#like to any onlooker these four are just. some funky college kids w a shared niche hobby.
moe-broey · 11 months
ALSO thinking about the Askr Trio in Kiran's world like. My one VERY early thought about it was "They need to dress Normal to Fit In" which like IS a fantastic excuse to play dress up (something I think about every now and again but never get to drawing bc I'm so occupied w Other more Important projects 😤) -- but also. They could. Actually get away with keeping their regular outfits. Esp if all four of them match, as usual. People would come up to them like "YOOO COOL COSPLAY who is that character btw???" And Kiran can quickly interject "Oh these are our DND OCs" or something like that and everyone who talks to Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna in particular just thinks. Whaoh they are so committed to the bit.... that's so cool.......
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