#like who follows someone who's blocked them without even bothering to make a new incognito account
queerstudiesnatural · 10 months
blocked someone on instagram who's stalking my friend (we used to be a trio of besties but then he told her he was in love with her and when she rejected him he started stalking her. so yeah we both blocked him everywhere) and somehow he got unblocked from one of my ig accounts and he immediately followed me again like dude do you have no pride? no self respect? how are you immediately gonna follow someone you know blocked you. not even with a new account or anything, just the same old account that i obviously blocked again. like dude omg go touch some grass and take a fucking hint
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mingyus-noona · 6 years
Incognito, chapter 1 (Seventeen mystery member)
Title: Incognito Member: it’s a surprise :) Fanfiction type: Story, multi-chapter Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort Chapter: 1 Word count: 1,293 A/N: I don’t remember how I got this idea exactly. But I started writing it about a week ago and wanted to post it soon. I know who the member is, but it won’t be revealed until later. Feel free to take a guess as to who you think it is. Enjoy! ============================================================ He must have always been quiet, because the school year started four months ago and you hadn’t noticed him until now. Winter break had just ended and there was one week until the first semester’s exams were to begin. He could be a new transfer student, which would make you feel bad for him, because he would have to catch up on everything you’d covered in class in order to be ready for exams. But when you asked someone in your physics class, a girl who seemed to know everyone, she said she’d seen him before, that he’d been there since school started back in September.
You were confused. In all that time, you hadn’t seen him once. But then all of a sudden, there he was, sitting at a table in the middle of the cafeteria. Not entirely alone―five people were sitting at the other end of the table―but lonely enough, secluded in his own little bubble, with headphones in his ears and nothing to eat on the table in front of him.
You thought maybe he was one of the stoners who hung outside in the parking lot during lunch and rarely came inside―and that this was one of those times, because it was cold―but for the rest of the week, he showed up, sitting in the same place and doing the same thing: listening to music and not eating anything. But that Thursday, you got to lunch early, before he did, and saw that he wasn’t listening to anything at all. He took a pair of headphones out of his backpack and put them on, then shoved the end of the cord into his pocket. It was actually kind of clever. No one would try to bother him. But why not just listen to music? The cafeteria was pretty loud some days. He could probably use the distraction.
It shouldn’t have bothered you that much. It was his life, his business. Who cared if he just wanted to create the appearance of listening to music? He could do that if he wanted to. You knew you certainly wouldn’t be able to block out your noisy classmates without actual music, but maybe he was capable of that. Or he could be some amazing storyteller, for all you knew. Thinking up his stories in his head right now. He could end up being some super popular writer and no one would guess it.
The next day, he seemed to forget his headphones, because he sat with his arms crossed on the table and his head resting on them. He was wearing the same hoodie he had on all week and he had the drawstring pulled tight. You assumed he was taking a nap because when the bell rang, he didn’t get up.
His seatmates didn’t say anything as they got up and left the cafeteria, so you walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder.
His head sprang up and he removed his hood. “Huh?”
“Were you sleeping?”
“No.” He pushed the chair back from the table and stood up.
“You missed the bell,” you said.
“Oh….Thanks.” He grabbed his bag and turned to leave.
“Wait, what’s your name?” You started to follow him out into the hallway.
“I’ve got to go.”
You stopped for a second, then hurried again because you had gym next. Two classes had use of the gym at the same time, and sometimes a wall would be in place to divide the room. But it wasn’t up today, meaning you could see the other class too. Both classes were using the courts today, with your class playing badminton and the other class playing tennis. Your class had done the tennis unit already, but you were never really good at it.
The courts weren’t big enough for everyone to play at once, so you had to switch off and take turns. You were part of the first group, and you did pretty well, seeing as you actually liked badminton.
When it was time to rotate out, you went to go sit on the bleachers. Then you noticed that he was in the other gym class. He was standing towards the back of the court on the other side of the room, behind his partner, holding a tennis racket loosely by his side. He didn’t get much action, because the guy in front of him took care of things, but then the ball went to him and he hit it. You thought you could see a small smile break out on his lips, but then his expression quickly returned to normal.
“Who’s that guy?” you asked your friend from this class.
“Who, Steven?”
“I guess? The guy over there in the back.” You tried to point discretely.
“My brother says he’s in his math class. He’s apparently really smart, but really quiet too.”
“Oh, I get the quiet part. I’ve seen him all week. I’d never seen him before then though.”
She shrugged. “Maybe he hangs out in the library normally. If he’s that smart, he probably does.” She laughed.
“I talked to him today. I’m pretty sure he was sleeping during lunch.” You chuckled. “He seems a little odd. Or, not odd, I guess. Maybe just shy?” you offered.
“Maybe he doesn’t speak English that well. Someone said he’s Chinese. Did it seem like he was foreign?”
“Not from what I could tell. I only said like two things to him, and he didn’t say much either.”
She shrugged again. “Who knows? Maybe that’s why the teachers never call on him.”
“Really?” It was kind of unfair, because you dreaded being called on. But it was also nice of the teachers, because languages were hard to master, and if he really didn’t speak English that well, it was sweet of them to not make things embarrassing for him if he couldn’t express himself that well.
“Either that or maybe he’s just proved that he’s smart and earned that privilege. It’s kind of ironic, though. Like, aren’t the smart kids go-to targets? Because they’ll actually have an answer. Either way, Danny says he’s never even heard him talk before. Other than here and there and during attendance and stuff.”
“Not even during presentations or anything?”
Your friend burst out laughing. “They only have math together. If we had presentations in math, I’d freak, cry, and probably roll around on the floor flailing all over the place because I’d fail that presentation. I’m sure he’d be able to wing it though. He seems like he’d have that charisma. He’s kinda cute. His hair’s kinda long though.”
You snorted. “Wow. How superficial.”
“I’m not saying he’s ugly. I’m just saying I personally prefer shorter hair on guys.”
“Mhm. Whatever you say.”
She punched you in the arm lightly. “What do you think?”
He did look cute, from what you could tell. You’d noticed it before, but hadn’t thought much of it. Right now, he had his hair tied back into a short ponytail so he could focus on the game and not get hit in the face. You could see his face more clearly. He had good bone structure and a handsome face. Surprisingly handsome. He was too attractive to not have friends. Or, at least, none he had the same lunch period with. Or maybe they went to other schools.
“Y/n, we’re back in,” your friend said. “Keep the drool off your face.”
“I wasn’t drooling. He’s cute, but I literally found out he existed this week. I’m not to the point of writing ‘Y/n and Steven’ on my notebook.”
“I’m kidding. But he isn’t bad on the eyes.” You both walked over to the court. “Just too quiet.”
You didn’t have a problem with the fact that he was quiet. You were actually pretty reserved yourself. But he seemed kind of lonely, like he desperately didn’t want to be here. And that wasn’t good. You hoped he wasn’t feeling miserable inside.
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