#like the way he snapped and went off in ep 3.5
lavendernarwhal72 · 1 year
I need a fic where something happens to Mariner so she’s incapacitated and Boimler goes absolutely feral
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scullydubois · 5 years
thoughts on The Truth (9x19/20)
Written by Chris Carter     Directed by Kim Manners
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Where they at
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Up to his old clowny ways again
Do you think Scully emailed him and was like, yeah, so I put the baby up for adoption
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Krycek? I thought you were dead boy
Nice one
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Dun dun dun
“About my son...and his mother” looks like that email went to spam
He’s a guilty man….he failed in every respect
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Who dafuq are Dana and Walter, who’s he talking to
This is some A+ brainwashing
Krycek wyd
Is Kersh actually being helpful
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I’m having some thoughts…
Is that allowed?
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That went on for like...a long time
It IS a party, Mulder’s right
They got Knowle’s body? WTF
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Alright so...I’m not actually mentally capable for handling this
Gillian is doing some A+ acting
This whole ‘our son’ thing...detrimental to my health
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Let it be known that I’m having a straight up bad time
Her laugh after he said he was out looking for the truth...please kill me
“I can’t tell you” you’re really gonna do this...now..GTFO
“That doesn’t make sense” correct
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They needed to give Skinner a reasonable part in the ep so he’s gonna be Mulder’s lawyer...I have to laugh
Mulder’s gonna lose…
They’re really throwing flashbacks in here...I don’t know if I like that or not
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Hey Spender
Lol...so it’s not that Mulder isn’t guilty, it’s that a government conspiracy justifies his actions
The sheer amount of summarizing here makes me uncomfortable...I know it was probably good for those who watched the show over a span of 9 years, but I watched all of this in the past 6 months...I know
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Scully’s snapping on Mulder...thank you god
“I’d rather die, Scully” you’re literally dumb, Mulder
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TBH it seems like Mulder as a character grew out of his whole “the truth before everything” mindset seasons ago, why are we reverting him back to it
This is actually infuriating
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“It’s you and me, that’s what I’m fighting for, Mulder. You and me.” Deadass!
His face...he knows he done fucked up
Thanks, I hate it (it being that scene)
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Mr. X???
How did this Native American kid get Doggett’s address
I mean...good but
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Marita however you spell her last name?? Where the fuck did she go after season 7
I feel like she’s one of the most irrelevant recurring characters
Mulder! Stop being dumb!
This isn’t even clowny anymore...this is just straight up dumbass
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Gibson is spilling the tea! He literally pointed to this guy and called him out for being a super soldier...zero fucks! He’s never let me down!
Mulder is fired up!
If a boy who could read minds couldn’t help, how are Doggett and Reyes?
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Alright Reyes is going off...I love her
GOD...all of this would be solved if William hadn’t been put up for adoption...they literally COULD have a demonstration...he is their physical proof of the truth they’ve been searching for!! In more ways than one!!!!
So far in this episode...Reyes>>>Mulder
Lucky break that Doggett got the corpse sent to Quantico
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Literally zero way of physically identifying that as Knowle!
Skinner’s like…’so this case is irrelevant because the victim isn’t dead, so jot that down’
Sorry but...I can’t take Scully seriously here...I wish I could...but he went “You’re in contempt” and she did that kid argument thing of going “No, YOU”RE in contempt!”
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This is the saddest excuse of a trial I have ever seen
Verdict time!!
Guilty of first degree murder...imagine watching the pilot episode and finding out that Mulder gets convicted of murder in the final episode..WTF
This is such an L...for everyone involved (both fictionally and in reality)
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Mulder’s really making a speech after being convicted for murder...PLEASE
His crime is in daring to believe!
Did y’all know that the truth is out there
This is so dramatic LMAO
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Scully’s about to pick up the phone and they’re gonna be like ‘death penalty!’
This is so fucking terrible but I’m actually laughing hysterically because I did not expect that, I was literally joking
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They waited until there was a verdict to break him out, when they actually could have just done it the whole time
Like...if y’all were just gonna break him out the whole time, why did I have to watch the stupid summing up of the show via the trial
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Alright...maybe Kersh has some rights
Canada sounds like a good idea
Or not, do whatever the fuck you want I guess, you’re already on the run for murder
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BITCH why am I seeing an empty X-Files office...not allowed in any circumstances
Super soldier guy, fuck off
The Lone Gunmen deserved better
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You already know I love a desert episode
Sometimes i wish Mulder would just chill
Doggett and Reyes are really out here in a helicopter
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I’m sorry but I cannot take this seriously...I cannot cannot
Mulder just spill it
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“You’re afraid to speak the truth.” You know what? CSM is right and he should say it
Always about magnetite
Welp, there’s Knowle 
She wants to hear it Mulder!!
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No wonder I actually didn’t have this part spoiled for me ahead of time
This did not age well, not one bit
We got multiple helicopters out here now
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And magnetite takes care of another one
Run run run
How exactly did the helicopters lose them
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What kind of dramatic ass shot...that’s the worse thing I’ve ever seen
Hold on...I’m shifting into tenderness mode
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The parallel with the pilot...please excuse me while I shed some tears
I have zero fucking clue what they’re talking about though
“Chasing after monsters with a butterfly net”...I have to cry
Okay but what the hell was Mulder gonna do?? Not tell her that aliens are invading for the next decade??
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This shit’s kinda breathtaking though
Truly unfortunate that she would do it all over again though...I wouldn't
“Then we believe the same thing” WE WON LADIES
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You really had to just grab onto that fucking cross huh...okay
Oh yeah????
Alright I can die now
Jk there’s still another movie and 16 more episodes
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Consensus: Kinda a hot mess. Definitely didn’t need to be as long as it was. Had some interesting parts and some extremely laughable parts. I’m glad there’s more now.
3.5 out of 5 stars
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