#like the writer of the movie Troy did a waaay worse job. And most (normal) people only know the Iliad thanks to that movie
jules-ln Β· 2 months
I'm so tired of people complaining about MM's portrayal of Thetis, like I generally don't like to post negativity because no. And I'm not the type to complain about "media literacy" because half of the people who complain about it don't even know what media literacy and critical thinking is, and the other half are just self important arseholes who believe that their only redeeming quality is that someone in high school told them that they were smart
But to anyone who ever said that MM was demonizing Thetis. I'm taking away all the complex women characters until you learn how to be nice
MM wrote about how a woman that was forced to have a child she probably didn't even want, then come to love him, only to learn that she was going to lose him very soon anyway
She was panicking, so she tried to be controlling in hopes that she could achieve this one thing that maybe could prevent her child from dying
And she was so focused on protecting him, that she didn't realized that she was hurting him
In the end, she has to come to terms that in her way to protect this image she had of him in her head, she ended up hurting her real son and didn't even knew him
Thats why she asks Patroclus to tell her about Achilles in the end, to understand who was he beyond what she wanted him to be and comes to terms with the fact that she could've spend all that time being happy with him
But then I see people going "ThEtIs ShOUlD bE a GoOd mOm"
Like of course, reduce this complex character that this woman is, an imperfect person and an even more imperfect mother to just a stereotypical good mom without other personality trait other than being a good mom; thats sooo feminist πŸ™„ (it's sarcasm)
(And why should she ever be kind to Patroclus when shes A GODDESS!?!?!? Patroclus is like an insect to her!!!!)
I'm not saying that MM is beyond criticism, like why are Menoetius and Pyrrhus soooo one dimensional. But when you're criticizing some part of the book that's not even true, it makes me think that some of you went "I personally don't like it therefore it's bad iabdkabhsishsysk"
Shocking, but you don't liking something doesn't mean it's inherently bad
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