#like very very many of us suck at accurate risk/threat assessment yes
epochryphal · 2 years
the more zoombombings i experience (always targeted at specific dates + topics + people around Indigenous, Jewish, and/or trans healing, solidarity, and organizing) the more infuriated i become with this one professor who insisted on ~“avoiding zoombombings”~ by making the zoom link different weekly + hard to find + verified by email log-in + use of legal names -- when his class was reifying ideas of “primitive” architecture and Western European white supremacy+colonial-imperialism and binary gender+sex
just bro, you’re not remotely a target
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survivorsuriname · 6 years
Jury Speeches and Answers
WELL GUYS CONGRATS TO THE BOTH OF YOU. Heres what im going to say! No question who is my vote and this person is way far deserving to the person next to him or her ! So congrats.
Hi everyone remember me? Well, I don’t remember you that well so tell me your greatest memory you had with me
I feel both Blakey and Vi's social game sucked. I congratulate both for surviving in spite of that because that is what the game is about eventually. The winning part of it is about Jury management. How do they both feel they were better than the other t Jury Management? My vote is based on that. Good Luck!
Congrats on making the F2!
Vi - I'm not sure what your game was from your speech so could you just sum it up in your answer ?
Questions for both of you:
- Why does the other finalist deserve to win over you? - If you could change one thing about your game, what would it be and why?
congrats to you both! i enjoyed playing with y'all and my vote is still up in the air, i'm gonna see how you guys answer the questions from myself and my fellow jurors to determine who gets my vote. blake: jake has been saying that you are taking credit for things that he and elizabeth did, what do you think you did that separates yourself from them in this game as your own player? vi: i think you're a great person, but i also didn't really see much of you throughout the game. were you still doing things behind the scenes that impacted the game, and if so, what?
Okay, first off, I will apologise wholeheartedly for the arrogance in my speech. You probably know me better than anyone as an emotional hothead who doesn’t think about things before he says them, so if I came off as arrogant- which obviously I did- that wasn’t my intention whatsoever.
I’m gonna respond to all your stuff: - Firstly yes, the idol guess thing was not accurate, because I didn’t actually want to go find an idol, but I felt at this point you had told me that I was a goat so were more invested in me staying for your benefit
- Decreased activity actually did win me an ORG. That time, it wasn’t a strategy. This time, it was. Yes, I was busy hosting Twisted, and yes, I was busy doing other things, but it was a conscious effort not to log in/strategise unless I needed to. In my last ORG, it got my ally so complacent they gave me their idol and I idol’d them out with it. I didn’t need to play until Final 9 by which point everyone left in the cast assumed I didn’t care, so I avoided vote after vote, so knowing that decreased activity had won me an ORG, I made the decision not to check unless I desperately needed to, and this did diminish my threat status. In so many ORGs, I make a move too early, or I make myself too big a target by talking to everyone, strategizing too hard, etc. etc. but with decreased activity, I won an ORG, so since then I decided to adopt that into a strategy to allow people to give me more information which would allow me to assess who was easy to beat and who wasn’t, but picking up social games so my allies would be voted out over me and I’d still have room to move. I know you don’t believe it is a strategy,  but when it did win me the ORG the first time (when it wasn’t a strategy) I adopted the same approach in hopes of winning this one.
- When I talked about agreeing on Quincy, I was talking about my conversation with Sean. At that point one of my key alliances/social connections was with Sean as I made my secret final two deal with him. You guys did decide on Quincy (which I was happy with), but in this instance I was talking about my chat with Sean.
- Our friendship outside the game helped significantly in that but I do believe I had some control over you. You’d assumed that I didn’t care and was playing for third, and I knew then that I could make moves I wanted because the first part of my strategy had worked. I believed that you never saw me as a threat and honestly would have gone along with things I wanted to do.
- You talk about Vi taking me because she didn’t want the easy win. I do believe that my connection with her was a significant part in getting me here because I approached her at F8, and she told me that she would vote with me for the rest of the game. Even though Vi probably isn’t playing for the win, I do believe that doesn’t mean my connection with her should be underestimated.
Again, I’m sorry for the arrogance in my speech. It was never my intention and if I could change my speech now I would do it significantly. As you know me pretty well outside the game you’d know that I don’t really think about things before I say them. This has gotten me in trouble before, it’s gotten me in trouble now, and it will continue to get me in trouble in the future. I’m really sorry, Jake.
Hey Liz! Thanks for the questions.
1. If Vi were to be given the win over me it would be for my arrogance at FTC. Truthfully, I think the thing that separates Vi and I is that I played for the win and she didn’t. Jake said it in his speech; Vi asked me to vote her out at F4 and I believe she would have at F3 as well if I’d won. She said “dammit” when she won the F5 immunity. A lot of the things she did in the game indicated that she didn’t care much, or that she was happy to be fourth/third whatever, while I played my ass off from F9 onwards. Even in my horribly misguided FTC speech, I was still playing for the win. To answer your question, I believe that if Vi deserves the win over me it would be solely based on my arrogance in FTC. 2. Hands down the thing I would change about my game is my FTC speech. As I mentioned in my reply to Jake, and as a lot of people who know me both in and outside the game know, I’m a massive hothead who really doesn’t think about the things I say and the way they’ll come across. If I could go back, I would tone down the arrogance in my FTC speech and come off as a lot more humble. If that loses me the game I will kick myself forever because I believe I did play strongly and to blow it here would be devastating.
Hey Quincy! First off something funny, I went back in our Skype conversation because I thought of something cool that we’d talked about and I actually confused you with Sassy! LMAO RIP MY LIFE. Probably our only memory was you going to this concert thing and showing me a pic of it? And during the tribal phase when we had that luck challenge, we messaged each other saying how we didn’t understand it, but that’s about as far as we got because we unfortunately ended up on opposite sides after that.
Hey Xenia! First, I won’t deny that my social game did lack big at times. I swore at Kenjie a couple of times and did act arrogant at times because I didn’t think about what  I said before I said it and honestly that’s been a big lesson of mine in this ORG. As for my Jury management, I think I was better than Vi for the following reasons: - When I stuck with you, I stuck with you: I found the people who were loyal to me, and in previous ORG’s I’d learned that flipping constantly didn’t win respect from the Jury. When Jake went home, I maintained my loyalty to Liz, I fought my ass off with the intention of saving both of us. With Sean, I stuck with him constantly until the end where there were no other options. With Emily, I made a very strong, genuine friendship with her from the F7 onwards, and we made a deal and I never would have broken that. - Even when people were on the other side, I maintained good relationships with them. This is mainly with Geri, who unfortunately isn’t on the jury, but he and I had a massive mutual respect for each other, and when it finally came time that I won immunity, we maintained that respect. Although I lost my cool at you and Kenjie sometimes, I still maintained respect for the other side as I, with Kenjie particularly, believed a game is a game and friends are friends, and we kept that between us despite the fact we ended up on opposite sides and I eventually voted him out.
I hope that answer is satisfying for you!
Hey Sean! Okay, so, I’m assuming here that you’re talking about the game while Jake was still in it, so the things that separated me from them were:
- My initial relationship with Kenjie, on Julianatop, I formed entirely on my own. There was no direction from Jake, in fact, I suggested to Kenjie that Jake be brought in as the third to our alliance. I wanted to balance the thing with Jake with the relationship I was fast forming with Kenjie and that’s how I did it. - My entire deal with you: making the F2 with you, pledging to go to the end, and us voting together, was the first breakout thing I did after Jake told me that he thought I was happy to be the third place goat to he and Liz at the end. Therefore, mirroring what I did in the org that I won, I scoped the remaining people on the other side for someone I thought had a low threat status like me and would be happy to make a duo, and was someone I could beat. That turned out to be you, so I worked on forging an alliance between us. That was a big move of mine that I did entirely without Jake, and with our alliance I would have planned on getting him out at F7 had he not been eliminated at F9.
I did stick with Jake and Liz until the F9 because, having won an ORG previously, I knew I was in a solid position, they thought I didn’t care, I wouldn’t be the one in our three to take the heat, and I was able to work behind the scenes, so there was no need for me to do anything too extravagant that would risk me getting voted out earlier, but I knew I needed to separate myself from him, which is why I jumped on making the deal with you. That deal with you ended up being the basis for giving me the confidence to move at F8. So I really hope this proves that I was my own player and I hope I’ve satisfied you!
I am now accepting votes
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