#like they obviously had been sitting in someones garage or starage unit for decades
soft-cheek · 1 year
I guess to clarify for people who might be confused about why getting a book wet is immediately us charging you for it we cannot put water damaged books back on our shelves! The reason for this is because even if you Think that shits dry there is definitely still water in there and we live in an incredibly humid environment which means that book is now prime spot for mold growth and I think it's pretty obvious that we can just have a mold hotel sitting on our shelves
Gonna go on another PSA now if you're planning on donating books to a library anytime soon for the love of god please don't give us anything with an odor (mildew, cigarettes, etc) or anything with stuff growing on it or a ton of bugs in it, or please don't give us your priceless antiques unless it is immediately relevant to the local history of your area or you know your library specializes in historical artifacts, because I assure you if you donate this shit we're throwing it away! People always become so scandalized about throwing books out but it's that or let mold grow on our free shelves so
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