona?”
“Wonderful,” the director boomed before you could say a word. “No need for a reshoot. We can use this footage. Maybe even raw. Good work, ___-ah! And Jungkook-ssi, that was excellent. I should hire you permanently.” He gave a wink before whisking away.
“He’s right,” you said, smiling. “You did really great. Thank you once again. You’re a lifesaver.”
“Ah, it was nothing, really. If anything, I’m the one honoured I get to work with you,” Jungkook said awkwardly, a light hue dusting his cheeks as he looked down.
Staff came hurrying over, distributing towels and water bottles. Jungkook wandered off to greet his friends who had been watching with wide eyes. Namjoon and Yoongi had returned halfway through the scene and were now in similar states of awe.
“Guys,” Jungkook gulped. They all stared up at him dumbly. “I think I’m in love with her.”
“No shit genius,” Namjoon hissed, slightly jealous that he wasn’t the one getting to touch you. Jimin felt the same way, giving over an expression that was somehow pouty and hateful at the same time.
Hoseok could only watch the vacant dance floor, still dumbfounded as his mind failed to comprehend what he had just seen. You and Jungkook dancing together, running your hands over each other. Still, he was not the type to be overly zealous. He would get his chance when the time came. So all he could do was clap Jungkook on the back, perhaps a bit harder than necessary and shake his head. “You lucky, lucky bastard.”  
Following the end of the first day shooting, your company treated everyone to dinner at a barbeque place. You had a table to yourself with the boys and more than an hour was spent eating, drinking and laughing as the boys told you more about themselves and they found out more about the girl behind the screen.
It didn’t hit the others as hard as it did Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin, but the feeling crept on them slowly like night swallowing the day, unnoticeable until the very end. They saw the separation between the you that they saw on stage and the you that was the real you, without the managers and company and staff. This was the you that they never realized would captivate them, but you did. And against what seemed like impossible odds, they interested you.
As the boys walked home that night, Yoongi muttered a single phrase that they thought summed up the whole situation pretty well.
“I’m so fucked. Completely and utterly fucked.”
Jungkook walked straight into a pole.
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Collard Greens By ScHoolboy Q
Yeah, yeah, yeah Uh uh, yo yaOh (oh) luxury Chidi-ching-ching could buy anything, cop that Oh (oh) collard greens Three degrees low, make it hot for me, drop that Oh (oh) down with the shit King shit, smoke this, get down with the shit, aye Oh (oh) down with the shit This, that, pop this down with the shitSmoke this, drink this Straight to my liver Watch this, no tick Yeah, I’m the nigga Gang rap, X-mas Smoke, shots out the liver Faded, Vegas Might sponsor the killer, shit Shake it, break it Hot hot for the winter Drop it, cop it Eyes locked on your inner object Rock it, blast-blast, new beginnings Lovely, pinky how not I remember fiending, Gimme, gimme, gimme some Freak the freckles off your face Frenchy, freaking, swapping tongue Click my link and spread your buns Loose your denim, make it numb Blow it baby, no Saddam Icky, icky, icky uh Fucking in the car service Thank me for the car pool Chromosome, part full Prolly off a Norco And gas, not the Arco Popping since the intro You shopping from the window Play my favorite tempoOh (oh) luxury Chidi-ching-ching could buy anything, cop that Oh (oh) collard greens Three degrees low, make it hot for me, drop that Oh (oh) down with the shit King shit, smoke this, get down with the shit, aye Oh (oh) down with the shit This, that, pop this down with the shitHold up, biatch! This your favorite song Translation, Ven aqui Mami, asi culo Tu quiero coger mi huevos Y papi molestes pero Chuparse puto pendejo El pinche cabron, let's get it Nights like this I'mma knight like this Sword in my hand, I fight like this I am more than a man, I'm a God Bitch, touche, en garde Toupée drop and her two tits pop Out of that tank top and bra And when I say "Doo doo doo doo!" Bitch, that be K. Dot She want some more of this I give her more of this, I owe her this In fact, I know she miss the way I floored this, I'm forgis I know my Houston partners drop a four on this, and focus And slow it down (down) Alright let me blow this bitch I'm famous, I blame this, on you Cash in the mirror Hang in my penthouse roof Skyline the clearest Watch it, your optics Popping out, you look the weirdest Pop my top on the 1-0-5 Head with no power steering, ah!Oh (oh) luxury Chidi-ching-ching could buy anything, cop that Oh (oh) collard greens Three degrees low, make it hot for me, drop that Oh (oh) down with the shit King shit, smoke this, get down with the shit, aye Oh (oh) down with the shit This, that, pop this down with the shitBummy nigga famous, straight from the bottom Broke niggas hate it, still never robbed 'em Guns in the basement, out they have a problem Kush be my fragrance, we love marijuana Function on fire, burn the roof off this motherfucker Psych ward is ballin', dope craze like no other Weed steady blowing, pass the blunt to my Mama Runs in the family, puff-puff keep a nigga fiendin' uh Faded faded faded right Shot glass super size, she gon' get some dick tonight Meet me at the W, and no its not the westside Stick it up ya south side (Icky icky icky ooh) Baller futuristic, groovy gangsta with an attitude What these niggas make a year, I spend that on my daughter shoes Smoking weed and drinking, all the college students loving Q We gon' turn it out until the neighbors wanna party tooOh (oh) luxury Chidi-ching-ching could buy anything, cop that Oh (oh) collard greens Three degrees low, make it hot for me, drop that Oh (oh) down with the shit King shit, smoke this, get down with the shit, aye Oh (oh) down with the shit This, that, pop this down with the shit aye (oh)
See above the lyrics to one of the greatest artists to ever pick up a pen.  Although just the words alone don’t do this piece justice I think It is a great example for our little prompt today.  Schoolboy Q is in my top 5 favorite musicians (dead or alive) and I think the thing that stands out to me the most about his music is the perspective he gives and how he is able to paint a picture of his world so well.  For those of you who are not familiar with Quincy, before he started his music career he had led a very crazy and reckless life, filled with violence and gang activity.  This, compared to the catholic education and suburbs I grew up in is foreign to me, and even though I have never been in most of the situations that he describes for us, I feel that he represents his past and the things he did with an accurate yet satirical lens.  By this I mean his intention is not to glorify or promote what he sings about, on the contrary (I believe) he wants to raise awareness and educate white boys like me.  That being said, the fact that he can get this kind of message across AND create timeless music simultaneously makes him one of the greats.  
For the sake of this song, Quincy uses the word green for the sole purpose of describing money and weed, or the spoils of his success.  I know this is probably not the direction you expected us take when you assigned a”green” reading, but I can’t turn back now. 
To tie this back to our class discussion on the first day “What is your relationship with nature”.  Can we talk about this?  How big of an impact do you think nature had on Quincy growing up dirt poor in the slums of LA?  This is why I want to stress the importance of perspective that he provides in his songs again.  Instead of his parents taking him to a national park and going on a hike, his uncle was offering him joints at the age of 10.  Instead of going to school and learning about how to recycle and about the impact we have on our planet, he was skipping class and looking up to gang members who used the pavement as their trash can for broken bottles and plastic bags.  So being raised in this sort of environment had him fantasizing of having more money than he knew what to do with, and enough drugs to keep him and his friends high for life.  So of course, when he got those things, he's did what he does best and sang about it (and I am so glad he did).
So, to answer your question Doctor, I find his use of the word problematic only because I feel bad for Quincy along with all the other people that grew up in a similar environment.  People that value money and drugs over trees and water.  I don't see Q using his music to sell any other product other than himself.  I do however, as you can probably tell, think that this song offers another way to relate to the environment.
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jessiewre · 5 years
Day 31
Tues 4th Feb
Two spanish omelettes were consumed in record time as we aimed for our agreed meeting time of 8:45am at Soft Power.
Leaving our camp at 8:42 was a bad start.
Thankfully we found a boda straight away and we were only 4 minutes late and Agre was chilled, getting himself a rollex for breakfast. He took us into the office for a brief intro to other staff, tried (unsuccessfully) to locate a pen for us to sign the paperwork, and then we walked round to the local pre-school we would spend the morning. The school had 3-6 year olds and there were normally about 90 a day but Agre explained that the holidays had just finished and many kids were still in ‘holiday mode’ so just hadn't turned up. Wouldn’t mind taking on that approach whenever I got back from a holiday, ‘Sorry boss, I’m still in holiday mode so I’ll see you when I’m ready yeah’.
As it was many of the children's first day at school, there were some kids who looked rather apprehensive and teary. Same as in the UK then! However, I have to say that the parents looked extremely chilled out and relaxed about the whole thing - maybe slightly different on that side of things.
There was one kid called Caesar who looked like the world was ending. 
And as soon as one would cry, another one would remember that they were sad too and start crying. The kids had to remove shoes before going inside and Caesar stood balling his eyes out while two of us tried to get his shoes off. It was comedic and heart-wrenching at the same time, and Agre told us that in between his tears, Caesar was saying in the local llanguage 'I WANA GO TO SCHOOL! I WANA GO TO SCHOOL!'. Which made no sense at all.
All the kids were told to wash their hands using an ingenious contraption of an old container tied up with a hole in, then tied to a stick on the floor to create a sort of pedal to tip the water out, and all the toilets were hole in the ground cubicles. Proper toilets with seats are a unnecessary luxury I guess.
The lessons were quite casual as it was still only the 2nd day of term and first up, the teacher got a box of toys and emptied them onto the floor for some play. Most of the toys were basic plastic Happy Meal rejects as far as I could see, with the odd doll in there. Lots of the toys were broken so didn't even work properly. But the 45 kids all took something and played, no arguments about who had what or what was available. I sweat there was not a whiff of a spoilt child here.
Lots of the kids played with their friends and some of them were keen to play with us so we got involved while trying to involve and distract some of the sad kids. Phil had Caesar looking extremely glum sat next to him, crying on and off throughout as he forgot he was sad and then remembered again. 
After this was playtime outside and the kids went WILD. There was a slide that the kids FLEW down at high speed and sometimes they would land so awkwardly in the dry mud that I was sure they'd cry - but no. Honestly they are so much tougher than muzungu kids! From what we have seen, they seem to be brought up with a lot more freedom with no mollycoddling meaning they seem stronger and more independent. They are way more physically confident and tough - naturally this means it takes more for them to complain. I'm not saying it's definitely better, but its interesting as the kids are so different. I’m generalising massively and only talking about our own experiences, but we have not seen one African child have a tantrum since we got to Africa, and there are children EVERYWHERE you look. The only children we've seen having a tantrum have been muzungu and it stuck out like a sore thumb. 
I am only sharing what I am observing and I am not saying that I won't also have a tantruming muzungu child. Obviously I will. It's going to be a little twat I'm sure. But I like to think that these experiences will serve as a constant reminder to us that spoiling children is actually spoiling children, and that we must let children fall over in the mud without immediately scooping them up & encouraging tears. Let them see if it even hurts before we tell them it should. Its not about saying you need to like in a shed in poverty to have nice children, but spoiling children does them absolutely no favours at all. And also, kids want the simple things and can make fun out of ANYTHING if given the chance. If they are used to getting whatever they want whenever they want, they will probably be twats when they grow up, and who wants a twat kid? I certainly don’t. Mum & Dad if you are reading this and wondering how you ended up with 3 twat kids then I really don’t know what to say apart from I’m sorry 😂😂😂.
We went down the slide with some of the younger kids a few times and Phil went to the swings. Even Caesar had a go, though it was hard to tell if he was enjoying himself or not. 
In the final class, the teacher asked the children if anyone wanted to start off a song for the visitors. Quite a few kids put their hand up, then the teacher would choose one who would stand up shyly and look at us, then begin to sing. The class would join in and it was sooooo cute. Then everyone sang songs with the teacher about numbers. Everytime someone did something good, they would stand up and put their hands on their hips while dancing side to side and everyone would sing together ‘Lovely, lovely and nice!’. Ok its probably hard to imagine it, but hopefully we got a video of it somewhere and I’ll share it! It was too cute.
One child found the whole thing all too overwhelming and I saw that she was completely falling asleep while sat up cross legged. I told one of the teachers who grabbed her a little mat and let her sleep at the back of the room. First day at school is tough eh.
Some of the children were so keen to sit with us and a little clingy that I worried about us leaving at the end and them feeling abandoned the next day. But I needn’t have worried as most of them walked straight off when the day finished at 12:30, not even a glance behind them. One kid was putting his shoes on all fine, but the moment he spotted his sister at the gate he remembered he was sad and began to cry and try to put his shoes on super fast, which did not work.
It was only 3 hours and we didn’t really do much to help compared to what other volunteers would have achieved with the charity, but we donated $30 each and will definitely donate more in the future. I could really see where the money was going and how much had been achieved already. If anyone has any doubts about giving money to charity, then give to this one as I can vouch for it!
We got a boda back to the hotel as the rain was due any minute and agreed to meet at 3pm to head to another site for another few hours of volunteering.
We were meant to pack up our things ready for check out but luckily the hotel said we could eat before packing up our room - so we went to Black Lantern for tomato soup with garlic bun, and cheese tomato toasties. The rain went crazy and we called Agre who confirmed that it would be too tricky to get to the volunteering ‪at 3pm‬. But as our money was super low (mysteriously), Phil had to go and get our dollars and bumped into Jimi on the way. They returned to BL and Phil was like Wait till you hear this Jess. 
Jimi then told me what had happened to him the night before when he'd left us. 
He was walking home and was not far when he heard a strange noise. He moved closer to the noise and it sounded like crying. He then found a BABY less than a year old in a sheet, abandoned on the side of the road near a bush. He took it to a police station and they took it in. The next morning, he heard about a lady in the village who was shouting that her baby was missing and was desperately searching. He went to find her and they went to the police station and then the hospital together and she was reunited with her baby girl, Alice. Turns out there was a robbery in her home and they took lots of stuff and the baby too but then just left it on the roadside. 
Jimi was a little in shock you could tell. Such a crazy story. 
We went back to the our camp to finally check out of our room ‪at 4pm‬ oops and Phil was straight into the pool, where a frog soon joined him for a swim.
We got bodas into town with Jimi and I told him we wanted to go a sports shop. We’d learnt from him that he had started a youth coaching club himself called Castillo. Castillo was partly set up also by Jimi’s late brother Abel who tragically passed away from cancer a few years ago and the aim was to help vulnerable children and give them more purpose, strength and confidence.
So we offered to buy some items to help out.
We definitely got overcharged cos we is muzungus init,  but we bought this lot for about £40:
- Two goalkeeper gloves
- A full set of team socks 
- 4 ref whistles 
- Set of ref cards
- 10 training cones 
Jimi was super grateful and we celebrated with a trip to Java Cafe - Jimi needed one final burger from us of course. I managed to speak to Emily on the phone and we accidentally ordered a chicken curry (was delicious dammit) plus had an apple, cashew, carrot salad...with masala fries.
Our bodas cut across the highway onto the central reservation then to the correct side of the road (!) and we got to the bus station on time, hoping that it was not super delayed travelling from Kampala. Ended up being 45 mins delayed but in that time we were able to achieve many things:
- Phil enjoyed more beers with Jimi and at one point buggered off to a bar while I sat with all the bags wondering where they were
- Jimi fixed my sexy walking boot with some superglue
- Jimi fixed his own flip flop with superglue
- Jimi fixed Phil’s trainer with superglue
- Jimi recorded a video message for Buj & Jenni
- We pee’ed before the bus in some MANKY toilets (essential)
- We bought water before the bus (ESSENTIAL ALSO)
Phil - the man, the athlete, the legend - had only gone and booked us VIP seats on the bus that were approximately DOUBLE the size of the other seats what an absolute win, so we had no seats in front of us & leg stretching was 100% available. Phil tried to pie me off with the aisle seat but I managed to swerve it and nab the window seat obvs and the journey was pretty comfortable. At least for me.
We were at the Kenyan border by midnight and our East Africa visa made it easy to enter.
Annoying that they charge you to use the loo though, and Phil argued with them about it saying he had no cash yet and just went and pee’d without paying. He then walked straight up to the guy selling snacks to see what was available AWKWARD. When the man offered us some Shitcake I decided I wasn’t hungry. On closer inspection, I believe he was referring to the shortcake.
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