#like when you texted me last night at 10pm to ask if i'd be comfortable working without a shift partner
jakeowen · 1 year
ok. my scheduler just tried to send out an updated schedule at 11pm on a sunday. i am fully in bed but i'm still fucking around online and apparently still have my work email up in another tab somewhere bc i heard the notification, so i pulled it up and turns out i am now scheduled for 6am on monday i.e. in seven hours. this was not the case on the schedule i received on friday. today was my first day not working in 9 days, i've had a migraine since wednesday, and i refuse to go in to work on seven hours notice both on principle and because i told my sister i could babysit tomorrow when i got my schedule on friday. i emailed the scheduler back and then for good measure texted her to tell her i can't do that, and i feel bad because now she has seven hours to figure out what's happening tomorrow, but like. i'm not the asshole here, right? you can't fucking do that.
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