#like they look like they're discussing a fuckery or something of that nature because of how his eyebrows go up
saltpepperbeard · 8 months
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thinking about these 21 frames btw. if you even care.
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captain-astors · 1 year
5 for the ask game?
Warning for uncomfortable teeth discussion and teeth drawings.
After all these years... I've finally finished it. WE'RE TALKING ABOUT GHOUL TEETH! The amount of time I've spent on this really makes it feel weird but the longer I dwell on that the more it actually is, so without further ado.
(The numbering system was mostly for my own convenience when trying not to lose these pictures that all look the same at first glance, but I kind of adapted to it as I was writing this.)
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A1 is a pair of human teeth drawn by yours truly. The cuspids will typically be a bit duller, but otherwise these are pretty average, if poorly drawn. These will be your point of reference because pointy teeth can look normal when not compared to how genuinely flat our teeth are.
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Now we have B1, this is the mostly widely recognized kind of ghoul teeth, used in scary propaganda and horror films, very vampire-esq. Sharper cuspids, slightly slimmer teeth, but difficult to distinguish if you're just walking past, or even taking a good look without a point of reference.
Some ghouls with noticeable B1's include the Kirishimas, Itori, Nishiki, Donato, Yumitsu, and Tatara. But! Here's the thing, there's actually two kinds of common ghoul teeth and this one's actually found with less frequency than the other kind,
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B2, almost all the teeth are more pointed than the human counterpart, but typically a bit more dulled than this example.
Some ghouls with noticeable B2's are Naki, Kanae, Irimi, Koma, Hinami, Roma, Miza and Shikorae.
Now we've dealt with the fun art stuff, time to get into the technical nonsense that I frankly know too little about dental functions to speak on but you cannot stop me with anything short of death itself. Proceeding! (There will be more fun art stuff further down)
The public is vaguely aware that there are actually two kinds of teeth distinctions that ghouls can have but it's more of an obscure trivia bit than common knowledge unless you work for the CCG, "You can tell an octopi's gender by whether or not it has suckers on the third arm to the right." type of factoid. Shirazu was actually pulled aside by investigators quite a few times times before even undergoing the Quinx procedure, just because his teeth give the impression of an unfortunately noticeable B2 ghoul. They had a record of him in the office for those working in the area he used to live in, that pretty much boiled down to "He's not a ghoul, please do not attack or interrogate if encountered in the wild, he's just Some Guy."
He's built like that for the same reason he was a good candidate for the Quinx procedure.
When it comes to concealment, It's pretty common practice for ghouls to have something extremely hard to chew on in order to seem to have completely average teeth, but if that's not their thing the bolder ghoul can just go the Uta route of "It's a body modification"
But in general dentists aren't a great idea unless you're a fortunate ghoul with naturally passing teeth, and even then only in necessity. Which is why it's remarked in confusion that Hajime Hazuki's teeth are "so straight," if he were a ghoul by birth that shouldn't really be the case.
Even now they obviously posses much stronger bite forces and teeth than any human, but this is actually quite a step down from ghouls of old. When integrating themselves into human society wasn't strictly necessary outside of simplifying hunts, the best comparison I can think of is monkeys. You'll see an actually drawing of roughly that in the next part...
This series has an unfortunate amount of unethical experiments, breeding, and hybridization fuckery, and this would feel incomplete if I didn't make an attempt to acknowledge that!
First off biological half ghouls. They're kind of a toss-up, they'll never have teeth as sharp as their ghoul parent, but there's a chance they'll only get certain teeth or none at all. Eto's the prior kind, her cuspids are a little pointy but she could easily pass as entirely human. I don't want to think about Ichika for any longer than I have to so that's all you're getting.
Artificial half-ghouls, Oggai and Quinx! They don't just magically grow sharper, your human teeth stay perfectly normal but the shift happens when they're broken and have to regrow after time/reaching a high enough frame, kind of an inevitability for artificial half-ghouls because human teeth are not made for ghoul shenanigans.
Amon gained a pretty good set of B2's but Takizawa's look a little like a weird yet subtle mix. (Not every ghoul falls neatly into one category or the other, but the vast majority do.) Kurona and Nashiro both ended up with B1's, Mucchan is a B2, Shirazu is as well but there was barely a change, Urie's a B1 and Saiko's never had to regrow her teeth but she'd be a B2. Aura, Higemaru, and Suzu are B2, Hsiao and Ryuusen are B1 but whether or not this has been shown is arguable.
Kaneki's teeth remained stubbornly humanoid regardless of how many times they were removed. Back when he had his mask made, Uta took note of this as an interesting trait and that's why the zipper-teeth are such a central feature. The Oggai are similar, but they were pretty good at keeping their human teeth anyways. More about this and the fruit bastard you'll notice is lacking from the half ghouls in a little.
Now the... breeders? What would you even call these three groups. Blades, Tsukiyamas, and Washuu Clan. The Blades aren't really interested in striving for appearances so they just have a mix of the two, mostly B2's with a couple B1's.
It gets a little more interesting for the other two.
The Tsukiyamas not only refine their ghoul traits into unique appearances, they pride themselves on those qualities and have the money to get away away with it. Their Kagunes may not be the strongest but by god do they draw the attention of the whole room in terms of unique mutations. So too are their teeth! Mirumo's are impressively noticeable B1's by themselves, but the real star is Shuu. Primarily inherited from his mother, they're one of the closest things to and old ghoul's teeth you'll find in the modern world. (Pictured bellow)
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Outside of his pure influence, knack for luring in good dishes and wealth, part of the reason he's so liked at the restaurant is that he's just capable of ripping things up in a way that very few modern ghouls can. It's great fun to watch, but he rarely agrees to do so the first time around on account of his preference for actually prepared dishes and "polite" behavior, not to mention ghouls generally don't like to eat in front of others. But few are entirely immune to persuasion, and Shuu certainly isn't among them. It's quite the spectacle. Downsides: They're kind of awkward for such a verbose person, and if he bites a little too hard he can take his tongue clean off without meaning to. It'll grow back quickly but it's definitely not fun.
Now for the Washuu garden, where the only the thing they're growing is broken kids and misogyny.
As Rize states, the more human you are the "better" you are to them, and this extends to physical appearances as well. So, even the ghouls posses pretty human-looking teeth, but for most branches there's a noteable type that tends to surface. Arimas stay impressively human so they tend to be liked, Ihei's tend to be B2s, Kaikos willingly make them as dull as possible but they lean towards B1, Souzus tend to be B1s as well, Rize's branch tends to be B1 and the Furuta branch tends to be B2.
Which brings me to my final comment, fruit! An annoyingly unique case, with the closest perhaps being Suzu, but the operation and situation is vastly different for her and 179 is not real and cannot hurt me. Anyways, I've discussed his warring RC systems at length, on account of that with the added detail of the different teeth kinds for himself and Rize, if he was to lose all of those it might look a little like this.
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I speak from experience when I say that wouldn't be fun but whatever he deserves the suffering. Enjoy never being able to close your mouth entirely without some amount of discomfort Nimura, you chose this life.
That is all thank you and goodnight apologies for the wait.
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anotheremptyhumanmask · 9 months
This is my home too, you know. I've been feeling like an outsider since when I got here in middle school, but still, my life is here (for now) and I intend to live it.
This means that I am entitled to keep going out here just as much as you can, with whoever I want to hang out with. Expecially if I want them to meet and spend time with my friends. Cause they're my friends too, even if you got to meet them first (thought this was a stupid thing to say, but apparently necessary).
Maybe I don't have that many friends anymore tho, because people that are ready to judge my every move based on my ex's point of view, I can't consider to be that close. Can I blame them? Yes, a little. In their defense it's just empathy I guess. I'm always fine, light, having a good time, smiling, while you're out there licking your wounds in public, implicitly asking them to choose, so naturally everyone feels sorry for you.
Can't blame you either tho, can I? Can't be mad at someone for feeling things their way, for leaning on friends to get better. So who's left to take it out on?
I can only blame myself, for caring that much about the critics I get, for getting mad at you just because you're not able to handle this situation like a grown man, for being with you in the first place and even more for the second time around, knowing what was expecting me.
I am so fucking angry at myself for letting this nonsense fuckery change my mood when I should be able just not to give a fuck. For spending my energy in hating you when I have people to love and get good vibes from.
So since I'm already the bad one, the crazy one, the slut one, I'll go on and get some more rotting thoughts out of my mind. Meglio fuori che dentro, giusto?
You won, totally won. You can have the place, the people, the town, the empathy and most of all, you've had what you want most, my attention. In some way I've been thinking about you every day since we broke up, but I don't think you'd like to know the nature of these thoughts.
I wish I could completely disassociate from you, I want to run away as soon and as far as I can out of this town just so I don't have to see your self-pitying victimistic sad face anymore.
I've had people using me, treating me like shit, hurting me, you didn't do any of the above, but still you managed to make the relationship with you the only one I truly regret having.
I just don't understand what's the logic in this, because if YOU are hurt by seeing me getting on with my life, my solution would be for YOU to look elsewhere, certainly not for ME TO HIDE. As if I had to wait and check that you're ok with it before starting to be happy again, but darling I don't owe you anything, not even kindness, not anymore.
Truth is your friends can discuss about my choices as long as they want, but I am happy with my life and the people that are still in it, I'll keep doing whatever I please and day after day I'll care a little less about what people think of me, if it's because of you.
I am a whole person, not something you had.
P.S. I blocked you so that I can write out all of my feelings without hurting you, if you read this anyway it is just your obsessive fucking fault, so don't even try coming at me.
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