#like the skeleton oracle of delphi in percy jackson
kingofthe-egirls · 1 year
self-insert as blackbeard’s daughter
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redtutel · 6 months
I made a hypothetical roster for a Percy Jackson Fighting game
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Info Dumping about specific ideas under the cut (beware of spoilers):
Also, the order of the characters is spoilery, sorry.
General Concepts:
Takes story place at a tournament at Camp Jupiter’s coliseum
The Super meter leads to a character calling upon the blessing of a god (or other powerful figure). Usually their parents, with a few exceptions. I think there’d be an in-universe rule that that fighter would need to prove their skill before they’d get their godly blessing.
The character designs would be based off of the illustrations for the books. I could see the characters getting costumes based on their show counterparts. But I don’t think Rick Riordan would want costumes based on the movie versions
Base Roster:
Percy Jackson: the accessible protagonist. Standard sword attacks. Some water based ability. Supper is the blessing of Poseidon, which stars with a tidal wave to knock enemies off balance, and then gives his moves more water based properties and boosted damage.
Annabeth Chase: maybe her invisibility cap could be a counter. Even though she lost her dagger, I think I’ll still give her one, making her a fighter who needs to strategically sneak around to find opponent’s openings. I think she could also use her Drakon bone sword. Maybe a bit of a stance fighter, to add to the strategy? Super is the blessing of Athena, which slows down the enemy, making it easier to plan against them
Grover Underwood: He uses nature magic, so he’d be more of a zoner. Maybe some kicking attacks too, considering the goat legs His super is the blessing of Pan, which leads his opponents Panics, thus debuffed and hard to control for a bit.
Tyson: A grappler, I could see him also having some club attacks. I’m already doubling up on Blessings unfortunately. I think his Poseidon blessing could put more focus on the Earthshaker aspect, while Percy’s would be more water based. As for why Poseidon would pick favorites if her and Percy fought…eh, gameplay and story segregation 
Clarisse La Rue: A rushdown character. Different attacks use different weapons, with her electric spearbeing her default. . Her blessing would be Ares, giving her a huge attack and speed buffs
Thalia Grace: A zoner, using her arrows and  her lighting spear to attack from a long range. Her Shield can reduce damage to those who do manage to get in close. I was debating whether to give her the blessing of Zeus or Artemis…but then I discovered she’d be the only child of Zeus on the base roster. It’d give longer range on lighting attacks
Nico di Angelo: A puppet fighter who uses zombies and skeletons to attack. He can also get behind opponents with shadow travel.  He gets the blessing of Hades, leading to more puppets on screen at once
Rachel Elizabeth Dare: My self indulgent weird pick. I could see her using everyday objects to fight (like the hairbrush she hit Kronos with once). She’d deal low damage and have lower HP, but because of her powers and divine protection as the Oracle, and her divine protection she’d be decently evasive. Her blessing would be the Oracle of Delphi, which would make her future sight so advanced she can’t be hit when it activates. So she’d be the weakest character until she gets the blessing, and then becomes OP while it’s active.
My memories of Heroes of Olympus is a bit fuzzier, so I’ll do my best here
Piper McLean: A short ranged character who fights with a dagger. She can also debuff and stun opponents with Charmspeak. The Blessing of Aphrodite makes these effects even more devastating.
Leo Valdez: He attacks with both metaphorical and literal firepower. Always summoning some new tool or contraption, and always setting up some new trap on the stage. With the Blessing of Hephaestus, He fights with red hot weaponry His tools deal even more damage, and gain a fire effect. I could also see it summoning a mini replica of Festus
Frank Zhang: A stance fighter. By default he uses bows and arrows, but he can shift to being a shapeshifter. He can start a combo as one and end as the other. With the Blessing of Mars, he also becomes stronger and faster. Unlike Poseidon, I think it makes more sense for Ares to play favorites
Hazel Levesque: Would it be practical to have her ride a horse? She’d also have a lot of earth based abilities, and I could see her using gems and projectiles. I could see her also using shadow travel With the Blessing of Pluto, gems sprout to the ground doing damage to her opponent. 
Reyna Ramírez-Arellano: She has a spear that can shift into a sword, as well as a dagger, so I can see another stance fighter. With the Aegis Cloak, she can be very tanky. The belling of Bellona will boost her attack and speed, but lower some of that tough defense. (Maybe she lets go of the cloak to focus more on offense)
I never read Trials of Apollo, so I’m relying on the wiki for ideas
Will Solace: Another archer. He also can use light based attacks. He’s more of a healer, so now I’m wondering if the game should be team based. But I’m not sure there’s enough characters to support that
Apollo/Lester Papadopoulos: The Sun god himself. I think he’d turn himself mortal gain to give the others a fighting chance, but would access his god powers for his super meter. He’d have light abilities, archery, and some sword attacks at closer range. The gift of prophecy could give him some good counters
Meg McCaffrey: Probably a zoner with plant based abilities. They’d intensify with the Blessing of Demeter. 
Lavinia Asimov:   Slow, heavy attacks with her Manubalista. But she’d mainly rely on her dancing abilities to fight. With the Blessing of Terpsichore, she can move faster and combo easier
Lityerses: A hard hitting rushdown character. He’s never shown plant abilities, so I think the blessing of Demeter would just heal him a bit
Bosses: (I’ll make them unlockable. I don’t like characters in the game you have to buy)
Main Boss: Ares (For now anyway). Obviously the god of war would want to get involved in a tournament. I admit it’s a bit questionable, seeing how Percy beat him when he was 12, but it’d probably be a lot harder to actually beat him over just getting 1st blood. He would be a big damage, unga bunga character, and when he activates his super meter, he’d take off his glasses revealed his eyes of fire, and get even tougher
There’s the question why Ares would boost Clarisse and Frank when he’s trying to win. Uh, gameplay and story segregation. Or maybe he wants to fight them at their best to prove his strength.
Secret Dream Match:  (Do well enough, and you get a non-canon super though bonus boss fight against)
Luke Castellan: A strong, ruthless swordsman. He’d hit fast, hit hard, and have a very useful counter. Instead of his parent, his blessing will be from Kronos, which swaps Backbiter with Kronos’s scythe, and boosts his power. In the final round against him, he’ll permanently be in blessing mode, completely possessed by Kronos, just like in the Last Olympian. I just think it’s fitting for the final boss to be the same as the original series.
DLC Season 1 (Dead characters) (SPOILERS)
Jason Grace: I learned he died because of unfortunate wiki walking. He’d be a stance fighter with Juno’s Gladius switching from sword to spear. He’d have eclectic and wind abilities as well to provide range. The Blessing of Jupiter would be a straightforward attack buff, but I could see a thunderstorm being summoned as well.
Charles Beckendorf: A similar playstyle as Leo, but slower and heavier, and without fire. The blessing of Hephaestus would extend the size and range of his attacks and traps
Silena Beauregard:  A similar move set to Piper, but with a more medium range since she uses a sword
Zoe Nightshade: An zoner with hero bow. Would get the blessing of Artemis, improving her range and giving her attacks a homing element. 
Bianca Di Angelo: Another zoner, with the ability to summon the occasional zombie. She’d gain an every powerful puppet with the Blessing of Hades. This is an interesting case, since she never knew her father.
Daedalus/Quintus: Another Swordmaster. Maybe some technology. And Mrs. O’ Leary as an assist DLC season 2 (Crossover characters)
Carter Kane: He’d fight with a Khopesh, which would temporarily disarm the appointment if you strike at the right time. He can also turn into a falcon, and temporary turn his opponents into creatures. He’d have some long ranged spells as well. His blessing would tap into his power as the avatar of Horas, boosting his physical abilities
Sadie Kane: A long ranged magic user. She’d fight with a staff and wand. Her blessing would tap into the power as the Avatar of Isis to boost her speed and range.
Magnus Chase: A puppet fighter, with Jack as the puppet. He could provide buffs and healing to himself. Another argument for having a team mechanic, since he excelled at healing and boosting others. The Blessing of Frey would provide healing and an omniboost
Alex Fierro: A rushdown shapeshifter. She could turn into various animals, and even into other fighters. She’d also have a Garrote Wire for some neutral tracks. The “blessing” of Loki would cause her to randomly transform her into another character for a brief amount of time, as well as mess up the controls of her opponent.I’d cause chaos for both size, which I think is fitting for Loki
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