#like they're clearly chaotic but there's also little stories behind each one and i just think that's fun :)
millenniummmbop · 2 years
God I love the ship names in ygo you'll be reading a post that's like "omg I looooove killshipping they're so insaaaaane" and you're like "oh shit who's that" and u go to look it up and it's like 2 of the most murderless normal guys in the entire show
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
QSMP ; how much their eggs like you
includes ; tubbo & sunny, wilbur & tallulah, charlie & juanaflippa, quackity & tilin, jaiden & empanada and philza & chayanne
warnings ; language, mentions of parental neglect
genre ; fluff, little bit of angst if you squint
pronouns used ; they/them , partner
AN ; I'm not like super into qsmp yet, so bare with me, ik most of them have like multiple parents/caregivers but I picked the ones I know the most about and the qsmp wiki is currently my life saver. the eggs are so cute so I can't not wrkte a little something about them 💔💔💔💔 I apologize bc this is gonna be so ooc... also ik juanaflippa and tilin died but ignore that
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Sunny is very iffy about you at first
"pa, who is that?"
"uhhh... that's y/n" Tubbo answers, "my partner"
she stares at both of you for a second like 🤨😒
they think their dislike of themselves of others is totally unfair and only relies on a select few people so trying to get used to you in a whole story in itself
tubbo, charlie, lenay, and polispol do their best to try and tell her "Hey they're cool, sunny, it's okay, they love you!!" but she won't budge
takes her a long while to accept you into the lil family but she ends up loving you
money is the way to their heart
if only anyone had told you sooner...
tallulah instantly loves you
she's very quiet around you at first and hides behind will but quickly gets used to your presence
she's just a little anxious at first yk
"I love pa's new partner :3"
she loves playing the flute for you and talking about star wars with you it's the cutest thing
like you'll just be watching over her for Will or Phil and she's just so comfortable talking about her passions with you
Tallulah loves reassuring your builds and likes helping you as well, if you're unsure of how something looks, she's quick to reassure you that it looks good!
she gets you little gifts and shit it's the most adorable thing
her desire for validation mostly drives her kindness to you but she does actually appreciate you a lot
you seem to be there when no one else is and she frequently gives you 'I love you's and little flowers and stuff
she has abandonment issues so you make sure to always check behind yourself to make sure she's still following you
you refuse to leave her anywhere
always looks at you with a 😊 or 🤩 no explanation
she always refers to you as 'ma/pa' or a special nickname. like a syllable of your actual name or smthn, like something special for you two lol
you constantly tell and reassure each other that you're so awesome, great dynamic honestly
She's very quiet and reserved, but obedient
that automatic obediencey grew as a part of her and she just automatically accepted you into the family
although charlie and mariana were very negligent parents, she still trusted them and did as they said
you were the total opposite
it was what she wanted with you two, she has the freedom
you constantly argue w charlie over being a neglectful parent (character not irl)
she's very brave and courageous, and knows how to stay positive
you have personal beef w her parents bc they're such asses to her /hj
she loves guns.
she teaches you how to use guns as well
bonding time in the enclosure 🤞🤞🤞
she lived a short life but she's literally a part of you now
very sweet and caring but also chaotic and edgy
you showed her love and she CLUNG to you
"y/n is my favorite person, not you, pa"
they were always looking to give and receive love to/from everyone but quackity made it so hard for them
even after expressing being mad at quackity for not paying attention to them, they still loved him
shit broke your heart
he literally died bc of neglect from quackity bruh
constantly fighting w quackity over them being neglected :( (character not irl)
all they wanted was love man
you did your best to show her love and make memories with her since quackity clearly barely wanted to
quackity promised he'd be a better dad but uh...
towards the end of their life, they started getting depressed and stuff, you obviously noticed
you just laid on the floor with him, listening to all he had to say, just being there for him
anyways this is getting sad
they love you so much, tells you constantly that they love you and appreciate you
cutie patootie
em is very loving, instantly accepts you into the family, although a little cautious at first
you make her sweet foods all the time
absolutely loves you sm
always repays you with flowers or little treasures
"I got you flowers, ma/pa!"
she has a passion for baking with Niki, so sometimes you three (Niki and Em + you watching or burning the house down) have little baking days
jaiden just watching you guys be silly and do dumb shit like "I think I won with this one, guys"
you and jaiden spoiling the hell out of her LMAO
used to be more quiet but now talks a lot more
very energetic, your energies match perfectly
very responsible, looks over you if anything
he's always eager for adventure so you guys go explore often while phil and missa are busy
teaches you combat tricks and tips
literally a walking 'top 5 best combat tips and tricks' video I swear
he's very confident as well, likes to pvp with wooden swords with you
he always wins
you aren't even trying to let him win, he's just a god
I mean he's being raised by Phil and Missa so it makes sense LMAO
"I want pvp with y/n :("
"chayanne, they're not online, I'm sorry"
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number5theboy · 2 years
Top 5 gif sets you made for TUA? (btw I love reading your metas, it inspires me to write ramblings of my own)
Thank you, Anon! I'm glad my ramblings inspire your ramblings, I do think writing one's thoughts down trying to make them understandable to others is a really productive way of sorting out said thoughts the meta on the whole founder stuff is coming, I swear, I just keep re-evaluating and re-thinking the entire thing, the thoughts are many and they are jumbled
Also that top 5 is difficult as hell, I tried, but I did have to cheat on these, just a little bit.
I. Comic-inspired Gifsets
I don't know how this came to be, but these are very much my favourite sets I've made, connected by nothing but the red thread of the comics being the basis for them. They're three very different gifsets where I tried different and new things, and I love all three of them dearly.
Comic Five & Show Five: Maybe this is the ultimate gifset for this blog. A parallels gifset that looks into mannerisms and compares them. I really do love this gifset, inspired by a post by an art blog that is sadly no longer active. I really do think that the casting for Five is so incredibly spot-on despite the showrunners not letting the kid go more comic-Five even though he clearly wants to, and it was fun to make that point in images. It was also fun to adjust the colouring of the show to the comics, and I just think it came out great.
If the show won't give me Allison & Five interacting, I will do it myself: The point still stands. Five and Allison are THE sibling dynamic in the comics, to me, their relationship is very interesting to me, it's just two chaotic neutral tending towards chaotic evil people enabling each other, and they're great. So I had a lot of fun trying to find scenes that I could feasibly make look like they were the same and that would sync up with dialogue I adapted from the comics. I am very happy with the result, all things considered.
The Gazelle Speech™: I think this is my most experimental gifset, the one that I made myself push outside of my comfort zone the most, making big gifs and typography and blending, to try and do justice to the madness of the gazelle speech from the comics, and sync it to imagery from the show. It drove me up the walls, and by the end I was just happy to have it done, and then it did what I expected, which is to gather very few notes, but looking back, it's a gifset I'm very proud of this.
II. Parallels
I do feel like gifsets with parallels are kind of my thing, they're a staple on this blog, because I like consistency, and I like red threads throughout stories and characterisations, so I gravitate towards these.
Viktor & Five / Five & Reginald: These were very similar, process-wise, in that they were INCREDIBLY easy for me to make. I spotted most parallels during watching, and it was just a thing of writing them out and finding the footage to really hammer my points home. I love it when characters that are perceived very differently have many similarities, it's great and gets me every time, and people really took to both of these gifsets, albeit in very different ways that were both massively satisfying ('op i love this' vs. 'op i hate this').
Five smiling threateningly vs. Five smiling gently: I genuinely think this is the easiest gifset I've ever made. I have said this so many times before, but I love Aidan Gallagher's performance as Five, and I especially love how consistent he is across seasons in his physical acting, the little ticks and mannerisms of the character one picks up one if one gifs one character as much as I've giffed Five in the last two years. And this is a little appreciation post for that, the way his smile differs drastically depending on the intention behind it. So this was just me picking up these moments and putting them together, and it's a gifset that makes me smile whenever it pops back up into my notifications.
Common family traits in the powers: This was super fun to make and probably needs amends after Season 3, but I liked scoping out similarities in how the siblings' powers present, it was fun to to, and I really, really love the look of how this gifset came out in the end, it's very neat and clear.
III. 567 Gifsets
"You made me a killer! You were always a killer.": I believe this is my first gifset that became kind of iconic, that I really remember resonating with people. It's again something with my knack for parallels, but nobody had ever done this comparison between the high number Hargreeves before, and people really liked it in one of those really painful, 'fuck you op for making this it's so good' ways. I'm still really proud of this one.
Viktor & the brothers that came back to him: I have a lot of thoughts on Viktor and helplessness about both Five's disappearance and Ben's death, and I again noticed some parallels between the two situations. I specifically wanted to include the parallel of Viktor reaching out to Five to take care of his wounds after he mercilessly slaughtered a bunch of people and Ben reaching out to hold Viktor's hands as he is spiralling and killing FBI people. Something about a sibling loving you enough to reach out in tenderness even at your worst. Something something.
"A monster is not such a terrible thing to be.": Honestly another recreation of the first gifset, some more paralleling. As the two gifsets above prove, I really like to think about the 567 and how they were slipping, how they were toeing the line between gentleness and monstrosity. Out of these three, this is the one I like the look of the most, it turned out very pretty with the typography and the grain and the red/blue colour scheme.
IV. Klaus & Viktor
"Who I am is not a disease.": I'm just really proud of the typography and blending and choice of scenes for this gifset. It's on the list to get a remake to include Viktor coming out, but even still, I really do love what I made here. Shout-out to the lovely anon that requested this, it was a joy to fulfill.
V. Diego & Luther
"Wanna know what's different this time? You got me.": This was full-on fueled by these two becoming friends in Season 2, and I really like the concept I came up with, taking the colour-coding from their clothing in S2 and try and mostly succeed to incorporate it into a gifset. Particularly the colour-coded typography against black and white gifs showing their progress that brackets the gifset I really love, I thought it was a nice touch.
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kali-tmblr · 5 years
Snowbirds of a Feather: Parallels in the Lives of Qrow and Winter
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I didn't pay much attention to Qrow and Winter as a potential couple in their introductory scenes in "Brawl in the Family" because I was so blown away by the improvement in the writing that those scenes represented. Such economical exposition! Yes, the couple's relationship could be called "cute", but there wasn't any real "meat" to it at the time. It wasn't until a volume and a half later in "A Much Needed Talk" that it became clear that the two of them had lived parallel lives on opposite sides of the track.
Let's revisit those scenes from the start of Chapter 3. Not a lot has really happened yet. So far there's been students fighting in the Tournament, vaguely underhanded maneuvering from Cinder's crew, and a flashy, drunken stranger watching the fights unimpressed from a barroom TV. Then an equally flashy ship flies overhead, and Weiss runs off showing more joy than she's shown in the entire series to this date. The drunkard also notices the ship, and declares it a warning of a far bigger fight than anything going on at the Tournament.
Weiss introduces the audience (although not Ruby who is standing right beside her) to her flashy older sister, Atlas Special Agent Winter Schnee. It's a painfully awkward meeting. My first reaction to Winter was, "What a tin-plated asshole." A second later it became, "This is the most socially awkward character in an entire show full of socially awkward characters, and probably the shyest as well, hidden underneath a thick armor plating of formality."
In their meeting the Schnee sisters are each "code-switching" with each other between two different behavior models without seeming to find anything odd about it, and giving poor Ruby (and the audience) a case of whiplash, as well as a sense that things are seriously messed up in the Schnee family. Weiss vacillates between excited little girl and cold formality, with a side order of abusive to Ruby when Ruby is informal. Winter vacillates between cold, sneering, condescending, and abusive; and mere cold formality. In the case of both sisters it quickly becomes clear that cold, sneering, condescending, and abusive within a hierarchical structure is what they grew up with. Winter can sneer at and abuse Weiss, but Weiss can't do the same back at Winter. Instead, she abuses the lower-ranked (to the Schnee family) Ruby. More to the point, Weiss and Winter obviously expect nothing else from each other. It becomes clear that they do care about each other, but they don't know any other way to show it.
But while sneering condescension and abuse is clearly the default mode in Winter's mind for meeting with her little sister, it's not the mode she stays in. She overtly makes an effort, not once, not twice, but three separate times in one conversation to code-switch from abusive condescension into the merely cold, militaristic formality that she must have picked up at the Atlas Academy. It obviously doesn't come naturally to her in speaking with her sister, it's the abusive condescension that comes naturally, but darn it, she keeps trying!
It's heartbreaking.
This scene is just so elegant. It not only introduces Winter and shows us a ton of details about the Schnee family dynamics, but it also provides callbacks to Season 1. The audience is reminded of what Weiss was like when she arrived at Beacon and how much progress she has made in socializing. We're also given a hint as to maybe why Weiss chose Beacon over Atlas Academy if that's all the social skills her sister learned there. And we're also given the contrast between the cold formality of the Schnee sisters and the loving warmth of Ruby and Yang. At the end of the scene Winter and Weiss are headed for the dorm, where I am eagerly looking forward to Yang teaching Winter a lesson on the proper care and maintenance of baby sisters, especially baby sisters who also happen to be Yang's teammates, which may or may not involve fisticuffs.
I'm still waiting for that scene, because that's when the story takes a turn.
The drunkard lurches forward, easily decapitating two of the latest models of Atlesian Knights in spite of being unable to walk in a straight line, and begins hurling insults on the Atlas military directed at it's highest ranking member present, Winter. He calls her ship "gaudy", which while it is objectively true, is also ironic coming from the only man we've met who wears a cape. She calls him "Qrow", the name of Ruby and Yang's heretofore unseen uncle, and he calls her "Ice Queen", to the confusion of Weiss.
In this scene what Winter doesn't do is even more interesting than what she does do. She's being insulted by a falling down drunk, and she DOESN'T respond with the same sneering condescension she just used on her own dear sister, even though many people routinely use that tone with drunks. She maintains a now angry formality. He's handing her opportunities to sneer on a silver platter, and she's not taking them. This tells us that sneering condescension is a holdover from her childhood, not something she normally uses in her adult life.
More importantly she allows her own little sister to prance right up to this drunkard and confront him. She doesn't react at all when the drunkard puts his hands all over her sister's head and uses it for balance before gently pushing her sister to the side. This scene tells us one of two things. Either Winter doesn't care about her little sister's welfare, or she is convinced that even though obviously incapacitated by alcohol, with his motor functions, vision, and reason clearly impaired, the drunken man is in spite of this no threat to the young woman. That level of conviction speaks not only of lots of prior experience, but a high degree of trust in spite of their current animosity.
The insults continue with Qrow upset about Ironwood's humiliation of Ozpin before the Vale council at the end of Volume 2 , reminding the audience of that development. However much the two leaders have been downplaying their disagreement in their personal meetings, it obviously has their loyal bannermen up in arms.
(Some people have assumed that Qrow and Winter were former lovers, but I don't see anything here that really supports that premise. They're simply arguing over policy. Lovers would have a more thorough knowledge of each other's buttons.)
Winter holds her ground until Qrow starts threatening to blab state secrets in the public square, then she changes tactics. Unfortunately for her she attacks him instead of grabbing him by the arm and dragging him somewhere out of earshot. But it's fortunate for us, as we get the best 1v1 duel so far.
As good as it is, it's also clear Qrow is holding back. Judging from the Ursa we will see Winter summon in the next episode, so is she.
Qrow keeps one eye on the Beacon Tower, and when he sees Ironwood coming up behind Winter, he goads her into attacking an unarmed man in front of her superior. In this way he publicly humiliates Winter as Ironwood's proxy in a similar manner to how Ironwood has publicly humiliated Ozpin with the council. The action is childish and petty, but not personal, a drunken, juvenile payback.
Winter's opinion on the prank isn't known, but she is clearly furious.
Then the action switches to inside Beacon Tower, where it becomes clear that both combatants are intensely loyal to and highly valued by their respective Headmasters, although Qrow outranks Winter and has her thrown out. Then we move on to info dumps and plot developments galore.
The way these scenes fold so much information inside them is vastly improved over the first two Volumes. But as lovely as our snowbirds look together, there's no real reason to ship them - yet. That would wait until we began to get Qrow's backstory in Volume 4. Once Qrow begins to talk about his childhood, it gradually becomes clear how much his life story has echoed Winter's life story. Shall we count the ways?
1) Horrible childhood: Qrow grew up an unloved, unwanted child in a chaotic, abusive bandit camp, and quickly becomes the camp scapegoat. From what we have seen Winter grew up in a home that was cold and abusive, where order and affection came from the servants, not her parents.
2) Grew up in the shadow of a narcissist: Winter grew up in the shadow of her narcissistic father Jaques. Qrow appears to have grown up in the shadow of his narcissistic sister Raven. Both narcissists have shown that they only regard other people as tools or enemies, including family. This tends to leave a child with major insecurity issues.
3) Escape to Academy: Both Qrow and Raven made it to Huntsmen Academies, where they encountered genuine order and a semblance of fairness for the first time. The Academy was the first decent thing that happened to them, and in that environment both of them blossomed.
4) Remade themselves into the Headmaster's pets: Both characters appear to have used their time at their respective Academies to reinvent themselves. Both of them took the ethos of their schools and their Headmasters to heart. Each one strove successfully to become their Headmaster's trusted eyes and ears in the field.
5) Flashy exterior, insecure interior: In each case a flashy exterior conceals deep insecurities.
6) Guilt over children: This one's a bit of a stretch, but not much. Winter constantly telling Weiss she has to be strong sounds like guilt over the fact that Winter had to leave Weiss behind in an abusive situation in order to go to Atlas Academy. As for Qrow, after growing up unwanted I think he would have panicked over Yang and Ruby growing up motherless, tried to be there to help Tai as much as he could, and felt guilty about having to leave on missions for Ozpin, which wouldn't help his drinking any.
7) Socially Awkward: They're both socially awkward. Winter conceals her social awkwardness behind a formal exterior. Qrow hides his social awkwardness behind drinking and physical seperation.
8) Arrested Development: Both of them successfully escaped traumatic childhoods and reinvented themselves as Teacher's Pets, completely loyal to their respective saviours. And there both of them seem to have stopped maturing. Growing any more would have meant questioning their idol, and neither one was willing to do that. We saw how Qrow was shaken to his core when the man he reveres turned out to have feet of clay. Should Ironwood fall from grace, it will be no less traumatic for Winter than Ozpin's fall from grace was for Qrow. But perhaps on the other side of that they will both finally find themselves standing as their own people.
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victuuri-oturi · 7 years
hi! first, i wanted to say that i love your works really much (I'm Right Next Door is my own kind of drug). keep on writing! and i just wanted prod dads au where yuri is victor's son and yuuri is cute as always, and somehow they run into each other (maybe they're neighbours or yuuri is a teacher). anyway, if you write smth awkward and warm, i'll send you my soul. thanks!
I present to you... “Hot For Teacher” (title subject to change i hate myself for thinking of it)
Victor ran through the parking lot as fast as he possibly could while jugglinga coffee, papers, and his cellphone. He was constantly checking the time on it,even though he knew the minutes continued to tick by no matter how many timeshe did so. He shouldered his way through the front door of the school when thereceptionist buzzed him in, desperately comparing the room numbers around himto the ones on the flimsy map he held in his hand.
When he finally made it to the right classroom after running up and downhallways and staircases, he was already twenty minutes late. He collapsed ontoone of the three tiny chairs placed outside and composed himself as much aspossible. He had talked to Yuri’s teacher only once over the phone, and theywere the kind of person that made Victor feel like he was back in schoolhimself, just waiting outside the principal’s office to be scolded.
Victor sighed in frustration. Not only was he almost a half an hour lateto this parent-teacher conference, but this was the third time this week thathe had been forced to keep Yuri at school after-hours until he could pick himup. He was embarrassed and ashamed, two very unfamiliar and irritating emotionsfor Victor.
As the minutes ticked by, Victor only relaxed a little. He thought theschool would be more-or-less deserted by now, but a man who was clearly ateacher walked up to the classroom door. He had on glasses, a simple whitepressed shirt, and one of the ugliest ties Victor had ever seen in his mortallife. He was still very nice to look at, though.
The man gave Victor a passing glance and polite smile when theyaccidentally met eyes, before shifting the pages of paper in his hands to haveone free hand to knock on the door to the classroom. However, the guy frozebefore he was actually able to rap at the door.
Victor glanced sideways at him as the man fidgeted and huffed quietlynext to him.
“Mr. Feltsman is in a meeting right now.” The sound of Victor’s voiceapparently made the guy jump a bit in surprise. “If you were wondering.”
“Oh, um, yes thank you. I was.”
There was an awkward moment where neither of them said anything, but theguy was still standing in front of the door and they were just staring at oneanother. Victor noticed he had really long eye lashes.
“Do you…want me to give him something for you?” Victor offered. He evenstood to extend a hand in a silent offer to take some of the loose papersthreatening to fall from the man’s hands.
“No, no, it’s alright. I can wait. It’s something I need to talk to himabout in person. And I couldn’t ask another teacher to do it.”
“Oh, no, I’m not a teacher. I’m here for parent-teacher conferences.”
The guy startled, his stack of papers rattling dangerously loose in hisgrasp. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I just – you look way too young to be aparent. I mean, y’know, to have a child.”
“Adopted. Adopted child,” Victor corrected. He thought he had said thatpretty neutrally, but the teacher seemed to pick up on the bigger story behindthose words and backed off.
“I’m sorry, I – I shouldn’t have assumed so much.” This teacher lookedreally pretty when he ran his hands through his hair in embarrassment. And asmuch as Victor loved how easily he seemed to blush, he also felt bad for makinghim feel so embarrassed.
“Don’t worry about it, really. It’s not a big deal.” He threw on hismost charming and disarming smile, attempting to deviate the conversation. “You’re a teacher, though, right?”
The man seemed to still be a bit shaken, but his smile was returning. “Yes,I am. Well, more like a teacher-in-training, but still. I teach some basicclasses and assist with other teachers’ lessons.”
“Well then maybe you know my little troublemaker, Yuri Plisetsky.”
The teacher’s eyes got wide and Victor thought it was adorable. “You’re –Yuri’s – oh, of course! I had him last year for literature. It was the firstclass I taught by myself.”
“Well, that must have been difficult with him there, so I’ve heard. Youropinion towards him seems to be by far the most positive I’ve seen from any ofhis teachers so far.”
“Oh no, I loved having him in class. Sure he was sometimes disruptiveand absolutely refused to call me by my name, but – “
“Wait,” Victor stopped him. “Literature class. Last year. You’re Mr.Katsuki.”
Mr. Katsuki seemed to wince. “Call me Yuuri, please. I have the kidscall me by my first name, so the parents shouldn’t have to speak to me soformally either. I think that’s why Yuri refused to call me by my first name.Even after I told him mine would actually be spelled with two “U”s, he stillwasn’t happy.”
“Yuuri,” Victor repeated. Testing it on his tongue. It felt differentthan saying Yuri’s name for some reason, like all the vowels were longer andthe consonants softer. “My Yurochka loved having you as a teacher, y’know.”
Victor enjoyed watching Yuuri’s eyes go big again. “You really don’thave to say that to make me feel better. I can take rejection from a third-grader.”
Victor laughed, and Yuuri blushed a little bit. “I’m not just beingnice, I swear. Yuri never talks about his teachers, but he talked non-stopabout you. What you were teaching, how you were teaching it. To the untrainedear it sounds like complaining, but I know him. Yuri’s a very precocious child,he doesn’t talk about things unless he’s interested in them. You made learningfun for him for the first time, I think. I remember thinking, ‘I should reallymeet this person and thank them.’”
Yuuri looked at Victor with an expression of interest, rather thandiscomfort like Victor was expecting. “Well, I never saw you last year.”
Victor sighed in embarrassment. The universe was giving him more andmore reasons to regret never having gone to parent-teacher conferences beforethis. “I know, I’m sorry. I have a very chaotic job with irregular hours. Ireally do try to get to these things, but – “
“It’s alright, Mr. Plisetsky.”
“Victor, please.”
“Victor.” Yuuri smiled. Victor thought he saw the sun. “I know you tryyour best. Yuri told me that much last year. Trust me, there are parents outthere that do a lot but don’t care nearly as much about their child as youclearly do.”
Victor didn’t know where Yuuri had been hiding all this time, but God itfelt like he just understood everything in Victor’s life at a moment’s glance.It made Victor’s heart go weak in his chest.
“Yuri’s an incredibly intelligent and talented child,” Yuuri continued. “Asmuch as he may have been a bit of a troublemaker, I couldn’t help but care abouthis future. It’s wonderful to know he has a guardian that will support him andhelp him reach his fullest potential.”
Victor would look back on this exchange later and would be pretty sure thathe had a vision of marrying Yuuri for a brief second in that moment.
“Yeah. Yuri is pretty incredible, huh?” Sometimes Victor forgot tocompletely appreciate the wonderful little boy he was lucky enough to callfamily. He got a bit wistful and distracted, staring at the classroom door thathe knew his boy was behind.
“Um, yeah, anyways, that’s just – that’s just, y’know, my opinion basedon what I know.” Victor turned back to Yuuri, who was blushing furiously andstumbling badly over his words. “You don’t – have to – listen to me. Justignore all that.”
Something in Victor cried out to help this man gain more confidence inhis own opinions and intelligence, because clearly they were far beyond whatYuuri thought about himself.
“Don’t say that,” Victor soothed. Yuuri swallowed and calmed down. Victorjust observed him for a moment before speaking again. “Are you going to haveYuri in class again?”
“No, that’s impossible unfortunately. I only teach second grade andlower.”
“So there’s no possibility of you being his teacher in the future?”
“I don’t think so. Unless I was suddenly promoted in the next year.”Yuuri laughed lightly.
“Then it wouldn’t be wildly inappropriate for me to ask you out?”
Yuuri stopped laughing and stared like a deer in the headlights. Hismouth opened and closed a few times.
“Sorry if that was a bit forward,” Victor backtracked. He had been soconfident that maybe Yuuri was at least interested.
“No! No! It’s not – “ Yuuri rushed. “It’s not too forward. I’m just – “He looked down at his finger that was fidgeting with the papers in his hand. “I’venever…been asked out before.”
“Well that doesn’t seem possible,” Victor stated.
“Far more possible than you can even imagine,” Yuuri muttered.
“So is that a no?” Victor asked, taking a risk and stepping just a bitinto Yuuri’s personal space.
“No,” Yuuri responded immediately, matching Victor’s gaze.
“Oh yeah?” Victor was pushing his luck, but he moved even closer toYuuri. Close enough that if anyone saw them like this it would be immediatelyobvious as to what was happening.
It felt like Yuuri’s voice suddenly dropped two octaves. His eyes weredark and sharp as they met Victor’s, almost intimidating him in a way he hadn’tbeen in a long time. All of the sudden, Victor saw another side of Yuuri.Regardless of whether Yuuri had even been on a date before, Victor could see asheer magnitude of raw sexuality lurking beneath his surface. Underneath thatboring white button-up and that hideous tie, Yuuri was more confident than evenVictor could begin to imagine. Victor hadn’t been expecting this at all, but hereally liked it. Intelligent, funny,and sexy too. Christ.
“You’re not just too young to be a parent, y’know,” Yuuri said lowlybetween them. Victor quirked an eyebrow. “You’re way too hot too.”
Victor let the weight of the tension between them linger for a moment,before he reached into his pocket to pull out a pen. He put the cap end betweenhis teeth and pulled the pen out of it. He hadn’t lost eye contact with Yuuri,but at that point Yuuri’s eyes glanced down just for a moment. Then Yuuri bithis lower lip.
It was taking every ounce of Victor’s self-control to not knock theloose papers out of Yuuri’s hands, press him against the nearest wall, and makeout with him.
When Victor grasped Yuuri’s free hand, the teacher’s whole body seemedto shiver. Victor held it between them, proceeding to write his phone numberinto Yuuri’s inner wrist. When Victor and Yuuri both looked back up at eachother, it felt like they were both using what little shame they had left tokeep themselves in check.
“Call me,” Victor all but whispered. He even added a wink for extrameasure. He was pretty sure his intentions were made clear by this point, butit couldn’t hurt. Especially as he got a close-up view of Yuuri’s face flushinga healthy shade of red.
Yuuri’s mouth opened to say something, but suddenly the doorknob to theclassroom turned and they flew apart. Yuuri adjusted his glasses and ugly tiewhile Victor rushed to cap the pen and put it back in his pocket, just as the coupleof parents previously in a meeting with Mr. Feltsman exited and walked pastthem. They gave the fidgety Yuuri and Victor strange looks and all the two mencould offer back were awkward smiles.
The parents walked away, leaving Victor and Yuuri alone once more. Theydidn’t dare move back towards each other, but they shared slightly embarrassedflirty smiles from either side of the doorway.
The next time the door opened, thirteen-year-old Yuri shuffled out withhis backpack slung over his shoulder. He noticed Yuuri first.
“Hey, Katsudon,” he said.
Yuuri winced. “Hello, Yuri.” He glanced back up to Victor. “That’sanother thing he likes to call me other than Mr. Katuski. He got it from mylast name, but it didn’t help when he found out that it was also my favoritefood.”
“It’s also because you’re fat,” Yuri said.
“Yurochka. Watch it,” Victor scolded. Yuri slouched a bit, but didn’troll his eyes: an improvement.
“Anyway,” Yuri changed the subject. “Mr. Feltsman said you’re too late.He doesn’t want to meet with you.”
Victor sighed. He could make afuss that he made all the effort to get here at all, but at the end of the day,he knew it was his fault. “Okay.”
“He said maybe if you actually took the initiative to schedule a meetingyourself you might make it on time.
“He said he’s not mad, he’s just disapp – “
“Okay, Yuri! I – I get the picture, alright?”
Yuuri interjected softly. “Well, have a good rest of the day Yuri! Youtoo, Victor.”
Victor looked back up at Yuuri and gave him one last smile, much lessdazzling but far more heartfelt than the first one he ever gave him. “Thankyou. I hope to talk to you again sometime.”
“Yeah, me too.”
Yuri looked up, back and forth between the two of them as they proceededto silently smile at each other. “Oh. My. God,” Yuri said when it dawned onhim.
Victor looked down at him. “What?” As much as Victor tried, he couldn’tquite wipe away the residual smile in time to fool Yuri. Not that he could haveanyway. Yuri just stared at him with eyes squinted in disbelief and nosescrunched in disgust, making for quite the expression.
“You’ve got to be freaking kidding me!” Yuri groaned and grabbed Victor’shand, starting to try and drag him away. But Victor stayed turned to face Yuuri,waving goodbye.
“Goodbye Yuuri!” Victor tripped a little going backwards over one of thechairs in the hallway.
Yuuri giggled at him, but also missed the doorknob when he went to grabit, too busy watching Victor stumble his way down the hall in Yuri’s grasp. Hethen proceeded to blush and giggle at himself.
“C’mon I want to go home, old man!” Victor ignored Yuri and only turnedaround once Yuuri disappeared inside the classroom.
“You’re so gross,” Yuri muttered when Victor finally got his hand freeand just walked beside him.
Victor sighed as they made their way outside. “One day, Yurochka, you’llunderstand.”
“No thanks.”
Victor laughed, light and airy and feeling happier than he had inmonths.
~ The End ~
Lmao, once again this has turned out to be way longer and way more sexual than I planned. But I kinda love it.
Will be posting it on Ao3 soon - might continue it??? Bc I realllly enjoyed writing this, it was such a great prompt. I’m weak for anything that has Yurio as their child so I’m just suffering. But I’m also working on other projects at the moment, so who knows. Meh.
Thanks so much for the prompt and sorry it took a while! Had to get through the holidays and relatives but I’m back at school now. Also this is low-key in honor of hitting 100 followers, cause that’s....amazing to me???? 
Thanks again!
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