#like ur gonna favor someone over their more successful sibling just bc theyre more obedient?? fuck off
spaceflower07 · 5 months
something mustve gotten lost in translation because when did the fandom collectively decide that Matthew was the nice, normal twin?? like hes perfect and Alfred is the embodiment of all bad things?? like we see Alfred depicted as lazy and Matthew hardworking when in the manga, Alfred is the one bustling around while Matthew stays at home. Its known in the manga that Matthew is very laidback. Not to say he's lazy, but hes definitely not diligent in the way that Alfred is, who's been shown multiple times to have piles of workload and also occasionally leads the meetings. Matthew just likes to stay home and eat just like his brother does, and his interests are just as eccentric (both he and alfred like fried sushi and anime, and mattie literally smokes weed while al isnt allowed to drink), the difference is that Al is a superpower and therefore has more responsibilities and work than his brother, who is hardly noticed and living the good life in the shadows. The "invisible Canada" thing hasn't been done in the manga recently and people (in the hetalia verse) seem to know who he is now, and Mattie always looks really happy when he shows up. Where did irritable, hardworking Matthew who constantly scolds his lazy good-for-nothing brother come from?? Where did "Matthew has his life together better than Alfred" come from when its established that Mattie struggles with insecurities about how his brother is more successful than him? like omg
This is why I only like Matthew when he's done in a very specific way. It's so easy for people to fall into two categories: Helpless, Perfect Matthew who's never done anything wrong (even tho canadian history is an absolute menace) and Irritable, Grumpy Matthew who hates his brother. I'm more partial to the second personality because fragile mary sues (or gary stus) annoy the shit out of me, but why make him hate Al,, like if ur gonna make him hate Al at least for a good reason. Not just because he's "lazy" and "eccentric" because Mattie is both of those things too. It makes me hate the character unless he's written in a very specific way
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