#like this was her with the princes before the election and you can't tell me otherwiseee
meraki-yao · 7 months
So RWRB is basically part of my identity now, I can't remember how many times I've seen the movie, and I'm on a constant quest of getting my friends to watch it too. And it's working!
But the thing is, my own younger sister, who's my literal best friend, the closest person to me, hasn't.
Her only exposure to the movie is coming in to my room on premiere night when I was watching it for the first time and tagging along for like ten minutes then leaving, coming into my room when I'm watching clips and watching along for a bit until I give her attention (she's like a cat) and hearing/seeing me very passionately rambling about it either on social media or out loud
She's not interested in romance like, at all, so this isn't her cup of tea, and I'm not gonna force her to watch something she's not interested in.
However out of curiosity, I asked how much she knows/remembers about rwrb from what little exposure she had. She started rattling off points that made me laugh deliriously, then asked if she could type it down.
So here's rwrb according to my sister, who has never finished the movie, nor read the book (she literally typed the list below herself which is why it's in first person)
enjoy! :D
henry's a prince and alex is fsotus
they met before once but it did not go well?
Henry and Alex see each other at a wedding and a big ass cake falls over
they pretend to be friends cuz PR
they text and/or email each other a lot
there's a children's hospital??? and they cram into a room???
there's a dog called David
turkeys in alex's room cuz thanksgiving
also sth sth insomnia
ok not a plot point but i rlly like how them texting was presented
henry's dad is an actor and he's dead
henry has a sister, she's nice
i rmb the name zara but i forgot what she specifically does (I'm so sorry)
new year's party. dramatic eye contact.
the room with red wallpapers and alexander hamilton, 'the book is very bookish', f in chat for security lady
henry walks out of the closet literally
there's this grey(?) room with a white marble statue and it was very emotional???
henry's a sad boi
i think they fucked or sth
also there was a lake?
the emails get leaked on reddit by this reporter dude (who i think Alex knows before???) during the election
alex gives a speech
alex's mom wins the election
henry wore a yellow tie or sth because texas???
a pride parade outside the palace???
at least in the movie they go to a house or sth
deleted scene but they were next to a campfire and henry was talking and sad and alex was listening
ok Meraki back hope you enjoyed that lmao
if you have a favourite out of this list or have any message you want to tell my sister about the movie leave them in the notes lol she kinda wants to know what yall think of her recall
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pastelwitchling · 1 year
Reposting this here for any Brits who've read Red, White & Royal Blue because I'd love to get your opinions on this.
Keep in mind, RWRB is my absolute FAVORITE romance, I give it 5 stars every time, I'm currently on my 9th reread and thoroughly enjoying myself as always, I've watched the movie every single night since it came out, and twice on the actual day it came out. This is just something I've noticed, so if you can't handle any critique of the book, don't keep reading, but I was wondering...
I certainly don't think the book is flawless, I think it presents an ideal version of the American government (which in a fictional world definitely isn't a bad thing), but I feel like it then uses that to stroke America's ego on accomplishments it hasn't actually made, and then further uses it to kind of like…
I don't know, demean Britain for keeping a monarchy and how the royal family is so useless and does no good for anyone or, to quote the movie, has "any meaningful impact on people's lives" which I wouldn't personally know about, since I don't really follow the royal family that closely. But the book is very much "America deserves the golden throne because (in this fictional setting) we elected a woman and her mixed family into the presidency, and Britain sucks because (in actual reality) it stole this and did that and doesn't do this and doesn't do that."
Basically, it's very much congratulating America for things it hasn't actually done, while simultaneously beating down on the UK for things it has, and… I don't know, oversimplifying things like the monarchy and British contributions and stuff? …I have no idea what I'm getting at, I just feel very much like, "Okay, Casey, we get it, you love America."
For one thing, I feel like the movie (which I'm totally obsessed with, remember) erases all the good Henry did with his charity work and how involved he was, and I feel like the book not only glosses over the "genocidal empire" that America actually is (not that I want them to go into detail about that, not when I'm picking up a romance, but if you're going to talk about the actions of the monarchy, you can't just pretend America has an innocent past or present, you can't just dismiss all the bad it has done, too), but it also diminishes the good that Prince Henry does do.
There's a particular line in an email where Henry tells Alex that he has to go to Germany because "the monarchy has decided we care about sustainable energy, apparently--or at least that we want to appear to." Lines like that very much feel to me like an American taking jabs at the UK (which if written by a Brit, I wouldn't say anything about, but because it's written by an American, it feels a little high-horsey to me), and I'm not saying that "no, you can't say that because they genuinely care and how dare you imply otherwise?!"
But do you see what I mean about stroking America's ego and glossing over its own self-serving actions? When the US does something, it's because they genuinely care and want to help, but when the UK does something, especially the monarchy, it's because they want to "appear to."
This is strange to me considering Henry in the book spends almost all of the time he's mentioned doing some kind of charity work. Is that meant to be for show, too?
I don't know. It just makes me scoff a little bit given everything that's been happening in the country since 2016 (this was released three years later, by the way, and the jabs at 2016 in the book don't go unnoticed) whenever I read about Alex and Henry talk about the US government like it's just so much more well-intentioned and charitable and more accepting and it's like, Yeah, okay, sure.
Again, I want to reiterate how much I love this book and movie, how much I love Alex and Henry. A reason I don't reblog movie gifs or have talked before about the book is because I have the same problem with them that I have with Harry Potter and Tyler Blackburn, which is that I love them too much to talk about them, I cannot find the vocabulary to do my love for them justice, so I just don't say anything. (You know that one Emma quote? "If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more"? That's my whole being.) I might share my tabs and annotations at some point because I've started annotating the book for the first time on this reread and I'm having the time of my life. But I did want to know if any UK bookdragons who've read the book, or even just US readers who've read it, have any opinions on this or felt a certain way about it.
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HELLO I'm so normal about my guys. Here's a post going into detail about Ira and Edith's relationship! This includes how Volkaire ruins it
NOTE: when I call Edith a republican, I mean this definition of the word:
"an advocate of republican government.
"those who favored the continuance of the republic made every effort to defeat the monarchists and to have republicans elected in their places""
(source: google dictionary, third definition)
I am NOT referring to the modern US American meaning of the word. I would beat you senseless if you implied for even a second that Edith supported the republican party.
Ira and Edith have vaguely each other for about 15 years but have only been friends for the last 11 or so.
Edith has always been aware of Ira's close friendship with the emperor but didn't really have a problem with it because, A, Volkaire used to be more normal and, B, Volkaire was only a prince when he befriended Ira.
Now, it upsets Edith a lot and they've drifted apart a bit. Ira feels that he cares more about Volkaire but it's clearly a sort of one sided friendship because Ira cares about him deeply but Volkaire only uses and manipulates Ira for selfish goals.
Had Edith and Ira become friends when they first met, Ira wouldn't be a royalist at all.
I think with them drifting apart, there isn't really anyone to blame but Volkaire. Ira was never taught any better and obviously cannot recognize that he is being manipulated. Edith didn't know how badly Volkaire was treating Ira until it was too late to try suggest he stops hanging out with Volkaire.
They've only been drifting apart for the last year though because Volkaire has only been emperor for about 18 months at this point. There's a good 10 years where they're very good and close friends.
Judgement I / pre canon
Honestly I kinda wanna say they were in a qpr for the second half of those 10 years. You just KNOW Edith reads over paperwork while Ira naps on her lap like a cat. This makes Volkaire basically tearing them apart much worse. They meant everything to each other for a while there and then that stupid asshole Volkaire ruined it :( they're my characters though, I'm having fun hurting them :3 anything to make Edith's death more sad amirite. Also now as I'm writing this post I've decided Edith is aroace
Judgement II / during the story
By the time Edith gets arrested, Ira does feel a little bit weird about her. He still absolutely loves her but he's worried about her because he thinks she's gone mad. She keeps telling him about her republican ideas but he's firmly a royalist
Ira doesn't think Edith should have been sent to prison. This is also kinda when Ira starts doubting Volkaire, just a little bit.
"Edith only spoke out against you. Yes it's rude and none of what she said was true, but she didn't physically hurt or harass anyone so she committed no crime."
"Is it not wrong to speak against your fellow man? Is that no longer a crime crime? Or am I different? Is it suddenly okay to slander me because I am the emperor?"
You get the idea.
Edith, on the other hand, just feels very frustrated. She wants to be with her dear friend/partner/??? Ira but the emperor keeps them apart and she's frustrated and upset because she knows that Volkaire is using Ira but she can't tell him or even imply it without Ira getting upset. It's just a very sad situation.
Judgement III / end
By the last few chapters, they've almost completely drifted apart. They've talked twice since Edith was arrested but argued both times. They've communicated a bit these last few weeks, but very indirectly. It would all happen through a messenger, they'd either repeat what the other wanted to convey or hand over a letter. The letters were always very impersonal and professional.
After this when they begin the march on the mountains, they still can't talk. Ira desperately wants to see Edith but she doesn't want to. Finally, the day before the battle, Edith agrees to see him for a bit.
They talk about the weather and battle strategy. It's been so long and the upcoming battle have them both on edge so neither really knows what to say. At the end, Edith finally breaks and tells Ira she missed him. She says she's excited to spend time with him again after the battle. Since the arrest, Edith hasn't talked much to her family. She invites Ira to come with her when she talks to her parents and he agrees.
Actually the interaction doesn't end like that, I changed my mind. They do battle planning with the rest of the group and afterwards then Edith pulls Ira aside. The conversation starts really impersonal but Edith breaks and talks about how much she's missed him. They talk and talk for hours and catch up. They cuddle and fall asleep together.
Next morning they'd probably be inseparable, they've missed each other and want to be together again. They're not even remotely close to each other during the battle due to the formation so they split up around noon and promise to spend a quiet, uneventful month together when they have time.
After the battle, everyone is searching the battlefield for corpses. Ira is probably walking around with Elijah and Mila, crying tears of joy because it's all over and they're free. He sees Edith's corpse in the mud and immediately freezes. She's pale, clearly been dead for at least an hour. Her body's been trampled on too, people kept running back and forth and did not have time to look at what they stepped on. No one had seen her when she was shot. The arrow that killed her wasn't even on a part of her body that would have been an instant or even quick death. Had she just gotten medical attention, she could have easily survived. Instead, she bled out on a muddy plateau, hundreds of kilometers from her home and with no one to even watch as she drew her final breath.
Ira stayed in the capital for a few months for Edith's funeral and to talk to her friends and family but left the first chance he got. The plan was that he would be part of the new government that was to rise from the ashes of the old monarchy, but he changed his mind and went to the countryside to go back to a life of farming, similar to the one that was laid out for him when he was a kid. Ira isn't very much without Edith.
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luckspren · 2 years
Finished Before They Are Hanged
Thoughts under the cut:
So the Union seems fucked. With war on two fronts and an unstable government I have trouble seeing how all these conflicts could possibly be resolved in just one book. But so far Abercrombie hasn't let me down and I suppose there are more books in the First Law world, so even if not everything gets wrapped up in a neat little bow by the end, there is a chance that these larger conflicts continue on in those other books
I still can't get a grasp on Bayaz. Everything we know about the history of Juvens, his brothers and the Magi is filtered through him and I don't trust that at all. But it is so hard to guess at whether he actually has good intentions with questionable methods or if he's just a liar and a villain who doesn't show his true colours yet. It really does seem like we don't know the whole story yet and while Khalul and his Eaters certainly scream "evil!!" and have to be dealt with in some way, I'm not sure if Bayaz is actually any better. His plan to break the first law certainly seems like something that could backfire spectacularly, regardless of what his true intentions are... although I'm not quite sure if he can break it at all, now that the seed was apparently just a stone (that twist is also something I'm a little conflicted on... i don't know if i take it at face value)
Also what is up with Quai? He's also suddenly acting very weird and suspicious and the belligerent tension between him and Bayaz makes me wary of both of them. Does he know something that the reader doesn't?
Logen really was the heart of the group. He had so many great little moments that I loved. Like when he boasted how stealthy he is and then immediately fell noisily over the wall or when he tried to comfort Jezal by telling him how his injury would make him a named man in the North and then came up with all those horrible names that didn't help at all. I really enjoyed that friendship and I am a little sad that they probably part ways in the next book.
I did not expect his relationship with Ferro to turn romantic though (if you can even call it that)... it was nice seeing them slowly opening up to each other, at least a little. They probably would both be better off if they just stayed together and turned their backs on old grudges, but the ending was more realistic.
I am happy that Logen will probably meet up with his old crew again and vice versa, but I am also really nervous because now I think he will fight the Feared.
also I do hope we get more explanation on the Bloody Nine... is it split personality? Or something like possession...maybe somehow connected to his ability to see spirits?
With Ferro I have no idea where she will go exactly. I can't really imagine her just going back to Gurkhul... that would probably just be a lot of killing until she gets captured and that is definitely something I don't want to see. But she was closest to Logen and I also can't see her joining him in the North, if their last scene is anything to go by. So I have no idea where her story goes in the next one. Maybe Yulwei comes back?
It's actually Ferro who is descended from Euz and not Jezal. So we have an explanation for her abilities,...but it begs the question again, why on earth Jezal was even part of the quest. Maybe I'm going insane, but it seems to me that Bayaz is kinda priming Jezal of all people for some leadership role?? Like Jezal gets all the speeches about old emperors and what made them great and then there's the comment about how his new scar will serve nicely. I thought I was reading into it, but now both princes are conveniently dead and maybe the King mistaking him for his son in TBI was foreshadowing?? That doesn't explain the why Jezal though.
Glokta mentions possible bastard children of the King (and someone coming in at the last minute and getting elected as a compromise) and it just makes me wonder. Like Jezal said before that he got all the good looks in his family. Could be just arrogance or maybe he actually looks different because his father isn't his biological father? Now I'm probably reaching, but who knows. I just need some kind of explanation why Bayaz had Jezal picked out beforehand (also now that I think about it, what happened to Sulfur??)
Jezal did get some nice character development in this book and all it took was for him to get horrifically injured (not gonna lie, when he wakes up and you mostly get the dialogue of the others while Ferro stitches his face back together...for some reason that made me more queasy than a lot of the on page violence). It was really satisfying to see his realization of how useless he really is, how he's never done anything selfless in his life and how he would be dead without these people that he looked down upon. I do like his resolve to be a better man...but he also seems like a prime candidate to fall back into his old ways once he is back in Adua. Especially if his plans for a quiet life fall through...like I'm not sure if Ardee would just immediately agree to marry him. I have real trouble to predict the non-pov-characters in this series (which makes it so intriguing)... obviously i do hope that his character development sticks in the end (even if he takes a step back on the way)
Gloktas inner monologue continues to shine and his storyline really showed how intelligent and resourceful he is. Sult basically gave him an impossible task and I think that also helps the reader sympathize with him, even when he tortures people he knows are innocent etc. ...like there's this undercurrent that he also doesn't have much of a choice, even though he doesn't seem to be particularly bothered by the things he has to do. And he does have his merciful moments here. Glokta is aware how he's just a pawn for Sult and I am incredibly interested how the bank loan will come back to bite him in the next book. He might get stuck between a rock and a hard place because I don't think the interest of the Inquisition and the interest of the bank will necessarily align? I do hope that he does his own thing and actually keeps on investigating the murder of the prince (covertly of course)
West killing Ladisla was so fucking satisfying. My god. I went from being horrified about West biting that one guys face off to cheering him on in like three pages. Furious is definitely a fitting name for him.
Threetrees death did make me more sad than I expected. I think it's when Grim delivers his little speech that really got me. It's the trope of the quiet one speaking up in an emotional moment that just hits right.
I am legitimately nervous about Last Argument Of Kings. I hope it sticks the landing. I heard that the ending is at least somewhat controversial
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Despite all the love you I showed you
Must be a voodoo curse on my name
I don't deserve this kind of pain
Bang bang you're dead
Did not did too (a reference to all the times I was told Jakk was shot and everyone taking what I said for mental illness)
To burn my kingdom, you must use fire (god reference)
Got the right to vote and will elect(me seeing biden winning, and senate gong blue before it was announced)
You can hear our sound for blocks and blocks (I was led all over the place, a lot——-there’s stuff in here about it. I realized it the day after I got angry at her having her monkeys leave banana peels for me, like 6 in a 4 block radius, to insinuate I was going crazy, so I threw one at her door. The next day a branch shaped like a T was left on my tree, and when I picked it up, it buzzed like it was made of electricity. Then I went to get an egg wrap, but for “some reason” was led a route I never went. Eventually I was brought to the indian restaurant; the branch’s tree lay there run down by an electric car. I was later told “the tree took a hit” for me. When I got back to the park, two of the trees I work with daily were encircled with the killed tree’s branches. )
You got the music in your body and you can't comprehend When your mind won't wiggle and your knees will bend
So don't try to diss me, try to be my friendCause if you do, you'll get yours in the end/The rhymes we say, shall set a trend/Because a devastating rap is what we send
And she knows, she knows, she knows
How's it she knows?
(Originally the spirits just wanted me to make this song a post by itself as a message to everyone who knew what was happening. Aka the shallow coven.)
Oh make me feel good rock 'n' roll band
I'm your biggest fan
California I'm coming home
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of those who stand looking
That's you
And they said Marianne killed herself
And I said, "Not a chance, not a chance" (so, I lost count, but I was told blond killed herself a handful of times. The first time was March 2017; I was lying in my bed, and she told me she was talking to me from the Other Side, and that she had been in love with me the whole time I was with Jakk (I’m quoting now, you remember details when your nemesis tells you she’s dead and was only mean to you because she was so in love with you after reading the beautiful letters you wrote to her boyfriend/husband), and that as far as I can remember is how I was introduced to psychic sex.
(I get why she’s so popular with the boys. )
This whole song is chock full: girls when they fall (do you know how much I’ve fallen since 2012? Good god), I said they’re watching my every sound...
“i once knew a person who hated soliloquys. and i thought, "how come? when every possible thought we have is one"
i guess for me the most painful form of soliloquy is when we try to talk with that child within us, and discover that we're not sure if he/she died.
and i knew you...”
Prince of Sun from his pavilion Makes you shine /Know the earth and you'll understand
Don't tell him maybe
Even when all you have left Are pretty scars
You slave a lot from me
I know I've spent some time a-lying
(How am I doing?)
(I don’t know, how are you doing?)
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deafchild2000 · 5 years
Shame and Forgiveness Ch. 2
(Aftermath of the failed coronation for both Audrey and Ben.)
In Auroria...
The Honeymoon Cottage...
3rd POV
Former Queen Leah, Queen Aurora, and King Philip looked up from their seats to see Audrey had thrown newspapers onto the table. One look at them said it all.
It had been a quiet morning in the 40-roomed castle and the cooks and fixed a delicious breakfast for the royal family for the family to enjoy. All but one, that is.
"Don't they have anything better to do than harass Ben!" she hissed. "It's bad enough that the coronation was ruined and postponed, but now they're making it seem like it's all his fault!"
Sighing, Queen Leah took a sip of her morning tea before explaining, "And they have that freedom to do so."
"What?" Audrey asked incredulously.
Her grandmother nodded. "When Ben was elected to be King, he knew what was expected of him by looking towards his father's rule. Now, changes can be expected, but when you have a spectacle as big as his coronation, it is no surprise it won't be taken lightly. In this case, some could believe this was all in his making."
"Huh? So they think he, what, planned on ruining his ascension to the throne to get more popular?" Audrey snorted.
Queen Leah sent her a fixed glare. "Watch your tone, young lady. It is not becoming of a princess. And to answer that question, no. Ben knew there was a risk by taking in those children of the Isle, and to let his guard down long enough for Maleficient's daughter was able to slip him a love spell is quite the scandal. Not to mention how the Fairy Godmother's daughter practically disgraced herself with that foolish display of hers."
"Yes," Audrey shrugged. She had heard that Jane had got the equivalent of a verbal thrashing and that her mother was going to keep her on a tight leash from now on.
"The fact of the matter is: Ben was, or still is, the representation of his people, and royalty alike. His actions reflect on his person, and those actions have made certain people believe that he isn't ready for the throne," Queen Leah stated.
"But he's a King!" Audrey exclaimed. "Or a Prince, at the very least! He grew up with royalty, he studied his butt off to know all there is to know about Auradon before it was even a founded country! His mother is the most down-to-Earth woman that has ever lived and he knows from his dad's past to not act like a spoiled brat. And he is so, so mature... He's ready for the mantle, Grandmother. This was just a...a hiccup."
Audrey inwardly winced at the sound her grandmother's hand hitting the redwood table.
"Just a hiccup!? Audria, please remove your personal feelings from the situation and regard it like a princess," Queen Leah admonished. "Just because he is a prince, doesn't mean that he has the maturity of one. If you may want an example, think of Queen Cinderella's son, that for his childish action in which would make any royal monarchy disown him, was simply sent away for the remainder of the year. From the way rumors have it, especially considering how with his mother's background of being a servant in her own home, it would do him some good to learn some humility before embarrassing his family's name in ignorance. Ben is young, yes, but a ruler should know when to make certain risks and when to ensure his people's safety. And while yes, his family background has given him a sense of modesty, being smart isn't always enough. A king must be prepared to give himself, all of himself, to his people. Especially as he gets older, he will realize that he has no time for fun and games."
"So what happens? Because he's not fully instated as of the coronation, the council can just what? Abdicate his right to the throne? Pick someone else?" Audrey asked.
"Well, I wouldn't use that exact wording, but most likely, yes," Queen Leah stated indifferently.
"But that's not fair!"
"Life isn't fair, Audria, and you would do well to remember that!" her grandmother snapped. Audrey jumped back at the steel in her voice.
"Mother!" Aurora exclaimed. King Philip was just about to join in when Queen Leah raised her hand, taking a breath.
"I apologies, Audrey," she started, "and I can see why you'd feel this way. But you must know that actions must have consequences. Just look at what Maleficient's daughter had planned. She had waved that wand at us, at you, and then read all about her plans for Auradon if she had succeeded in controlling Ben! I am under a good authority that for her plans to had become fruition, it would have been years. And if she was well-liked and silver-tongued enough, maybe sooner. It's bad enough what her mother had done, but now her child had been this close to Auradon's ruin...It's all out in the air now and if he wants to reclaim any doubt that he could still make a good king, how he handles it will determine so. And with that, comes with an eventual press conference if he wants to start."
Taking in a deep breath and reigning in her frustrations, she sat down beside her grandmother and placed her head down.
"I don't think that's even going to come close once school starts again," Audrey groaned inwardly.
Officially, because of the incident and in concern for the safety of the students and their, Auradon Prep had been closed for an unscheduled break and be re-open in two weeks. Audrey and everyone else, including Ben, would be returning the week after this one.
Unofficially, the scandal has put AP under lockdown for a high-profile investigation regarding the VKs whereabouts, classes and extracurricular activities. They were looking for anything that was a dead giveaway to their plans and had slipped under their noses.
And Fairy Godmother was leading the charge.
Queen Aurora and King Philip reached out and grabbed both of her hands softly, to comfort her as she let out what was practically screaming in her chest.
"I told them," she started, feeling her eyes moisten. "I told everyone that Mal and her friends couldn't be trusted. I told Ben repeatedly that, as your stories said, the evil fairy is still the evil fairy. That doesn't change just because she had a child. And what do I get: I get humiliated in front of everybody as he...as he declared his love for Mal. Of all people, and I had to suddenly grab and get with Chad to because-"
"Shhh," Aurora soothes, bring another hand to caress her daughter's head and wipe her tears. "You don't have to explain. It over now."
King Philip growled and did his best to make it as inconspicuous as he could. He had heard rumors about that game and got mixed stories. Future king or not, Audrey was his only daughter, his only child, and for Ben to hurt her like that? Under a love spell or not, he would have killed him. It would have made fighting Maleficent look like a walk in the park!
He knows his daughter was proud, and unlike her mother in many ways, but at that moment when she called crying, all he could do is comfort her over the phone alongside her mother and tell her it would pass.
"I was the bitter ex-girlfriend as she got popular. Cheerleading was only bearable since I was the captain, but most of my friends avoided me in favor of her. Using magic to help the girls grow longer hair. Yeah, so what if I was mean to her on Family Day, Jane was just as well! She took it farther than me almost. And then my reputation when down the hill too. Reduced to a bitter, jealous, vengeful princess now...I don't think I can trust anyone at that school anymore. Maybe I should transfer to Arcadia or maybe Sherwood Academy is better. Ha, maybe that might stick it to 'em!" she laughed bitterly.
"You're not going anywhere because you're staying at Auradon," Queen Leah said finality.
Audrey whipped her head to her in shock. "What?"
"Audi, you can't just hide from your problems. Trust me, I was raised by fairies for 16 years to escape a 100-year sleeping curse and it still happened!" Aurora stated irritatedly.
Shaking his head at his wife, King Philip took over. "Look, Audrey, sometimes in life you've got to pick your battles and to know when it's time to surrender. You sensed something in your gut that told you something was off right?"
She only nodded.
"Good," he continued. "You knew something was off, you tried to warn people, and sometimes, the best and only thing you can do is let the chips lie where they fall. It may not feel right or make you feel better, but that's how it can be sometimes. You tried, you fought, probably longer than you should, but you eventually had to move aside. You said your piece and that's all you had to do. Everyone else? They have to live with the fact that they chose not to heed your warning and that's on them. But not you. And that's why you're staying at Auradon. Because as King and Queen, and your parents, you don't get to give up so easily."
"And what if they try to apologize?" Audrey asked. She only thought about it once and decided she didn't want their apologies and excuses.
"Then, you straighten your back, keep your head up, look them in the eyes, grace them with a small smile, and simply say '"Thank You"' and '"I accept your apology"'. Granted, you may not feel like it, but a princess must always carry herself with strength and dignity as well as grace and respect. You may have been born with that title, but the only person who can take that away from you is yourself and by running away, that is exactly what your doing," Queen Leah told, keeping her granddaughter's eyes on her.
The power Audrey felt perforating into her made get into a proper position to raise her head high. While it did do some good for her, part of her knew her family's advice could only do so much.
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jackieswift · 6 years
11 months since I hugged Taylor Swift ❤😭😍👭
And I DIED!! I miss you babeee 😘 I hope you have a wonderful day and that you take care of yourself ❤ So much have happened the last 11 months and I wish I could tell you everything. I can't, but here's a short list for you:
• I had the worst day on October 27th since it was the one year anniversary, but I thought of your words and it helped me so much.
• I told both of my parents about what he did against me. And it was because of your trial I did that + meeting you because after I met you I felt like I could do anything.
• I flied to London with Felicia to watch you perform on the Jingle Bell Ball. We were so proud and te happiness when you during Blank Space saw our signs can't even be described with words. And when you later on liked the picture Felicia's boyfriend had taken of us with the signs we died!!
• I performed in front of my whole school when we got our winter break (we have this winter graduation thing in Sweden) and I dared going up there in front of everyone and play them the song I wrote about your brother, lol.
• I colored my hair pink. Okay only a little bit of the hair and only with color that lasted for two weeks, but still it was so crazy for me.
• I celebrated Valentine's Day with my best friends and sang my heart out when Gorgeous came on at the restaurant.
• My Indian friend Arushi stayed with me for 9 days. Since I left her one day early to go to the Secret Session the time we got together in April meant a lot. And she wanted to know everything about you since you adore you.
• When the Indian's were in Sweden I performed Happier with my friend Mia. I thought of you the whole time before going up on the stage. I thought of what you told me when I asked you about your best songwriter tips. I would not write a song, but your words still helped me in that situation.
• I was in this debate competition. A lot of people told me they thought I was so good. So because of that I decided to join a political party (since I've always been intrested in politics and have followed everything since I was 5). So because of that I met our prime minister this Sunday (on the Election Day).
• I graduated from high school!! I can finally say that I'm free from him. Otherwise I miss school really much! And I performed that day in front of everyone too.
• I did this interview with Swedish television about criminology (sine I read criminology in high school). I talked about Criminal Minds...but it was my first big interview so yeay for me.
• I traveled to London with my mother to watch you perform. And you KILLED it! And that trip made my mother in to a really big fan apparently because now she listen to your music the whole time. This week she came home and was like "The song Taylor wrote for her mother is adorable, I love it so much. The best day, right? I like listening to that song and watch the music video and think about the relationship you and I have" like aww.
• I traveled to Nashville and had the best 11 days of my life (Okay October 13th 2017 was the best because it's our day and then I think June 22nd 2016 was the second best since I spent the day on Disney World with my family and it was magical, but after that the Nashville trip comes). Nashville is so beautiful! I'd love to move there one day. I didn't get to perform at The Bluebird Cafe on my 19th birthday which was heartbreaking, but I performed in a guitar store. And he told me you have been in that store and that I reminded him of you so much. And yeah I got to hear that I look like you at least one time every day. On my birthday it was five times I think. And people even took pictures of me so my friend and I joked about us ending up on a newspaper. We didn't #SadMoment haha. So if you're sick or what ever you can just call me because apparently I can look like you (I totally can't, they were just too nice).
• I said I joined a politician party. But I didn't say that I met my Prince Charming on a meeting last Wednesday. He loves you and his favorite song is Enchanted. So if we ever get married it would mean the world to both of us if you could come and play that song on our wedding, but since he has a girlfriend and I sing "please don't be in love with someone else" 24/7 it might not happen.
Now you know pretty much everything. I love you! I hope you have a wonderful time touring. You mean the world to me and you inspire me every day. Not a day goes by without me thinking back to the day we spent together. I love you more than words can describe ❤
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