#like to be clear i'm not against tragedy or horror! i'm not against consequences or characters dying!
ailinu · 2 months
preserve us from edgelords. good lord.
#i'm not naming any system names.#to each their own and all that. i'm sure it's doing fine at what it's designed for.#(and similarly jack if you're reading this i have full faith in your ability to get this to work to your own tonal ends.#and i know we've at least partially discussed where they differ from the material presented.)#but sometimes you look at a thing. and it goes 'yeah what if your blood is living maggots'#and you sigh heavily and make jerk-off motions. say 'okay. call your mom' in the way you do if you see a real intentionally edgy metal band#you know how it is#again i'm just being a bitch on main. don't take this too seriously.#it's interesting trying to figure out the boundaries of games i'm interested in. because i know i have a fairly wide range to start with.#like to be clear i'm not against tragedy or horror! i'm not against consequences or characters dying!#but every so often i do come across something that simply falls outside what i'm interested in.#and start saying things like 'they should make twee illegal' or. you know. 'okay. call your mom.' which are on vastly different ends of thi#fun to see when that happens.#anyway if things get too edgy i reserve the right to make jerk-off motions in the background.#that's all thanks for listening.#actually wait no maybe that's not all.#if pressed i think i'm pinpointing my response here to. like. the apparent reliance on a sort of 'gross-out horror' (among other things)#which tends not to work for me in that i usually find it exhausting and at times immature. hence the 'call your mom.'#and despite the system's partial fascination with it i've not encountered it in the prospective dm's work thus far (albeit in other systems#so this'll probably work out fine.#(as always. again. full faith in you jack.)#okay. at least partially figured it out.#jerk-off motion rights still reserved though.
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Bnha didn't do it for me on the whole "Hero-Villain" tropes anymore. It doesn't feel like its groundbreaking ideas are getting written well like how there's no such thing as a defined Hero or Villain, there is just the nature of things. Everything is so Black and White
I think James Gunn's work, Peacemaker actually has amazing ideas on the whole Hero-Villain tropes, everyone had an absolute blast with it, great character developments and also amazing comedy too
The best thing about the entire series is that how they treat comic superheroes in it is exactly how one would expect Superheroes would be treated in a Modern world, like how Aquaman is getting dissed on Twitter lol, Aquaman even said when he made it as the ending's cameo that people gotta stop with the dumb rumours, yes he doesn't fuck fish AND ofc John Cena too, dang he's one hell of character
Also I guess at some point, the entire "Teenage Heroes" trope got stale since it all feels unrealistic and how no one is talking about the gravity of bringing kids into Heroism so early. They missed out on a lot of chances with "Real Horror" with the Modern Heroes World in Bnha, cuz there are bad things in good things and vice versa
It's sad how no one is talking about the societal treatment towards others and how there are always the Villains cuz mostly everyone didn't have the awareness of how badly they treat others who are considered "freaks of society".
The lack of education on certain social aspects is appalling, they ignore the social issues with Quirks in general and didn't educate children on how to treat others kindly regardless of Quirks, you can see that with Bakugo, since it was his huge characteristic everyone knows for. Honestly this part feels extremely realistic cuz it's an actual real life thing but I don't think it was improved and just left it as is. We see the consequences and never solutions to fix
Yeah to me it feels like hero don't face any consequences and the whole 'saving villains things ' was quickly discarded. I'm not saying all should be forgiven but it was made clear they became what they are because of tragedy, especially Shigaraki. I believe nothing is black and white. It's shades of gray, (I think Tokyo ghoul did this really well).
And yeah the whole kids being heroes and put through the things they've dealt with, like the Pro heroes seemed to step aside and let it happen which is weird. Let's be honest the young students were leading the way against AFO and Shigaraki. I know this was there story (Izuku Bakugou Shouto Shigaraki) these were the main characters but that doesn't mean we gotta like how they get there.
I also think the story got darker then people expected.
I've always felt the a hero or villain is perspective. A person can be a great hero then go home and abuse their family. A person whose a villain may be doing bad deeds to help their family or those they love because the system fucked them over. So to those they are the hero and the hero is the bad guy.
Society changes people and shows the world what it thinks is correct. Shigarakis life was horrible he deserves someone to save him but he's committed crimes that can't be swept under the rug yet he only did them cause he was groomed and lied to and abused but all the Society sees is he is bad. Heroes aren't suppose to kill but there ate heroes who enjoy the brutality of beating or killing villains. But their heroes so it's OK.
You made some great points and I really enjoyed reading this.
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