#like their skin or their hair just gets greasy faster or they have acne scars or yellow teeth etc.
hooved · 1 year
i think everyone should stop being huge cunts to ppl who don't have perfect hygiene
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quttainah-alsalem · 10 months
Unmasking the Truth about Acne  
Millions of people all around the world suffer from the skin disease ‘acne’. It is commonly misunderstood and surrounded by misconceptions.  
Acne can cause mental distress from youth through maturity, impacting self-esteem and confidence. While several myths and unproven cures are going around, it is vital to distinguish fact from fiction and learn the truth about acne.  
By understanding more about acne's causes, prevention, and effective treatments, you can confidently manage your path to clean, healthy skin.  
Understanding Acne: It's Not Just "Pimples"   
Acne is a common skin condition caused by blocked hair follicles with oil and dead skin cells. It is more frequent on the face, chest, shoulders, and back, which have the most oil glands. In extreme instances, acne can manifest as whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, hard nodules, and painful cysts.    
Acne is more than a cosmetic issue; it may also substantially impact mental health. Acne can cause low self-esteem, social isolation, and even melancholy. As a result, raising awareness about the causes of acne is crucial in persuading people to seek expert facial laser treatment in Kuwait rather than neglecting their worries. 
Common Myths About Acne   
Myth: Poor hygiene causes acne   
Fact: While good hygiene is essential, acne is not caused by dirty skin or improper cleansing. Acne can get worse if you wash or scrub your skin excessively.     
Myth: Chocolate and greasy foods cause acne   
Fact: According to various studies, there is no apparent association between diet and acne. Some people, however, may discover that certain foods trigger or intensify their acne. Identifying personal triggers via observation and making necessary dietary modifications is essential.   
Myth: Popping pimples helps them go away faster   
Fact: Picking or squeezing acne lesions can cause more inflammation, scarring, and germ spread, extending the healing process. It is advisable to let acne heal independently or seek professional help.   
Myth: Acne is only a teenage problem   
Fact: Acne is most frequent throughout adolescence due to hormonal changes, although it may affect people of all ages. Adult acne or post-adolescent acne is a common occurrence usually caused by hormonal changes, stress, or certain medicines.   
Myth: Tanning clears up acne   
Fact: Sun exposure can temporarily conceal acne lesions and reduce inflammation, giving the appearance that tanning improves acne. However, the effects are only temporary, and continuous sun exposure can worsen acne and cause long-term skin damage. Therefore, it is essential to protect your skin and avoid prolonged sun exposure.   
Myth: Acne is contagious   
Fact: Acne is not contagious and cannot be transmitted through physical contact or the exchange of personal items. Internal factors like hormones and external factors like clogged pores and germs cause it. Acne flare-ups can be avoided by maintaining proper hygiene and avoiding dirty or oily surfaces.   
Practical Guidelines for Managing Acne   
1. Sensitive skin care    
Choose gentle, non-comedogenic skincare products to avoid pore clogging. Remember that excessive washing or scrubbing might make acne worse; be careful!   
2. UV protection    
Some acne treatments might increase the sensitivity of your skin to sunlight. Carrying an umbrella or SPF-30/50 sunscreen can protect your skin from damaging UV radiation.   
3. Keep your hands off   
Avoid touching your face frequently with your hands as it can spread dirt, oil, and bacteria, resulting in clogged pores and pimples.   
4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle   
Continue to eat healthily, exercise frequently, and get adequate sleep. A healthy lifestyle can help regulate stress levels, frequently associated with acne flare-ups, even if these variables don't directly cause acne.   
5. Avoid popping your pimples    
Your skin may get more swollen, red, and even scarred if you pop pimples since doing so forces the germs go deeper into your skin.   
Effective Treatments  
A dermatologist consultation is required while deciding on the finest acne treatment options. Depending on the severity and kind of acne, dermatologists from a trusted medical center in Kuwait may recommend one or a combination of the following treatments:   
Tropical Treatments   
Creams, gels, and lotions containing benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or retinoids can unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and kill germs.   
Oral Medications    
Antibiotics, hormonal therapy (e.g., oral contraceptives), or isotretinoin may be prescribed for moderate to severe acne.   
Professional Procedures   
Among the dermatological techniques that can help heal acne and avoid scarring are chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser therapy, and extraction of resistant acne lesions.   
Wrapping It Up   
Acne is more than simply a skin condition; it is a medical condition that needs proper treatment, education, and care. If you or someone you know is suffering with acne, remember that there is no shame in getting assistance.  
Make an appointment with one of our dermatologists at Quttainah Medical Center by visiting our website. By encouraging skin acceptance and well-being, together we can eradicate the stigma associated with acne. 
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sparkzonnutra · 3 years
Aloe Vera for Skin Health
The gooey superhero is just incredible with a myriad of skin healing properties. Aloe vera is a common household plant that can soothe the skin to help you retain the vibrance, shine, glow and health. This guide is to contain various benefits of aloe vera for skin health. The medicinal plant also helps address multiple skin conditions like psoriasis, frostbite, and cold sores etc.
You might have this miraculous thorny plant in your backyard buy unaware of several perks of this precious creation of nature. It is an awesome herb with lots of healthcare properties to be a permanent tool for your skincare regime. It cures the overall health and nourishes the body from the inside. Rich in great nutrients aloe vera is capable of improving digestion and immunity as well.
Using aloe vera topically, one can enhance the skin texture. It works wonderfully on the face and hair as gel-like components of the herb are better known as an excellent herbal remedy. Applying a little amount of aloe vera to the face regularly may get you to treat various skin disputes such as sunburn, acne, and eczema.
How to Extract Aloe Vera Gel at Home?
Before we delve into the study of aloe vera skin benefits, let’s have a quick eye on how one can extract the aloe vera gel from the plant. Give a careful read to understand the process.
First, you will have to select fatter leaves (stems) of the aloe vera plant sitting in your home and cut them from the base. However, you can also pull the leaves from the bottom; being careful about the thorns.
Further, you will use a sharp knife to remove the thorns from the sides. Now, you can cut the gel-filled leave in the half and start extracting the gel with a spoon. Once you’ve extracted the gel wholly, make sure to refrigerate it. Your aloe vera gel is ready for application.
Aloe Vera for Skin Health | Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin and Face
The gel-like substance available inside the aloe vera leaves is known as aloe vera gel. It houses a number of active nutrients i.e. minerals, sugars, saponins, lignin, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and salicylic acids etc. These constituents help you get rid of umpteen skin woes as they work magically on all (oily, dry and sensitive) skin types.
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The following are some highlighting advantages of aloe vera for skin andface:
Helps Treat Sunburn
Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and cooling properties, aloe vera is one of the most effective tools to counter sunburn or burnt skin. Make sure you apply the gel to the affected area three times a day. It works as a protective layer for the skin and helps retain moisture. Moreover, minerals and antioxidants enhance the healing process.
As a Skin Moisturizer
Secondly, aloe vera also works incredibly as a moisturizer for the skin. It nurtures the skin surface far better than several market-bought moisturizers. It doesn’t leave a greasy layer on the skin, unlike regular moisturizers, and helps unclog the pores and makes the skin smooth and vibrant. Aloe vera gel is impressive to use after the shave as it heals burns and cuts by a razor.
Treats Skin Irritation
Well, applying aloe vera on sensitive skin is likely to achieve something extraordinary. The cooling properties of the magical herbal plant help you treat itchiness, redness, rash and infection. Similarly, the anti-fungal properties of the super ingredient alleviate inflammatory concerns.
Aloe Vera Lightens Blemishes and Fight Acne
Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera, collaboratively, help keep acne at bay. It keeps the bacteria away that creates acne and brings the glowing complexion out. Moreover, the salicylic acid comes to unclog the pores and deal with blackheads and pimples. It fades the blemishes and removes the pesky scars as well.
Combats Skin-Aging
Worrying about aging conditions? You should be obliged to the anti-aging properties of aloe Vera. It encompasses vitamin C & E and beta-carotene in abundance along with antimicrobial properties. Furthermore, aloe Vera assists you in eradicating skin blemishes and reduce age lines. It also promotes collagen production and skin elasticity.
Heals Cuts and Wounds Quickly
Additionally, the aloe vera gel is highly capable of healing cuts, burns, wounds and injuries. Its molecular structure treats wounds faster and minimizes scarring. The Ayurvedic herb delivers a great treatment against skin burn. You need to apply the gel three times a day to capture constructive benefits.
Aloe vera, no doubt, is a super herbal plant that incorporates umpteen health-healing properties. The thorn herb is home to a range of helpful nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, acids etc. that work collectively for skin, hair and face. This is the listing of some superb benefits of aloe vera for skin health to educate you about the medicinal values of the plant.
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Gordan Barge Excellent Tips For Healthy And Manageable Skin
Gordan Barge Certified tips provider. Have you ever wanted to have healthier looking skin? Of course, you have. It is actually not that difficult to achieve if you know the right approach. There are many things that you can do to help your skin look healthier. Read the following article for some tips and ideas that you can use.
If you want better skin, drop the fat-free diet. Believe it or not, your skin actually benefits from eating fats. Try adding a little more fat to your diet. Stick to healthy, unsaturated fats. Foods like olive oil, almonds and fatty fish all contain unsaturated fats that will reduce dry, itchy skin.
For clear skin, do more laundry -- specifically, wash your bed linens. The oils and dirt from your skin are transferred to your pillow case while you sleep, so regularly washing your bed linens, especially your pillow case, prevents you from putting dirt and oil back on your skin every time you go to bed. Wash your pillow case every other day and your bed sheets at least once a week.
Fast food may taste good, but it is terrible for your skin. All that fat, oil, and grease can really take a toll on your body and your face. Instead opt for eating healthy and nutritious meals at home. You will save money and save your skin.
Even if you are a man, you still want to have healthy, moisturized skin. Men are prone to wrinkles and fine lines caused by skin dehydration as easily as women, but this can be kept at bay if you choose to use a moisturizer. These moisturizers should include SPF protection as well to help prevent sun damage.
Use a sponge to help apply sunscreen to your face. Sunscreen is a vital component of any skin care regimen, protecting your skin from harmful UV rays. Using a sponge helps the sunscreen to absorb faster into your skin, reducing that uncomfortable oily feeling. Faster absorption also means that the sunscreen won't pick up dust and dirt from the air.
Your skin can easily dry out during the harsh winter months. To prevent your skin from getting too dry or becoming chapped, use petroleum jelly. It can be purchased at any store and is very affordable. It makes a greasy protective layer on your skin, preventing the harsh weather from further drying out your skin.
Scars can be tricky to get rid of, but try exfoliating it regularly. Exfoliating can work to gently remove the top layers making it more smooth and flat. Be careful not to overdue it. Overworking the sensitive skin of a scar can cause it to become inflamed and more noticeable.
You can actually lose moisture in your skin during the winter months when it is cold. Make sure that you wear lots of layers, and stay warm when the weather outside is chilly. This will prevent moisture loss and also prevent chapped skin. If you are still experiencing dry weather skin, put on a heavy moisturizer right after your shower or bath to lock in the moisture.
Gordan Barge Best service provider. Many people having had facelifts may not be fully satisfied with the results because of fine lines remaining around the eyes and mouth. Chemical peels and dermabrasion are treatments to remove the upper surface of the skin. These treatments used in combination with a face-lift procedure will improve the appearance of the fine lines around the eyes and mouth.
If your skin is looking unhealthy then consider taking zinc supplements or eating more foods high in zinc such as oysters. The mineral zinc helps to maintain elastic fibers and collagen which give skin its firmness and prevent wrinkles. Zinc also contributes to the healing of cuts and bruises on the skin's surface.
If you want to maintain soft, radiant skin, make sure that you use body wash in the shower. Body wash is a great alternative to soap, as it will not only soften your skin, but comes in a wide variety of aromas to improve your overall aura. Try to avoid body wash from touching your hair and face.
Use a shaving gel with aloe vera to maintain smooth skin after you shave. Aloe vera is a natural ingredient that does not irritate the skin and provides fantastic lubrication so that your blade does not tug on the hairs as it cuts them. Your shaving experience will be a lot more pleasurable!
Skin care routines for clear, healthy looking skin should always include drinking plenty of water. Drinking water helps flush toxins from your system, carries nutrients to thirsty skin cells and helps your skin to stay well hydrated. While drinking lots of water improves your overall good health, you can actually see the difference in the look and feel of your skin.
Quality sleep, while a great benefit to your mind and body produces an excess amount of oil on the skin so use an overnight lotion to wake up with a more balanced complexion. Hormones actually surge during sleep and can saturate skin with so much shine it's overwhelming and will definitely exaggerate acne and oily skin conditions. Use a product specifically formulated for sleeping to combat this problem.
Basic skin care needs to be part of your daily routine. Make-up is part of every woman's life. But it also affects our skin and can lead to poor skin condition. Remove make-up every evening. Giving your skin one make-up-free day each week, allows skin a chance to breathe.
There are a variety of fantastic ways to eliminate dark circles and puffiness around your eyes. One way is to boil tea; then freeze the tea and apply the frozen tea cubes on your eye (wrap the cubes with a cotton cloth first). These tea treatments help to eliminate dark circles around your eyes and eliminate puffiness.
Gordan Barge Skilled tips provider. These are just some of the ways that you can follow to get that beautiful looking skin. The key is to be consistent in your daily regimen. Find out which ways work best for you, and stick to them. Remember to be patient. If you stick to your regimen faithfully, your skin will look healthier and more beautiful in no time.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
How To Grow A Better Beard Than All Your Mates
How To Grow A Better Beard Than All Your Mates
You don’t choose facial hair; it chooses you. Sorry to say, not all are worthy. That’s why so many men find growing facial hair about as easy as farming the Sahara. But even if you’re one of the unchosen, not naturally gifted in the way of the beard, the right bit of nous can still help you achieve stubbly glory.
It’ll take a little effort at first, but the rewards are worth it: different types of beards can transform your look and take you from clean cut to rugged and mysterious in no time at all. But where should you start, and how do you know if all-out bearded glory is for you? Follow these steps, and you’ll be well on your way.
Why Grow Facial Hair
It’s Kinder On The Skin
It doesn’t take a genius to work out that forcibly dragging a razor across your face is not good for you, which is where facial hair comes in.
“It’s good for making a rugged statement, accentuating facial contours, creating a change of look, [but also] giving the skin a rest from shaving,” says Tony Glenville, author of Top To Toe: The Modern Man’s Guide To Grooming.
It Can Mask Imperfections
Like busy patterns for a bulkier frame and baseball caps for a thinning thatch, facial hair is great for hiding imperfections such as uneven skin pigmentation and acne scars.
What’s more, a well-defined beard or stubble boosts the apparent size of your jaw and, by virtue of colour contrast, draws attention to your teeth – handy for framing a set of pearlies.
It Matures Baby Faces
Given the fact that facial hair is one of the most obvious signs of sexual maturity, it’s no surprise that men with smooth chins can feel put back a few years (and not in a good way).
If you’re always getting asked for ID, take a leaf out of the books of countless style icons and grow some stubble or a beard (note: not bum fluff) to banish that baby face.
It Makes You More Attractive
Do women actually like beards? Apparently so. And it’s likely men think the same. A study by psychologists at Northumbria University rated guys on their appearance. The women surveyed singled out stubbly blokes as prime partner material, viewing them as more masculine, tougher and dominant-looking compared to those without stubble.
The reason? “The higher a man’s testosterone level, the faster his stubble grows – so a three-day-old beard acts as a strong visual badge of masculinity,” explains body language expert Allan Pease.
How To Grow Facial Hair: 3 Key Steps
Shave Down
Before you get to the hairy business of growing facial hair, it’s important to start with a level playing field. So shave. Specifically, clean shave properly: steamed pores, new blades, hot water. This allows for healthy and consistent growth and will form the foundation upon which your impending man mane will be built.
If you’re feeling indulgent, visit a barber for the full wet shave experience with hot towels, straight edge razors and maybe a head massage if you’re lucky. Not only will this make you feel like a million bucks, you’ll also get an expert base on which to grow a beard.
Encourage Growth
Depending on where you sit on the testosterone scale (from Justin Beiber: 0 to Jon Hamm: 10), your growth will either be glacial or like an avalanche. Either way, when it shoots into sharp stubble, you’re at stage one. Congratulations, beardsman; your welcome pack is in the post.
However, the hard work isn’t over – you need to keep it going. While you can’t alter genetics, exfoliating regularly helps stimulate the skin underneath and therefore growth. Pay attention also to your diet: vitamins B and C, zinc, iron, omega-3 and plenty of water all give a facial forest the nourishment it needs to grow.
Choose A Beard Style
The right beard style can add weight to your jaw and deliver a more masculine profile photo, but you need to get the shape right. From light stubble all the way through to Gandalf, facial hair should be in proportion and well-balanced to look its best.
A good beard should complement your face shape, but it can also manipulate it too. Keeping it tighter under the neck and slightly longer around the chin and face will make it look as though you’ve got a stronger jawline, so keep this in mind when growing it out. If in doubt, consult a barber.
Facial Hair Maintenance
Precision Trimming
Whether you want a full lumberjack bush or designer stubble, you will need to arm yourself with a decent beard trimmer to keep it at your preferred length.
For more serious shaping, some trimmers have precision settings, giving you more creative freedom. Deploying one of these marks you out as a follicular connoisseur and allows you to take the chin, cheek, neck and jaw areas down to zero, but still gives you the option of a leaving a little length if face adornment du jour, the beardstache, is more your kind of thing.
Don’t Be Afraid Of Patches
Growing facial hair only to find it resembles crop circles can make it feel like the grooming gods have come together to plot against you. But you’re not follicularly effed, so to speak.
“Now that beards are tolerated more in formal environments, so too is stubble – and it’s particularly popular with men who can’t jump on the beard trend because they have patchy growth,” says Denis Robinson, creative director of barbershop mini-chain Ruffians. “That’s because it’s possible to grow stubble to a certain point and keep it looking less patchy than if you were trying for a beard.”
Hair Care
So, you’re the proud owner of a facial hair style in some form or another. But your work isn’t done yet. Properly maintaining a beard makes or breaks your look, as wispy curls do not a handsome face rug make.
After showering, blow dry longer styles in the direction of growth to straighten it and show its true length. Then apply a beard oil judiciously. This nourishes the hair but also the skin underneath – an essential aspect of growing a beard, as nobody likes dandruff. Just the right amount (you want to avoid it looking greasy) adds the kind of healthy gloss that fills the beardless with envy, and your enemies with terror.
Don’t Over-Shape
While some beards benefit from a little precision topiary, most tend to look best when they appear au naturel, particularly if your main reason for growing some is to appear more rugged.
To achieve this, avoid creating harsh lines. Simply trim away the excess beneath your eyes for instant cheekbones, graduate the hair below the jawline using different clipper grades and then trim the moustache hairs above the lip.
Head Off Ingrown Hairs
Ingrown hairs are a bit like in-laws: they tend to pop up when you least expect (or want) them to, create havoc when they do and quite often turn out to be a real pain, whether they appear on your face or post-manscaping.
“The simplest way to avoid pseudofolliculitis barbae (the technical name for ingrown hairs) is to exfoliate regularly to lift hairs,” advises Sally Penford from The International Dermal Institute.
Keep Moisturised
Growing a beard can have an adverse effect on what’s underneath because the hair wicks moisture away from the surface of your face, causing skin to dry out faster.
There are two options here; an oil for longer beard styles, or a regular moisturiser for shorter ones. Apply as you would pre-beard, paying particular attention to the hairs around the skin which are generally thicker and the neck area, which is more sensitive and prone to getting dry.
Rope In The Experts
Because of vagrancies in colour and density, few beards are ever perfect. But if you want to get somewhere near to close, it often worth letting an expert take the lead.
“The best barbers will have some tricks to ensure it looks its best,” says Daniel Davies, General Manager of Pall Mall Barbers. “During the consultation, they will survey your face from all angles, gradually building an idea of what shape and definition works best. Once it has has been ‘lined out’ and trimmed into place, it’ll be easy to maintain from the comfort of your own bathroom.”
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beauborw495-blog · 6 years
<p>Get rid of acne fast. that&#39;s something practically naturalezax.com/es-malo-para-ti-o-bueno everyone who&#39;s ever suffered from it wishes to do. Skin problems can make even the simplest daily tasks into extremely undesirable circumstances. You will not require me to tell you that if you&#39;ve suffered for any length of time. Continue reading to learn exactly how to eliminate acne fast.</p><p>Tomato and likewise Cucumber Paste: When you get the vegetables, you blend them together. You can contribute some drops of water to get a great insert. Wash the face prior to you choose to apply the insert. Enable it to remain for 25 minutes prior to you wash it off when you have used your paste. Apart from the capability to remove pimple scars, they are likewise normal astringents and <a href="https://naturalezax.com/lucha-contra-la-gripe-fria-con-bicarbonato-de-sodio"><em>this is what he said</em></a> can in addition relieve the skin.</p><p><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m3bie1nzmI0" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p>One popular and really easy way to <a href="https://naturalezax.com/agua-plana-de-barriga">https://naturalezax.com/agua-plana-de-barriga</a> get rid of pimple <a href="https://naturalezax.com/miel-y-canela-para-una-buena-salud"><strong>who knows mrs Swanton</strong></a> scars is the drinking of water frequently. Water helps keeps your skin well hydrated. You are anticipated to drink a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water per day so regarding flush away bad and harmful toxins away from your body. Consuming water will make your skin appearance healthy.</p><p><img src="http://www.pimplestap.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/types-of-acne.jpg" style="max-width:500px;height:auto;"></p><p>In order to keep a natural balance in your skin, it&#39;s necessary that you clean your face just twice a day. Why? Cleaning more than twice a day can dry your skin and can actually trigger breakouts. What you are going for is a healthy oil and wetness balance in your skin. Don&#39;t permit yourself to become dehydrated (see Idea 5). After you wash you face, follow with a great toner and moisturizer.</p><p><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/qDbs5o7BFqg" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p>Completely remove alcohol - There is blended opinion about alcohol being a reason for acne. For some individuals, consuming alcohol doesn&#39;t trigger them acne. But for some others, consumption of alcohol causes acne. As for me, I didn&#39;t have any acne concerns when I first started drinking.</p><p>There are numerous treatments for acne and you can opt to use them concurrently. I just suggest natural solutions to acne. Do some of the products promoted on tv aid lower the look of <a href="http://www.salisbury.edu/health/services/acutecare/acne.html">More hints</a>? To a point, yes they do. What you need to remember with those items is that much of them contain chemicals that can have unwanted side results. A few of these products may even trigger the acne to end up being even worse.</p><p>Whatever you spend of this gadget is essentially needs to be cash that you want to bet with. No matter how enthusiastic you might be about the science behind this item, do NOT expect miracles. There&#39;s no method to tell whether these heat treatment gadgets will keep your skin looking perfect or if they&#39;ll fail to work with your skin type, and wind up as restroom decor.</p><p><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UtUEW5rBn8c" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p><p>It is particularly important to secure your skin from extreme sun direct exposure if you are vulnerable to acne. While a tan may assist camouflage your acne momentarily, in the long run it will just intensify the issue. The repeated drying of the skin from sun direct exposure will increase oil production and result in more breakouts.</p><p>If those toxins sit in your body for too long it can lead to some very serious issues, one thing you should think of is. Including circulation issues, arthritis, and joint discomfort are just a couple of issues. More serious issues might turn up too, so you can see why a colon clean can be so useful to you. Plus you can at times fix issues that you may already have with a colon cleanse. Like mentioned above irregularity, acne, and numerous other issues.</p>
You can get quick development of your hair in spite of the many times you may have attempted using some type of loss of hair product. Do not provide up. By using a couple of easy-to-follow natural techniques for loss of hair, you can get the hair back that you have always desired.
Grow Back Lost Hair Naturally With Traditional Chinese Medicine, Bao Shi
Itchy scalp is due to the presence of notorious compounds in the cosmetic's mainly hair shampoo that are used by us. It is a sign of allergic reaction and can be prevented by the utilized of Cortaid items. Greasy scalp is due to the over secretion of oils from the oil secreting glands present in the Clicking Here treatment. This frequently cause oily hair.
We then have the really painful nodular or cystic type of acne. These are sores that are filled with pus and happen deep under the skin. Cystic acne establishes when the contents of the hair follicle symptoms overflows and contaminates the surrounding tissue and the body immune system of the body responds producing pus. This kind of acne can last for weeks or months becoming cysts that are understood to leave really deep scars that are permanent in nature.
Hair Loss - Natural Solutions To Grow Hair Fast
It practically seems real because perhaps your dad or mother lost some of their hair, and you're starting to observe the very same thing occurring to you. Let me state this, you can really restore your hair totally if not 90% of it securely and without making use of any sort of hair loss product.
First determine what's triggering or may be triggering you to see thinning hair follicle treatment. Do not know? A few of the significant causes dealing with most males if you are a man is DHT. DHT is a hormonal agent that's produced by testosterone. In a sense it's waste. When a male's testosterone levels pass away down, this hormone is converted into DHT by an enzyme called 5 alpha-reductase.
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Diet plan. The rate of growth also depends on the health of the scalp and roots. To ensure faster hair growth, your diet should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables. Good nutrition https://Cuidadox.com/sindrome-de-aarskog suggests the very best possible condition for building strong, glowing locks.
Electrolysis is a popular approach for hair elimination with numerous individuals. If other approaches don't match your needs, it's certainly worth checking out. Once you have actually completed a course of electrolysis treatments, you may never ever require to shave once again. However, this procedure can be agonizing, and is really costly if performed in a beauty salon. An alternative is to acquire an item for home usage so you can do the task yourself.
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antiagingsol-blog · 7 years
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Anti Aging Cosmetics Remove Years From Skin
It may take numerous years for age lines to form on the face, but they could be gotten rid of in an issue of minutes with the help of anti-aging cosmetics. There are various other points that people could do to make them go away for a longer time period, like making use of shots that disable the nerves in the face. These treatments are rather costly to make use of and call for that a person receive shots numerous times a year. A more affordable method for hiding creases is to cosmetics that are commonly made use of as base cosmetics applications. These wrinkle reducers could be discovered in creams, or fluid base make-up applications as well as can be applied to the face every day. Because percentages of these wrinkle-reducing solutions are utilized, it is normally one of the most set you back reliable ways of hiding the effects of age in the facial area. Most wrinkles are minimized in look since the products have much more moisturizing homes in them. Other skin conditions could be concealed with the usage of these items too. Skin discolorations can be camouflaged with an application of a tinted cosmetics base. These cosmetics make the skin show up softer, smoother and more youthful. Some cosmetics have nutrients added that reduce the amount that skin ages also better. Vitamin E will aid repair any kind of scarring that strikes the skin 's surface area from blemishes or slits to the skin. Cosmetics that have this vitamin in them are fixated making the skin appear more youthful, and it is to a point. To preserve healthy and balanced skin, a female must consume a well-balanced diet plan, drink a lot of water and get a complete night 's sleep. After that she can utilize cosmetics as a charm product and not as a charm maintenance item. The anti-oxidant chemicals that are in all kinds of health and wellness and charm items could reduce the effects of the number of bacteria that base on the skin. These radicals trigger skin to age at a much faster price and this attribute has actually made anti-oxidant cosmetics preferred. People add these cosmetics to their everyday routine of make-up applications and also are enjoyed see the noticeable distinctions in their skin tone in about 2 weeks. The majority of cosmetics applications offer as an obstacle against ecological elements. These cosmetics have to be physical gotten rid of from the face area every day with some kind of scrubbing process that is not as well difficult. This is because the cosmetics with anti-oxidant residential properties cause cells to restore and also leave dead cells behind. If these cosmetics are not gotten rid of everyday, they can trigger aging to accelerate as well as any type of anti-aging therapies would certainly be termed as worthless.
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hi everyone this is Jessa so I'm starting here on my little trolley I have my lumina spiel setup these are my cold stones this is my hot water and we may not have enough time to do the traditional timing on this treatment I preheated my steamer so it's a good idea before your facials to get your water hot see how it's boiling immediately because it's already heated so sometimes you can get an idea of how much time you need you know by turning it on a few times and seeing how long it takes to boil this is just my other treatment cart we roll this one over to use the mag lamp and my client has climbed in but make sure before they get in that you have your head towels so you've got one on the bottom one that wraps around their hair and I don't use any extra headband or a clip or anything I just tuck the towel into itself and now my stamens going again so we're going to turn that off while we cleanse and I will see you in a minute okay now we're gonna wrap her head let's see so you get one left handed so I set up my wrap to tuck with my left hand but you can fold the towel the other way and then you tuck it in this corner here okay make sure it's not pressing on any jewelry if they have it on they should really take it off and keep their hair clean during a facial most women they don't like it if you know their hair gets all greasy hi so we're going to start the facial now I showed you all of the prep and we've got our steamer ready and just for the sake of those who glove and you don't glove for my videos I'm gonna be gloving I hope from here on out just because some estheticians do it all the time and some don't for certain parts of the facial and in the wintertime if you have dry skin you can have Micro fissures in your hands so it's actually like having a little tiny wound or something going on so I'm going to start with our creamy sunflower cleanser this is our 16 ounce size we don't have it nicely labeled in here yet because our other labels warm it up a little bit in your hands and I'm going to show you what it looks like also make sure your posture is good you so make sure when you're cleansing them you really do a good job with creamy cleansers you start with the cleanser dry you don't add water till you massage for a minute or so and what I was saying before is I'm going to show you what it looks like to do a peel with your facial and where to do it and we do use every month on quite a few clients because we want to make sure that each client is getting professional exfoliation because it's something I can't do at home and it's almost better to do one stronger peel if they're not going to exfoliate at home each month than it is to just do the home care but ideally they're going to do both so they're going to use a fruit acid or a triple blemish control those are the things we have in our line we have two strengths of fruit acid but that's something you want to talk to your client about is if they want more glow they want anti-aging they have acne something like that then you're going to want to make sure that you talk to them about exfoliation and I really believe in acids but it's not just any acid that's okay a lot of acids are extracted with toxic processes and you want to make sure that the acid that you use is extracted not only using a clean process like enzyme extraction but also the base ingredient needs to be natural or organic and non toxic and the reason that makes a big difference on people's skin is it's kind of like eating organic want a a towel to wipe your gloves so I'm just going to wipe off a little is cleanser so I don't go up every piece of equipment that I use after this and the cleanser is creamy so it's sitting on her till I get this steam going and then I'm going to wipe it off okay so I use four by fours because they're disposable there's some things I don't like to use that are washable and there's reasons for that and they do have organic cotton in these types of wipes so that's what you should get if you're a more natural organic spot so you want to make sure you really cleanse everything you know you get everything wiped clean and I kind of hold these wipes like this when I'm cleaning them and then I go back in your water bowl I have an ozone setting on my steamer if you wanna when I turn on the ozone you can see the steam you okay so now I can see where my steam is pointed if you want to come over here from the side and just get a picture of the whole thing so you can see your steam point it but I don't like to leave the ozone on while they're steaming because it makes people pop so something you can do with appeal is you can do a mild enzyme before your peel so this is our jojoba bean and I'm actually taking more of the creamy sunflower cleanser with our beads you tap like salt tap a little bit and that's not even a quarter of a pea size in these anything I dirty I kind of leave it up top too on my part so that I know what to clean at the end and this is our five percent a pumpkin enzyme okay and you really don't need very much of this it's really spicy because it's got all of the spicy enzymes in it it also has um kind of like a pumpkin pie type of blend in spices so you can see I'm getting a little collection going on my cart so I'm mixing those three things together to make her exfoliant and this is really gentle but if somebody's sensitive skin you you don't want to put the pumpkin enzyme in there you might want to put a little oxygen with the beads and cleanser again but most clients are going to tolerate the enzyme really well so we're kind of focused on the peel today I'm going to do some separate videos on extractions um this particular model I've been seeing her for a while now so she has great skin and she doesn't have a lot of extractions so sometimes you have clients like that and we offer a facial called the mossad lonely facial and we offer that so that people who don't need extractions have a little more affordable way of getting the treatment done okay so when you get your hot towel out of the towel caddy it's really hot it's a good idea because your hands are washed to test like a baby bottle like milk when you heat up milk for baby test it right on your inner wrist before you wrap their face you don't arm someone and you ask them is that temperature okay yeah okay and then some people get a little claustrophobic so don't cover their mouth in their nose and when you press you know you don't have to go overboard you can also ask your client when you're getting to know them do you get claustrophobic and that kind of thing and if they do you need to be really careful when you're wrapping them so and then you know the gloves also I feel that there are some clients in situations where you can cleanse or do the massage you know that kind of thing without them but those who believe in using them 100% of the time I totally get it we carry a lot of different strains of bacteria on the surface of our skin and we can get those dry fingers and get those micro fissures so because she doesn't need extractions we're going to go straight into the peel we're going to tone this is the triple-t I was with Timmy dmae and resveratrol so this starts the treatment process sometimes their mouths open a little bit and you might want to tell them I'm going to spritz you so just keep everything closed and I'm going to get some dry four-by-fours and this helps prep their skin and get any residue out of the way from anything even though we just hot tell them off it also kind of helps the pH of their skin be in the right place before we do the peel so we just sent out about a hundred luminous peels so I'm going to use the luminous it's a great peel for almost everybody so if you want to conserve your peel this this fan brush is the material that's actually not my favorite my favorite brushes were going to carry really soon they have an orange fan and they have this exact handle you can't have wood and you can't really have hair you know type of this isn't a hair but it's it's not the type of fan that I like there's one that just won't break down after years of use these are newer but they will break down so to conserve peel use a fan brush or you can use a two by two but the two by two will soak up our new peels fairly quickly so you'll use more so start on the forehead foreheads tend to be kind of tough and you want to apply the peel evenly and you never want to get too close to the eyelids and the under eye skin but you want to get the crow's feet and you want to apply fairly quickly so I'm going to speed up now the reason is the peel is starting to work everywhere that you've applied it so I just did my second dip into my peel here so get the whole face covered and then go for the neck the neck and the decollete area I go all the way down to where there's openings in their shirt some people charge extra I believe in including that an appeal and we charge $30 to add appeal on anybody service or we do a quick treatment where we do appeal now it's really important because this point she's she's feeling it you're gonna ask her on a scale of one to ten one would be you don't feel anything ten would be taken off right now where are you at good to a two so a two is good you can let it sit for two to five minutes at that number her lip looks a little dry does it feel like I missed any we're thankful that's a good thing to ask your client now there's something called layering that you can do with peals this is advanced and all of you teaching more classes on this but if they have scoring wrinkling pigment anything that needs extra work you can take a second layer of the peel let's say the cheeks are really tough so I'm going to put a thick layer on top of the first layer and if the peel dries out while it's cooking it's not working so you want it to be moist okay now if she had acne okay so if somebody broke out here you'd want to do a second layer here you can either use a different peel to layer it or you can layer the same one on and it's good at this point to ask your client again has it gotten any stronger is it staying about the same it's about the same just a little bit stronger baby okay so it will go up and up and up and these peels cook really fast I like to say they cook now I have a bowl with to Jade's in it and I take my dry four-by-fours and I'm dipping them in this really cold water that I like to be filtered wherever possible in facials in stage carbon filters are actually very cheap if you can filter the water at your spa it helps with all of your facial treatments so this will feel cold okay that's what you need to tell your client this also neutralizes the peel kind of like with hair color you know water neutralizes it not only wiping off the excess peel but also um the water helps to neutralize the peel although they may feel a slight tingling still after you remove the peel and that's okay that's normal tell them if it's feeling if it gets stronger when they leave or if it's feeling like it's getting increasingly stronger after they leave it should kind of neutralize slowly when they leave and they need to call you if they continue to feel a lot of activity or if they go somewhere they shouldn't really work out you know right after this if they work out or get hot and sweaty it can reactivate the peel a little bit sometimes it does nothing and other times you can see that I flipped these wipes inside out so that I'm using a fresh area of the wipe so I'm not wiping the peel around on the other side of my wife that's really important and then you ask your client again um how's that feeling now is it feeling like it's neutralizing yes okay does it still feel like a one or or a two um or maybe a one of advice it's neutralized I can tell okay so after this we'll do a little bit of massage I'm grabbing the ten percent oxygen elixir and we've clean this so this label looks a little faded oops and you will knock things over moving all the step around doing a facial so this oxygen is fantastic after appeal it's like a second treatment you know it's like getting an oxygen treatment the elixir is particularly good because there's ten percent oxygen the hundred percent is really strong so I'm covering everywhere that we peeled and this should feel good because there's oxygen she could feel a slight activity that most likely not so we're going to do a little pressure point massage so during my full facials I do face head neck shoulders and half of the arms for massage just for time purposes today we're going to show you the face and we're going to show you the cold stone massage the cold stone massage is part of what neutralizes everything after the peel if they're looking really flushed right after you take the peel off you probably want to do the cold stones and then their massage with their massage gets their blood moving so you got to keep that in mind it gets their circulation and everything going so sometimes it's better to do a little massage with pressure point and also regular massage we do a little bit and then we do the cold stone massage and the cold stones are really important to close the skin down so you kind of want to make your way around the skin a couple of times with the stones and these are Jade so they have some really nice properties even you have good energy Jade's been used a really long time Jade facial rollers and Jade for the skin has been used for a very long time so I like these versus regular massage stones Jade stays cold a lot longer and it's got a lot of really great properties like I said okay so keep in mind if this is a longer facial or you have a little more time than we do filming today that you can put more time into massage and different things but if you're on a schedule you can shorten it up a little bit so I like to wet some fresh wipes to get this part off here sorry I didn't warn her so she's tasting Mia toner so having that little oil barrier on it restores the skins barrier after appeal and the sunflower is really compatible with a lot of skin types we're also going to infuse organic sunflower seed oil with herbs so that you can get more of a little treatment but the oxygens pretty potent if you come and get a close-up of her skin between the oxygen and the peel she's really glowing so for today I'm going to tone her you could do a mask and then the rest of the massage I'm going to tone her and moisturize her and we hand mixed a lot of herbs and we use a lot of months and that kind of thing in our facial treatments so we have a couple new masks coming and two of them will be ready to go I'm going to make some of our dry herbal mixtures ready to go masks very soon so I'm putting a little hyaluronic on hyaluronic is nice and neutral after the treatment that she just did but what hyaluronic does is it's more of a humectant so it helps the skin hold water and it's important to put this on you know before the oils sometimes so we're going to use this because it was a peel it's good to put on another oil barrier so since we haven't used it very often this is squalene and it's a little more hydrating than the oxygen the 10% elixir would also work but you really need to do this and then after this you put a little of the mineral defense on and then they're ready ready to go and I got a little bit of the hyaluronic two around her eyes so these steps after appeal are really important a lot of times people try to put on their regular serums on a client or they try to put on really active creams and if they do that the skin could have a reaction it can blow up into something Raschi that it doesn't normally do because the barrier is completely different after you do microderm or you do peel so let's get it closed up with this because people have been asking this is the zinc and titanium mineral defense cream in this bottle we've had for a while it's a little beat up so she's got our moisturizers on you want to spray your fingers with a little toner and don't get more than I had so this is what it should look like before you apply and then you've got to go quick to blend so you see I got a little bit everywhere now I'm blending as it dries you can see if it dried like that it would streak and having a little oil based moisturizer on underneath isn't a bad idea but you can see how it blends right in when it's the right amount and you spray a little bit of toner on it alright thank you everybody so that was most of our facial I promise I will do a real you know hour and hour and a half facial but we're doing a big peel series focus right now and I wanted to get part of a facial in with the peel thank you
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beautycinch · 7 years
Aloe Vera: The 8 Benefits of Using It For Skin Care
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Eight Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
1) Sunburn Treatment
2) Moisturizes
3) Acne Treatment
4) Anti-Aging
5) Reduces Stretch Mark Appearance
6) Lots of Nutrients
7) Treats Periodontal Disease
8) Digestion Assistance
9) Improves Breath
The Egyptians back in ancient times used to think of Aloe Vera as a plant that promoted immortality. In modern times, we know that Aloe Vera has a lot of medicinal properties for treating problems such as sunburns and other skin problems.
Aloe Vera plant
Aloe Vera comes from the Liliaceae plant family. It is basically a cactus plant which can be found in dry environments including certain regions in India and Africa. Aloe is truly one of the first medicinal treatments ever used in human history.
When you break off an aloe leaf from the main plant, a clear colored gel comes out. This gel is what you apply to irritated or wounded skin in order to treat it.
When scientists finally got around to examining Aloe Vera and its benefits to the skin, the results confirmed that it has numerous medicinal properties for helping relieve various skin irritations. Some of these irritations include dry skin, flaky skin, scalp issues, hair issues, cosmetic issues, and so on.
Aloe Vera can even treat more serious skin damage such as burns and cuts. The Mayo Clinic did a study which showed that it can help treat other skin-related health issues such as eczema, dandruff, genital herpes, skin infections, diabetes, cysts, skin ulcers, canker sores, enhanced blood lipids, and psoriasis.
Eight Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
1) Sunburn Treatment
The skin has a cell layer all around the body called the epithelium. When you have a sunburn, this area gets damaged. The Aloe Vera works to heal this damage and adds moisture to it as well. As a result, the sunburned skin will heal faster because of the Aloe Vera’s vast supply of antioxidants and nutritional properties.
2) Moisturizes
If you’re just looking for a simple moisturizer for the skin, Aloe Vera will do the job without making your skin look greasy. If you happen to use make-up on your face that is mineral-based, the moisturizing properties of the Aloe Vera will prevent your skin from drying up. And if you want a natural aftershave lotion, Aloe Vera can work to heal all those tiny cuts that form during the shaving process.
3) Acne Treatment
Gibberellins and Auxin are two hormonal properties of Aloe Vera which promote the healing of skin wounds and inflammation. The hormone “Gibberellin” is a growth hormone that helps the skin regrow new cells to replace the ones that were damaged. As a result, the skin will naturally heal a lot faster and leave much less scarring.
Not only can Aloe Vera soothe the skin, promote rapid skin healing and act as an anti-inflammatory to it, the aloe will also reduce itchiness and blistering as well. The makers of Ayurvedic medication use Aloe as its main ingredient because of its ability to treat chronic skin issues such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis.
4) Anti-Aging
Aging causes the skin to lose elasticity and to form fine lines. There are many antioxidants in Aloe leaves such as Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Beta-Carotene. These antioxidants work to enhance the natural firmness of the skin and to maintain its hydration.
5) Reduces Stretch Mark Appearance
The skin is made to be elastic because of human growth. However, when the skin is stretched too much on a regular basis, it can leave stretch marks. Some examples of this would be gaining weight and then losing weight or being pregnant and having your belly stretch out far. Once the stretching is over, there are marks on the skin that form because multiple skin layers were torn from the rapidly expanding and contracting of the skin. To help heal these marks and reduce their appearance, apply Aloe Vera gel to them.
6) Lots of Nutrients
There are more than 75 various kinds of nutrients in Aloe Vera. Some of the most vital nutrients are minerals, vitamins, sugars, enzymes, sterols, salicylic acid, amino acids, and more.
7) Treats Periodontal Disease
Studies have shown that Aloe Vera can be beneficial in treating various gum diseases such as periodontitis and gingivitis. It will also treat the symptoms of gum disease including gum swelling, inflammation, and bleeding. Aloe Vera’s properties serve as a strong antiseptic that can clean out areas of the gums where regular cleaners cannot get to very well. It even has antifungal properties to treat problems related to ulcers, denture stomatitis, and any cracks that exist in the mouth’s corners.
8) Digestion Assistance
If you have digestive problems or possibly even ulcers, Aloe Vera can treat these problems. Aloe is often used as a natural ingredient in laxatives which is why some people just like to use Aloe Vera as their laxative. It will help maintain regularity and balance in your digestive system. If you drink aloe-based juice, it can help treat problems such as rheumatism and arthritis.
9) Improves Breath
Aloe Vera can enhance the aroma of your breath by lowering the amount of gastric acid in the digestive system.
The post Aloe Vera: The 8 Benefits of Using It For Skin Care appeared first on Beauty Cinch - No Nonsense Beauty Tips.
from Beauty Cinch – No Nonsense Beauty Tips http://beautycinch.com/aloe-vera-the-8-benefits-of-using-it-for-skin-care/
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fashionkibatain · 7 years
Originally published on Bedside Beauty Essentials written by Anam Faruqui on Anam Faruqui
Most ladies have a little stash of beauty products that they keep for pre and post sleep beauty rituals. It is a very good idea to keep beauty products like hand cream that you frequently use on your bedside table. This will ensure you do not skip any important product because of laziness. Beauty products on the bedside will also remind you that you need to use that product. Let’s explore some bedside beauty products!
Bedside Beauty Products
Caudalie Beauty Elixir
This smells amazing and is great for freshening up your face morning and night. Spritz it before your bedtime, before you apply the night cream. It is inspired by the “elixir of youth” which was used by Queen Isabelle of Hungary. Caudalie Beauty Elixir makes your skin smooth, tightens your pores, and makes the complexion radiant. It is a great base for make-up, this water refreshes the skin in the morning and brightens it before a night out. It is a favorite of Victoria Beckham’s who uses it to set her makeup for a glowing complexion. It is a great solution for skin lacking radiance. It is a great anti-dull complexion treatment. The main ingredients are orange blossom, grape,  rose,  mint, and rosemary. Shake before each use. Avoid contact with your eyes. 
Also Read: Collagen For Better Skin and Overall Health
Taaj Micellar Water Makeup Remover
This one is a great makeup remover. You can use it after your cleansing routine too to ensure all dirt has been taken care of. It also refreshes skin. Micellar water is great for times when you are too lazy to wash your face after a night out. Do not make it a daily habit of washing with just micellar water only before going to bed though. This micellar water tones your skin and removes make-up It is great for sensitive skins and is also great for the eye contour area, because of its soothing and calming properties. It gently cleans and tones the face, making skin luminous.It also has antioxidants in it which makes skin feel refreshed and rejuvenated. It has a blend of plant extracts so it is invigorating. It also has rosemary and green tea which improve resistance to stress. 
The Body Shop Wild Rose Targeted Hand Oil
This one is very moisturizing and has a very nice, fresh scent. It is a good idea to keep hand creams on your bedside table so that you do not forget to apply them. Just like your face needs moisturization, your hands need hydration too. Throughout the day our hands are exposed to much. We use our hands to do most of the things! Just imagine the wear and tear they go through! Our hands are also exposed to water throughout the day. As we all know, excess exposure to water can dry out skin. Our hands also come in contact with detergents and dishwashing bars. It would be cruel to not hydrate and pamper your hands at the end of a day!
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Bare Minerals Pure Transformation Night Treatment
This one is a powerful night treatment. 89% people felt their skin was more resilient and firmer after using this product. 85% felt their skin texture had improved. 83% saw a reduction in imperfections and pore size. This revolutionary nighttime mineral treatment has 100% pure rare minerals actives oil complex. It is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of pores, boost cell turnover, and increase luminosity.
Also Read: Pore Minimizing Products For A Flawless Skin
Lavera Hand Cream
This one is a great hand cream. It is moisturizing and nourishing but doesn’t take too long to absorb into the skin, neither does it make your skin feel greasy. It is a small version of the natural and organic Lavera Basis Sensitive Hand Cream. It has natural and organic ingredients like shea butter and almond to moisturize your hands. It leaves no residue after absorbing in the skin. It is perfect for traveling.
Nuxe Reve De Miel Lip Balm
This balm is long lasting. If you apply it before sleeping, it will still be there in the morning. It is great for dry lips. It is great to apply before lipstick. It is a repairing, nourishing, and hydrating lip balm that has a rich, delicious texture which restores suppleness to dry and chapped lips. One product is sold every 28 seconds across the globe! Tts formula has been tested in very cold conditions in Canada, and it was found to restore comfort to chapped lips. It is also proven to nourish, repair, and protect lips. It contains Plant Oils, Honey, Shea Butter and Grapefruit Essence.
Hair Oils
It is also a good idea to keep hair oils on your nightstand so you are reminded about applying them before dozing off. Hair oils work great if left overnight. They nourish, hydrate, and repair your hair as you sleep. It will also be very convenient for you as you can simply wash it off in the morning. The best oils to keep on your bedside are olive oil, coconut oil, and almond oil. You can also massage your hair with oil before sleeping. This will not only be good for your hair, but also for your mind. The massage will relax you and ensure a good sleep. Head massages increase blood flow to hair, thereby strengthening them. Oils can restore health to your hair and take care of the damage done by heat and chemical dyes. Oils can also prevent dandruff. If you oil your hair regularly, they will look smoother and shinier. This is because oils hydrate the scalp and restore moisture to hair. lack of moisture is responsible for dry hair and hair frizz.
Yes, water. Water is the number one essential when it comes to beauty. Water is needed to make all your vital organs work. Water flushes out toxins from your body. Water also improves bowel movement, which saves you from constipation. Constipation can be a culprit when it comes to skin woes. Water also hydrates your body and skin. When your skin is adequately moisturized, it does not overproduce oil which is responsible for acne and blemishes. Water can also heal acne scars faster. Make it a habit of drinking 3 litres of water everyday. Keep a water bottle on your nightstand so you can drink up whenever you are thirsty, instead of remaining thirsty the whole night. If you do not like the taste of water, make detox water. Detox water is great for flushing out toxins and making your skin glow. 
The Body Shop Peppermint Intensive Cooling Foot Rescue
Our feet quite literally take us everywhere go. We subject our feet to so much throughout the day. Long walks, long standing hours, rough shoes, our feet has been through it all. It will be so unfair to not treat out feet. Keep a feet cream on your bedside and apply it after cleaning your feet. Massage this one from the Body Shop onto hard skin and heels before going to bed to soothe and refresh feet. It is infused with English peppermint essential oil, so it rescues tired, dry feet. It is basically a foot moisturizer. It softens and intensively moisturizes and hydrates your feet. It has peppermint essence oil from Norfolk, England. 
 Eye Cream
Keep your eye cream on your bedside table so that you can easily apply it before sleeping. Eye creams can restore brightness to your eye area. They can help you get rid of eye bags and puffiness. Go for the ones which have cooling ingredients like cucumber or green tea. Eye creams with caffeine are also great as they work well to get you rid of dark circles and puffiness. Eye creams must be used regularly and consistently. That is why it is a good idea to keep an eye cream by your bedside so you never skip it!
Acne Treatments
If you suffer from acne, or your skin is prone to acne, keep your acne medication on your bedside table too. This way you will not skip it before sleeping.
Also Read: Natural Lip Care To Make You Lips Red And Rosy!
It is a good idea to keep beauty essentials which you frequently use on your nightstand so that you do not skip them. Consistency is the key when it comes to beauty so be committed to your beauty regimen!
What products do you use at nighttime? Where do you keep them? Share with us in the comments below!
  The post Bedside Beauty Essentials appeared first on Fashion Ki Batain.
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softspun-blog · 7 years
Microfiber Kitchen Towels
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•             Blend: 80% Polyester / 20% Polyamide
•             Weight: 245 - 550 Grams per Square Meter
•             Borders: Overlock Stitching
•             Material: Highest Quality 100% Chinese Super Plush Split Microfiber
•             Country of Origin: China
•             Great for Auto / Marine / RV / Cycle Washing, Detailing or Polish Removal
•             Use For a Streak-Free, Lint-Free, Scratch-Free Polish and Finish
•             Quickly Removes Wax Dust
•             Extra Absorbent
•             All Purpose: Use Damp for General Cleaning, Wet for Scrubbing Heavily Soiled Areas and Dry for Dusting
•             Won't Harbor Bacteria = No Odors
•             Safe To Use On Electronic Equipment
•             Great All-Around Cleaning Towel with 100's of Uses Around the House, Office, Car, or Wherever Dust and Dirt Need to be Eliminated!
•             Earth-Friendly Green Cleaning Solution that Can Effectively Clean & Disinfect Surfaces Using Fewer or No Chemicals
•             Eco-Friendly Microfiber is 100% Recyclable
•             CARE INSTRUCTIONS: Machine Wash with Mild Liquid Detergent, Tumble Dry Low, and Do NOT Iron. Do NOT Use Any Fabric Softener as this Clogs the Microfibers and Reduces Performance. Do NOT Use Chlorine Bleach. Wash Only with Other Non-Linting Materials (NO Cotton!) to Maintain Proper Dirt-Gripping Properties
SOFTSPUN Microfiber has fibers approx 1/100 of a human hair, with amazing ability to pick up and trap dirt coupled with superior absorbency and scrubbing power.
SOFTSPUN Microfiber unlike Cotton Cloths require no cleaning agent only WATER. So if you want a chemical free clean surface, choose SOFTSPUN Microfiber!
SOFTSPUN Microfiber will completely change the way people clean their homes, wash their cars, mop their floors, clean the dishes, crockery and cutlery, dry their pets, and even cleanse their bodies & dry their hair.
Why Choose SOFTSPUN Microfiber over Cotton Towels/Cleaning Cloth? Cotton is like a fishing net with large holes. Dust or microscopic germs escape through the holes or just get pushed around. ButSOFTSPUN Microfiber Towel catches the dust, microscopic germs and allergensstoring the dirt and dust.
SOFTSPUN Microfiber unlike Cotton Cloths
a) Has Affinity To Oil That Allows Oil To Cling Directly To The Fibers.
b) Absorbs 3-4 Times Its Weight Of Water, Being Hydrophilic.
c) Uses Only Water To Clean, Needs No Cleaning Agents.
d) Lasts As Much As 500 Washes Much More Than Cotton.
e) Requires Less Water Than Cotton To Wash.
f) Dries 3x Faster Than Cotton.
APPLICATIONS: Where to Use SOFTSPUN Microfiber Cloths
For Best Results: use wet for cleaning and dry for dusting. Wring out as much water as possible when wet before cleaning. This increases absorbency as well as the fiber’s ability to pick up dirt and residue.
Kitchen: Clean counter tops, cabinets, floors, stovetops and stainless steel appliances. Watch the dirt, food residues, greasy films and mess vanish!
Glassware, Crockery & Cutlery: Cleans& Shines like MAGIC, no stains, no smears.
BAR: Clean Your Bottles, Wine Glasses, Steel ware and see them sparkling!
Bathroom: Remove dirt and residues from all surfaces
Smooth Surfaces with a Shine: Windows, mirrors, chrome fixtures, granite and other shiny surfaces clean and shine easily.
Dusting: Using SOFTSPUN MICROFIBERto dust is wonderful! The cloth picks up and traps the dust rather than sending it airborne. You will find you have to dust less often!
Floors: Feel the difference, SOFTSPUN MICROFIBER leaves no residue on the floor.
On Your Body: In our home we don’t use soap when we bathe. Instead, we use a SOFTSPUN MICROFIBER body cloth to cleanse our bodies. I love it! I’ve never felt so clean!
Face: Remove Makeup, Mascara with just water, gently exfoliate skin, reduce Fine Lines and Wrinkles, Diminish Acne, Whiteheads, and Blackheads, Minimize Scars, and Clear Clogged Pores from dirt and bacteria all while not disrupting the ph levels in your skin. For cleansing the skin thoroughly. Wet the cloth with warm water and gently massage the skin in circular motions being very very gentle around the eye area. Leaves skin much smoother and clearer extract from: http://www.minimalistbeauty.com
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at microfiber gym towel, microfiber hand towels & microfiber kitchen towels
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Gordan Caleb Barge Advice To Help Bring About Soft And Beautiful Skin
Gordan Caleb Barge Qualified tips provider. You have heard many other people give their input regarding skin care, but it is time that you learn about it and become an expert on your own. While this may require an extra commitment, you will get back what you put into it. This article will provide many helpful tips for you.
To help with your acne, make sure you're getting enough vitamins and minerals in your diet. One way to do this might be to eat a variety of fruit and vegetables, another way is to take a daily supplement. Whatever you do, as acne is often a sign of poor nutrition, making sure your diet is healthy is a good way to get great looking skin.
To protect yourself from the sun, make sure you pack enough lotion with you. The place where you are traveling too might be much sunnier than what you are used to, which is why you must protect your skin as much as possible. Wear a hat and apply sun lotion regularly.
Sunburn is bad for the skin and is just as bad for your lips. If your lips get really chapped use an old toothbrush to gently scrape the old skin away. It will smooth your lips and leave them looking smooth again much faster than letting them heal on their own or just using chapstick.
During pregnancy, use cocoa butter lotion regularly to help prevent stretch marks. Certain studies show that cocoa butter helps prevent stretch marks. Additionally, even just the act of massaging lotion on the problem areas can help. Massaging stimulates circulation, which improves cell and skin growth. Massaging cocoa butter onto the skin improves elasticity and can help you avoid stretch marks.
Age spots are a form of sun damage that can become more visible as we age. To avoid getting these freckle-like spots, wear a good sunscreen every time you go outdoors. Once you have them, some people get good results with a skin-lightening cream, but you must be consistent with its use, and be patient, as results may take several weeks.
If your lips look chapped, do not lick them or moisturize them. What look like dry lips could be an infection caused by fungus. Apply a cream containing antibiotics on your lips regularly to stop the infection. If you have chapped lips, licking them is only going to make them dryer. Use a chap stick instead.
Gordan Caleb Barge Specialized tips provider. If you are going to be outside for a long period of time, you should spray your hair with a sunscreen spray to protect your hair and scalp from the sun's damaging rays. Sunscreen spray will prevent your hair color from fading and will protect your scalp from sun damage.
Mineral makeup is a beauty product that is made from natural minerals found on earth. It tends to be very good for your skin. It gives you that extra glow, and also helps prevent breakouts from occurring. Though this make up is more expensive, it is worth every penny you spend.
Apply your sunscreen with a sponge. Wearing sunscreen is very important when it comes to taking proper care of your skin. Some people neglect to put it on as often as they should because they do not like the feel of it. If you find sunscreen to be greasy and uncomfortable, try applying it with a sponge instead.
If you are worried about the effects of the sun, pick up some pomegranate supplements. Pomegranate has been found to increase your skin's natural ability to provide protection from the sun, by up to 25%. Make sure you do not skip your daily sunscreen. The more protection your face gets, the better.
To help your skin look its best, consider adding fruits and vegetables to your diet. These foods contain protective properties that help the skin maintain its healthy appearance. Leafy greens, cantaloupe, oranges and blueberries, are all excellent choices to incorporate into your meals. Not only will they improve your skin, but they have other health benefits as well.
One of the biggest obstacles in your skin care war is smoking. Smoking not only gives you wrinkles, and black lungs but it also progressively ages the body. It is so bad that the sun's damage pales in comparison. Studies have shown that smokers will see aging in places that the sun cannot reach, such as under your arms.
Keep your skin healthy by removing makeup with a product that has a good balance of alcohol and other ingredients. Some makeup removal products are basically rubbing alcohol with a couple other chemicals, which is too harsh for most skin types. Instead, find a makeup removal product that either has less alcohol or at least contains an ingredient which moisturizes or nourishes the skin.
To keep your face looking its best, refrain from picking at blackheads in the T-zone. Skin in this area is especially delicate and prone to scarring. Instead, visit a dermatologist or esthetician, who can administer an in-office or lunchtime chemical peel. These quick and effective treatments improve cell regeneration and remove oil and debris from pores.
When considering your daily skin care routine, remember that less can be more. When applying moisturizer, it is not necessary to use a huge amount to achieve the perfect results. Consistent use is the key. Check your tube or bottle for the correct amount to use. Use upward strokes to apply gently to your skin.
Gordan Caleb Barge Professional tips provider. Apple Cider Vinegar is wonderful for the skin. It can help your skin maintain its pH balance and can also be used to keep bacteria away. You can turn it into a toner by mixing 1/2 water and 1/2 apple cider vinegar. Just rub it on once each day after you wash your face.
In conclusion, you now have been provided with many helpful tips regarding skin care. While you may have already known some of this information, we hope that you have either reinforced your current knowledge, or learned something new. Use this information and be proud to have great, healthy looking skin.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
14 Men’s Grooming Mistakes You (Probably) Don’t Know You’re Making
14 Men’s Grooming Mistakes You (Probably) Don’t Know You’re Making
Clutching for life somewhere beneath your epidermis is that fresh-faced man you once were. Over the years, pollution, ageing, stress and grooming mishaps have combined to ensure that looking your best is rarely easy.
Fortunately, that latter reason is, by its very definition, avoidable and, to an extent, reversible. Side-step these toe-to-face faux pas and your appearance will thank you for it.
You’re Not Moisturising Before Bed
An error as commonplace as blunt razors in a man’s bathroom, it’s easy to think that as day turns to night, you can put your grooming regime to bed.
The truth, however, is that things are just getting started for your skin after using your evening face wash. “Cleansing strips away dead cells, dirt and bacteria, but it can leave the skin dry and lacking hydration,” says Dr Anjali Mahto, consultant dermatologist at London’s Highgate Hospital.
The Fix
At night, the skin switches into recovery mode, and cells start to repair themselves up to three times faster than during the day. To help the process along, invest in a solid night cream containing a higher concentration of skin-saving ingredients like vitamin E. A little of this and you’ll wake up more handsome.
Cleaning Your Beard Is A Rarity
We get it, beards are meant to be rugged. You grew one to look more like Prince Vultan from Flash Gordon (well, kind of), not spend hours in front of the mirror fussing over your top lip topiary like it’s a toy poodle.
Problem is, they need the same level of care you’d apply to the hair on your head, lest they go wiry and greasy and you end up looking like a hipster who’s fallen on hard times.
The Fix
If you want to stand a chance of anyone getting up close and personal with your epidermis, arm yourself with a dedicated beard wash which banishes beardruff without parching the hair or skin underneath. Use this as a prelude to a nourishing beard oil which will soften the individual whiskers and make them easy to tame with a brush.
Your Showers Are Too Hot
Few things are more relaxing than a long, hot shower. Maybe just meditation and, you know, gin. But turning up the heat on the regular could land your skin in hot water.
Scalding temperatures dry the skin out and can aggravate a range of issues such as rosacea, a red rash that spreads across your face like acne on steroids.
The Fix
Chill out. If the benefits of a cold shower aren’t enough to convince you to dial things all the way down, Kamli suggests opting for lukewarm water and protecting the skin with a soothing body wash that restores the skin’s natural pH.
You Counter Hair Loss By Growing More Hair
On paper, lengthening your hair would seem like the sensible solution to receding at your temples or crown.
But, as Andrew Cannon, managing director of barbershop Ruffians explains, this often accentuates the areas that are thinning. “This is especially true if you have a side parting or, even worse, a comb-over. Keep it short and sharp, for your own good.”
The Fix
In addition to picking the right style to hide a thinning thatch, there are also several hair products on the market that, if right for your hair type and style, add thickness (or at least the illusion of it) without causing your hair to stick to your head or become greasy.
You Have A Laissez-faire Attitude To Manscaping
We get it, no man likes the idea of taking scissors to his scrotum, but on the other hand, no one you hop into bed with is going to want to go near a set of overly hairy plums. So it’s your choice: Wookiee or nookie.
And manscaping doesn’t just include blindly going at your bits with a razor. Chest hair, nose hair, ear hair, it all needs to be kept under control. Fortunately there are a few helpful tools that mitigate the, gulp, risk of it all.
The Fix
An electric trimmer can be used for the bulk of the body work here, flanked by a smaller battery-operated detailer or round-nosed scissors for areas like the nose and ears. When heading south of the waistband, step away from the electric gizmos and opt for a simple razor or dilapidatory cream designed for intimate areas. A bible and a shot of whisky wouldn’t go a miss, either.
Your Antiperspirant Hasn’t Been Updated In 10 Years
When it comes to deodorant, it’s in a man’s nature to find something in a gunmetal canister that does the basic job, then systematically buy the same one every month until the day he breathes his last breath.
Aside from the fact that’s just plain boring, your body also adapts to an antiperspirant after two to three months, rendering it useless. In short, underarm science moves fast, and so should you.
The Fix
Just as your fragrance choice matures – we hope you’re experimenting with oud as well as vetiver this year – so should your deodorant. Picking the right product for your pits comes down to your lifestyle and how you need it to work, so take time to shop around and remember to switch things up regularly.
You Pick At Ingrown Facial Hairs
Designer stubble may be the closest you’ll ever get to looking like Tom Ford, but short, sharp hairs have a nasty habit of catching in your skin.
Ingrown hairs look like spots, which is why you pick at them. Bad choice, says Yasmina Kamli, senior aesthetician at London Real Skin. “The more you irritate them, the more they’ll make you suffer. Fiddle too much and they can even scar.”
The Fix
Firstly, stop touching your face. Then, reach for a glycolic acid treatment that will remove dead skin and free the hair. As a preventative measure, always use a gentle scrub and warm water prior to shaving to remove dirt from the surface of the skin and lift the hairs, before following up with a post-shave balm.
You Go To The Barbers Unarmed
Dropping yourself into a swanky leather barbershop chair without packing the right knowledge is like a soldier dropping behind enemy lines with bad or no intel.
Talented and sharp as your scissor-smith may be, their skills are rendered redundant when you want a textured French crop with a drop fade but accidentally gesture for a bowl cut.
The Fix
Before your barber even has a chance to ask what you want, make sure you’ve researched at least the difference between a textured or blunt cut, what kind of crop you want, whether you desire that it be taken high or low, and if clippers are for you. They’ll be able to offer advice based on your face shape and overall style, but this at least gives them a starting point. If in doubt, avoid a bad haircut by taking a picture with you.
You Only Use Sun Protection On Holiday
The most effective protection against the sun is a dark, windowless room. But if like most functioning adults you have a job and friends, you need another way to fend off UVA and UVB rays, which cause around 80 per cent of photoageing and even cancer.
Annoyingly, these damaging rays can punch through cloud cover, even when heat can’t. So just because you’re in a cool jacket doesn’t mean your skin is not at risk.
The Fix
You don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn every day to bathe in sun block. An SPF moisturiser applied daily as part of your morning routine can help prevent what other products try to reverse without the thick, sticky consistency or we’re-off-to-the-beach smell.
Washing Your Hair Isn’t A Daily Thing
Blah, blah, chemicals; blah, blah, natural oils from your head. If you’re going to approach hair care like a hippie who can’t let go of the 1970s, you’d best go all out and sign yourself up for dreadlocks.
Providing you buy right, the idea that showering strips away essential oils is nonsense according to Marilyn Sherlock, director of the Institute of Trichologists. “Technological advancements have done away with that archaic problem.”
The Fix
With everything from dirt to styling product threatening to clog your locks, Sherlock advises that a pristine scalp is a healthy scalp. To that (nice, non-split) end, keep your pompadour on-point with a daily shampoo that strengthens the individual hairs while keeping your scalp clean using natural oils.
Razors In Your Bathroom Are As Old As The Sun
You wouldn’t wash your face with gravel, so it makes sense not to want to carve it to pieces by using a rusty blade.
Most razor heads have done their best work after a few uses. To ignore their expiration is to damage your face beyond repair. “You can expect burning, itching, stinging and redness,” says Mahto. “Sharp blades require less pressure on the skin and therefore cause less damage.”
The Fix
If you don’t trust yourself to make it to the shops before your blades become duller than the sex life of a toothpick, sign up for a shaving subscription service to receive deliveries at regular intervals. Alternatively, opt for an electric razor, which features cutters that last between four and 18 months.
You Unleash Your Unkempt Feet On The World
It’s little wonder that the areas of your body you see the least receive the least care. But that’s no excuse for wearing gross underwear, and it’s no excuse for harbouring gross hooves either.
Also, it’s accepted science that all feet are gross – yours, ours, even David Beckham’s. There are, however, a few measures you can deploy to tame gnarly talons.
The Fix
Dr Mahto believes the easiest way to make feet look semi-presentable in sandals is to take a foot file to any unsightly calluses and patches of dry or hard skin. Of course, this advice doesn’t stand if your nails haven’t seen the business end of a clipper in months, but we really shouldn’t have to tell you that.
You Have A Jawline Beard
Perhaps you think it makes you look angular, or maybe you’re a 1990s garage megafan holding on to an unhealthy obsession with Craig David. Whatever the truth of it: a jawline beard is never okay.
Leaving the underside of your chin bare not only looks just plain weird, it’s also the easiest way to achieve an accidental double chin. Look down at your phone: double chin. Turn your head: double chin. Yawn: you get the idea.
The Fix
Unless you want the grooming police to revoke your right to have one, learn how to trim your beard properly. That means tapering the hair under the neck (but no lower than your Adam’s apple) and clearing up anything above the cheek line.
You Don’t Own A Summer Hat
Aside from being an outright style faux pas when you consider the stylish selection on offer this season, not owning a summer hat is problematic for other reasons too.
Lathered in SPF as your body may be, your scalp is exposed to the sun for as long as you’re outdoors. And unless you’re sporting a mane as healthy as those on the Hemsworth brothers, UV rays are probably getting through.
The Fix
How you address this depends on your own individual look: street style lovers, grab a baseball cap; dandies can just about get away with a Panama or straw trilby; for everyone else, you’ve probably noticed bucket hats are back on-trend, or there’s that ever-popular peaky blinder of a hat — the flat cap.
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fashionkibatain · 7 years
Originally published on Look Good Without Makeup written by Anam Faruqui on Anam Faruqui
Though makeup is a great way to enhance your looks and bring out the best in you, you cannot wear it all the time. Some people do not like to wear makeup, while others break out from the use of it. Wouldn’t it be great to have a skin so flawless that you will look beautiful without makeup?
Look Flawless Without Makeup
Exfoliate Your Face
Use homemade scrubs to exfoliate your face
To look flawless, your skin must be flawless. You must exfoliate thrice a week to get rid of dead skin cells and bacteria on your skin. Scrubbing sloughs away dead skin cells, and promote new ones. While there are plenty of options available in the market, it is a better idea to make your own. Here are some ideas for you:
Grind up some brown rice and almond milk to get a natural scrub.
Use almond flakes and milk to exfoliate your face.
Use St Ives Apricot scrub if you want a commercial product.
Done regularly, exfoliation can get rid of hyperpigmentation, face marks, and uneven skin tone. Be sure you exfoliate your face gently, not roughly.
Also Read:
Orange Extract
Pure orange extract can do wonders for skin!
Add orange extract to your moisturizer and other face products to give your skin the much-needed vitamin C. Vitamin C boosts collagen production, which helps your skin to heal faster. Orange extract will also get rid of hyperpigmentation, and acne marks, resulting in a more even toned skin. Over time, it will get rid of all the imperfections on your face. You won’t feel the need to use foundations and bb creams once your skin is perfect.
Infused Water
Fruits and vegetable infused waters are a great way to detoxify your body. Infused waters purge your body of toxins, which leads to clearer skin. Sip infused water throughout the day to keep your body free of toxins all day. To make infused water, simply dice fruits and vegetables of your choice and add them to a liter of water. Leave this water in the fridge overnight and enjoy throughout the day. Here are some ideas:
1 cucumber (peeled and diced), 1 lemon (cut in half) 1-inch piece of ginger (peeled) and 10 leaves of mint. Put all these in  2 liters of water in the fridge overnight.
Infuse a handful of strawberries and a lemon in coconut water overnight.
Smoothie Bowl
Smoothies are a great way to incorporate healthy fruits and vegetables to your diet. Simply take a glass of almond milk, and blend it along with a banana and orange. Pour it in a bowl. Top with toppings of your choice like chia seeds, hemp seeds, goji berries, almond flakes etc. It would be like vitamin c packed in a bowl. This is ideal for breakfast.
Facial Mist
Who doesn’t love the look and feel of a freshly washed day. Unfortunately, it gets greasy and oily within a few hours. You obviously can’t wash your face every few hours, as it will do more harm than good. Make your own facial spray instead to keep your face refreshed all day. Simply take some rose water and add a little water to it. Keep it in a sprayer bottle, and spray your face with it as many times as you like. This will keep your face hydrated and moisturized. It will also keep oiliness at bay.
Juices are great for skin and overall health!
Fruits and vegetable juices can give you a lot of nutrients. Incorporate different types of juices in your life to feed your body the necessary nutrients and minerals. Juices detoxify and hydrate your body. You can also do a juice cleanse if your body is in a bad shape.
Exercise and Meditation
Stress can lead to many health problems and it can affect your overall experience. Stress can give you acne, wrinkles, and fine line. Stress can make your hair fall. It can also make your hair gray. Stress can also make your nails weak and brittle. In short, stress can wreck a havoc on you. I know this sounds miserable. You are already worried when you are stressed, and on top of that, you have to stress about the harmful effects of stress! Bummer! Stress is a part of life. It is very easy to advise someone to not stress. No one stresses out intentionally. That being said, it is a good idea to maintain your stress. Try to remain positive. Talk with people. Find channels to release your stress. Divert your attention to something else whenever you are stressing out. Exercise and meditation are a great way to calm you. Exercise releases feel-good chemicals. Exercise also improves blood flow circulation in your body, thereby making your skin glow. Meditation is very calming and soothing.
Eliminate Toxic Foods
Most of us grew up on unhealthy food like bread, pasta, crisps, etc. We are accustomed to eating them and we do not question their ingredients. The truth is, highly processed and artificial food is bad for health. The body finds it difficult to digest these foods. Apart from that, some natural food sources like milk, meat, and fish can also be sometimes bad for you. This is because the milk we drink is not pure most of the times. It has artificial stuff injected into it. These skins can irritate your skin. The meat we eat often comes from animals who are injected so that they bulk up. Fish is often caught from toxic water. I am not advocation vegetarianism at all. Meat, fish and dairy should be a part of a healthy diet. Just be sure that you get them from a reliable place. To see if you are allergic to a particular food, try cutting it out from your diet for two weeks and see how your skin reacts. Also cut down on junk food like pizza, burger etc. Junk food is made up of processed food and unhealthy oils. It’s like poison for you. Rare indulgence is fine, just be sure not to eat it regularly. Once you make it a habit to eat healthy food, your body will no longer crave unhealthy, artificial food.
Also Read: Top Vitamins For Skin
Lip Care
If you do not want to wear lipstick, make take care of your lips. Exfoliate them regularly to slough off dead skin cells. Apply a moisturizer to keep the moisturized and supple. Use home remedies to bring out their natural color and get rid of hyperpigmentation. Good lip care habits will make your lips soft, moisturized, and red. You will no longer have to depend on lipstick after that.
Also Read: Natural Lip Care To Make You Lips Red And Rosy!
Essential Oils
Use essential oils to treat, repair, and rejuvenate skin!
Regular use of essential oils can repair your skin problems. Be sure to use oils that suit your skin. Use rose hip oil to get rid of scars and uneven skin tone. Rosehip oil is like a natural retinol. It is full of Vitamin A. It can help your skin shed old cells, and produce new ones. With regular use, you can get rid of hyperpigmentation and marks. You can also use lavender oil or jojoba oil to nourish the skin on your face. You can use tea tree oil to get rid of acne. Tea tree oil dries up acne and kills the bacteria that causes acne. Essential oils are often very strong so dilute them with carrier oils like almond oil, or water before use.
Also Read: Facial Oils You Need In Your Life!
You can be told a hundred secrets and still don’t succeed if you are not committed to following them. Stick to your skin regimen every day. Even if you feel like it’s not working, stick to it. Give anything you try at least 3 months to see results. If, however, you react adversely to anything, stop its use immediately.
Limit Sugar Intake
Sugar can spike insulin levels which may result in sebum production. Eating sugar in excess amounts can also age you skin faster and make the slowing process healer. A lot of people have noticed favourable effects after giving up sugar. Try decreasing your intake gradually. Choose natural alternatives like honey and date syrup to replace sugar. At first, it might seem difficult, especially if you are not used to sugarless coffee and tea. But over time you will get used to it. We consume a lot more sugar than we think in our daily life. Things like ketchup and bread are full of artificial sugars. Abandoning sugar will not just be good for your skin, it will also decrease your chances of developing diabetes later in life.
Flawless skin and silky hair are the desire of every woman, With a little hard work, your skin can be flawless too. Just remember if you have any skin issue, it is because of something is wrong internally. You need to take proper care of your body to have clear skin. Your face is a reflection of your health. Once you achieve a flawless skin, you can confidently step out without makeup!
Have a skin care secret? Share with us in the comments below!
  The post Look Good Without Makeup appeared first on Fashion Ki Batain.
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